Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021 — Motion to Approve — Amendment to the Motion — 28 Apr 2021 at 16:42

Moved by Lord Shinkwin

Ayes 70, Noes 409.

Debate in Parliament |

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Party Summary

Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Tell? '+1 tell' means that in addition one member of that party was a teller for that division lobby.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

PartyMajority (Not-Content)Minority (Content)Turnout
Bishop0 623.1%
Con144 3466.9%
Crossbench48 1635.6%
DUP0 5100.0%
Green2 0100.0%
Independent Labour1 0100.0%
Judge2 018.2%
Lab125 168.5%
LDem71 284.9%
Non-affiliated14 533.3%
PC1 0100.0%
UUP1 1100.0%
Total:409 7058.3%

Rebel Voters - sorted by party

Lords for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party. You can see all votes in this division, or every eligible lord who could have voted in this division

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Baroness Altmann Conaye
Lord Blencathra Con (front bench)aye
Lord Coe Conaye
Baroness Cumberlege Conaye
Lord Deben Conaye
Baroness Eaton Con (front bench)aye
Lord Farmer Conaye
Lord Forsyth of DrumleanCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Foster of OxtonConaye
Lord Framlingham Conaye
Baroness Gardner of ParkesConaye
Lord Griffiths of FforestfachConaye
Lord Hannan of KingsclereCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Hooper Conaye
Lord Kirkhope of HarrogateConaye
Lord Lilley Con (front bench)aye
The Earl of LiverpoolConaye
Lord Mackay of ClashfernConaye
Lord Mancroft Con (front bench)aye
Lord McColl of DulwichCon (front bench)aye
Lord McInnes of KilwinningCon (front bench)aye
Baroness McIntosh of PickeringConaye
Baroness Morrissey Conaye
Lord Moylan Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Neville-Jones Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Neville-Rolfe Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Nicholson of WinterbourneConaye
Lord O'Shaughnessy Con (front bench)aye
Lord Patten Conaye
Baroness Seccombe Con (front bench)aye
Lord Shinkwin Conaye
Baroness Stroud Conaye
Lord Swinfen Con (front bench)aye
Viscount Trenchard Con (front bench)aye
Lord Alton of LiverpoolCrossbench (front bench)aye
Baroness Boycott Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Chartres Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Green of DeddingtonCrossbenchaye
Lord Greenway Crossbenchaye
Lord Hastings of ScarisbrickCrossbenchaye
Baroness Hollins Crossbenchaye
Lord Loomba Crossbenchaye
Baroness Masham of IltonCrossbenchaye
Baroness O'Loan Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Ramsbotham Crossbenchaye
Lord Rowe-Beddoe Crossbench (front bench)aye
The Earl of SandwichCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord St John of BletsoCrossbenchaye
Lord Walker of AldringhamCrossbenchaye
Lord Woolf Crossbenchaye
Lord Morris of AberavonLab (minister)aye
Lord Beith LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Smith of NewnhamLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Brennan Non-affiliated (front bench)aye
Baroness Hoey Non-affiliatedaye
Lord Moore of EtchinghamNon-affiliatedaye
Baroness Ritchie of DownpatrickNon-affiliated (front bench)aye
Lord Taylor of WarwickNon-affiliatedaye

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