[S1M-3194] Decision Time — 13 Jun 2002 at 17:00

This looks like the vote on S1M-3194

The description in the bulletin on 2002-06-12 is:

*S1M-3194 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: Youth Justice—That the Parliament notes with concern that there are youths out on the street causing violence, causing disorder, causing vandalism and graffiti and terrifying not just older people but other young people; acknowledges that the problems of youth disorder must be given a high priority if the right to peace and security at home and in the community is to be protected; further notes that diverting 16- and 17-year-olds to the Children’s Hearings System will only defer effective deterrents and place an extra burden on a process which is already overstretched and not respected by the young offenders, and therefore calls upon the Scottish Executive to introduce an increased range of disposals, including weekend and evening detention, expansion of supervised attendance orders and community service and grounding, coupled with an increase in secure accommodation and a substantial increase in the number of community police officers to help make our streets safer.

You can search for this motion (S1M-3194) on TheyWorkForYou

Text Introducing Division:

The next question is, that motion S1M-3194, in the name of Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, on youth justice, as amended, be agreed to. Are we agreed?


There will be a division.

Debate in Parliament | Historical Hansard | Source |

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Party Summary

Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

PartyMajority (Aye)Minority (No)AbstentionsTurnout
Con0 15078.9%
Independent1 0166.7%
Lab49 0089.1%
LDem14 0087.5%
SNP0 02472.7%
SSP0 01100.0%
Total:64 152682.7%

Rebel Voters - sorted by vote

MPs for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party. You can see all votes in this division, or every eligible MP who could have voted in this division

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