[S3M-1550.2 (Amendment)] Decision Time — 13 Mar 2008 at 17:01
This looks like the vote on S3M-1550.2
The description in the bulletin on 2008-03-13 is:
*S3M-1550.2 Jamie McGrigor: Fuel Poverty—As an amendment to motion (S3M-1550) in the name of Liam McArthur, leave out from "deplores the fact" to end and insert "regrets that the latest figures show that fuel poverty increased by 30% between 2004-05 and 2005-06, with nearly 50% of single pensioners experiencing fuel poverty, and welcomes the Ofgem investigation into the domestic retail market and the similar investigation by the House of Commons Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Committee; further regrets that almost 3,000 deaths per year are linked to living in cold, damp housing; believes that tackling the social, health and environmental impacts of fuel poverty can save people money, improve health and help to tackle climate change; calls for the re-establishment of the Fuel Poverty Forum with a remit to include the development of a one-stop-shop approach to fuel poverty that increases the installation of energy efficiency measures, efficient central heating systems, microgeneration and smart meter technology, and further calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that the central heating programme is reaching those who need it most."
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Text Introducing Division:
The next question is, that amendment S3M-1550.2, in the name of Jamie McGrigor, which seeks to amend motion S3M-1550, in the name of Liam McArthur, on fuel poverty, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
There will be a division.
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