Voting Comparison — Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen
to Viscount Chandos

Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
15 May 2000 20 Apr 2018 Lab 13 votes out of 1349, 1.0% 1349 votes out of 2073, 65.1% 0 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectBaroness Gibson of Market RasenViscount ChandosRôle
Lords13 Oct 2008Counter-Terrorism Bill — No extension of period of detention beyond 28 days minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jul 2007Pensions Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2007House of Lords Reform — Fully Elected — rejected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2007House of Lords: Reform (80pc elected, 20pc appointed) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2007House of Lords: Reform (60pc elected, 40pc appointed) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2007House of Lords: Reform (Fully Appointed) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Oct 2006Education and Inspections Bill — Stop faith schools requiring that candidates for headteacher posts belong to the relevant faith — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — 50 per cent appointed/50 per cent elected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — 60 per cent elected/40 per cent appointed Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — 60 per cent appointed/40 per cent elected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — 80 per cent elected/20 per cent appointed Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2000Transport Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy

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