Voting Comparison — Baroness Valentine
to Baroness Fookes

Baroness Valentine

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
25 Oct 2005 still in office Crossbench 12 votes out of 70, 17.1% 70 votes out of 1986, 3.5% 0 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectBaroness ValentineBaroness FookesRôle
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Amendment to the Motion (2J) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2019Trade Bill - Report (2nd Day) — Amendment 34 Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jan 2019Brexit: Parliamentary Approval of the Outcome of Negotiations with the European Union - Motion to Take Note Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Jan 2019Brexit: Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration - Motion to Take Note (Continued) (3rd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords25 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (3rd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Commons Reasons minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Commons Reasons minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017Higher Education and Research Bill - Report (3rd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Report (Continued) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords1 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Rights of EU Citizens Legally Resident in the UK Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2015European Union Referendum Bill — Commons Reason minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 Nov 2015European Union Referendum Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Jul 2014Criminal Justice and Courts Bill — Committee (2nd Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Feb 2014Pensions Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jan 2014Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jan 2014Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 Jul 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Mar 2013Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Third Reading minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords6 Feb 2012Protection of Freedoms Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords15 Jun 2011European Union Bill — Expiry of Provisions Requiring Referendum Before Tranfering UK Powers to the EU Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2011National Insurance Contributions Bill — Report minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords6 Dec 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Date of Referendum on Alternative Vote System for Electing MPs minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Apr 2010Business of the House — Motion on Standing Orders minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords6 Nov 2008Planning Bill — Infrastructure Planning Commission is advisory — rejected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Jun 2007Greater London Authority Bill minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Jun 2007Greater London Authority Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Jun 2007Greater London Authority Bill minorityaye disagrees with policy

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