Byron Davies MP, Gower

voted strongly against the policy

Further devolution to Wales

by scoring 0.0% compared to the votes below

Why Majority/minority instead of Aye/No?
HouseDateSubjectByron DaviesPolicy vote
Commons5 Jul 2016Wales Bill — Clause 1 — Separation of the Legal Systems of England and Wales Majorityminority
Commons11 Jul 2016Wales Bill — Schedule 1 — Devolution of Policing Powers to the Welsh Assembly Majorityminority (strong)
Commons11 Jul 2016Wales Bill — Schedule 1 — New Schedule 7A to the Government of Wales Act 2006 Majorityminority (strong)
Commons11 Jul 2016Wales Bill — New Clause 2 — Welsh Thresholds for Income Tax Majorityminority (strong)
Commons12 Sep 2016Wales Bill — Clause 1 — Separation of the Legal Jurisdictions for England and Wales Majorityminority
Commons12 Sep 2016Wales Bill — New Clause 3 — Rail: Franchising of Passenger Services — Public Sector Rail Operators in Wales Majorityminority (strong)
Commons12 Sep 2016Wales Bill — New Clause 6 — Tax on Carriage of Passengers by Air Majorityminority (strong)
Commons24 Jan 2017Wales Bill — After Clause 48 — Devolution of Regulation of Gaming Machines — Maximum Charge Threshold Majorityminority (strong)
HouseDateSubjectLord Davies of GowerPolicy vote
no votes listed

How the number is calculated

The MP's votes count towards a weighted average where the most important votes get 50 points, less important votes get 10 points, and less important votes for which the MP was absent get 2 points. In important votes the MP gets awarded the full 50 points for voting the same as the policy, no points for voting against the policy, and 25 points for not voting. In less important votes, the MP gets 10 points for voting with the policy, no points for voting against, and 1 (out of 2) if absent.

Questions about this formula can be discussed on the forum.

No of votesPointsOut of
Most important votes (50 points)   
MP voted with policy000
MP voted against policy60300
MP absent000
Less important votes (10 points)   
MP voted with policy000
MP voted against policy2020
Less important absentees (2 points)   
MP absent*000

*Pressure of other work means MPs or Lords are not always available to vote – it does not always indicate they have abstained. Therefore, being absent on a less important vote makes a disproportionatly small difference.

agreement score
MP's points
total points
 = 0.0 %.

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