Voting Comparison — Earl Peel
to Lord Burns

Earl Peel

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
10 Jul 2006 still in office Crossbench 28 votes out of 31, 90.3% 31 votes out of 1856, 1.7% 0 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectEarl PeelLord BurnsRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectEarl PeelLord BurnsRôle
Lords16 Nov 2004Civil Contingencies Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords22 Jun 2004Higher Education Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 Mar 2004Constitutional Reform Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords17 Dec 2003Procedure of the House: Select Committee Report Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jul 2003Local Government Bill, timescale conditions on repeal of section 28 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords5 Nov 2002Lords Amendment minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Nov 2002Motion Moved on Consideration of Commons Reason No.1A Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Dec 2001Lords Amendment Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Dec 2001Lords Amendment Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords2 Jul 2001Code of Conduct minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Nov 2000Sodomy: Scotland Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Nov 2000Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jul 2000Local Government Bill, removing bullying clause Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 May 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 May 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords22 Feb 2000Greater London Authority (Election Expenses) Order 2000 Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Feb 2000Local Government Bill, repeal of section 28 Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jan 2000Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) Bill [H.L.] Majorityno disagrees with policy

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