Voting Record — Henry McLeish MSP, Central Fife (10395)

Henry McLeish

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
6 May 1999 31 Mar 2003 Lab 7 votes out of 879, 0.8% 879 votes out of 1287, 68.3% n/a
1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Lab 0 votes out of 204, 0.0% 204 votes out of 1273, 16.0% 0 times

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Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this MSP's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this MSP was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

HouseDateSubjectHenry McLeishLab VoteRôle
Scotland23 Jan 2003Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 — Long Title minorityaye Rebel
Scotland13 Feb 2002Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 — After section 6 abstentionno Rebel
Scotland13 Feb 2002Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 — Section 3 — Exception: retrieval and location minorityaye Rebel
Scotland13 Feb 2002Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 — Section 1A — Exception: stalking and flushing from cover minorityaye Rebel
Scotland13 Feb 2002Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 — Section 1A — Exception: stalking and flushing from cover minorityaye Rebel
Scotland27 Apr 2000[S1M-772] Decision Time abstentionaye Rebel
Scotland18 May 1999Prayers abstentionno Rebel
HouseDateSubjectHenry McLeishLab VoteRôle
no rebellions, never teller
17 May 1999Stopped being Minister for Home Affairs and Devolution, Scottish Office
5 May 1997Became Minister for Home Affairs and Devolution, Scottish Office

Policy Comparisons

This chart shows the percentage agreement between this person and each of the policies in the database, according to their voting record.

50% Abortion, Embryology and Euthanasia- Against
50% Assisted Dying
50% Corporal punishment of children - Against
50% Delegate more powers to government ministers
50% Freedom of Information Bill 2000 - Strengthen
95% Homosexuality - Equal rights
50% Minimum Wage
46% Openness and Transparency - In Favour
50% Recreational drugs - Against legalization
54% Remove Hereditary Peers from the House of Lords
50% Role of MPs in the House of Commons - Strengthen
44% Schools - Greater Autonomy
50% Smoking ban - In favour
50% Stop climate change
95% University Tuition Fees - For

Possible Friends (more...)

Shows which MSPs voted most similarly to this one in the 1997-2001, Westminster Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both MSPs attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between MSPs that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

100.0%Lord David [Missing last name for 80277]LothiansNone
92.4% Alasdair MorrisonWestern IslesLab
92.1% Peter PeacockHighlands and IslandsLab
91.8% Mary MulliganLinlithgowLab
91.7% Bristow MuldoonLivingstonLab

About the Project

The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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