Voting Comparison — Lord Watson of Richmond
to Baroness Cumberlege

Lord Watson of Richmond

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
30 Nov 1998 25 Jul 2023 LDem 9 votes out of 558, 1.6% 558 votes out of 2760, 20.2% 1 time

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectLord Watson of RichmondBaroness CumberlegeRôle
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (4th Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (4th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (1st Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (1st Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jun 2017Queen’s Speech - Debate (5th Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords29 Mar 2017Digital Economy Bill - Report (3rd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Commons Reasons minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017Higher Education and Research Bill - Report (3rd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017Higher Education and Research Bill - Report (3rd Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2017Higher Education and Research Bill - Report (3rd Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Third Reading minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Report (Continued) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Report minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords1 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Rights of EU Citizens Legally Resident in the UK Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Feb 2017Neighbourhood Planning Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jan 2017Wales Bill - Report (2nd Day) ayeno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jan 2017Wales Bill - Report (2nd Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Dec 2016Policing and Crime Bill - Report (2nd Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 Nov 2016Children and Social Work Bill [HL] - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Apr 2016Energy Bill [HL] - Commons Amendments minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Apr 2016Immigration Bill - Third Reading minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Apr 2016Immigration Bill - Third Reading Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2016Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 — Motion to Approve minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2016Welfare Reform and Work Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2015European Union Referendum Bill — Commons Reason minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 Nov 2015European Union Referendum Bill — Report (1st Day) (Continued) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords18 Nov 2015European Union Referendum Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Mar 2015Deregulation Bill — Third Reading minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jun 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Second Reading (2nd Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Jan 2013Electoral Registration and Administration Bill — Committee (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords9 Nov 2009Health Bill [HL] — Commons Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jun 2008Lisbon Treaty — Change the date upon which the Treaty will come into force — rejected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 May 2008Lisbon Treaty — The UK can act on the international scene without consulting the European Council — rejected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2007House of Lords Reform — Fully Elected — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Mar 2005Constitutional Reform Bill [HL] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords18 Nov 2004Hunting Bill — reaction to Commons Amendments minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords17 Nov 2004Hunting Bill — Commons proposals on commencement minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords17 Nov 2004Civil Partnership Bill — Commons Amendment Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Nov 2004Hunting Bill: amendment — registered hunting minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jul 2004Constitutional Reform Bill [HL] minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jun 2004Civil Partnership Bill [HL] minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jul 2003Local Government Bill, timescale conditions on repeal of section 28 Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Jun 2003Sexual Offences Bill [HL] minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords5 Nov 2002Lords Amendment Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jul 2002Procedure of the House: Select Committee Report tellnoaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jul 2002Education Bill — Control of Regulation Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords19 Nov 2001Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill [HL] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords29 Oct 2001Office of Communications Bill [HL] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Mar 2001Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 2001 Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Mar 2001International Criminal Court Bill [H.L.] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2001Hunting Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 Mar 2001International Criminal Court Bill [H.L.] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords1 Mar 2001Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [H.L.] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords1 Mar 2001Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [H.L.] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords30 Nov 2000Motion Moved on Consideration of Commons Reason No. 1A Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Nov 2000Freedom of Information Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Nov 2000Sodomy: Scotland minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Nov 2000Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords1 Nov 2000Countryside and Rights of Way Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jul 2000Local Government Bill, removing bullying clause minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jul 2000Motion Moved on Consideration of Commons Amendment No. 10 Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords18 Jul 2000As an Amendment to Commons Amendment No. 180 Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Mar 2000Learning and Skills Bill [H.L.] minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2000Learning and Skills Bill [H.L.] minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Feb 2000Local Government Bill, repeal of section 28 minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Nov 1999Address in Reply to Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech Majorityaye disagrees with policy

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