Voting Comparison — Robert Marshall-Andrews MP, Medway
to Mr Tony Clarke MP, Northampton South

Robert Marshall-Andrews

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
5 May 2005 12 Apr 2010 Lab 78 votes out of 588, 13.3% 588 votes out of 1288, 45.7% 0 times
7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 Lab 120 votes out of 726, 16.5% 726 votes out of 1246, 58.3% 0 times
1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Lab 40 votes out of 799, 5.0% 799 votes out of 1273, 62.8% 0 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectRobert Marshall-AndrewsMr Tony ClarkeRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRobert Marshall-AndrewsMr Tony ClarkeRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRobert Marshall-AndrewsMr Tony ClarkeRôle
Commons20 Nov 2000Immigration Appeals minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons15 Nov 2000Transport Bill - Transfer schemes made by CAA minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons23 Oct 2000Election of Speaker minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons23 Oct 2000Election of Speaker Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons23 Oct 2000Election of Speaker minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons28 Jun 2000House of Commons (Reserved Matters) minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons9 May 2000Transport Bill - Transfer to be to not for profit company minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons5 Apr 2000Freedom of Information Bill — Exception from duty to comply with decision notice or enforcement notice minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons5 Apr 2000Freedom of Information Bill — Harm from disclosure must be substantial — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons5 Apr 2000Freedom of Information Bill — Formulation of government policy minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons5 Apr 2000Freedom of Information Bill — Investigations and proceedings conducted by public authorities minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons5 Apr 2000Freedom of Information Bill — Discretionary disclosures minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons7 Mar 2000Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No. 2) Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons7 Mar 2000Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No. 2) Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons28 Feb 2000Defence White Paper — Decline to approve minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons14 Dec 1999Terrorism Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons22 Jun 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] - Community Legal Service: excluded services. minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Feb 1999House of Lords Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons2 Sep 1998Business of the House (Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons8 Jul 1998Competition Bill [Lords] - Abuse of dominant position minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons22 Jun 1998Crime and Disorder Bill [Lords] minorityno disagrees with policy

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