[S1M-1461] Decision Time — 14 Dec 2000 at 17:00

This looks like the vote on S1M-1461

The description in the bulletin on 2000-12-13 is:

*S1M-1461 Bruce Crawford: Transport-That the Parliament notes with concern and anger the crisis in the rail network in Scotland; regrets the lack of authority, influence or action demonstrated by the Scottish Executive and that the control and legislative powers over the rail industry in Scotland remain primarily reserved matters for Her Majesty's Government, and calls for all the powers over the rail industry in Scotland to be transferred to the Parliament, for the Scottish Executive to be given Scotland's share of new investment in transport infrastructure and for a mechanism to be established so that Scotland's interests are directly represented on cross-border rail matters. Supported by: Brian Adam*

The description in the bulletin on 2000-12-14 is:

S1M-1461 Transport (lodged on 12 December 2000) Fergus Ewing*

The description in the bulletin on 2000-12-15 is:

S1M-1461 Transport (lodged on 12 December 2000) Fiona McLeod*

You can search for this motion (S1M-1461) on TheyWorkForYou

Text Introducing Division:

Are we agreed?


There will be a division.

Debate in Parliament | Historical Hansard | Source |

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All Votes Cast - sorted by party

MPs for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party are marked in red. Also shows which MPs were ministers at the time of this vote. You can also see every eligible MP including those who did not vote in this division.

Sort by: Name | Constituency | Party | Vote

Lord James [Missing last name for 80261]LothiansConaye
Bill AitkenGlasgowConaye
Alex FergussonSouth of ScotlandConaye
Phil GallieSouth of ScotlandConaye
Annabel GoldieWest of ScotlandConaye
Keith HardingMid Scotland and FifeConaye
Nick JohnstonMid Scotland and FifeConaye
Alex JohnstoneNorth East ScotlandConaye
Jamie McGrigorHighlands and IslandsConaye
David McLetchieLothiansConaye
Brian MonteithMid Scotland and FifeConaye
Mary ScanlonHighlands and IslandsConaye
John ScottAyrConaye
Murray ToshSouth of ScotlandConaye
Ben WallaceNorth East ScotlandConaye
John YoungWest of ScotlandConaye
Robin HarperLothiansGreenaye
Dennis CanavanFalkirk WestIndependentno
Dorothy-Grace ElderGlasgowwhilst Independentno
Margo MacDonaldLothianswhilst Independentno
Wendy AlexanderPaisley NorthLabaye
Jackie BaillieDumbartonLabaye
Scott BarrieDunfermline WestLabaye
Sarah BoyackEdinburgh CentralLabaye
Bill ButlerGlasgow AnnieslandLabaye
Malcolm ChisholmEdinburgh North and LeithLabaye
Margaret CurranGlasgow BailliestonLabaye
Susan DeaconEdinburgh East and MusselburghLabaye
Helen EadieDunfermline EastLabaye
Patricia FergusonGlasgow MaryhillLabaye
Sam GalbraithStrathkelvin and BearsdenLabaye
Trish GodmanWest RenfrewshireLabaye
Rhoda GrantHighlands and IslandsLabaye
Iain GrayEdinburgh PentlandsLabaye
John Home RobertsonEast LothianLabaye
Janis HughesGlasgow RutherglenLabaye
Gordon JacksonGlasgow GovanLabaye
Sylvia JacksonStirlingLabaye
Cathy JamiesonCarrick, Cumnock and Doon ValleyLabaye
Margaret JamiesonKilmarnock and LoudounLabaye
Andy KerrEast KilbrideLabaye
Johann LamontGlasgow PollokLabaye
Marilyn LivingstoneKirkcaldyLabaye
Lewis MacdonaldAberdeen CentralLabaye
Kenneth MacintoshEastwoodLabaye
Kate MacleanDundee WestLabaye
Maureen MacmillanHighlands and IslandsLabaye
Paul MartinGlasgow SpringburnLabaye
John McAllionDundee EastLabaye
Frank McAveetyGlasgow ShettlestonLabaye
Tom McCabeHamilton SouthLabaye
Rt Hon Jack McConnellMotherwell and WishawLabaye
Henry McLeishCentral FifeLabaye
Duncan McNeilGreenock and InverclydeLabaye
Pauline McNeillGlasgow KelvinLabaye
Des McNultyClydebank and MilngavieLabaye
Alasdair MorrisonWestern IslesLabaye
Bristow MuldoonLivingstonLabaye
Mary MulliganLinlithgowLabaye
Elaine MurrayDumfriesLabaye
Peter PeacockHighlands and IslandsLabaye
Richard SimpsonOchilLabaye
Elaine ThomsonAberdeen NorthLabaye
Mike WatsonGlasgow CathcartLabaye
Karen WhitefieldAirdrie and ShottsLabaye
Allan WilsonCunninghame NorthLabaye
Robert BrownGlasgowLDemaye
John Farquhar MunroRoss, Skye and Inverness WestLDemaye
Ross FinnieWest of ScotlandLDemaye
Donald GorrieCentral ScotlandLDemaye
Ian JenkinsTweeddale, Ettrick and LauderdaleLDemaye
George LyonArgyll and ButeLDemaye
Nora RadcliffeGordonLDemaye
Keith RaffanMid Scotland and FifeLDemaye
Euan RobsonRoxburgh and BerwickshireLDemaye
Mike RumblesWest Aberdeenshire and KincardineLDemaye
Tavish ScottShetland IslandsLDemaye
Iain SmithNorth East FifeLDemaye
Margaret SmithEdinburgh WestLDemaye
Nicol StephenAberdeen SouthLDemaye
Jamie StoneCaithness, Sutherland and Easter RossLDemaye
Jim WallaceOrkney IslandsLDemaye
Brian AdamNorth East ScotlandSNPno
Colin CampbellWest of ScotlandSNPno
Bruce CrawfordMid Scotland and FifeSNPno
Fergus EwingInverness East, Nairn and LochaberSNPno
Margaret EwingMoraySNPno
Dr Winnie EwingHighlands and IslandsSNPno
Kenneth GibsonGlasgowSNPno
Christine GrahameSouth of ScotlandSNPno
Duncan HamiltonHighlands and IslandsSNPno
Fiona HyslopLothiansSNPno
Adam IngramSouth of ScotlandSNPno
Kenny MacAskillLothiansSNPno
Tricia MarwickMid Scotland and FifeSNPno
Irene McGuganNorth East ScotlandSNPno
Fiona McLeodWest of ScotlandSNPno
Alasdair MorganGalloway and Upper NithsdaleSNPno
Alex NeilCentral ScotlandSNPno
Gil PatersonCentral ScotlandSNPno
Lloyd QuinanWest of ScotlandSNPno
George ReidMid Scotland and FifeSNPno
Shona RobisonNorth East ScotlandSNPno
Michael RussellSouth of ScotlandSNPno
Alex SalmondBanff and BuchanSNPno
Nicola SturgeonGlasgowSNPno
John SwinneyNorth TaysideSNPno
Andrew WelshAngusSNPno
Sandra WhiteGlasgowSNPno
Tommy SheridanGlasgowSSPno

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