Victims and Prisoners Bill — Report (4th Day) — Amendment 149A — 21 May 2024 at 19:13

Moved by Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd

149A: After Clause 48, insert the following new Clause-“Imprisonment or detention for public protection: release test II(1) This section applies to a prisoner serving a sentence of imprisonment or detention for public protection who has served a period of imprisonment or detention-(a) in excess of the maximum determinate sentence provided by law for the offence or offences for which they were convicted, or(b) 10 years or more beyond the minimum term of their sentence.(2) In the case of a prisoner to whom this section applies-(a) the Secretary of State must by order pursuant to section 128 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (power to change test for release on licence of certain prisoners) direct that, following the prisoner's referral to the Parole Board they will not be released unless the Board is satisfied that, having regard to the proportionality of the term served to the seriousness of the offence or offences of which they were convicted, and any other relevant factors, it is no longer necessary for the protection of the public that they should continue to be confined;(b) section 28ZA of the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 (public protection decisions) does not apply.”

Ayes 91, Noes 192.

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Party Summary

Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Tell? '+1 tell' means that in addition one member of that party was a teller for that division lobby.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

PartyMajority (Not-Content)Minority (Content)Turnout
Con178 (+2 tell) 262.3%
Crossbench4 1913.5%
DUP3 050.0%
Green0 150.0%
Judge0 0 (+2 tell)22.2%
Lab0 74.1%
LDem0 5771.3%
Non-affiliated5 212.5%
PC0 150.0%
Total:190 8935.9%

Rebel Voters - sorted by party

Lords for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party. You can see all votes in this division, or every eligible lord who could have voted in this division

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Lord Garnier Con (front bench)aye
Lord Moylan Con (front bench)aye
Lord Bew Crossbenchno
Baroness Cavendish of Little VeniceCrossbenchno
Viscount Craigavon Crossbenchno
Lord Kilclooney Crossbenchno
Baroness Fox of BuckleyNon-affiliatedaye
Lord Verdirame Non-affiliatedaye

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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