Voting Record — Max Wilkinson MP, Cheltenham (26344)

Max Wilkinson is currently Member, Administration Committee and Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Culture, Media and Sport),

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
5 Jul 2024 still in office LDem 0 votes out of 63, 0.0% 63 votes out of 98, 64.3% 0 times

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Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this MP's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this MP was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

HouseDateSubjectMax WilkinsonLDem VoteRôle
no rebellions, never teller
28 Oct 2024Became Member, Administration Committee
18 Sep 2024Became Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Culture, Media and Sport),

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