Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill [HL] — Committee and Remaining Stages — 26 Apr 2012 at 13:55

Amendment 1E

Moved by Lord Davies of Oldham

1E: After Clause 1, insert the following new Clause-

"Employer and employee duty to give notice regarding Sunday working during suspension period

(1) This section applies to any shop worker who is-

(a) employed to work only at an exempted large shop; and

(b) not already subject of an opting-out notice under the Employment Rights Act 1996.

(2) Where an employer wishes a shop worker to whom this section applies to work at an exempted large shop on a Sunday falling within the suspension period, the employer shall, not later than two months before the Sunday in question, give that shop worker a written, signed and dated statement of the request to work on that Sunday.

(3) A shop worker who receives a notice under subsection (2) who wishes to opt out of Sunday working during the suspension period shall, not later than one month after the request in subsection (2) was made, give a written, signed and dated notice that he or she objects to working on that Sunday.

(4) Where a shop worker gives his or her employer a notice under subsection (3), the contract of employment under which he or she was employed immediately before he or she gave that notice becomes unenforceable to the extent that it requires the shop worker to do shop work on Sunday during the suspension period.

(5) An "exempted large shop" is a shop to which paragraph 2(1) of Schedule 1 to the Sunday Trading Act 1994 would apply during the suspension period were it not for the disapplication made by section 1(1).

(6) In this section-

"shop worker" has the same meaning as in the Employment Rights Act 1996; and

"suspension period" has the meaning given in section 1(3)."

Division on Amendment 1E

Contents 110; Not-Contents 187.

Amendment 1E disagreed.

Debate in Parliament | Source |

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All Votes Cast - sorted by vote

Lords for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party are marked in red. Also shows which lords were ministers at the time of this vote. You can also see every eligible lord including those who did not vote in this division.

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Lord Adonis Lab (minister)aye
Lord Ahmed Labaye
Baroness Andrews Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Armstrong of Hill TopLabaye
Lord Bach Lab (minister)aye
Lord Bassam of BrightonLab (minister)tellaye
The Bishop of Bath and WellsBishopaye
Lord Beecham Lab (minister)aye
Lord Bilston Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Blackstone Labaye
Lord Brooke of AlverthorpeLabaye
Lord Brookman Labaye
Lord Browne of LadytonLab (minister)aye
Lord Campbell-Savours Lab (minister)aye
Lord Carter of ColesLab (minister)aye
Lord Christopher Lab (minister)aye
The Earl of ClancartyCrossbenchaye
Lord Clarke of HampsteadLabaye
Lord Clinton-Davis Lab (minister)aye
Lord Collins of HighburyLab (minister)aye
Baroness Crawley Lab (minister)aye
Lord Davies of CoityLab (minister)aye
Lord Davies of OldhamLab (minister)aye
Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-FyldeLabaye
Lord Desai Labaye
Baroness Donaghy Labaye
Lord Donoughue Labaye
Baroness Drake Labaye
Lord Dubs Lab (minister)aye
Lord Eames Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Evans of WatfordLabaye
Baroness Farrington of RibbletonLabaye
Lord Faulkner of WorcesterLab (minister)aye
Lord Filkin Lab (minister)aye
Lord Foulkes of CumnockLab (minister)aye
Baroness Gale Lab (minister)aye
Lord Gavron Labaye
Baroness Gibson of Market RasenLab (minister)aye
Lord Glasman Labaye
Baroness Golding Labaye
Lord Grocott Labaye
Viscount Hanworth Labaye
Lord Harrison Lab (minister)aye
Lord Hart of ChiltonLab (minister)aye
Lord Haskel Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Hayman Crossbenchaye
Baroness Hayter of Kentish TownLab (minister)aye
Baroness Healy of Primrose HillLabaye
Lord Hollick Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Howells of St DavidsLab (minister)aye
Lord Howie of TroonLabaye
Lord Hoyle Labaye
Lord Hughes of WoodsideLabaye
Lord Hunt of Kings HeathLab (minister)aye
Lord Janner of BraunstoneLab (minister)aye
Baroness Jay of PaddingtonLab (minister)aye
Baroness Jones of WhitchurchLab (minister)aye
Lord Jordan Labaye
Lord Judd Lab (minister)aye
Lord Kennedy of SouthwarkLab (minister)aye
Lord Kilclooney Crossbenchaye
Baroness King of BowLabaye
Lord King of West BromwichLabaye
Lord Knight of WeymouthLab (minister)aye
Lord Lea of CrondallLabaye
The Earl of ListowelCrossbenchaye
Lord Low of DalstonCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Macdonald of TradestonLab (minister)aye
Lord MacKenzie of CulkeinLabaye
Lord Maginnis of DrumglassUUPaye
Baroness Masham of IltonCrossbenchaye
Lord Maxton Lab (minister)aye
Lord McAvoy Lab (minister)aye
Baroness McIntosh of HudnallLab (minister)aye
Lord McKenzie of LutonLab (minister)aye
Lord Monks Labaye
Baroness Morris of YardleyLab (minister)aye
Lord Myners Labaye
Lord Patel of BradfordCrossbenchaye
Baroness Pitkeathley Lab (minister)aye
Lord Ponsonby of ShulbredeLabaye
Baroness Prosser Labaye
Lord Radice Labaye
Lord Rea Labaye
Baroness Rendell of BaberghLab (minister)aye
Lord Richard Lab (minister)aye
Lord Rosser Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Royall of BlaisdonLab (minister)aye
Baroness Scotland of AsthalLab (minister)aye
Lord Sewel Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Sherlock Labaye
Viscount Simon Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Smith of BasildonLab (minister)aye
Lord Smith of FinsburyLabaye
Lord Soley Lab (minister)aye
Lord Stone of BlackheathLabaye
Baroness Taylor of BoltonLab (minister)aye
Lord Temple-Morris Labaye
Baroness Thornton Lab (minister)aye
Lord Touhig Labaye
Lord Tunnicliffe Lab (minister)tellaye
Lord Turnberg Labaye
Baroness Wall of New BarnetLab (minister)aye
Lord Walpole Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Warner Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Warwick of UndercliffeLabaye
Baroness Wheeler Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Whitaker Labaye
Lord Whitty Labaye
Lord Williams of ElvelLab (minister)aye
Lord Addington LDem (front bench)no
Lord Alderdice LDem (front bench)no
Lord Allan of HallamLDemno
Baroness Anelay of St JohnsCon (front bench)tellno
Lord Armstrong of IlminsterCrossbenchno
The Earl of ArranConno
Lord Ashcroft Conno
Lord Astor of HeverCon (front bench)no
Earl Attlee Con (front bench)no
Lord Ballyedmond Crossbenchno
Baroness Barker LDemno
Lord Bates Conno
Baroness Benjamin LDemno
Baroness Berridge Con (front bench)no
Lord Best Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Bew Crossbenchno
Lord Black of BrentwoodCon (front bench)no
Lord Blencathra Conno
Baroness Bonham-Carter of YarnburyLDemno
Baroness Bottomley of NettlestoneConno
Lord Bowness Con (front bench)no
Lord Bradshaw LDemno
Viscount Bridgeman Conno
Baroness Brinton LDemno
Lord Brougham and Vaux Con (front bench)no
Baroness Browning Conno
Lord Burnett LDemno
Baroness Buscombe Conno
Lord Butler of BrockwellCrossbench (front bench)no
Baroness Byford Conno
The Earl of CaithnessConno
Earl Cathcart Conno
Baroness Chalker of WallaseyConno
Lord Clement-Jones LDem (front bench)no
Lord Colwyn Con (front bench)no
Lord Condon Crossbenchno
Lord Cope of BerkeleyCon (front bench)no
Lord Cormack Conno
Lord Cotter LDemno
The Earl of CourtownConno
Lord Crathorne Con (front bench)no
Lord de Mauley Con (front bench)no
Lord Denham Conno
Lord Dixon-Smith Conno
Baroness Doocey LDemno
Lord Dykes LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Eaton Con (front bench)no
Viscount Eccles Conno
Lord Elton Con (front bench)no
Lord Empey UUPno
Lord Faulks Conno
Lord Feldman of ElstreeCon (front bench)no
Baroness Fookes Con (front bench)no
Lord Fowler Conno
Lord Framlingham Conno
Lord Freeman Conno
Lord Freud Con (front bench)no
Baroness Garden of FrognalLDem (front bench)no
Lord Gardiner of KimbleConno
Baroness Gardner of ParkesCon (front bench)no
Lord Geddes Con (front bench)no
Lord German LDemno
The Earl of GlasgowLDemno
Lord Glenarthur Con (front bench)no
Lord Glendonbrook Conno
Lord Glentoran Conno
Lord Gold Conno
Lord Goodlad Con (front bench)no
Viscount Goschen Conno
Lord Greenway Crossbenchno
Baroness Hamwee LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Hanham Con (front bench)no
Lord Hannay of ChiswickCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Henley Con (front bench)no
Lord Higgins Conno
Lord Hill of OarefordCon (front bench)no
Lord Howard of LympneConno
Baroness Howarth of BrecklandCrossbench (front bench)no
Earl Howe Con (front bench)no
Lord Howe of AberavonCon (front bench)no
Lord Hunt of WirralCon (front bench)no
Lord Hussain LDemno
Baroness Hussein-Ece LDemno
Lord Inglewood Con (front bench)no
Lord James of BlackheathConno
Lord Janvrin Crossbenchno
Baroness Jenkin of KenningtonConno
Lord Jenkin of RodingCon (front bench)no
Baroness Jolly LDemno
Lord Jones of CheltenhamLDemno
Lord Kerr of KinlochardCrossbenchno
Lord Kirkwood of KirkhopeLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Knight of CollingtreeConno
Baroness Kramer LDemno
Lord Laming Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Lang of MonktonConno
Lord Lawson of BlabyCon (front bench)no
Lord Lee of TraffordLDem (front bench)no
Lord Lester of Herne HillLDem (front bench)no
Lord Lexden Conno
Lord Lingfield Conno
Baroness Linklater of ButterstoneLDemno
Lord Loomba LDemno
Lord Luke Con (front bench)no
Lord Mackay of ClashfernCon (front bench)no
Baroness Maddock LDem (front bench)no
Lord Magan of CastletownConno
Lord Marks of Henley-on-ThamesLDemno
Lord Marland Con (front bench)no
Lord Marlesford Conno
Lord Mayhew of TwysdenCon (front bench)no
Lord May of OxfordCrossbenchno
Lord McNally LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne DomerLDemno
Baroness Miller of HendonConno
The Duke of MontroseConno
Lord Moore of Lower MarshConno
Baroness Morris of BoltonCon (front bench)no
Baroness Neville-Jones Conno
Baroness Noakes Con (front bench)no
Lord Northbrook Conno
Baroness Northover LDem (front bench)no
Baroness O'Cathain Con (front bench)no
Lord Palmer of Childs HillLDemno
Baroness Parminter LDemno
Lord Patel Crossbench (front bench)no
Baroness Perry of SouthwarkCon (front bench)no
Lord Phillips of SudburyLDemno
Lord Popat Conno
Lord Quirk Crossbench (front bench)no
Baroness Randerson LDemno
Baroness Rawlings Con (front bench)no
Lord Rees-Mogg Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Ribeiro Conno
Lord Risby Conno
Lord Roberts of ConwyConno
Lord Rodgers of Quarry BankLDem (front bench)no
Lord Sassoon Con (front bench)no
Baroness Seccombe Conno
The Earl of SelborneCon (front bench)no
Lord Selkirk of DouglasConno
Lord Selsdon Con (front bench)no
Baroness Shackleton of BelgraviaConno
Lord Sharkey LDemno
Baroness Sharp of GuildfordLDemno
Baroness Sharples Conno
Lord Sheikh Conno
Baroness Shephard of NorthwoldConno
Lord Shipley LDem (front bench)no
The Earl of ShrewsburyCon (front bench)no
Lord Shutt of GreetlandLDem (front bench)tellno
Lord Skelmersdale Con (front bench)no
Lord Skidelsky Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Smith of CliftonLDem (front bench)no
Lord Soulsby of Swaffham PriorConno
Lord Spicer Conno
Baroness Stedman-Scott Con (front bench)no
Lord Steel of AikwoodLDemno
Lord Stephen LDemno
Lord Stoneham of DroxfordLDemno
Baroness Stowell of BeestonCon (front bench)no
Lord Strasburger LDemno
Lord Taylor of HolbeachCon (front bench)no
Lord Teverson LDem (front bench)no
Lord Thomas of GresfordLDemno
Baroness Tonge LDemno
Lord Tope LDemno
Lord Trefgarne Conno
Lord Trimble Con (front bench)no
Lord True Con (front bench)no
Lord Tugendhat Con (front bench)no
Lord Tyler LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Tyler of EnfieldLDemno
Viscount Ullswater Con (front bench)no
Baroness Verma Con (front bench)no
Lord Wallace of SaltaireLDem (front bench)no
Lord Wallace of TankernessLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Walmsley LDemno
Baroness Warsi Con (front bench)no
Lord Wasserman Conno
Lord Wei Conno
Baroness Wilcox Con (front bench)no
Lord Williamson of HortonCrossbenchno
Lord Willis of KnaresboroughLDem (front bench)no
Lord Wilson of TillyornCrossbenchno
Lord Woolf Crossbenchno
Viscount Younger of LeckieConno

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