Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body — 21 May 2003 at 14:30

The total number of votes cast in the first round was 123. I declare the results as follows: Robert Brown 6, Margo MacDonald 14, Mr Duncan McNeil 70, John Scott 19, Mr Andrew Welsh 5, Abstentions 1. There were eight spoiled papers.



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All Votes Cast - sorted by constituency

MPs for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party are marked in red. Also shows which MPs were ministers at the time of this vote. You can also see every eligible MP including those who did not vote in this division.

Sort by: Name | Constituency | Party | Vote

Carolyn LeckieCentral ScotlandSSPaye
John SwinburneCentral ScotlandSSCUPaye
Patrick HarvieGlasgowGreenaye
Rosie KaneGlasgowSSPaye
Tommy SheridanGlasgowwhilst SSPaye
Mark BallardLothiansGreenaye
Colin FoxLothiansSSPaye
Margo MacDonaldLothiansIndependentaye
Mr Mark RuskellMid Scotland and FifeGreenaye
Shiona BairdNorth East ScotlandGreenaye
Chris BallanceSouth of ScotlandGreenaye
Ms Rosemary ByrneSouth of Scotlandwhilst SSPaye
Dr Jean TurnerStrathkelvin and BearsdenIndependentaye
Frances CurranWest of ScotlandSSPaye

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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