Agriculture Bill — Commons Reasons — Motion G1 (as an amendment to Motion G) — 20 Oct 2020 at 19:04

Moved by Lord Curry of Kirkharle

18B: Insert the following new Clause-“Trade and standards(1) The Secretary of State must produce a report relating to each and any international trade agreement agreed, negotiated or concluded by the Government at any time after the commencement of this Act, prior to such an agreement being ratified, considering its impact on the trade of agri- food products.(2) A report under subsection (1) must-(a) assess the terms of the international trade agreement under consideration and its impact on the Secretary of State’s ability to promote, maintain and safeguard standards of agri-food production, including in relation to food safety, the environment and animal welfare; and(b) include a register of all agri-food products-(i) that are provided with preferential access to the UK market, at any time, under the international trade agreement under consideration, and(ii) that may be produced to lower standards of food safety, animal welfare or environmental protection than those that are in force in any part of the UK at the time the report is laid under subsection (3).(3) The Secretary of State must lay any report under subsection (1) before Parliament on the date of publication, and a Minister of the Crown must move a motion to consider the report in each House of Parliament prior to the relevant agreement being ratified.(4) The relevant international trade agreement may not be ratified within 21 sitting days of a motion being moved under subsection (3).(5) The Secretary of State must consult on the merits of the establishment of a Trade and Agriculture Commission to undertake the duties in subsections(1) and (2) on their behalf.(6) The Secretary of State must lay a report before Parliament containing the outcome of the consultation conducted under subsection (5) within two months of the day on which this Act is passed.(7) In producing reports under either subsection (1) or (6) the Secretary of State must consult with-(a) the general public;(b) the devolved administrations;(c) representatives from-(i) the farming sector;(ii) the food industry;(iii) consumer and public health groups;(iv) environmental organisations;(v) animal welfare organisations;(vi) farm assurance and certification bodies; and(d) any other individuals or organisations the Secretary of State considers appropriate. (8) Reports under subsections (1) and (6) must include summaries of the submissions of the consultees listed in subsection (7).(9) “International trade agreement” means-(a) an agreement that is or was notifiable under-(i) paragraph 7(a) of Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, part of Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement (as modified from time to time), or(ii) paragraph 7(a) of Article V of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, part of Annex 1B to the WTO Agreement (as modified from time to time), or(b) an international agreement that mainly relates to trade, other than an agreement mentioned in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii).””

Ayes 278, Noes 200.

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Party Summary

Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Tell? '+1 tell' means that in addition one member of that party was a teller for that division lobby.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

PartyMajority (Content)Minority (Not-Content)Turnout
Bishop1 03.8%
Con11 18373.8%
Crossbench38 927.0%
DUP5 0100.0%
Green2 0100.0%
Independent Labour2 0100.0%
Independent Ulster Unionist0 1100.0%
Judge3 023.1%
Lab123 068.0%
LDem78 087.6%
Non-affiliated13 734.5%
PC1 0100.0%
UUP1 050.0%
Total:278 20058.5%

Rebel Voters - sorted by vote

Lords for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party. You can see all votes in this division, or every eligible lord who could have voted in this division

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Viscount Astor Conaye
Baroness Browning Conaye
The Earl of CaithnessConaye
Lord Cormack Conaye
Lord Deben Conaye
Lord Glenarthur Conaye
Lord Kirkhope of HarrogateConaye
Baroness McIntosh of PickeringConaye
Lord Northbrook Conaye
Lord Randall of UxbridgeConaye
Baroness Rock Conaye
Lord Aberdare Crossbenchno
Lord Austin of DudleyNon-affiliatedno
Lord Carey of CliftonCrossbenchno
Lord Carlile of BerriewCrossbenchno
Viscount Craigavon Crossbenchno
Lord Craig of RadleyCrossbenchno
Baroness Fox of BuckleyNon-affiliatedno
Lord Gadhia Non-affiliatedno
Baroness Hoey Non-affiliatedno
Lord Kakkar Crossbenchno
Lord Kilclooney Crossbenchno
Lord Lupton Non-affiliatedno
Lord Macpherson of Earl's CourtCrossbenchno
Lord Moore of EtchinghamNon-affiliatedno
Lord Patel Crossbenchno
Baroness Stowell of BeestonNon-affiliatedno

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