Gerry Sutcliffe MP, Bradford South

voted strongly for the policy

Jobs Guarantee for Long Term Young Unemployed

by scoring 94.4% compared to the votes below

Why Majority/minority instead of Aye/No?
HouseDateSubjectGerry SutcliffePolicy vote
Commons12 Oct 2011Opposition Day — Jobs and Growth minorityminority (strong)
Commons9 Nov 2011Opposition Day — Bankers Bonuses — Jobs Guarantee — Reducing VAT — Tax Incentive for Small Firms to Take on Extra Workers minorityminority (strong)
Commons14 Dec 2011Opposition Day — Bank Bonuses — Jobs Guarantee — New Homes — VAT — Tax Incentives for Small Companies Employing More Workers minorityminority (strong)
Commons17 May 2012Queens' Speech — Tax on Bank Bonuses — Jobs Guarantee — VAT Reduction — Make Investment Sooner minorityminority (strong)
Commons17 May 2012Queens' Speech — Jobs — Banker's Bonus Tax — VAT Cut — Tax Incentive to Take on Workers — Sooner Infrastructure Investment minorityminority (strong)
Commons15 May 2013Queens' Speech — Economic Growth minorityminority (strong)
Commons4 Sep 2013Opposition Day — Jobs — Capital Investment — Mansion Tax — Income Tax — Rail Fares — Energy Bills — Private Tenants — Pensions — Payday Loans — Banking, Planning and Skills Reforms minorityminority (strong)
Commons27 Nov 2013Opposition Day — Cost of Living minorityminority (strong)
Commons12 Jun 2014Queen's Speech — The Economy and Living Standards absentminority (strong)

How the number is calculated

The MP's votes count towards a weighted average where the most important votes get 50 points, less important votes get 10 points, and less important votes for which the MP was absent get 2 points. In important votes the MP gets awarded the full 50 points for voting the same as the policy, no points for voting against the policy, and 25 points for not voting. In less important votes, the MP gets 10 points for voting with the policy, no points for voting against, and 1 (out of 2) if absent.

Questions about this formula can be discussed on the forum.

No of votesPointsOut of
Most important votes (50 points)   
MP voted with policy8400400
MP voted against policy000
MP absent12550
Less important votes (10 points)   
MP voted with policy000
MP voted against policy000
Less important absentees (2 points)   
MP absent*000

*Pressure of other work means MPs or Lords are not always available to vote – it does not always indicate they have abstained. Therefore, being absent on a less important vote makes a disproportionatly small difference.

agreement score
MP's points
total points
 = 94.4 %.

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