Private Security Industry Bill [H.L.] — 30 Jan 2001 at 18:19
Clause 4 [Exemptions from licensing requirement]:
[Amendments Nos. 15 and 16 not moved.]
moved Amendment No. 17:
Clause 4, page 4, line 47, at end insert--
("( ) A person shall not be guilty of an offence if he--
(a) carries out any of the activities prescribed by Schedule 2 to this Act without financial or other reward and he does so where he, and those for whom he so acts, perform such activities on a non commercial basis;
(b) is not ordinarily employed as a security operative or required, in the course of his employment, so to act; or
(c) is employed (whether remunerated or not) by a school, church or a registered charity.").
moved Amendment No. 18:
Page 4, line 47, at end insert--
("(6) A person may apply, on notice to the Security Industry Authority, to the magistrates' court having jurisdiction over the area affected by the designated activities, for an exemption from the requirements to apply for a licence and the Lord Chancellor may make an order as to the procedure to be followed on such an application, including on urgent applications; and the test to be applied by the court is the same as that which would have been applied had an application been made to the Security Industry Authority.
(7) A licence under subsection (6) shall not be granted for a period exceeding one month and shall not be renewable.").
On Question, Whether the said amendment (No. 18) shall be agreed to?
Their Lordships divided: Contents, 88; Not-Contents, 98.
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