Voting Comparison — James Gray MP, North Wiltshire
to Peter Robinson MP, Belfast East

James Gray

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
13 Dec 2019 30 May 2024 Con 10 votes out of 818, 1.2% 818 votes out of 1069, 76.5% 0 times
9 Jun 2017 6 Nov 2019 Con 12 votes out of 386, 3.1% 386 votes out of 463, 83.4% 0 times
8 May 2015 3 May 2017 Con 4 votes out of 310, 1.3% 310 votes out of 467, 66.4% 0 times
6 May 2010 30 Mar 2015 Con 43 votes out of 967, 4.4% 967 votes out of 1239, 78.0% 3 times
5 May 2005 12 Apr 2010 Con 17 votes out of 879, 1.9% 879 votes out of 1288, 68.2% 6 times
7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 Con 4 votes out of 878, 0.5% 878 votes out of 1246, 70.5% 7 times
1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Con 4 votes out of 852, 0.5% 852 votes out of 1273, 66.9% 54 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectJames GrayPeter RobinsonRôle
Commons1 May 2001Social Security Fraud Bill - New Clause 2 tellayeaye agrees with policy
Commons24 Apr 2001Finance Bill tellayeaye agrees with policy
Commons4 Apr 2001Elections Bill [Money] - Further postponement of elections until foot and mouth disease under control tellayeno disagrees with policy
Commons2 Apr 2001Armed Forces Bill - Extension of jurisdiction tellnono agrees with policy
Commons28 Mar 2001Deferred Divisions - Local Government minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons20 Mar 2001Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [Lords] tellayeaye agrees with policy
Commons14 Mar 2001Criminal Justice and Police Bill tellayeaye agrees with policy
Commons13 Mar 2001Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 36 Landfill tax (rate) tellnono agrees with policy
Commons13 Mar 2001Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 11 Aggregates levy tellnono agrees with policy
Commons6 Mar 2001International Development Bill [Money] tellnono agrees with policy
Commons13 Feb 2001Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill — Prohibition or Restriction of use of Symbol, Name or Emblem tellayeno disagrees with policy
Commons13 Feb 2001Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill (Programme) (No. 2) - Consideration of Lords Amendments and further messages from the Lords tellnono agrees with policy
Commons6 Feb 2001Political Parties tellnono agrees with policy
Commons21 Nov 2000Police (Northern Ireland) Bill - The Secretary of State's long term policing objectives tellnono agrees with policy
Commons21 Nov 2000Police (Northern Ireland) Bill (Supplemental Allocation of Time) - Miscellaneous tellnono agrees with policy
Commons31 Oct 2000As amended in the Standing Committee, considered. - Exclusion from benefits tellayeaye agrees with policy
Commons30 Nov 1999Northern Ireland Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons13 Jul 1999Broadcasting (Religious Programming) tellayeaye agrees with policy
Commons24 Feb 1999Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Bill - Information minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons20 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons22 Apr 1998Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons22 Apr 1998Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill (Programme) - Miscellaneous Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons11 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill — Exemption from strict class size limits — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy

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