Friends of Angus MacKay MSP

All Possible Friends

Shows which MSPs voted most similarly to this one in the 1997-2001, Westminster Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both MSPs attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between MSPs that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

100.0%Lord David [Missing last name for 80277]LothiansNone
97.5% Richard SimpsonOchilLab
97.4% Irene OldfatherCunninghame SouthLab
97.2% Peter PeacockHighlands and IslandsLab
97.2% Tom McCabeHamilton SouthLab
97.1% Elaine ThomsonAberdeen NorthLab
97.1% Karen WhitefieldAirdrie and ShottsLab
97.1% Paul MartinGlasgow SpringburnLab
97.0%Rt Hon Jack McConnellMotherwell and WishawLab
97.0% Des McNultyClydebank and MilngavieLab
97.0% Mary MulliganLinlithgowLab
97.0% Allan WilsonCunninghame NorthLab
96.9% Bristow MuldoonLivingstonLab
96.8% Alasdair MorrisonWestern IslesLab
96.8% Michael McMahonHamilton North and BellshillLab
96.8% Frank McAveetyGlasgow ShettlestonLab
96.6% Duncan McNeilGreenock and InverclydeLab
96.4% Mike WatsonGlasgow CathcartLab
96.4% Henry McLeishCentral FifeLab
96.3% Maureen MacmillanHighlands and IslandsLab
96.3% Cathy PeattieFalkirk EastLab
96.1% Elaine MurrayDumfriesLab
95.8% Kate MacleanDundee WestLab
95.6% Nicol StephenAberdeen SouthLDem
95.2% Tavish ScottShetland IslandsLDem
95.1% Jim WallaceOrkney IslandsLDem
94.9% Pauline McNeillGlasgow KelvinLab
94.2% Elaine SmithCoatbridge and ChrystonLab
94.1% Iain SmithNorth East FifeLDem
93.5% Euan RobsonRoxburgh and BerwickshireLDem
93.4% Ian WelshAyrLab
93.3% Nora RadcliffeGordonLDem
92.9% Margaret SmithEdinburgh WestLDem
92.1% Keith RaffanMid Scotland and FifeLDem
92.0% Jamie StoneCaithness, Sutherland and Easter RossLDem
91.2% Mike RumblesWest Aberdeenshire and KincardineLDem
91.1% John McAllionDundee EastLab
86.4% John Farquhar MunroRoss, Skye and Inverness WestLDem
39.6% Murray ToshSouth of ScotlandCon
39.0% Lyndsay McIntoshCentral ScotlandCon
38.0%Lord James [Missing last name for 80261]LothiansCon
37.7% John ScottAyrCon
37.3% Brian MonteithMid Scotland and FifeCon
37.3% David McLetchieLothiansCon
37.1% Mary ScanlonHighlands and IslandsCon
36.9% Jamie McGrigorHighlands and IslandsCon
36.6% Ben WallaceNorth East ScotlandCon
36.5% John YoungWest of ScotlandCon
36.2% David MundellSouth of ScotlandCon
30.2% Stewart StevensonBanff and BuchanSNP
30.0% Alasdair MorganGalloway and Upper NithsdaleSNP
29.6% Margo MacDonaldLothianswhilst Independent
28.8% Fiona McLeodWest of ScotlandSNP
28.7% Tricia MarwickMid Scotland and FifeSNP
28.1% Alex NeilCentral ScotlandSNP
27.4% Gil PatersonCentral ScotlandSNP
27.4% Andrew WelshAngusSNP
27.3% Irene McGuganNorth East ScotlandSNP
27.1% Michael MathesonCentral ScotlandSNP
27.0% Shona RobisonNorth East ScotlandSNP
26.3% Tommy SheridanGlasgowSSP
25.9% Andrew WilsonCentral ScotlandSNP
25.7% Kay UllrichWest of ScotlandSNP
25.3% Nicola SturgeonGlasgowSNP
25.1% John SwinneyNorth TaysideSNP
24.8% Sandra WhiteGlasgowSNP
24.1% George ReidMid Scotland and FifeSNP
23.2% Lloyd QuinanWest of ScotlandSNP
23.2% Michael RussellSouth of ScotlandSNP
22.3% Alex SalmondBanff and BuchanSNP
19.0% Dorothy-Grace ElderGlasgowwhilst Independent
13.3% Dorothy-Grace ElderGlasgowwhilst Independent

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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