Voting Record — Mr Christopher Gill MP, Ludlow (10227)

Mr Christopher Gill

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Con 2 votes out of 745, 0.3% 745 votes out of 1273, 58.5% 7 times

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Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this MP's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this MP was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

HouseDateSubjectMr Christopher GillCon VoteRôle
Commons27 Apr 2001High Hedges Bill - Established hedges tellnono Teller
Commons4 Apr 2001Election Publications Bill [Lords] bothaye Rebel
Commons7 Feb 2001Deferred Divisions - Companies Majorityunknown Unknown
Commons17 Jan 2001Hunting Bill - Hunting with dogs: regulation tellnono Teller
Commons17 Jan 2001Hunting Bill - Hunting with dogs: regulation tellayeaye Teller
Commons17 Jan 2001Hunting Bill tellayeaye Teller
Commons13 Dec 2000Deferred Divisions - Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 minorityaye Rebel
Commons6 Dec 1999Delegated Legislation - Terms and Conditions of Employment tellnono Teller
Commons10 Nov 1999House of Lords Bill — Exceptions from the rule that hereditary peers should be abolished minorityaye Rebel
Commons12 Jul 1999Estimates and Supplementary Estimates, 1999-2000 - FOOD STANDARDS BILL [Ways and Means] tellnono Teller
Commons3 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill - Referendum in Scotland tellayeaye Teller

Policy Comparisons

This chart shows the percentage agreement between this MP and each of the policies in the database, according to their voting record.

100% Abortion, Embryology and Euthanasia- Against
0% Assisted Dying
50% Corporal punishment of children - Against
50% Delegate more powers to government ministers
50% Freedom of Information Bill 2000 - Strengthen
28% Homosexuality - Equal rights
0% Minimum Wage
45% Openness and Transparency - In Favour
50% Recreational drugs - Against legalization
27% Remove Hereditary Peers from the House of Lords
50% Role of MPs in the House of Commons - Strengthen
64% Schools - Greater Autonomy
50% Smoking ban - In favour
8% Stop climate change
0% University Tuition Fees - For

Possible Friends (more...)

Shows which MPs voted most similarly to this one in the 1997-2001, Westminster Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both MPs attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between MPs that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

100.0% Michael LordCentral Suffolk and North IpswichDeputy Speaker
97.2%Mr Peter Temple-MorrisLeominsterwhilst Con
96.4%Mr Alastair GoodladEddisburyCon
95.6%Mr John TownendEast YorkshireCon
95.6%Mr Andrew RoweFaversham and Mid KentCon

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