Concessionary Bus Travel Bill [HL] — 5 Feb 2007 at 16:03

moved Amendment No. 6:

After Clause 3, insert the following new Clause-
"Reimbursement of travel concession authorities
Where a travel concession authority has responsibility for the administration of the national concession including the reimbursement of operators as defined under section 3(2), the Secretary of State shall reimburse the authority the full costs of doing so, including capital and set-up costs."

On Question, Whether the said amendment (No. 6) shall be agreed to?

Their Lordships divided: Contents, 147; Not-Contents, 153.

Debate in Parliament | Source |

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Party Summary

Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Tell? '+1 tell' means that in addition one member of that party was a teller for that division lobby.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

PartyMajority (Not-Content)Minority (Content)Turnout
Con0 66 (+1 tell)32.1%
Crossbench15 2219.6%
Green0 1100.0%
Independent Labour0 1100.0%
Lab136 (+2 tell) 063.6%
LDem0 54 (+1 tell)69.6%
UUP0 1100.0%
Total:151 14543.0%

All lords Eligible to Vote - sorted by name

Includes lords who were absent (or abstained) from this vote.

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Lord Acton Labno
Baroness Adams of CraigieleaLababsent
Lord Addington LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Adebowale Crossbenchno
Lord Adonis Lab (minister)no
Lord Ahmed Labno
Lord Alderdice LDemaye
Lord Allen of AbbeydaleCrossbenchabsent
Viscount Allenby of MegiddoCrossbenchabsent
Lord Alli Labno
Lord Alliance LDemaye
Lord Alton of LiverpoolCrossbenchaye
Baroness Amos Lab (minister)no
Lord Ampthill Crossbenchaye
Lord Anderson of SwanseaLabno
Baroness Andrews Lab (minister)no
Baroness Anelay of St JohnsCon (front bench)aye
Lord Archer of SandwellLabno
Lord Archer of Weston-Super-MareNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Armstrong of IlminsterCrossbench (front bench)absent
The Earl of ArranCon (front bench)absent
Lord Ashcroft Conabsent
Lord Ashdown of Norton-sub-HamdonLDemabsent
Lord Ashley of StokeLabno
Baroness Ashton of UphollandLab (minister)no
Viscount Astor Conabsent
Lord Astor of HeverCon (front bench)absent
Lord Attenborough Lababsent
Earl Attlee Con (front bench)absent
Lord Avebury LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Bach Labno
Lord Bagri Conabsent
Lord Baker of DorkingConabsent
Earl Baldwin of BewdleyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Ballyedmond Crossbenchabsent
Lord Barber of TewkesburyCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Barker LDem (front bench)absent
Lord Barnett Lab (minister)no
Lord Bassam of BrightonLab (minister)no
Lord Beaumont of WhitleyGreenaye
Lord Bell Conabsent
Lord Berkeley Lababsent
Lord Bernstein of CraigweilLabno
Lord Best Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Bhatia Crossbenchabsent
Lord Bhattacharyya Labno
Lord Biffen Conabsent
Lord Bilimoria Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Billingham Lababsent
Lord Bilston Labno
Lord Bingham of CornhillCrossbenchabsent
Lord Birt Crossbenchabsent
Lord Black of CrossharbourConabsent
Baroness Blackstone Lababsent
Lord Blackwell Con (front bench)absent
Lord Blaker Conaye
Lord Blease Lababsent
Viscount Bledisloe Crossbenchno
Baroness Blood Labno
Lord Blyth of RowingtonConabsent
Baroness Bonham-Carter of YarnburyLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Boothroyd Crossbenchno
Lord Borrie Lab (minister)no
Lord Boston of FavershamCrossbenchno
Baroness Bottomley of NettlestoneConabsent
Lord Bowness Con (front bench)aye
Lord Boyce Crossbenchabsent
Lord Boyd of DuncansbyLabno
Lord Brabazon of TaraCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Bradley Labno
Lord Bradshaw LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Bragg Lababsent
Lord Bramall Crossbenchabsent
Lord Brennan Labno
Lord Brett Lababsent
Lord Bridge of HarwichCrossbenchabsent
Viscount Bridgeman Con (front bench)absent
Lord Bridges Crossbenchabsent
Lord Briggs Crossbenchabsent
Lord Brittan of SpennithorneConabsent
Lord Broers Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Brooke of AlverthorpeLab (minister)no
Viscount Brookeborough Crossbenchabsent
Lord Brooke of Sutton MandevilleCon (front bench)absent
Lord Brookman Labno
Lord Brooks of TremorfaLababsent
Lord Brougham and Vaux Con (front bench)absent
Lord Browne-Wilkinson Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Brown of Eaton-under-HeywoodJudge (front bench)absent
Lord Browne of BelmontDUPabsent
Lord Browne of MadingleyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Bruce-Lockhart Conaye
Lord Burlison Labno
Lord Burnett LDemabsent
Lord Burns Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Buscombe Conabsent
Baroness Butler-Sloss Crossbenchabsent
Lord Butler of BrockwellCrossbenchabsent
Lord Buxton of AlsaConabsent
Baroness Byford Con (front bench)aye
The Earl of CaithnessConaye
Lord Cameron of DillingtonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Cameron of LochbroomCrossbenchabsent
Lord Campbell-Savours Labno
Lord Campbell of AllowayCon (front bench)aye
The Archbishop of CanterburyBishopabsent
Lord Carey of CliftonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Carlile of BerriewLDemaye
Baroness Carnegy of LourConaye
Lord Carr of HadleyConabsent
Lord Carrington Conabsent
Lord Carswell Crossbenchabsent
Lord Carter of ColesLababsent
Lord Cavendish of FurnessConabsent
Lord Chadlington Conaye
Lord Chalfont Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Chalker of WallaseyConabsent
Viscount Chandos Lababsent
Baroness Chapman Crossbenchabsent
The Bishop of ChelmsfordBishopabsent
The Bishop of ChesterBishopabsent
Lord Chidgey LDemabsent
Lord Chilver Conabsent
Lord Chitnis Crossbenchabsent
The Marquess of CholmondeleyCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Chorley Crossbenchaye
Lord Christopher Lab (minister)no
Baroness Clark of CaltonJudgeabsent
Lord Clarke of HampsteadLabno
Lord Clark of WindermereLabno
Lord Clement-Jones LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Clinton-Davis Labno
Lord Clyde Crossbenchabsent
Lord Cobbold Crossbenchaye
Lord Coe Conabsent
Baroness Cohen of PimlicoLab (minister)no
Viscount Colville of CulrossCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Colwyn Con (front bench)aye
Lord Condon Crossbenchabsent
Lord Cooke of IslandreaghCrossbenchabsent
Lord Cope of BerkeleyCon (front bench)aye
Lord Corbett of Castle ValeLabno
Baroness Corston Lababsent
Lord Cotter LDem (front bench)aye
The Earl of CourtownConabsent
The Bishop of CoventryBishopabsent
Baroness Cox Crossbenchabsent
Viscount Craigavon Crossbenchabsent
Lord Craig of RadleyCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Crathorne Con (front bench)absent
The Earl of Crawford and BalcarresConabsent
Baroness Crawley Lab (minister)tellno
Lord Crickhowell Conaye
Lord Crisp Crossbenchabsent
Lord Croham Crossbenchabsent
Lord Cuckney Conabsent
Lord Cullen of WhitekirkCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Cumberlege Conabsent
Lord Cunningham of FellingLababsent
Lord Currie of MaryleboneCrossbenchabsent
Baroness D'Souza Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Dahrendorf Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Darcy de Knayth Crossbenchabsent
Baroness David Lababsent
Lord Davidson of Glen ClovaLab (minister)no
Lord Davies of CoityLab (minister)no
Lord Davies of OldhamLab (minister)no
Lord de Mauley Con (front bench)aye
Lord Dean of HarptreeConabsent
Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-FyldeLabno
Lord Dear Crossbenchabsent
Lord Dearing Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Deech Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Deedes Conabsent
Baroness Delacourt-Smith of AlterynLababsent
Lord Denham Conaye
Lord Desai Labno
Lord Dholakia LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Dixon Lababsent
Lord Dixon-Smith Con (front bench)absent
Lord Donoughue Lababsent
Lord Drayson Lab (minister)absent
Lord Dubs Lab (minister)no
The Earl of DundeeCon (front bench)absent
Baroness Dunn Crossbenchabsent
The Bishop of DurhamBishopabsent
Lord Dykes LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Eames Crossbenchabsent
Lord Eatwell Lababsent
Viscount Eccles Con (front bench)absent
Baroness Eccles of MoultonConaye
Lord Eden of WintonConabsent
Lord Elder Labno
Lord Elis-Thomas Crossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Elles Conaye
Lord Elliott of MorpethConaye
Lord Elton Con (front bench)absent
Lord Elystan-Morgan Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Emerton Crossbenchabsent
The Earl of ErrollCrossbenchno
Lord Evans of ParksideLabno
Lord Evans of Temple GuitingLab (minister)no
Lord Evans of WatfordLabno
Lord Ewing of KirkfordLababsent
The Bishop of ExeterBishopabsent
Lord Ezra LDemaye
Lord Falconer of ThorotonLab (minister)no
Baroness Falkender Labno
Viscount Falkland LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Falkner of MargravineLDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Farrington of RibbletonLab (minister)no
Lord Faulkner of WorcesterLababsent
Lord Fearn LDemaye
Lord Feldman Conabsent
Lord Fellowes Crossbenchabsent
Earl Ferrers Con (front bench)absent
Lord Filkin Lab (minister)no
Baroness Finlay of LlandaffCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Flather Conabsent
Lord Flowers Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Fookes Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Ford Lab (minister)no
Lord Forsyth of DrumleanConabsent
Lord Forte Conabsent
Lord Foster of Bishop AucklandLabno
Lord Foster of Thames BankCrossbenchabsent
Lord Foulkes of CumnockLab (minister)no
Lord Fowler Conaye
Lord Fraser of CarmyllieCon (front bench)absent
Lord Freeman Con (front bench)aye
Lord Freyberg Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Fritchie Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Fyfe of FairfieldLabno
Baroness Gale Lab (minister)absent
Lord Garden LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Gardner of ParkesCon (front bench)absent
Lord Garel-Jones Conabsent
Lord Gavron Lab (minister)no
Lord Geddes Con (front bench)aye
Lord George Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Gibson of Market RasenLab (minister)absent
Lord Giddens Lababsent
Lord Gilbert Lababsent
Lord Gilmour of CraigmillarConabsent
The Earl of GlasgowLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Glenamara Lababsent
Lord Glenarthur Con (front bench)absent
Lord Glentoran Con (front bench)absent
Lord Goff of ChieveleyCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Golding Lababsent
Lord Goldsmith Lab (minister)no
Lord Goodhart LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Goodlad Con (front bench)aye
Lord Gordon of StrathblaneLabno
Viscount Goschen Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Goudie Lababsent
Lord Gould of BrookwoodLab (minister)no
Baroness Gould of PotternewtonLab (minister)no
Lord Grabiner Labno
Lord Graham of EdmontonLab (minister)no
Lord Grantchester Lab (minister)absent
Lord Greaves LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Greenfield Crossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Greengross Crossbenchaye
Lord Greenway Crossbenchaye
Lord Gregson Lababsent
Lord Grenfell Non-affiliated (front bench)absent
Lord Griffiths Crossbenchabsent
Lord Griffiths of Burry PortLabno
Lord Griffiths of FforestfachConabsent
Lord Grocott Lab (minister)tellno
Lord Guthrie of CraigiebankCrossbenchabsent
Lord Habgood Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Hale of RichmondJudgeabsent
Lord Hamilton of EpsomConabsent
Baroness Hamwee LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Hanham Con (front bench)absent
Lord Hannay of ChiswickCrossbenchabsent
Lord Hanningfield Con (front bench)aye
Lord Hardie Judgeabsent
Lord Harries of PentregarthCrossbenchabsent
Lord Harris of HaringeyLabno
Lord Harrison Lab (minister)no
Lord Harris of PeckhamConabsent
Baroness Harris of RichmondLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Hart of ChiltonLabno
Lord Haskel Lab (minister)absent
Lord Haskins Crossbenchabsent
Lord Hastings of ScarisbrickCrossbenchabsent
Lord Hattersley Lababsent
Lord Haworth Labno
Lord Hayhoe Conaye
Baroness Hayman Non-affiliated (front bench)absent
Lord Healey Lababsent
Baroness Henig Labno
Lord Henley Con (front bench)aye
Lord Heseltine Conabsent
Lord Higgins Conabsent
Baroness Hilton of EggardonLab (minister)absent
Lord Hodgson of Astley AbbottsConaye
Lord Hoffmann Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Hogg Conabsent
Lord Hogg of CumbernauldLababsent
Lord Hollick Labno
Baroness Hollis of HeighamLab (minister)no
Lord Holme of CheltenhamLDemabsent
The Earl of HomeConabsent
Baroness Hooper Con (front bench)absent
Lord Hooson LDemabsent
Lord Hope of CraigheadJudgeabsent
Lord Hope of ThornesCrossbenchabsent
Lord Howard of RisingCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Howarth of BrecklandCrossbenchno
Lord Howarth of NewportLabno
Earl Howe Con (front bench)aye
Lord Howe of AberavonCon (front bench)absent
Baroness Howe of IdlicoteCrossbenchaye
Lord Howell of GuildfordCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Howells of St DavidsLabno
Lord Howie of TroonLab (minister)no
Lord Hoyle Labno
Lord Hughes of WoodsideLabno
Lord Hunt of ChestertonLababsent
Lord Hunt of Kings HeathLab (minister)no
Lord Hunt of TanworthCrossbenchabsent
Lord Hunt of WirralCon (front bench)aye
Lord Hurd of WestwellConabsent
Lord Hutchinson of LullingtonLDemabsent
Lord Hutton Crossbenchabsent
Lord Hylton Crossbenchaye
Lord Imbert Crossbenchabsent
Lord Inge Crossbenchabsent
Lord Inglewood Conaye
Lord Irvine of LairgLabno
Lord Jacobs LDemabsent
Lord James of BlackheathCon (front bench)aye
Baroness James of Holland ParkConabsent
Lord Janner of BraunstoneLab (minister)no
Lord Jauncey of TullichettleCrossbenchabsent
Lord Jay of EwelmeCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Jay of PaddingtonLababsent
Baroness Jeger Lababsent
Earl Jellicoe Conabsent
Lord Jenkin of RodingConaye
Lord Joffe Crossbenchabsent
Lord Jones Labno
Lord Jones of CheltenhamLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Jones of WhitchurchLabno
Lord Jopling Con (front bench)absent
Lord Jordan Labno
Lord Judd Lab (minister)no
Lord Kalms Conaye
Baroness Kennedy of The ShawsLababsent
Lord Kerr of KinlochardCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Kilclooney Crossbenchabsent
Lord Kilpatrick of KincraigCrossbenchabsent
Lord Kimball Conabsent
Lord King of BridgwaterConaye
Lord Kingsdown Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Kingsland Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Kingsmill Labno
Lord King of West BromwichLabno
Lord Kinnock Lababsent
Lord Kirkham Conabsent
Lord Kirkhill Lababsent
Lord Kirkwood of KirkhopeLDemaye
Baroness Knight of CollingtreeConabsent
Lord Knights Crossbenchabsent
Lord Laidlaw Conabsent
Lord Laing of DunphailConabsent
Lord Laird Crossbenchabsent
Lord Laming Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Lamont of LerwickCon (front bench)absent
Lord Lane of HorsellConaye
Lord Lang of MonktonConabsent
Lord Lawson of BlabyCon (front bench)absent
Lord Layard Lab (minister)absent
Lord Leach of FairfordConabsent
Lord Lea of CrondallLabno
Lord Lee of TraffordLDem (front bench)aye
The Bishop of LeicesterBishopabsent
Lord Leitch Labno
Lord Lester of Herne HillLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Levene of PortsokenCrossbenchabsent
Lord Levy Lababsent
Lord Lewis of NewnhamCrossbench (front bench)absent
The Earl of LindsayConaye
Baroness Linklater of ButterstoneLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Lipsey Labno
The Earl of ListowelCrossbenchaye
The Bishop of LiverpoolBishopabsent
The Earl of LiverpoolConabsent
Lord Livsey of TalgarthLDem (front bench)absent
Lord Lloyd-Webber Conabsent
Lord Lloyd of BerwickCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Lockwood Labno
Lord Lofthouse of PontefractLabno
The Bishop of LondonBishopabsent
Lord Low of DalstonCrossbenchaye
Lord Lucas Conabsent
Lord Luce Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Ludford LDemabsent
Lord Luke Con (front bench)aye
Lord Lyell Conabsent
Lord Lyell of MarkyateConabsent
Lord Macaulay of BragarLababsent
Lord Macdonald of TradestonLab (minister)no
Lord Macfarlane of BearsdenConabsent
Lord MacGregor of Pulham MarketCon (front bench)absent
Lord Mackay of ClashfernCon (front bench)aye
Lord Mackay of DrumadoonJudgeabsent
Lord MacKenzie of CulkeinLabno
Lord Mackenzie of FramwellgateLabno
Lord Mackie of BenshieLDemabsent
Lord MacLaurin of KnebworthCon (front bench)absent
Lord Maclennan of RogartLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Maddock LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Maginnis of DrumglassCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Mallalieu Lab (minister)absent
Lord Mance Judgeabsent
The Bishop of ManchesterBishopabsent
Lord Mancroft Con (front bench)absent
The Countess of MarCrossbench (front bench)no
The Earl of Mar and KellieLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Marland Conabsent
Lord Marlesford Con (front bench)aye
Lord Marsh Crossbenchno
Lord Marshall of KnightsbridgeCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Masham of IltonCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Mason of BarnsleyLabno
Baroness Massey of DarwenLab (minister)no
Lord Mawhinney Conabsent
Lord Maxton Labno
Lord Mayhew of TwysdenConabsent
Lord May of OxfordCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord McAlpine of West GreenConabsent
Lord McCarthy Lababsent
Lord McCluskey Crossbenchabsent
Lord McColl of DulwichCon (front bench)aye
Baroness McDonagh Lababsent
Baroness McFarlane of LlandaffCrossbenchabsent
Lord McIntosh of HaringeyLababsent
Baroness McIntosh of HudnallLab (minister)no
Lord McKenzie of LutonLab (minister)no
Lord McNally LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Meacher Crossbenchno
Lord Methuen LDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Michie of GallanachLDemabsent
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne DomerLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Miller of HendonCon (front bench)absent
Lord Millett Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Mitchell Labno
Lord Molyneaux of KilleadCrossbenchabsent
Lord Monson Crossbenchabsent
Lord Montagu of BeaulieuConabsent
Viscount Montgomery of AlameinCrossbench (front bench)aye
The Duke of MontroseCon (front bench)aye
Lord Moonie Lab (minister)no
Lord Moore of Lower MarshConabsent
Lord Moore of WolvercoteCrossbenchabsent
Lord Moran Crossbenchabsent
Lord Morgan Lababsent
Baroness Morgan of DrefelinLab (minister)no
Baroness Morgan of HuytonLabno
Lord Morris of AberavonLab (minister)no
Baroness Morris of BoltonCon (front bench)aye
Lord Morris of HandsworthLabno
Lord Morris of ManchesterLabno
Baroness Morris of YardleyLabno
Lord Morrow DUPabsent
Lord Moser Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Moynihan Conabsent
Baroness Murphy Crossbenchabsent
Lord Murton of LindisfarneConabsent
Lord Mustill Crossbenchabsent
Lord Naseby Con (front bench)aye
Lord Neill of BladenCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Neuberger LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Neuberger of AbbotsburyJudgeabsent
Lord Newby LDem (front bench)aye
The Bishop of NewcastleBishopabsent
Lord Newton of BraintreeConabsent
Lord Nicholls of BirkenheadCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Nicholson of WinterbourneLDemabsent
Lord Nickson Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Nicol Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Noakes Con (front bench)aye
The Duke of NorfolkCrossbenchabsent
Lord Northbourne Crossbenchabsent
Lord Northbrook Conabsent
The Earl of NortheskConabsent
Lord Northfield Lababsent
Baroness Northover LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Norton of LouthCon (front bench)absent
The Bishop of NorwichBishopabsent
Baroness O'Cathain Con (front bench)aye
Baroness O'Neill of BengarveCrossbenchabsent
Lord O'Neill of ClackmannanLab (minister)absent
Lord Oakeshott of Seagrove BayLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Oliver of AylmertonCrossbenchabsent
The Earl of OnslowCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Oppenheim-Barnes Conabsent
Lord Ouseley Crossbenchabsent
Lord Owen Crossbenchabsent
Lord Oxburgh Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Paisley of St George'sDUPabsent
Lord Palmer Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Palumbo Conabsent
Lord Parekh Lababsent
Lord Parkinson Conabsent
Baroness Park of MonmouthConaye
Lord Patel Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Patel of BlackburnLabno
Lord Patel of BradfordCrossbenchabsent
Lord Patten Conabsent
Lord Patten of BarnesConabsent
Lord Paul Lab (minister)absent
Lord Pearson of RannochUKIPabsent
Earl Peel Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Pendry Labno
Baroness Perry of SouthwarkCon (front bench)absent
Lord Peston Lab (minister)absent
The Bishop of PeterboroughBishopabsent
Lord Phillips of SudburyLDemabsent
Lord Phillips of Worth MatraversJudgeabsent
Lord Pilkington of OxenfordConabsent
Baroness Pitkeathley Lab (minister)no
Lord Plant of HighfieldLab (minister)no
Baroness Platt of WrittleCon (front bench)aye
Lord Plumb Conaye
Lord Plummer of St MaryleboneConabsent
Lord Ponsonby of ShulbredeLababsent
The Bishop of PortsmouthBishopabsent
Lord Powell of BayswaterCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Prashar Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Prior Conabsent
Baroness Prosser Lab (minister)no
Lord Prys-Davies Labno
Lord Puttnam Lab (minister)absent
Lord Pym Conabsent
Baroness Quin Lababsent
Lord Quinton Conabsent
Lord Quirk Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Radice Lababsent
Baroness Ramsay of CartvaleLabno
Lord Ramsbotham Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Rana Crossbenchabsent
Lord Randall of St BudeauxLababsent
Baroness Rawlings Con (front bench)aye
Lord Razzall LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rea Lab (minister)absent
Lord Reay Conabsent
Lord Redesdale LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rees Conabsent
Lord Rees-Mogg Crossbenchabsent
Lord Rees of LudlowCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Rendell of BaberghLab (minister)no
Lord Renfrew of KaimsthornCon (front bench)absent
Lord Rennard LDemabsent
Lord Renton Conabsent
Lord Renton of Mount HarryCon (front bench)absent
Lord Renwick of CliftonLababsent
Lord Richard Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Richardson of CalowCrossbenchaye
Lord Richardson of DuntisbourneCrossbenchabsent
The Bishop of Ripon and LeedsBishopabsent
Lord Rix Crossbenchabsent
Lord Roberts of ConwyCon (front bench)aye
Lord Roberts of LlandudnoLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Robertson of Port EllenLababsent
The Bishop of RochesterBishopabsent
Lord Rodger of EarlsferryJudge (front bench)absent
Lord Rodgers of Quarry BankLDemaye
Lord Rogan UUPaye
Lord Rogers of RiversideLababsent
Lord Rooker Lab (minister)no
Lord Roper LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rosser Lab (minister)no
The Earl of RosslynCrossbenchabsent
Lord Rotherwick Conabsent
Lord Rowe-Beddoe Crossbenchabsent
Lord Rowlands Lab (minister)no
Baroness Royall of BlaisdonLab (minister)no
Lord Russell-Johnston LDemabsent
Lord Ryder of WensumConabsent
Lord Saatchi Conabsent
Lord Sainsbury of Preston CandoverConabsent
Lord Sainsbury of TurvilleLabno
The Bishop of SalisburyBishopabsent
The Marquess of SalisburyConabsent
Lady Saltoun of AbernethyCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Sandberg LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Sanderson of BowdenConaye
The Earl of SandwichCrossbenchabsent
Lord Saville of NewdigateCrossbenchabsent
Lord Sawyer Labno
Baroness Scotland of AsthalLab (minister)absent
Lord Scott of FoscoteCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Scott of Needham MarketLDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Seccombe Con (front bench)tellaye
The Earl of SelborneCon (front bench)aye
Lord Selkirk of DouglasConabsent
Lord Selsdon Conaye
Lord Sewel Lab (minister)absent
Lord Sharman LDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Sharp of GuildfordLDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Sharples Conabsent
Lord Shaw of NorthsteadCon (front bench)aye
The Bishop of SheffieldBishopabsent
Lord Sheikh Conabsent
Lord Sheldon Lab (minister)no
Baroness Shephard of NorthwoldCon (front bench)aye
Lord Sheppard of DidgemereConabsent
The Earl of ShrewsburyConabsent
Lord Shutt of GreetlandLDem (front bench)tellaye
Viscount Simon Lab (minister)no
Lord Simon of HighburyOtherabsent
Lord Simpson of DunkeldOtherabsent
Lord Skelmersdale Con (front bench)aye
Lord Skidelsky Crossbench (front bench)absent
Viscount Slim Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Slynn of HadleyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Smith of CliftonLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Smith of FinsburyLababsent
Baroness Smith of GilmorehillLababsent
Lord Smith of LeighLababsent
Lord Snape Labno
The Earl of SnowdonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Soley Labno
Lord Soulsby of Swaffham PriorCon (front bench)absent
The Bishop of SouthwarkBishopabsent
The Bishop of Southwell and NottinghamBishopabsent
The Bishop of St AlbansBishopabsent
The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and IpswichBishopabsent
Lord St John of BletsoCrossbenchaye
Lord St John of FawsleyConabsent
Lord Stallard Lababsent
Lord Steel of AikwoodLDemaye
Lord Steinberg Conabsent
Lord Sterling of PlaistowConabsent
Baroness Stern Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Stevens of KirkwhelpingtonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Stevens of LudgateConservative Independentabsent
Lord Stevenson of CoddenhamCrossbenchabsent
Lord Stewartby Conabsent
Lord Steyn Crossbenchabsent
Lord Stoddart of SwindonIndependent Labouraye
Lord Stokes Crossbenchabsent
Lord Stone of BlackheathLabno
Lord Strabolgi Lababsent
Lord Strathclyde Con (front bench)absent
Lord Sutherland of HoundwoodCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Swinfen Conabsent
Baroness Symons of Vernham DeanLab (minister)no
Lord Tanlaw Crossbenchabsent
Lord Taverne LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Taylor of BlackburnLabno
Baroness Taylor of BoltonLabno
Lord Taylor of HolbeachCon (front bench)absent
Lord Taylor of WarwickConabsent
Lord Tebbit Conaye
Lord Temple-Morris Labno
Lord Templeman Crossbenchabsent
Viscount Tenby Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Teverson LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Thatcher Conabsent
Lord Thomas of GresfordLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Thomas of GwydirConabsent
Lord Thomas of MacclesfieldLabno
Lord Thomas of SwynnertonCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Thomas of WalliswoodLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Thomas of WinchesterLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Thomson of MonifiethLDemaye
Baroness Thornton Labno
Lord Tombs Crossbenchabsent
Lord Tomlinson Lab (minister)no
Baroness Tonge LDemabsent
Lord Tope LDemaye
Lord Tordoff LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Trefgarne Conaye
Viscount Trenchard Conabsent
Lord Triesman Lab (minister)no
Lord Trimble Crossbenchaye
Baroness Trumpington Con (front bench)aye
The Bishop of TruroBishopabsent
Lord Truscott Lab (minister)no
Lord Tugendhat Conabsent
Lord Tunnicliffe Lab (minister)no
Lord Turnberg Labno
Lord Turnbull Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Turner of CamdenLabno
Lord Turner of EcchinswellCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Tyler LDemaye
Baroness Uddin Lababsent
Viscount Ullswater Con (front bench)absent
Baroness Valentine Crossbenchabsent
Lord Vallance of TummelLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Varley Labno
Baroness Verma Con (front bench)aye
Lord Vincent of ColeshillCrossbenchabsent
Lord Vinson Conabsent
Lord Waddington Conabsent
Lord Wade of ChorltonCon (front bench)absent
Lord Wakeham Con (front bench)aye
Lord Waldegrave of North HillConabsent
Lord Walker of AldringhamCrossbenchabsent
Lord Walker of GestingthorpeJudgeabsent
Lord Walker of WorcesterConabsent
Lord Wallace of SaltaireLDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Wall of New BarnetLabno
Baroness Walmsley LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Walpole Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Walton of DetchantCrossbenchabsent
Lord Warner Lababsent
Baroness Warnock Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Warwick of UndercliffeLababsent
Lord Watson of InvergowrieLabno
Lord Watson of RichmondLDemaye
Viscount Waverley Crossbenchabsent
Lord Weatherill Crossbenchabsent
Lord Wedderburn of CharltonCrossbenchno
Lord Weidenfeld Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Whitaker Labno
Lord Whitty Labno
Baroness Wilcox Con (front bench)absent
Baroness Wilkins Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Williams of CrosbyLDemabsent
Lord Williams of ElvelLab (minister)no
Lord Williamson of HortonCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Willoughby de Broke UKIPabsent
Lord Wilson of DintonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Wilson of TillyornCrossbenchabsent
The Bishop of WinchesterBishopabsent
Lord Windlesham Conaye
Lord Winston Lababsent
Lord Wolfson Conabsent
Lord Wolfson of SunningdaleConabsent
Lord Woolf Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Woolmer of LeedsLababsent
The Bishop of WorcesterBishopabsent
Lord Wright of RichmondCrossbench (front bench)absent
The Archbishop of YorkBishopabsent
Lord Young of GraffhamConabsent
Baroness Young of HornseyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Young of Norwood GreenLababsent
Baroness Young of Old SconeNon-affiliatedabsent

About the Project

The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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