Care Bill [HL] — Report (3rd Day) — 16 Oct 2013 at 18:17

Clause 58: Assessment of a child’s needs for care and support

Amendment 83A

Moved by Lord Patel

83A: Clause 58, page 47, line 5, at beginning insert “When a child receiving services reaches the age of 14 or”

Debate in Parliament | Source |

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Party Summary

Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Tell? '+1 tell' means that in addition one member of that party was a teller for that division lobby.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

PartyMajority (Not-Content)Minority (Content)Turnout
Bishop0 14.5%
Con140 (+1 tell) 164.8%
Crossbench13 2117.7%
DUP0 250.0%
Independent Labour0 1100.0%
Lab0 158 (+2 tell)71.1%
LDem68 (+1 tell) 071.1%
PC0 150.0%
UUP1 050.0%
Total:222 18553.8%

All lords Eligible to Vote - sorted by name

Includes lords who were absent (or abstained) from this vote.

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Lord Aberdare Crossbench (front bench)no
Baroness Adams of CraigieleaLabaye
Lord Addington LDem (front bench)absent
Lord Adebowale Crossbenchabsent
Lord Adonis Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Afshar Crossbenchabsent
Lord Ahmad of WimbledonCon (front bench)no
Lord Ahmed Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Alderdice LDem (front bench)no
Lord Allan of HallamLDemno
Viscount Allenby of MegiddoCrossbenchabsent
Lord Alli Lababsent
Lord Alliance LDemabsent
Lord Alton of LiverpoolCrossbenchaye
Baroness Amos Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Anderson of SwanseaLabaye
Baroness Andrews Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Anelay of St JohnsCon (front bench)tellno
Lord Archer of Weston-Super-MareNon-affiliatedabsent
Baroness Armstrong of Hill TopLab (minister)aye
Lord Armstrong of IlminsterCrossbenchno
The Earl of ArranCon (front bench)absent
Lord Ashcroft Conabsent
Lord Ashdown of Norton-sub-HamdonLDemno
Lord Ashton of HydeConno
Baroness Ashton of UphollandNon-affiliatedabsent
Viscount Astor Conabsent
Lord Astor of HeverCon (front bench)no
Lord Attenborough Non-affiliatedabsent
Earl Attlee Con (front bench)no
Lord Avebury LDem (front bench)no
Lord Bach Lab (minister)aye
Lord Baker of DorkingConno
Baroness Bakewell Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Bakewell of Hardington MandevilleLDemno
Earl Baldwin of BewdleyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Ballyedmond Conabsent
Lord Bannside DUPabsent
Lord Barber of TewkesburyCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Barker LDem (front bench)no
Lord Barnett Lababsent
Lord Bassam of BrightonLab (minister)tellaye
Lord Bates Con (front bench)no
Lord Beecham Lab (minister)aye
Lord Bell Conabsent
Baroness Benjamin LDemno
Lord Berkeley Labaye
Lord Berkeley of KnightonCrossbenchaye
Baroness Berridge Con (front bench)no
Lord Best Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Bew Crossbenchabsent
Lord Bhatia Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Bhattacharyya Labaye
Lord Bichard Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Bilimoria Crossbenchno
Baroness Billingham Lab (minister)aye
Lord Bilston Lab (minister)aye
The Bishop of BirminghamBishopabsent
Lord Birt Crossbenchabsent
Lord Black of BrentwoodCon (front bench)no
Lord Black of CrossharbourNon-affiliatedabsent
Baroness Blackstone Lab (minister)aye
Lord Blackwell Con (front bench)absent
Lord Blair of BoughtonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Blencathra Con (front bench)no
Baroness Blood Lababsent
Lord Blyth of RowingtonConabsent
Lord Boateng Labaye
Baroness Bonham-Carter of YarnburyLDemno
Baroness Boothroyd Crossbenchabsent
Lord Borrie Labaye
Lord Borwick Conno
Lord Boswell of AynhoNon-affiliated (front bench)absent
Baroness Bottomley of NettlestoneConabsent
Lord Bourne of AberystwythConno
Lord Bowness Con (front bench)no
Lord Boyce Crossbenchabsent
Lord Boyd of DuncansbyNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Brabazon of TaraConno
Lord Bradley Lababsent
Lord Bradshaw LDemno
Lord Bragg Labaye
Lord Brennan Labaye
Viscount Bridgeman Conno
Lord Bridges Crossbenchabsent
Lord Briggs Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Brinton LDemno
The Bishop of BristolBishopabsent
Lord Brittan of SpennithorneConno
Lord Broers Crossbenchabsent
Lord Brooke of AlverthorpeLababsent
Viscount Brookeborough Crossbenchabsent
Lord Brooke of Sutton MandevilleCon (front bench)no
Lord Brookman Labaye
Lord Brooks of TremorfaLababsent
Lord Brougham and Vaux Con (front bench)no
Lord Browne-Wilkinson Crossbenchabsent
Lord Brown of Eaton-under-HeywoodJudge (front bench)absent
Lord Browne of BelmontDUPaye
Lord Browne of LadytonLabaye
Lord Browne of MadingleyCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Browning Con (front bench)no
Lord Burnett LDemno
Lord Burns Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Buscombe Con (front bench)absent
Baroness Butler-Sloss Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Butler of BrockwellCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Byford Conabsent
The Earl of CaithnessConno
Lord Cameron of DillingtonCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Cameron of LochbroomCrossbenchabsent
Lord Campbell-Savours Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Campbell of LoughboroughCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Campbell of SurbitonCrossbenchaye
The Archbishop of CanterburyBishopabsent
Lord Carey of CliftonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Carlile of BerriewLDemabsent
Lord Carrington Conabsent
Lord Carswell Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Carter of BarnesLababsent
Lord Carter of ColesLab (minister)aye
Earl Cathcart Conno
Lord Cavendish of FurnessConabsent
Lord Chadlington Conno
Lord Chalfont Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Chalker of WallaseyConabsent
Viscount Chandos Lababsent
The Bishop of ChesterBishop (front bench)absent
Lord Chidgey LDemno
The Marquess of CholmondeleyNon-affiliated (front bench)absent
Lord Chorley Crossbenchabsent
Lord Christopher Lab (minister)aye
The Earl of ClancartyCrossbenchaye
Baroness Clark of CaltonJudgeabsent
Lord Clarke of HampsteadLabaye
Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-EbonyJudgeabsent
Lord Clark of WindermereLab (minister)absent
Lord Clement-Jones LDem (front bench)no
Lord Clinton-Davis Lababsent
Lord Cobbold Crossbenchabsent
Lord Coe Conabsent
Baroness Cohen of PimlicoLab (minister)aye
Lord Collins of HighburyLab (minister)aye
Lord Collins of MapesburyJudgeabsent
Viscount Colville of CulrossCrossbenchabsent
Lord Colwyn Con (front bench)no
Lord Condon Crossbenchabsent
Lord Cope of BerkeleyCon (front bench)no
Lord Cormack Con (front bench)no
Baroness Corston Lab (minister)aye
Lord Cotter LDemno
The Earl of CourtownConno
Baroness Coussins Crossbenchabsent
The Bishop of CoventryBishopabsent
Baroness Cox Crossbenchabsent
Viscount Craigavon Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Craig of RadleyCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Crathorne Con (front bench)absent
The Earl of Crawford and BalcarresConabsent
Baroness Crawley Labaye
Lord Crickhowell Con (front bench)absent
Lord Crisp Crossbenchabsent
Lord Cullen of WhitekirkCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Cumberlege Conno
Lord Cunningham of FellingLabaye
Lord Currie of MaryleboneCrossbenchabsent
Lord Curry of KirkharleCrossbenchabsent
Baroness D'Souza Non-affiliated (front bench)absent
Lord Dannatt Crossbenchabsent
Lord Darzi of DenhamLababsent
Lord Davidson of Glen ClovaLab (minister)absent
Lord Davies of AbersochLabaye
Lord Davies of CoityLab (minister)aye
Lord Davies of OldhamLab (minister)aye
Lord Davies of StamfordLababsent
Lord de Mauley Con (front bench)no
Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-FyldeLabaye
Lord Dear Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Deben Conno
Baroness Deech Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Deighton Con (front bench)absent
Lord Denham Conno
The Bishop of DerbyBishopabsent
Lord Desai Labaye
Lord Dholakia LDem (front bench)no
Lord Dixon Lababsent
Lord Dixon-Smith Con (front bench)no
Lord Dobbs Conno
Baroness Donaghy Labaye
Lord Donoughue Labaye
Baroness Doocey LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Drake Labaye
Lord Drayson Lababsent
Lord Dubs Lab (minister)aye
The Earl of DundeeCon (front bench)no
Lord Dykes LDemno
Lord Eames Crossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Eaton Conno
Lord Eatwell Lab (minister)absent
Viscount Eccles Conno
Baroness Eccles of MoultonCon (front bench)no
Lord Eden of WintonConabsent
Lord Edmiston Conno
Lord Elder Labaye
Lord Elis-Thomas PCabsent
Lord Elton Con (front bench)no
Lord Elystan-Morgan Crossbenchaye
Baroness Emerton Crossbenchaye
Lord Empey UUPno
The Earl of ErrollCrossbenchno
Lord Evans of ParksideLabaye
Lord Evans of Temple GuitingLababsent
Lord Evans of WatfordLabaye
Lord Ezra LDemabsent
Lord Falconer of ThorotonLab (minister)absent
Baroness Falkender Lababsent
Viscount Falkland Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Falkner of MargravineLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Farrington of RibbletonLab (minister)aye
Lord Faulkner of WorcesterLab (minister)aye
Lord Faulks Con (front bench)no
Lord Fearn LDemabsent
Lord Feldman Conabsent
Lord Feldman of ElstreeCon (front bench)no
Lord Fellowes Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Fellowes of West StaffordConno
Lord Filkin Lab (minister)aye
Lord Fink Conno
Baroness Finlay of LlandaffCrossbenchaye
Baroness Flather Crossbenchabsent
Lord Flight Conabsent
Baroness Fookes Con (front bench)no
Baroness Ford Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Forsyth of DrumleanCon (front bench)absent
Lord Foster of Bishop AucklandLabaye
Lord Foulkes of CumnockLab (minister)aye
Lord Fowler Conno
Lord Framlingham Conno
Lord Freeman Conno
Lord Freud Con (front bench)absent
Lord Freyberg Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Fritchie Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Gale Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Garden of FrognalLDemno
Lord Gardiner of KimbleCon (front bench)no
Baroness Gardner of ParkesCon (front bench)no
Lord Garel-Jones Conabsent
Lord Gavron Labaye
Lord Geddes Con (front bench)no
Lord German LDemabsent
Baroness Gibson of Market RasenLab (minister)aye
Lord Giddens Labaye
The Earl of GlasgowLDemno
Lord Glasman Lababsent
Lord Glenarthur Con (front bench)absent
Lord Glendonbrook Conno
Lord Glentoran Conabsent
The Bishop of GloucesterBishopabsent
Lord Goff of ChieveleyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Gold Conno
Baroness Golding Labaye
Lord Goldsmith Lab (minister)absent
Lord Goodhart LDemabsent
Lord Goodlad Con (front bench)no
Lord Gordon of StrathblaneLabaye
Viscount Goschen Conno
Baroness Goudie Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Gould of PotternewtonLab (minister)aye
Lord Grabiner Lababsent
Lord Grade of YarmouthConno
Lord Graham of EdmontonLababsent
Lord Grantchester Lab (minister)aye
Lord Greaves LDemno
Baroness Greenfield Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Greengross Crossbenchabsent
Lord Green of HurstpierpointCon (front bench)absent
Lord Greenway Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Grender LDemno
Lord Grenfell Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Grey-Thompson Crossbenchaye
Lord Griffiths Crossbenchabsent
Lord Griffiths of Burry PortLab (minister)absent
Lord Griffiths of FforestfachCon (front bench)absent
Lord Grocott Labaye
The Bishop of GuildfordBishopabsent
Lord Guthrie of CraigiebankCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Hale of RichmondJudgeabsent
Lord Hall of BirkenheadCrossbenchabsent
Lord Hameed Crossbenchabsent
Lord Hamilton of EpsomConabsent
Baroness Hamwee LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Hanham Conno
Lord Hannay of ChiswickCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Hanningfield Non-affiliatedabsent
Viscount Hanworth Lab (minister)aye
Lord Hardie Judge (front bench)absent
Lord Harries of PentregarthCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Harris of HaringeyLab (minister)aye
Lord Harrison Lab (minister)absent
Lord Harris of PeckhamConabsent
Baroness Harris of RichmondLDem (front bench)no
Lord Hart of ChiltonLab (minister)aye
Lord Haskel Lab (minister)aye
Lord Haskins Crossbenchabsent
Lord Hastings of ScarisbrickCrossbenchabsent
Lord Hattersley Lababsent
Lord Haworth Lababsent
Baroness Hayman Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Hayter of Kentish TownLab (minister)aye
Lord Healey Lababsent
Baroness Healy of Primrose HillLab (minister)aye
Baroness Henig Lab (minister)absent
Lord Henley Conabsent
Lord Hennessy of NympsfieldCrossbenchabsent
Lord Heseltine Conabsent
Baroness Heyhoe Flint Conno
Lord Higgins Conno
Lord Hill of OarefordCon (front bench)no
Baroness Hilton of EggardonLab (minister)aye
Lord Hodgson of Astley AbbottsCon (front bench)no
Lord Hoffmann Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Hogg Crossbenchabsent
Lord Hollick Lab (minister)absent
Baroness Hollins Crossbench (front bench)aye
Baroness Hollis of HeighamLab (minister)aye
The Earl of HomeConno
Baroness Hooper Con (front bench)no
Lord Hope of CraigheadJudgeabsent
Lord Hope of ThornesCrossbenchabsent
Lord Horam Conno
Lord Howard of LympneConabsent
Lord Howard of RisingCon (front bench)no
Baroness Howarth of BrecklandCrossbenchno
Lord Howarth of NewportLabaye
Earl Howe Con (front bench)no
Lord Howe of AberavonCon (front bench)no
Baroness Howe of IdlicoteCrossbenchno
Lord Howell of GuildfordCon (front bench)absent
Baroness Howells of St DavidsLab (minister)aye
Lord Howie of TroonLabaye
Lord Hoyle Labaye
Baroness Hughes of StretfordLab (minister)aye
Lord Hughes of WoodsideLabaye
Lord Hunt of ChestertonLababsent
Lord Hunt of Kings HeathLab (minister)aye
Lord Hunt of WirralConno
Lord Hurd of WestwellConabsent
Lord Hussain LDemno
Baroness Hussein-Ece LDem (front bench)no
Lord Hutton Crossbenchabsent
Lord Hutton of FurnessLababsent
Lord Hylton Crossbenchabsent
Lord Imbert Crossbenchabsent
Lord Inge Crossbenchabsent
Lord Inglewood Con (front bench)aye
Lord Irvine of LairgLab (minister)aye
Lord Jacobs Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord James of BlackheathConno
Baroness James of Holland ParkConabsent
Lord Janner of BraunstoneLab (minister)aye
Lord Janvrin Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Jay of EwelmeCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Jay of PaddingtonLab (minister)aye
Baroness Jenkin of KenningtonCon (front bench)no
Lord Jenkin of RodingConno
Lord Joffe Lababsent
Baroness Jolly LDem (front bench)no
Lord Jones Labaye
Lord Jones of BirminghamCrossbenchabsent
Lord Jones of CheltenhamLDemno
Baroness Jones of WhitchurchLab (minister)aye
Lord Jopling Conno
Lord Jordan Labaye
Lord Judd Lab (minister)aye
Lord Judge Judgeabsent
Lord Kakkar Crossbenchabsent
Lord Kalms Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Kennedy of SouthwarkLab (minister)aye
Baroness Kennedy of The ShawsLab (minister)absent
Lord Kerr of KinlochardCrossbenchabsent
Lord Kerr of TonaghmoreJudgeabsent
Lord Kestenbaum Lababsent
Baroness Kidron Crossbenchabsent
Lord Kilclooney Crossbenchno
Lord Kilpatrick of KincraigCrossbenchabsent
Lord Kimball Conabsent
Baroness King of BowLab (minister)absent
Lord King of BridgwaterCon (front bench)no
Lord King of LothburyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Kingsdown Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Kingsmill Labaye
Lord Kinnock Labaye
Baroness Kinnock of HolyheadLabaye
Lord Kirkham Conno
Lord Kirkhill Labaye
Lord Kirkwood of KirkhopeLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Knight of CollingtreeConabsent
Lord Knights Crossbenchabsent
Lord Knight of WeymouthLab (minister)aye
Baroness Kramer LDem (front bench)no
Lord Krebs Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Laird Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Laming Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Lamont of LerwickConno
Baroness Lane-Fox of SohoCrossbenchabsent
Lord Lang of MonktonCon (front bench)no
Baroness Lawrence of ClarendonLababsent
Lord Lawson of BlabyCon (front bench)no
Lord Layard Labaye
Lord Leach of FairfordConabsent
Lord Lea of CrondallLabaye
Lord Lee of TraffordLDem (front bench)absent
The Bishop of LeicesterBishop (front bench)aye
Lord Leitch Labaye
Lord Lester of Herne HillLDem (front bench)absent
Lord Levene of PortsokenCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Levy Labaye
Lord Lewis of NewnhamCrossbenchabsent
Lord Lexden Con (front bench)no
The Bishop of LichfieldBishopabsent
Baroness Liddell of CoatdykeLababsent
Lord Liddle Lab (minister)aye
The Earl of LindsayConabsent
Lord Lingfield Conno
Baroness Linklater of ButterstoneLDemno
Lord Lipsey Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Lister of BurtersettLab (minister)aye
The Earl of ListowelCrossbenchaye
The Earl of LiverpoolConno
Lord Livingston of ParkheadConno
Lord Lloyd-Webber Conabsent
Lord Lloyd of BerwickCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Lockwood Lababsent
The Bishop of LondonBishopabsent
Lord Loomba LDemno
The Marquess of LothianConno
Lord Low of DalstonCrossbenchaye
Lord Lucas Conno
Lord Luce Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Ludford LDemabsent
Lord Luke Con (front bench)no
Lord Lyell Con (front bench)no
The Earl of LyttonCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Macaulay of BragarNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Macdonald of River GlavenLDemabsent
Lord Macdonald of TradestonLababsent
Lord Macfarlane of BearsdenConabsent
Lord MacGregor of Pulham MarketCon (front bench)no
Lord Mackay of ClashfernCon (front bench)no
Lord Mackay of DrumadoonJudgeabsent
Lord MacKenzie of CulkeinLabaye
Lord Mackenzie of FramwellgateNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Mackie of BenshieLDemabsent
Lord MacLaurin of KnebworthConabsent
Lord Maclennan of RogartLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Maddock LDem (front bench)no
Lord Magan of CastletownConno
Lord Maginnis of DrumglassIndependent Ulster Unionistabsent
Baroness Mallalieu Lab (minister)aye
Lord Malloch-Brown Crossbenchabsent
Lord Mance Judgeabsent
Lord Mancroft Con (front bench)absent
Lord Mandelson Labaye
Baroness Manningham-Buller Crossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Manzoor LDemno
The Countess of MarCrossbench (front bench)aye
The Earl of Mar and KellieLDemno
Lord Marks of Henley-on-ThamesLDem (front bench)no
Lord Marland Conno
Lord Marlesford Con (front bench)no
Lord Martin of SpringburnCrossbenchaye
Baroness Masham of IltonCrossbenchaye
Lord Mason of BarnsleyLababsent
Baroness Massey of DarwenLab (minister)aye
Lord Mawhinney Conabsent
Lord Mawson Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Maxton Lab (minister)aye
Lord Mayhew of TwysdenCon (front bench)no
Lord May of OxfordCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord McAvoy Lab (minister)aye
Lord McCluskey Crossbenchabsent
Lord McColl of DulwichConno
Lord McConnell of GlenscorrodaleLabaye
Baroness McDonagh Lab (minister)aye
Lord McFall of AlcluithLab (minister)aye
Baroness McIntosh of HudnallLab (minister)aye
Lord McKenzie of LutonLab (minister)aye
Lord McNally LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Meacher Crossbenchabsent
Lord Mendelsohn Labaye
Lord Methuen LDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne DomerLDemno
Baroness Miller of HendonConabsent
Lord Millett Crossbenchabsent
Lord Mitchell Labaye
Lord Mogg Crossbenchabsent
Lord Molyneaux of KilleadCrossbenchabsent
Lord Monks Labaye
Lord Montagu of BeaulieuConabsent
Viscount Montgomery of AlameinCrossbench (front bench)absent
The Duke of MontroseConno
Lord Moonie Lababsent
Lord Moore of Lower MarshConabsent
Lord Moran Crossbenchabsent
Lord Morgan Labaye
Baroness Morgan of DrefelinCrossbenchaye
Baroness Morgan of ElyLab (minister)aye
Baroness Morgan of HuytonLababsent
Lord Morris of AberavonLab (minister)aye
Baroness Morris of BoltonCon (front bench)no
Lord Morris of HandsworthLabaye
Baroness Morris of YardleyLab (minister)aye
Lord Morrow DUPaye
Lord Moser Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Moynihan Con (front bench)no
Baroness Murphy Crossbenchabsent
Lord Mustill Crossbenchabsent
Lord Myners Lababsent
Lord Naseby Con (front bench)no
Lord Nash Con (front bench)no
Lord Neill of BladenCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Neuberger Crossbenchabsent
Lord Neuberger of AbbotsburyJudgeabsent
Baroness Neville-Jones Con (front bench)no
Lord Newby LDem (front bench)tellno
The Bishop of NewcastleBishopabsent
Baroness Newlove Conno
Lord Nicholls of BirkenheadCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Nicholson of WinterbourneLDem (front bench)absent
Lord Nickson Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Nicol Lababsent
Baroness Noakes Con (front bench)no
Lord Noon Labaye
The Duke of NorfolkNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Northbourne Crossbenchabsent
Lord Northbrook Conabsent
Baroness Northover LDem (front bench)no
Lord Norton of LouthCon (front bench)no
The Bishop of NorwichBishop (front bench)absent
Baroness Nye Labaye
Baroness O'Cathain Con (front bench)no
Lord O'Donnell Crossbenchabsent
Baroness O'Loan Crossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness O'Neill of BengarveCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord O'Neill of ClackmannanLab (minister)aye
Lord Oakeshott of Seagrove BayLDemno
Baroness Oppenheim-Barnes Conno
Lord Ouseley Crossbenchabsent
Lord Owen Crossbenchabsent
Lord Oxburgh Crossbenchabsent
The Bishop of OxfordBishopabsent
Baroness Paisley of St George'sDUPabsent
Lord Palmer Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Palmer of Childs HillLDem (front bench)no
Lord Palumbo Conabsent
Lord Pannick Crossbenchabsent
Lord Parekh Lababsent
Lord Parkinson Conabsent
Baroness Parminter LDem (front bench)absent
Lord Patel Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Patel of BlackburnLababsent
Lord Patel of BradfordLab (minister)absent
Lord Patten Conno
Lord Patten of BarnesConabsent
Lord Paul Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Pearson of RannochUKIPabsent
Earl Peel Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Pendry Labaye
Baroness Perry of SouthwarkCon (front bench)no
Lord Peston Lab (minister)absent
Lord Phillips of SudburyLDemno
Lord Phillips of Worth MatraversJudge (front bench)absent
Baroness Pitkeathley Lab (minister)absent
Lord Plant of HighfieldLab (minister)aye
Baroness Platt of WrittleConabsent
Lord Plumb Conabsent
Lord Ponsonby of ShulbredeLabaye
Lord Popat Con (front bench)no
Lord Powell of BayswaterCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Prashar Crossbenchabsent
Lord Prescott Labaye
Lord Prior Conabsent
Baroness Prosser Lab (minister)aye
Lord Prys-Davies Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Puttnam Lababsent
Baroness Quin Labaye
Lord Quirk Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Radice Labaye
Baroness Ramsay of CartvaleLab (minister)aye
Lord Ramsbotham Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Rana Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Randerson LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Rawlings Con (front bench)no
Lord Razzall LDem (front bench)absent
Lord Rea Labaye
Lord Redesdale LDemno
Lord Rees of LudlowCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Reid of CardowanLabaye
Baroness Rendell of BaberghLab (minister)aye
Lord Renfrew of KaimsthornConabsent
Lord Rennard LDem (front bench)absent
Lord Renton of Mount HarryConno
Lord Renwick of CliftonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Ribeiro Conabsent
Lord Richard Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Richardson of CalowCrossbenchabsent
Viscount Ridley Conno
The Bishop of Ripon and LeedsBishopabsent
Lord Risby Conno
Lord Rix Crossbenchabsent
Lord Roberts of ConwyConabsent
Lord Roberts of LlandudnoLDem (front bench)no
Lord Robertson of Port EllenLababsent
Lord Rodgers of Quarry BankLDem (front bench)no
Lord Rogan UUPabsent
Lord Rogers of RiversideLabaye
Lord Rooker Lab (minister)aye
Lord Roper LDem (front bench)no
Lord Rosser Lab (minister)aye
The Earl of RosslynCrossbenchabsent
Lord Rotherwick Conno
Lord Rowe-Beddoe Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Rowlands Labaye
Baroness Royall of BlaisdonLab (minister)aye
Lord Ryder of WensumConabsent
Lord Saatchi Conabsent
Lord Sacks Crossbenchabsent
Lord Sainsbury of Preston CandoverConabsent
Lord Sainsbury of TurvilleLababsent
The Marquess of SalisburyConabsent
Lady Saltoun of AbernethyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Sandberg LDemabsent
Lord Sanderson of BowdenConabsent
The Earl of SandwichCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Sassoon Conabsent
Lord Saville of NewdigateCrossbenchabsent
Lord Sawyer Lababsent
Baroness Scotland of AsthalLab (minister)aye
Lord Scott of FoscoteCrossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Scott of Needham MarketLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Seccombe Con (front bench)no
The Earl of SelborneCon (front bench)absent
Lord Selkirk of DouglasCon (front bench)no
Lord Selsdon Conno
Lord Sewel Non-affiliated (front bench)absent
Baroness Shackleton of BelgraviaConno
Lord Sharkey LDem (front bench)no
Lord Sharman LDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Sharp of GuildfordLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Sharples Conabsent
Lord Shaw of NorthsteadCon (front bench)no
The Bishop of SheffieldBishopabsent
Lord Sheikh Conno
Lord Sheldon Lababsent
Baroness Shephard of NorthwoldCon (front bench)no
Lord Sheppard of DidgemereConabsent
Baroness Sherlock Lab (minister)aye
Lord Shipley LDem (front bench)no
The Earl of ShrewsburyCon (front bench)absent
Lord Shutt of GreetlandLDem (front bench)no
Viscount Simon Lab (minister)aye
Lord Simon of HighburyNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Simpson of DunkeldNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Singh of WimbledonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Skelmersdale Con (front bench)no
Lord Skidelsky Crossbench (front bench)absent
Viscount Slim Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Smith of BasildonLab (minister)aye
Lord Smith of CliftonLDem (front bench)no
Lord Smith of FinsburyNon-affiliatedabsent
Baroness Smith of GilmorehillLababsent
Lord Smith of KelvinCrossbenchabsent
Lord Smith of LeighLababsent
Lord Snape Labaye
The Earl of SnowdonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Soley Lab (minister)aye
Lord Soulsby of Swaffham PriorConabsent
Lord Spicer Conno
The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and IpswichBishopabsent
Lord St John of BletsoCrossbench (front bench)absent
The Earl of StairCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Stedman-Scott Con (front bench)no
Lord Steel of AikwoodLDemno
Lord Stephen LDemno
Lord Sterling of PlaistowCon (front bench)no
Baroness Stern Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Stern of BrentfordCrossbenchabsent
Lord Stevens of KirkwhelpingtonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Stevens of LudgateUKIPabsent
Lord Stevenson of BalmacaraLab (minister)aye
Lord Stevenson of CoddenhamCrossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Stewartby Conno
Lord Steyn Crossbenchabsent
Lord Stirrup Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Stoddart of SwindonIndependent Labouraye
Lord Stone of BlackheathLabaye
Lord Stoneham of DroxfordLDem (front bench)no
Lord Storey LDemno
Baroness Stowell of BeestonCon (front bench)no
Lord Strasburger LDemno
Lord Strathclyde Conno
Lord Sugar Lababsent
Lord Sutherland of HoundwoodCrossbenchabsent
Lord Swinfen Con (front bench)absent
Baroness Symons of Vernham DeanLabaye
Lord Tanlaw Crossbenchabsent
Lord Taverne LDemabsent
Lord Taylor of BlackburnLabaye
Baroness Taylor of BoltonLab (minister)aye
Lord Taylor of Goss MoorLDemno
Lord Taylor of HolbeachCon (front bench)no
Lord Taylor of WarwickNon-affiliatedabsent
Lord Tebbit Conabsent
Lord Temple-Morris Labaye
Lord Templeman Crossbenchabsent
Viscount Tenby Crossbenchabsent
Lord Teverson LDemno
Lord Thomas of GresfordLDemabsent
Lord Thomas of MacclesfieldLababsent
Lord Thomas of SwynnertonCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Thomas of WalliswoodLDemabsent
Baroness Thomas of WinchesterLDem (front bench)absent
Baroness Thornton Lab (minister)aye
Lord Tombs Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Tomlinson Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Tonge Independent Liberal Democratabsent
Lord Tope LDemabsent
Lord Tordoff LDemno
Lord Touhig Lab (minister)aye
Lord Trees Crossbenchabsent
Lord Trefgarne Con (front bench)no
Viscount Trenchard Conno
Lord Triesman Lab (minister)aye
Lord Trimble Con (front bench)no
Lord True Con (front bench)no
Baroness Trumpington Conabsent
The Bishop of TruroBishopabsent
Lord Truscott Non-affiliatedabsent
Lord Tugendhat Con (front bench)no
Lord Tunnicliffe Lab (minister)tellaye
Lord Turnberg Lab (minister)aye
Lord Turnbull Crossbench (front bench)absent
Baroness Turner of CamdenLabaye
Lord Turner of EcchinswellCrossbenchabsent
Lord Tyler LDemno
Baroness Tyler of EnfieldLDemno
Baroness Uddin Non-affiliatedabsent
Viscount Ullswater Con (front bench)no
Baroness Vadera Non-affiliatedabsent
Baroness Valentine Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Vallance of TummelLDemabsent
Baroness Verma Con (front bench)no
Lord Vincent of ColeshillCrossbenchabsent
Lord Vinson Conabsent
Lord Waddington Conno
Lord Wade of ChorltonCon (front bench)absent
The Bishop of WakefieldBishopabsent
Lord Wakeham Con (front bench)no
Lord Waldegrave of North HillCon (front bench)absent
Lord Walker of AldringhamCrossbenchabsent
Lord Walker of GestingthorpeJudgeabsent
Lord Wallace of SaltaireLDem (front bench)no
Lord Wallace of TankernessLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Wall of New BarnetLabaye
Baroness Walmsley LDemabsent
Lord Walpole Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Walton of DetchantCrossbenchno
Lord Warner Lababsent
Baroness Warnock Crossbenchabsent
Baroness Warsi Con (front bench)no
Baroness Warwick of UndercliffeLabaye
Lord Wasserman Conno
Lord Watson of InvergowrieLabaye
Lord Watson of RichmondLDemabsent
Viscount Waverley Crossbenchabsent
Lord Wei Conno
Lord Weidenfeld Crossbenchabsent
Lord West of SpitheadLabaye
Baroness Wheatcroft Con (front bench)no
Baroness Wheeler Lab (minister)aye
Baroness Whitaker Labaye
Lord Whitby Conno
Lord Whitty Labaye
Lord Wigley PC (front bench)aye
Baroness Wilcox Conno
Baroness Wilkins Labaye
Lord Williams of BaglanCrossbenchabsent
Baroness Williams of CrosbyLDemno
Lord Williams of ElvelLabaye
Lord Williamson of HortonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Williams of OystermouthCrossbenchabsent
Lord Willis of KnaresboroughLDem (front bench)no
Lord Willoughby de Broke UKIPabsent
Lord Wills Labaye
Lord Wilson of DintonCrossbenchabsent
Lord Wilson of TillyornCrossbenchabsent
The Bishop of WinchesterBishopabsent
Lord Winston Lab (minister)absent
Lord Wolfson of Aspley GuiseConno
Lord Wolfson of SunningdaleConabsent
Lord Wood of AnfieldLab (minister)absent
Lord Woolf Crossbench (front bench)absent
Lord Woolmer of LeedsLab (minister)aye
The Bishop of WorcesterBishopabsent
Baroness Worthington Lab (minister)aye
Lord Wrigglesworth LDemabsent
Lord Wright of RichmondCrossbenchabsent
The Archbishop of YorkBishopabsent
Viscount Younger of LeckieCon (front bench)no
Lord Young of GraffhamConabsent
Baroness Young of HornseyCrossbenchabsent
Lord Young of Norwood GreenLab (minister)aye
Baroness Young of Old SconeNon-affiliatedabsent

About the Project

The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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