Postal Services Bill — 11 Jul 2000 at 18:01
[Amendment No. 7 not moved.]
moved Amendment No. 8:
Page 35, line 7, leave out paragraph (c) and insert--
("(c) shall establish at least one committee, and may establish other committees, in relation to England (whether a committee for England or a committee for an area within England).").
On Question, amendment agreed to.
moved Amendment No. 9:
After Clause 67, insert the following new clause--
(" .--(1) Where the Post Office company or any relevant subsidiary enters into a notifiable transaction it must, as soon as practicable after the terms of that transaction have been agreed, issue a disclosure notice in accordance with this section.
(2) For the purposes of this section "notifiable transaction" means any acquisition or disposal of any undertaking or interest in any undertaking by the Post Office company or any relevant subsidiary which, if the acquisition or disposal was made by a listed company, would be a transaction in respect of which that company would need to give notification or make an announcement in accordance with the listing rules.
(3) A disclosure notice must include the same information regarding the transaction to which it relates as any notification or announcement under the listing rules would be required to include if the transaction was an acquisition or disposal which had been made by a listed company.
(4) A disclosure notice shall--
(a) be published in the London Gazette, the Edinburgh Gazette and the Belfast Gazette; and
(b) be published or disseminated in any other manner as the Secretary of State may prescribe.
(5) In this section--
"listed company" means a company any class of whose securities have been admitted to the official list; and
"listing rules" and "official list" have the same meaning as in Part VI of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.").
On Question, Whether the said amendment (No. 9) shall be agreed to?
Their Lordships divided: Contents, 103; Not-Contents, 190.
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