[S1M-1868] Decision Time — 26 Apr 2001 at 17:04
This looks like the vote on S1M-1868
The description in the bulletin on 2001-04-25 is:
*S1M-1868 Sarah Boyack: Rural Transport—That the Parliament welcomes the Executive’s commitment to improving transport in rural Scotland, notes the progress that has been made by investing in lifeline air and ferry services, rail and bus services, community transport, petrol stations and roads that serve remote and rural communities, and recognises the vital role that these record levels of investment play in improving people’s lives in rural Scotland. Supported by: Lewis Macdonald*
You can search for this motion (S1M-1868) on TheyWorkForYou
Text Introducing Division:
The final question is, that motion S1M-1868, in the name of Sarah Boyack, on rural transport, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
There will be a division.
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