[S2M-287] Decision Time — 3 Sep 2003 at 17:00
This looks like the vote on S2M-287
The description in the bulletin on 2003-09-02 is:
*S2M-287 Mr Jim Wallace: The Scottish Economy—That the Parliament supports the objective of achieving long term, sustainable growth in the Scottish economy; endorses the Scottish Executive's strategy, set out in Smart, Successful Scotland and A Partnership for A Better Scotland, as the best means of helping to achieve this growth; welcomes the support of Scottish business and academia for this strategy; recognises the need to create a spirit of entrepreneurship, promote innovations and encourage sensible risk taking; believes this can be achieved by building on the strength of our education system and research and development capability and through development of specific initiatives such as Enterprise in Education and the Green Jobs Strategy; reaffirms the Scottish Executive's commitment to remain focused on the delivery of this strategy while being responsive to ways in which it can be enhanced and refined, and looks forward to delivering increased prosperity as the basis for first-class service and a socially just Scotland.
You can search for this motion (S2M-287) on TheyWorkForYou
Text Introducing Division:
The fourth question is, that motion S2M-287, in the name of Jim Wallace, on the Scottish economy, be agreed to. Are we agreed?
There will be a division.
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