[S2M-806.2 (Amendment)] Decision Time — 22 Jan 2004 at 17:01

This looks like the vote on S2M-806.2

The description in the bulletin on 2004-01-22 is:

*S2M-806.2 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: Comprehensive Programme of Education Reforms-As an amendment to motion (S2M-806) in the name of Peter Peacock, leave out from first "and" to end and insert " for school education, but believes that the Scottish Executive's reform programme for school education is insufficient to deal with the inherent problems thrown up by Scotland's comprehensive system and that the Scottish educational system needs radical reform, and would therefore support any visit by the Minister for Education and Young People to New Zealand in order that he can be inspired by New Zealand's devolved and diverse system, where, for the last 16 years under Labour and Conservative governments, schools have been managed by local school boards and parents have chosen the schools that their children attend, similar to the schools passport policy advocated by Scottish Conservatives."

You can search for this motion (S2M-806.2) on TheyWorkForYou

Text Introducing Division:

The next question is, that amendment S2M-806.2, in the name of James Douglas-Hamilton, which seeks to amend motion S2M-806, in the name of Peter Peacock, on the comprehensive programme of education reforms, be agreed to. Are we agreed?


There will be a division.

Debate in Parliament | Historical Hansard | Source |

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All Votes Cast - sorted by vote

MPs for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party are marked in red. Also shows which MPs were ministers at the time of this vote. You can also see every eligible MP including those who did not vote in this division.

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Lord James [Missing last name for 80026]LothiansConaye
Ted BrocklebankMid Scotland and FifeConaye
David DavidsonNorth East ScotlandConaye
Murdo FraserMid Scotland and FifeConaye
Phil GallieSouth of ScotlandConaye
Annabel GoldieWest of ScotlandConaye
Jamie McGrigorHighlands and IslandsConaye
Nanette MilneNorth East ScotlandConaye
Margaret MitchellCentral ScotlandConaye
David MundellSouth of ScotlandConaye
Mary ScanlonHighlands and IslandsConaye
John ScottAyrConaye
Murray ToshWest of ScotlandConaye
Wendy AlexanderPaisley NorthLabno
Jackie BaillieDumbartonLabno
Richard BakerNorth East ScotlandLabno
Scott BarrieDunfermline WestLabno
Sarah BoyackEdinburgh CentralLabno
Rhona BrankinMidlothianLabno
Robert BrownGlasgowLDemno
Bill ButlerGlasgow AnnieslandLabno
Ms Rosemary ByrneSouth of Scotlandwhilst SSPno
Dennis CanavanFalkirk WestIndependentno
Malcolm ChisholmEdinburgh North and LeithLabno
Cathie CraigieCumbernauld and KilsythLabno
Bruce CrawfordMid Scotland and FifeSNPno
Roseanna CunninghamPerthSNPno
Frances CurranWest of ScotlandSSPno
Margaret CurranGlasgow BailliestonLabno
Susan DeaconEdinburgh East and MusselburghLabno
Helen EadieDunfermline EastLabno
Fergus EwingInverness East, Nairn and LochaberSNPno
Margaret EwingMoraySNPno
Patricia FergusonGlasgow MaryhillLabno
Colin FoxLothiansSSPno
Rob GibsonHighlands and IslandsSNPno
Karen GillonClydesdaleLabno
Marlyn GlenNorth East ScotlandLabno
Trish GodmanWest RenfrewshireLabno
Donald GorrieCentral ScotlandLDemno
Christine GrahameSouth of ScotlandSNPno
Hugh HenryPaisley SouthLabno
John Home RobertsonEast LothianLabno
Janis HughesGlasgow RutherglenLabno
Fiona HyslopLothiansSNPno
Adam IngramSouth of ScotlandSNPno
Gordon JacksonGlasgow GovanLabno
Sylvia JacksonStirlingLabno
Cathy JamiesonCarrick, Cumnock and Doon ValleyLabno
Margaret JamiesonKilmarnock and LoudounLabno
Andy KerrEast KilbrideLabno
Johann LamontGlasgow PollokLabno
Carolyn LeckieCentral ScotlandSSPno
Marilyn LivingstoneKirkcaldyLabno
Richard LochheadNorth East ScotlandSNPno
George LyonArgyll and ButeLDemno
Kenny MacAskillLothiansSNPno
Kenneth MacintoshEastwoodLabno
Kate MacleanDundee WestLabno
Maureen MacmillanHighlands and IslandsLabno
Campbell MartinWest of Scotlandwhilst SNPno
Paul MartinGlasgow SpringburnLabno
Tricia MarwickMid Scotland and FifeSNPno
Jim MatherHighlands and IslandsSNPno
Michael MathesonCentral ScotlandSNPno
Stewart MaxwellWest of ScotlandSNPno
Christine MayCentral FifeLabno
Frank McAveetyGlasgow ShettlestonLabno
Tom McCabeHamilton SouthLabno
Rt Hon Jack McConnellMotherwell and WishawLabno
Mr Bruce McFeeWest of ScotlandSNPno
Michael McMahonHamilton North and BellshillLabno
Duncan McNeilGreenock and InverclydeLabno
Pauline McNeillGlasgow KelvinLabno
Des McNultyClydebank and MilngavieLabno
Brian MonteithMid Scotland and Fifewhilst Conno
Alasdair MorganSouth of ScotlandSNPno
Alasdair MorrisonWestern IslesLabno
Bristow MuldoonLivingstonLabno
Mary MulliganLinlithgowLabno
Elaine MurrayDumfriesLabno
Alex NeilCentral ScotlandSNPno
Irene OldfatherCunninghame SouthLabno
Peter PeacockHighlands and IslandsLabno
Cathy PeattieFalkirk EastLabno
Mike PringleEdinburgh SouthLDemno
Jeremy PurvisTweeddale, Ettrick and LauderdaleLDemno
Nora RadcliffeGordonLDemno
Keith RaffanMid Scotland and FifeLDemno
Shona RobisonDundee EastSNPno
Euan RobsonRoxburgh and BerwickshireLDemno
Mike RumblesWest Aberdeenshire and KincardineLDemno
Tavish ScottShetland IslandsLDemno
Tommy SheridanGlasgowwhilst SSPno
Elaine SmithCoatbridge and ChrystonLabno
Iain SmithNorth East FifeLDemno
Margaret SmithEdinburgh WestLDemno
Stewart StevensonBanff and BuchanSNPno
Jamie StoneCaithness, Sutherland and Easter RossLDemno
Nicola SturgeonGlasgowSNPno
John SwinburneCentral ScotlandSSCUPno
John SwinneyNorth TaysideSNPno
Dr Jean TurnerStrathkelvin and BearsdenIndependentno
Jim WallaceOrkney IslandsLDemno
Mike WatsonGlasgow Cathcartwhilst Labno
Andrew WelshAngusSNPno
Karen WhitefieldAirdrie and ShottsLabno
Allan WilsonCunninghame NorthLabno
Shiona BairdNorth East ScotlandGreenabstention
Chris BallanceSouth of ScotlandGreenabstention
Mark BallardLothiansGreenabstention
Robin HarperLothiansGreenabstention
Patrick HarvieGlasgowGreenabstention
Mr Mark RuskellMid Scotland and FifeGreenabstention
Eleanor ScottHighlands and IslandsGreenabstention

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