Voting Record — MPs for South Northamptonshire

Sarah Bool

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

NameFromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)
Sarah Bool (show only their votes) 5 Jul 2024 still in office Con 0 votes out of 78, 0.0% 78 votes out of 100, 78.0%
Andrea Leadsom (show only their votes) 13 Dec 2019 30 May 2024 Con 6 votes out of 931, 0.6% 931 votes out of 1069, 87.1%
Andrea Leadsom (show only their votes) 9 Jun 2017 6 Nov 2019 Con 4 votes out of 407, 1.0% 407 votes out of 463, 87.9%
Andrea Leadsom (show only their votes) 8 May 2015 3 May 2017 Con 0 votes out of 380, 0.0% 380 votes out of 467, 81.4%
Andrea Leadsom (show only their votes) 6 May 2010 30 Mar 2015 Con 12 votes out of 1006, 1.2% 1006 votes out of 1239, 81.2%

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Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this MP's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this MP was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

Votes by Sarah Bool MP
HouseDateSubjectSarah BoolCon VoteRôle
no rebellions, never teller
Votes by Andrea Leadsom MP
HouseDateSubjectAndrea LeadsomCon VoteRôle
Commons7 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 9 - Offence of interference with access to or provision of abortion services minorityunknown Unknown
Commons18 Oct 2022Public Order Bill — New Clause 11 - Offence of interference with access to or provision of abortion services minorityaye Rebel
Commons14 Dec 2021Draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 minorityaye Rebel
Commons14 Dec 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Entry to Venues and Events) (England) Regulations 2021 (SI, 2021, No. 1416) minorityaye Rebel
Commons14 Dec 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 minorityaye Rebel
Commons27 Apr 2021Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021 minorityaye Rebel
Commons23 Jun 2020Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme — House of Commons Debates on Sanctions in Individual Cases Majorityno Rebel
Votes by Andrea Leadsom MP
HouseDateSubjectAndrea LeadsomCon VoteRôle
Commons9 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — New Clause 10 — International Obligations — Abortion — Sexual and Reproductive Health Majorityno Rebel
Commons16 Jul 2018Temporary Standing Order — European Statutory Instruments Committee — Membership — At Least Seven Women and At Least Seven Men Majorityno Rebel
Commons31 Jan 2018Restoration and Renewal — Lords and Commons Leaving the Palace of Westminister During Renovations Majorityno Rebel
Commons23 Jan 2018Appointment of Professor Sir Ian Kennedy as Electoral Commissioner minorityno Rebel
Votes by Andrea Leadsom MP
HouseDateSubjectAndrea LeadsomCon VoteRôle
no rebellions, never teller
Votes by Andrea Leadsom MP
HouseDateSubjectAndrea LeadsomCon VoteRôle
Commons3 Feb 2015Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation) Regulations 2015 minorityaye Rebel
Commons26 Jun 2013High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill — Second Reading minorityaye Rebel
Commons26 Jun 2013High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill — Decline Second Reading minorityno Rebel
Commons21 May 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Third Reading bothno Rebel
Commons20 May 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — New Clause 10 — Civil Partnerships for All Couples minorityno Rebel
Commons5 Feb 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Second Reading bothno Rebel
Commons18 Oct 2012Backbench Business — 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers minorityaye Rebel
Commons11 Jul 2012Sitting Times of the House of Commons on Tuesdays Majorityno Rebel
Commons11 Jul 2012House of Commons Sitting Start Time on Tuesdays Majorityaye Rebel
Commons30 Nov 2011Regulation of Hairdressers — Fines for Hairdressing Commercially Without a Licence minorityno Rebel
Commons24 Oct 2011National Referendum on the United Kingdom's Membership of the European Union minorityno Rebel
Commons7 Sep 2011Health and Social Care Bill 2011 — Independent Abortion Advice minorityno Rebel
Commons13 Jul 2011Youth Employment Bill — Youth Training and Employment — Bank Bonus Budget Tax Majorityno Rebel
Commons13 Oct 2010Public Houses and Private Members' Clubs (Smoking) Bill Majorityaye Rebel

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