Byron Davies MP, Gower

voted strongly against the policy

More powers for local councils

by scoring 17.0% compared to the votes below

Why Majority/minority instead of Aye/No?
HouseDateSubjectByron DaviesPolicy vote
Commons14 Oct 2015Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill — Decline Second Reading MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons21 Oct 2015Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill — Clause 3 — Make Creation of a Combined Authority Conditional on Having Elected Mayor Majorityminority
Commons10 Nov 2015Trade Union Bill — Clause 9 — Consent of Devolved Administrations and Local Government Majorityminority (strong)
Commons9 Mar 2016Enterprise Bill — Clause 33 — Powers for Local Government to Vary Sunday Opening Hours for Large Shops absentminority (strong)
Commons13 Apr 2016Schools White Paper — Academies Majorityminority (strong)
Commons3 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill — Clause 4 — Provision of Discounted Starter Homes Majorityminority (strong)
Commons3 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill — Clause 72 — Vacant High Value Local Authority Housing — Local Retention of Funds for Social Housing Majorityminority
Commons3 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill — Clause 78 — Mandatory Rent Level for High Income Local Authority Tenants Majorityminority (strong)
Commons9 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill — Clause 4 — Provision of Discounted Starter Homes Majorityminority (strong)
Commons9 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill — Clause 72 — Vacant High Value Local Authority Housing — Local Retention of Funds for Social Housing Majorityminority
Commons13 Dec 2016Neighbourhood Planning Bill — New Clause 9 — Requirement for Planning Permission for the Demolition or Change of Use of Drinking Establishments Majorityminority (strong)
Commons13 Dec 2016Neighbourhood Planning Bill — Clause 12 — Power for Secretary of State to Ban Certain Types of Planning Conditions in England Majorityminority
HouseDateSubjectLord Davies of GowerPolicy vote
no votes listed

How the number is calculated

The MP's votes count towards a weighted average where the most important votes get 50 points, less important votes get 10 points, and less important votes for which the MP was absent get 2 points. In important votes the MP gets awarded the full 50 points for voting the same as the policy, no points for voting against the policy, and 25 points for not voting. In less important votes, the MP gets 10 points for voting with the policy, no points for voting against, and 1 (out of 2) if absent.

Questions about this formula can be discussed on the forum.

No of votesPointsOut of
Most important votes (50 points)   
MP voted with policy15050
MP voted against policy60300
MP absent12550
Less important votes (10 points)   
MP voted with policy000
MP voted against policy4040
Less important absentees (2 points)   
MP absent*000

*Pressure of other work means MPs or Lords are not always available to vote – it does not always indicate they have abstained. Therefore, being absent on a less important vote makes a disproportionatly small difference.

agreement score
MP's points
total points
 = 17.0 %.

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