Voting Comparison — Mark Oaten MP, Winchester
to John Baron MP, Billericay

Mark Oaten

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
5 May 2005 12 Apr 2010 LDem 6 votes out of 389, 1.5% 389 votes out of 1288, 30.2% 0 times
7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 LDem 24 votes out of 696, 3.4% 696 votes out of 1246, 55.9% 0 times
20 Nov 1997 14 May 2001 LDem 12 votes out of 620, 1.9% 620 votes out of 1182, 52.5% 2 times
1 May 1997 6 Oct 1997 LDem 0 votes out of 39, 0.0% 39 votes out of 76, 51.3% 0 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectMark OatenJohn BaronRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectMark OatenJohn BaronRôle
Commons10 Mar 2005Support For Members Who Have Chosen Not To Take Their Seats Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons10 Mar 2005Support For Members Who Have Chosen Not To Take Their Seats Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons8 Mar 2005Road Safety Bill — New Clause 21 — outlaws modifications to vehicles that could increase injury minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons1 Mar 2005Constitutional Reform Bill [Lords] — [3rd Allotted Day] — Schedule 3 — Transfer of appointment functions to her majesty Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons21 Feb 2005Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill — New Clause 2 — Duty to keep land and highways clear of litter Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons21 Feb 2005Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons8 Dec 2004Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Bill (Programme) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Nov 2004Human Tissue Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons2 Nov 2004Children Bill [Lords] — New Clause 12 — Reasonable punishment Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons25 Oct 2004Wind Farms Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons25 Oct 2004University Admissions Policy Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons14 Sep 2004Higher Education minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons21 Jul 2004Fire and Rescue Services Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons21 Jul 2004Devolution Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons17 May 2004Local Government Finance minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons11 May 2004Housing Bill — New Clause 18 — Market plan for right to buy sales Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons4 May 2004Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Bill — [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Constituencies and Regions Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons28 Apr 2004Finance Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — Schedule 37 — Stamp Duty Land Tax and Stamp Duty Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons26 Apr 2004Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] — Clause 2 — Membership Of The Commission Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons30 Mar 2004Immigration Entry Clearance Standards Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons23 Mar 2004Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 36. Construction industry scheme Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons23 Mar 2004Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 36. Construction industry scheme Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons23 Mar 2004Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Mar 2004European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill — Lords Amendment 1B — Lords Disagreement and Reason Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Mar 2004Traffic Management Bill — Clause 84 — Financial Provisions Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Mar 2004Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Mar 2004Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons3 Mar 2004Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 — Renewal of indefinite detention minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons2 Mar 2004Pensions Bill (Programme) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons2 Mar 2004Pensions Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons1 Mar 2004Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, Etc.) Bill — Give support to failed asylum seekers and their families — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Feb 2004Local Taxation minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons21 Jan 2004Scottish Constituencies (Members' Voting Rights) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons14 Jan 2004Employment Relations Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons14 Jan 2004Employment Relations Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons9 Dec 2003Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 10 — Local Development Plan Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons8 Dec 2003Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill — [Ist Allotted Day] — New clause 1 — Planning Contribution Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons17 Nov 2003Courts Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Nov 2003Water Bill [Lords] — New Clause 2 — Commencement and Expiry of Licences Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2003Cannabis — reclassification from class B to class C Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2003European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons27 Oct 2003Health Care Targets Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons27 Oct 2003Defence Policy — NATO and Europe Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons16 Sep 2003Electricity Supply Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2003Programme Motions — Water Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Jul 2003Asylum (Designated States) (No. 2) Order 2003 minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons9 Jul 2003Convention on the Future of Europe Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons2 Jul 2003Road and Rail Transport Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons24 Jun 2003Anti-social Behaviour Bill — third reading— minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons24 Jun 2003Anti-social Behaviour Bill — Clause 29 — Dispersal of Groups and Removal of Persons Under 16 to Their Place of Residence minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Jun 2003Speaker's Absence Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Jun 2003Mersey Tunnels Bill (By Order) — Schedule 1 — Amendment of the 1980 Act: Levying, Revision and Application of Tolls Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons3 Jun 2003Fire Services Bill — Clause 1 — Powers of the Secretary of State Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons15 May 2003School Funding Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons29 Apr 2003Community Services Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons25 Mar 2003Extradition Bill — Clause 63 — Extradition Offences: Person Not Sentenced for Offence Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons10 Mar 2003Local Government Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 11 — Repeal of Section 2A of Local Government Act 1986 Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons4 Mar 2003Communications Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 22 — Limits on Ownership of National Daily and Sunday Newspapers Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons4 Mar 2003Communications Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 19 — National Advisory Committees minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons26 Feb 2003Iraq — Endorse UN Security Council Resolution 1441 — Final Opportunity for Iraq to Disarm minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons25 Feb 2003Communications Bill — 'Part 1A Channel 5 Services Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons12 Feb 2003Economy and Public Services Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 6 (60 per Cent. Elected) — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 4 (80 per Cent. Elected) — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 2 (100 per Cent. Elected) — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 1 (Fully Appointed) — rejected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — House of Lords to be abolished — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons3 Feb 2003European Parliament (Representation) Bill — Clause 2 — Electoral Commission Recommendations minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons20 Jan 2003Food Supplements Directive Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons15 Jan 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Bill — Clause 12 — Free Provision of Certain Community Care Services minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons14 Jan 2003Education (Northern Ireland) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons13 Jan 2003Drugs Policy Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons13 Jan 2003Drugs Policy Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons13 Jan 2003Criminal Justice System Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons9 Jan 2003Health (Wales) Bill — Clause 3 — Functions of the Centre Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons9 Jan 2003Health (Wales) Bill — Clause 2 — Wales Centre for Health Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons8 Jan 2003Foundation Hospitals Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons18 Dec 2002Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill — [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Referendums Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons17 Dec 2002Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill [Money] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons17 Dec 2002Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill (Programme) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons4 Dec 2002Deferred Divisions — Convention on the Future of Europe — Estimates, 2001–02 minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons4 Nov 2002Adoption and Children Bill — Suitability Of Adopters Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2002Programming Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2002Permanent Arrangements for Westminster Hall, Thursday Sittings and Standing Committees Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2002Carry-over of Bills Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2002Ministerial Statements proposals Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2002Modernisation of the House of Commons Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons29 Oct 2002Modernisation of the House of Commons Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons28 Oct 2002Access To Facilities Of The House Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons23 Oct 2002National Lottery Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons21 Oct 2002Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [Lords] — New Clause 2 — Commission of body to study the effects of Act Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons12 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 10 — Withholding and withdrawal of support minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons12 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — Allow the withdrawal of support from immigrants and asylum seekers in certain circumstances minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons11 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — Only allow destitute asylum seekers and those under residence restrictions to live in accommodation centres for a maximum of 10 weeks — rejected Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons11 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — [1st Allotted Day] — New Clause 8 — Compensation for depreciation of property value Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons10 Jun 2002National Insurance Contributions Bill — Schedule 1 — Consequential Amendments Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons10 Jun 2002National Insurance Contributions Bill — Clause 2 — Secondary Class 1 contributions Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons10 Jun 2002National Insurance Contributions Bill — Clause 2 — Secondary Class 1 contributions Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons10 Jun 2002National Insurance Contributions Bill — [Sir Michael Lord in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Primary Class 1 contributions Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons13 May 2002National Insurance Contributions Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons8 May 2002Finance Bill — Clause 26 — Charge and rates for 2002–03 minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons29 Apr 2002Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [Lords] (Programme) — Consideration and Third Reading Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Apr 2002Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons23 Apr 2002Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons23 Apr 2002Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons23 Apr 2002Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Apr 2002Selective Schools (Transitional Arrangements) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons27 Feb 2002Proceeds of Crime Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — Clause 352 — Disclosure orders Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons12 Feb 2002Employment Bill — Third Reading Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons6 Feb 2002Education Bill — Abolish selection by aptitude in state schools — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons6 Feb 2002Education Bill — No requirements of attendance at a place of religious worship (No. 2) — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons6 Feb 2002Education Bill — No requirements of attendance at a place of religious worship — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons9 Jan 2002Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Bill — [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Extension of amnesty period Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons18 Dec 2001Facilities of the House Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Nov 2001Human Reproductive Cloning Bill [Lords] (Allocation of Time) — Miscellaneous bothno absent
Commons13 Nov 2001Railtrack Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons17 Oct 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill — [4th Allotted Day] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons18 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill — New Clause 12 — Referendum (No. 1) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons18 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill — New Clause 7 — Western European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons17 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Incorporation of provisions of the Treaty of Nice Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Jul 2001Select Committees — Accommodation and Works — Treasury Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons16 Jul 2001Select Committees — Accommodation and Works — Transport, Local Government and the Regions minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons11 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill — 1st Allotted Day — [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Incorporation of provisions of the Treaty of Nice Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons4 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons4 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons27 Jun 2001Home Affairs and Constitution minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons27 Jun 2001Home Affairs and Constitution Majorityaye disagrees with policy
HouseDateSubjectMark OatenJohn BaronRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectMark OatenJohn BaronRôle
no votes listed

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