Voting Comparison — Roger Gale MP, North Thanet
to Mark Francois MP, Rayleigh

Roger Gale

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

ConstituencyFromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
Herne Bay and Sandwich 5 Jul 2024 still in office Con 0 votes out of 6, 0.0% 6 votes out of 15, 40.0% 0 times
North Thanet 13 Dec 2019 30 May 2024 Con 21 votes out of 490, 4.3% 490 votes out of 1069, 45.8% 0 times
North Thanet 9 Jun 2017 6 Nov 2019 Con 7 votes out of 363, 1.9% 363 votes out of 463, 78.4% 0 times
North Thanet 8 May 2015 3 May 2017 Con 2 votes out of 296, 0.7% 296 votes out of 467, 63.4% 0 times
North Thanet 6 May 2010 30 Mar 2015 Con 13 votes out of 630, 2.1% 630 votes out of 1239, 50.8% 2 times
North Thanet 5 May 2005 12 Apr 2010 Con 5 votes out of 729, 0.7% 729 votes out of 1288, 56.6% 0 times
North Thanet 7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 Con 25 votes out of 783, 3.2% 783 votes out of 1246, 62.8% 3 times
North Thanet 1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Con 16 votes out of 713, 2.2% 713 votes out of 1273, 56.0% 1 time

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
Commons26 Jan 2005Car Mileage Allowance minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons18 Nov 2004Hunting Bill bothaye absent
Commons16 Nov 2004Hunting Bill — Clause 1 — Hunting wild mammals with dogs Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Nov 2004Hunting Bill — Clause 1 — Hunting wild mammals with dogs Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons16 Nov 2004Hunting Bill — Clause 1 — Hunting wild mammals with dogs Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Nov 2004Hunting Bill — Clause 1 — Hunting wild mammals with dogs Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2004Hunting Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2004Hunting Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons28 Jun 2004Human Tissue Bill — New Clause 1 — Determination of consent for removal, storage and use of organs from Adults for purpose of transplantation minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons24 May 2004Civil Contingencies Bill — New Clause 3 — Emergency Powers Committee minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons24 May 2004Civil Contingencies Bill — New Clause 2 — Emergency Public Education And Training Board minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons24 May 2004Civil Contingencies Bill — New Clause 1 — Emergency Volunteer Reserve minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons13 May 2004Child Trust Funds Bill — Clause 10 — Further Contributions by Inland Revenue minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons13 May 2004Child Trust Funds Bill (Programme) (No. 3) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons11 May 2004Housing Bill (Programme) (No. 2) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons22 Apr 2004Points of Order minorityno disagrees with policy
Commons29 Mar 2004Employment Relations Bill — Clause 34 — Information and Consultation: Great Britain minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons29 Mar 2004Employment Relations Bill — Clause 34 — Information and Consultation: Great Britain minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons29 Mar 2004Employment Relations Bill — New Clause 2 — Intimidation minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons29 Mar 2004European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons23 Mar 2004Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 36. Construction industry scheme minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons15 Mar 2004Fire and Rescue Services Bill — New Clause 7 — Directions Relating to Particular Classes of Fires and Emergencies minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons15 Mar 2004Fire and Rescue Services Bill — New Clause 5 — Regional Management Structures minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons15 Mar 2004Fire and Rescue Services Bill — New Clause 4 — Limitation on Power to Authorise Charging minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons15 Mar 2004Fire and Rescue Services Bill — New Clause 1 — Fire And Rescue National Framework — Scrutiny minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons8 Mar 2004European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill — Clause 2 — Pilot Order minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Mar 2004European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill — Clause 2 — Pilot Order minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Mar 2004European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill — Clause 1 — Piloting Conduct at European and Local Elections minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Mar 2004European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill (Programme) (No. 3) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons3 Mar 2004Protection of Vulnerable Children minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons1 Mar 2004Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, Etc.) Bill — New Clause 8 — Initial decisions minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons1 Mar 2004Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, Etc.) Bill — Clause 11 — Unification of appeal system minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons9 Feb 2004Employment Relations Bill (Programme) (No.2) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons9 Feb 2004Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Bill (Programme) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons9 Feb 2004Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Bill minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons2 Feb 2004Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Bill — Clause 15 — Abolition of levy minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons2 Feb 2004Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Bill — Clause 8 — Exclusive licence minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons26 Jan 2004Fire and Rescue Services Bill minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons21 Jan 2004Scottish Constituencies (Members' Voting Rights) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Jan 2004Civil Contingencies Bill (Programme) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons12 Jan 2004Housing Bill minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons12 Jan 2004Housing Bill minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons5 Jan 2004Traffic Management Bill (Programme) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons5 Jan 2004Traffic Management Bill minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons4 Dec 2003The Economy minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons27 Oct 2003Health Care Targets minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons27 Oct 2003Health Care Targets minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons27 Oct 2003Defence Policy — NATO and Europe minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons16 Sep 2003EU Constitution minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons16 Sep 2003EU Constitution minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons16 Sep 2003Electricity Supply minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2003Local Government Bill — Before Clause 25 minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2003Local Government Bill — Clause 11 — Use of Capital Receipts minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2003Local Government Bill (Programme) (No. 4) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons15 Sep 2003Programme Motions — Water Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Sep 2003Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill (Programme) (No. 2) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Sep 2003Water Bill [Lords] (Programme) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Sep 2003Water Bill minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons9 Jul 2003Hunting Bill — New Clause 1 — Compensation Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons8 Jul 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill (Programme) (No. 2) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons7 Jul 2003Tax Credits minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons7 Jul 2003Tax Credits minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons7 Jul 2003Government Targets minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons30 Jun 2003Hunting Bill — New Clause 14 — Registration in Respect of Hunting of Mink Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons30 Jun 2003Hunting Bill — New Clause 11 — Registration in Respect of Hunting of Foxes Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons30 Jun 2003Hunting Bill — New Clause 6 — Use of Dogs Below Ground (No. 2) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons25 Jun 2003Fair Trade minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons25 Jun 2003Tuition Fees minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons24 Jun 2003Anti-social Behaviour Bill (Programme) (No. 2) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons23 Jun 2003Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons17 Jun 2003Government Reshuffle minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons11 Jun 2003Post Office Card Accounts minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons11 Jun 2003Post Office Card Accounts minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons11 Jun 2003European Treaty Referendum minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons11 Jun 2003European Treaty Referendum minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons12 May 2003Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) Bill (Allocation of Time) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons7 May 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill (Programme) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons7 May 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons14 Apr 2003Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 25. Corporation Tax (Charge And Rate For 2004) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons2 Apr 2003Criminal Justice Bill — Clause 85 — Defendant's Bad Character minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons2 Apr 2003Criminal Justice Bill — Clause 99 — Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons2 Apr 2003Criminal Justice Bill minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons1 Apr 2003Crime (International Co-Operation) Bill [Lords] (Programme) minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Mar 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill — After Clause 4 minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Mar 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill — Clause 3 — Duties Arising Where a Notice Under Section 2 is Given minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Mar 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill — Clause 3 — Duties Arising Where a Notice Under Section 2 is Given minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Mar 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill — Clause 2 — Notice of Patient's Possible Need for Community Care Services minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Mar 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill — Clause 2 — Notice of Patient's Possible Need for Community Care Services minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons19 Mar 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill — Clause 2 — Notice of Patient's Possible Need for Community Care Services minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons5 Mar 2003Local Government Bill — [1st Allotted Day] — Clause 77 — Statutory Revaluation Cycle minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons5 Mar 2003Local Government Bill — [1st Allotted Day] — New Clause 8 — Council Tax and Regional Bodies minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons5 Mar 2003Local Government Bill — [1st Allotted Day] — New Clause 3 — Use of Housing Capital Receipts — Reserved Portion minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons12 Feb 2003Mid-Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons12 Feb 2003Mid-Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons12 Feb 2003Economy and Public Services minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons12 Feb 2003Economy and Public Services minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons5 Feb 2003Local Government Finance minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons16 Jan 2003Fisheries minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons15 Jan 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Bill — Clause 12 — Free Provision of Certain Community Care Services minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons15 Jan 2003Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Bill — Clause 4 — Liability to make Delayed Discharge Payments minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons8 Jan 2003Foundation Hospitals minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons8 Jan 2003Foundation Hospitals minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons16 Dec 2002Hunting Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons16 Dec 2002Hunting Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons12 Dec 2002Environment, Food and Rural Affairs minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons12 Dec 2002Environment, Food and Rural Affairs minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons20 Nov 2002Home Affairs minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons6 Nov 2002Animal Health Bill — Clause 7 — Slaughter: Power of Entry minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons6 Nov 2002Animal Health Bill — Clause 7 — Slaughter: Power of Entry minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons6 Nov 2002Animal Health Bill — New Clause minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons6 Nov 2002Animal Health Bill — New Clause minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons6 Nov 2002Animal Health Bill — Clause 1 — Foot-and-Mouth Disease minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons30 Oct 2002Enterprise Bill — Clause 1 — Office of Fair Trading minoritytellno agrees with policy
Commons23 Oct 2002National Lottery minoritytellaye agrees with policy
Commons18 Mar 2002Hunting with Dogs: Ban Majorityno disagrees with policy
Commons11 Jul 2001Deferred Divisions — Education — Northern Ireland minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons11 Jul 2001Deferred Divisions — Education — Northern Ireland minorityaye disagrees with policy
Commons5 Jul 2001Parliamentary Pensions Majorityno disagrees with policy
HouseDateSubjectRoger GaleMark FrancoisRôle
no votes listed

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