Online Safety Bill — Report (5th Day) — Amendment 258ZA — 19 Jul 2023 at 19:00

Moved by Lord Allan of Hallam

258ZA: After Clause 114, insert the following new Clause-“Review by the Information Commissioner of notices under Section 111(1)(1) Where a provider believes that a notice it has been given under section 111(1) will have a material impact on the private communications of its users, it may request a review by the Information Commissioner.(2) The review must consider the compatibility of the notice with-(a) the Human Rights Act 1998,(b) the Data Protection Act 2018,(c) the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and(d) any other legislation the Information Commissioner considers relevant.(3) In carrying out the review, the Information Commissioner must consult-(a) OFCOM,(b) the provider,(c) UK users of the provider’s service, and (d) such other persons as the Information Commissioner considers appropriate.(4) Following a review under subsection (1) the Information Commissioner must publish a report including-(a) their determination of the compatibility of the notice with relevant legislation,(b) their reasons for making such a determination, and(c) their advice to OFCOM in respect of the drafting and implementation of the notice.”Member’s explanatory statementThis amendment would give providers a right to request an assessment by the ICO of the compatibility of a section 111 order with UK privacy legislation.

Ayes 70, Noes 178.

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Lord Aberdare Crossbenchno
Lord Addington LDemaye
Lord Agnew of OultonConno
Lord Ahmad of WimbledonConno
Lord Allan of HallamLDemaye
Lord Altrincham Conno
Baroness Anelay of St JohnsConno
Lord Arbuthnot of EdromConno
Lord Ashton of HydeConno
Earl Attlee Conno
Lord Bailey of PaddingtonConno
Lord Balfe Conno
Baroness Barker LDemaye
Baroness Barran Conno
Lord Beith LDemaye
Lord Bellamy Conno
Lord Bellingham Conno
Baroness Bennett of Manor CastleGreenaye
Lord Benyon Conno
Baroness Blackwood of North OxfordConno
Lord Blencathra Conno
Baroness Bloomfield of Hinton WaldristConno
Lord Blunkett Labaye
Lord Boateng Labaye
Baroness Bonham-Carter of YarnburyLDemaye
Baroness Bottomley of NettlestoneConno
Lord Bourne of AberystwythConno
Baroness Bowles of BerkhamstedLDemaye
Baroness Brady Conno
Baroness Brinton LDemaye
Lord Brownlow of Shurlock RowConno
Lord Caine Conno
The Earl of CaithnessConno
Lord Callanan Conno
Lord Campbell-Savours Labaye
Lord Campbell of PittenweemLDemaye
Viscount Camrose Conno
Lord Carlile of BerriewCrossbenchno
Lord Carrington of FulhamConno
Earl Cathcart Conno
Lord Chadlington Conno
Lord Clement-Jones LDemaye
Lord Colgrain Conno
The Earl of CourtownContellno
Baroness Cox Crossbenchno
Viscount Craigavon Crossbenchno
Lord Craig of RadleyCrossbenchno
Lord Davies of GowerConno
Lord de Mauley Conno
Lord Deben Conno
Baroness Deech Crossbenchaye
Lord Dholakia LDemaye
Lord Dodds of DuncairnDUPno
Lord Donoughue Labaye
Lord Duncan of SpringbankConno
The Earl of DundeeConno
Lord Dunlop Conno
Baroness Eaton Conno
Viscount Eccles Conno
The Earl of EffinghamConno
The Earl of ErrollCrossbenchaye
Baroness Evans of Bowes ParkConno
Lord Evans of RainowConno
Lord Fairfax of CameronConno
Baroness Falkner of MargravineCrossbenchaye
Baroness Fall Conno
Baroness Finlay of LlandaffCrossbenchaye
Baroness Fleet Conno
Lord Forsyth of DrumleanConno
Lord Foster of BathLDemaye
Baroness Foster of OxtonConno
Lord Fox LDemaye
Baroness Fox of BuckleyNon-affiliatedaye
Baroness Fraser of CraigmaddieConno
Lord Frost Conno
Lord Gadhia Non-affiliatedno
Baroness Garden of FrognalLDemaye
Lord Garnier Conno
Lord Gascoigne Conno
Lord German LDemaye
Lord Glenarthur Conno
Lord Goddard of StockportLDemaye
Lord Godson Conno
Baroness Goldie Conno
Viscount Goschen Conno
Lord Greenhalgh Conno
Baroness Grender LDemaye
Lord Grimstone of BoscobelConno
Lord Hamilton of EpsomConno
Baroness Hamwee LDemaye
Lord Hannay of ChiswickCrossbenchaye
Baroness Harding of WinscombeConno
Lord Harlech Conno
Baroness Harris of RichmondLDemaye
Lord Hayward Conno
Baroness Helic Conno
Lord Herbert of South DownsConno
Lord Hintze Conno
Baroness Hodgson of AbingerConno
Baroness Hoey Non-affiliatedaye
Lord Holmes of RichmondConno
Baroness Hooper Conno
Lord Hope of CraigheadJudgeno
Lord Horam Conno
Lord Howard of LympneConno
Lord Howard of RisingConno
Earl Howe Conno
Lord Howell of GuildfordConno
Baroness Humphreys LDemtellaye
Baroness Hunt of Bethnal GreenCrossbenchaye
Lord Hunt of WirralConno
Lord Hussain LDemaye
Baroness Hussein-Ece LDemaye
Baroness Jenkin of KenningtonConno
Lord Johnson of LainstonConno
Lord Jopling Conno
Lord Keen of ElieConno
Lord King of BridgwaterConno
Lord Kirkham Conno
Lord Kirkhope of HarrogateConno
Baroness Kramer LDemaye
Lord Lamont of LerwickConno
Baroness Lampard Conno
Lord Lancaster of KimboltonConno
Lord Lansley Conno
Baroness Lawlor Conno
Lord Layard Labaye
Baroness Lea of LymmConno
Lord Leigh of HurleyConno
Lord Levy Labaye
Lord Lexden Conno
Lord Lilley Conno
Lord Lingfield Conno
The Earl of LiverpoolConno
Lord Lucas Conno
Baroness Ludford LDemaye
The Earl of LyttonCrossbenchno
Lord Mancroft Conno
Baroness Manzoor Conno
Lord Markham Conno
Lord Marlesford Conno
Lord Maude of HorshamConno
Lord Mawson Crossbenchno
Lord McCrea of Magherafelt and CookstownDUPno
Baroness McGregor-Smith Conno
Lord McInnes of KilwinningConno
Baroness McIntosh of PickeringConno
Lord McLoughlin Conno
Lord McNally LDemaye
Baroness Meyer Conno
The Earl of MintoConno
Baroness Mobarik Conno
The Duke of MontroseConno
Baroness Morris of BoltonConno
Lord Mott Conno
Lord Moynihan Conno
Lord Murray of BlidworthConno
Lord Naseby Conno
Baroness Neville-Jones Conno
Baroness Neville-Rolfe Conno
Lord Newby LDemaye
Baroness Nicholson of WinterbourneConno
Baroness Noakes Conno
Lord Norton of LouthConno
Lord Oates LDemaye
Lord Offord of GarvelConno
Lord Paddick LDemaye
Lord Palmer of Childs HillLDemaye
Lord Parkinson of Whitley BayConno
Baroness Penn Conno
Lord Pickles Conno
Baroness Pinnock LDemaye
Lord Popat Conno
Lord Porter of SpaldingConno
Lord Purvis of TweedLDemaye
Lord Ranger Conno
Lord Razzall LDemaye
Lord Reay Conno
Lord Redesdale LDemaye
Baroness Redfern Conno
Lord Remnant Conno
Lord Rennard LDemaye
Lord Risby Conno
Lord Robathan Conno
Lord Roberts of BelgraviaConno
Lord Roborough Conno
Baroness Rock Conno
Earl Russell LDemaye
Baroness Sanderson of WeltonConno
Lord Sandhurst Conno
Baroness Sater Conno
Baroness Scott of BybrookConno
Baroness Scott of Needham MarketLDemaye
Baroness Seccombe Conno
Baroness Shackleton of BelgraviaConno
Lord Sharkey LDemaye
Lord Sharpe of EpsomConno
Baroness Sheehan LDemaye
Lord Sherbourne of DidsburyConno
Lord Shinkwin Conno
Lord Shipley LDemaye
Lord Smith of FinsburyNon-affiliatedaye
Lord Smith of HindheadConno
Baroness Smith of NewnhamLDemaye
Baroness Stedman-Scott Conno
Lord Sterling of PlaistowConno
Lord Stewart of DirletonConno
Lord Stoneham of DroxfordLDemtellaye
Lord Strasburger LDemaye
Lord Strathcarron Conno
Baroness Stroud Conno
Baroness Stuart of EdgbastonNon-affiliatedno
Lord Stunell LDemaye
Baroness Sugg Conno
Baroness Suttie LDemaye
Baroness Swinburne Conno
Lord Swire Conno
Lord Taylor of HolbeachConno
Lord Taylor of WarwickNon-affiliatedno
Lord Thomas of GresfordLDemaye
Baroness Thomas of WinchesterLDemaye
Baroness Thornhill LDemaye
Lord Tope LDemaye
Viscount Trenchard Conno
Lord True Conno
Lord Truscott Non-affiliatedaye
Lord Tugendhat Conno
Baroness Uddin Non-affiliatedaye
Lord Udny-Lister Conno
Lord Vaizey of DidcotConno
Baroness Vere of NorbitonConno
Lord Verjee LDemaye
Baroness Verma Conno
Lord Wallace of SaltaireLDemaye
Baroness Walmsley LDemaye
Baroness Watkins of TavistockCrossbenchaye
Viscount Waverley Crossbenchno
Lord Wei Conno
Lord Weir of BallyholmeDUPno
Lord Wharton of YarmConno
Lord Whitby Conno
Lord Willetts Conno
Baroness Williams of TraffordContellno
Lord Wrigglesworth LDemaye
Lord Wrottesley Conno
Baroness Wyld Conno
Lord Young of CookhamConno
Viscount Younger of LeckieConno

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