Extradition Bill — 12 Nov 2003 at 17:28

Read a third time.

Clause 2 [Part 1 warrant and certificate]:

moved Amendment No. 1:

Page 2, line 9, leave out "with a view to" and insert "for"

On Question, Whether the said amendment (No. 1) shall be agreed to?

Their Lordships divided: Contents, 110; Not-Contents, 161.

Debate in Parliament | Historical Hansard | Source |

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All Votes Cast - sorted by name

Lords for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party are marked in red. Also shows which lords were ministers at the time of this vote. You can also see every eligible lord including those who did not vote in this division.

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Lord Acton Labno
Lord Addington LDemno
Lord Ahmed Lab (minister)no
Lord Alli Labno
Lord Alton of LiverpoolCrossbenchaye
Baroness Amos Lab (minister)no
Baroness Andrews Lab (minister)no
Baroness Anelay of St JohnsConaye
Lord Astor of HeverConaye
Earl Attlee Conaye
Lord Avebury LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Barker LDem (front bench)no
Lord Barnett Lab (minister)no
Lord Bassam of BrightonLab (minister)no
Lord Beaumont of WhitleyGreenno
Lord Bernstein of CraigweilLabno
Lord Biffen Conaye
Baroness Billingham Lab (minister)no
Baroness Blackstone Labno
Baroness Blatch Con (front bench)aye
Viscount Bledisloe Crossbenchaye
Lord Boston of FavershamCrossbenchno
Lord Bragg Labno
Lord Brennan Lab (minister)no
Lord Brett Labno
Viscount Bridgeman Conaye
Lord Bridges Crossbenchno
Lord Brooke of AlverthorpeLab (minister)no
Lord Brooke of Sutton MandevilleCon (front bench)aye
Lord Brookman Labno
Lord Brooks of TremorfaLabno
Lord Brougham and Vaux Con (front bench)aye
Lord Burlison Labno
Baroness Byford Conaye
The Earl of CaithnessCon (front bench)aye
Lord Campbell-Savours Labno
Lord Campbell of AllowayCon (front bench)aye
Lord Carlisle of BucklowConaye
Baroness Carnegy of LourConaye
Lord Carter Lab (minister)no
Viscount Chandos Labno
Lord Chorley Crossbenchno
Lord Christopher Lab (minister)no
Lord Clarke of HampsteadLabno
Lord Clark of WindermereLabno
Lord Clinton-Davis Lab (minister)no
Lord Cobbold Crossbench (front bench)aye
Viscount Colville of CulrossCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Colwyn Con (front bench)aye
Lord Cope of BerkeleyCon (front bench)tellaye
Lord Corbett of Castle ValeLabno
Viscount Craigavon Crossbench (front bench)aye
Baroness Crawley Lab (minister)no
Lord Crickhowell Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Darcy de Knayth Crossbenchno
Lord Davies of OldhamLab (minister)tellno
Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-FyldeLabno
Lord Denham Con (front bench)aye
The Bishop of DerbyBishopno
Lord Desai Lab (minister)no
Lord Dholakia LDem (front bench)no
Lord Dixon Labno
Lord Dixon-Smith Conaye
Lord Donaldson of LymingtonCrossbenchaye
Lord Donoughue Lab (minister)no
Lord Dormand of EasingtonLabno
Lord Dubs Lab (minister)no
The Earl of DundeeCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Eccles of MoultonConaye
Lord Eden of WintonConaye
Lord Elder Lab (minister)no
Baroness Elles Conaye
Lord Elliott of MorpethConaye
Lord Elton Con (front bench)aye
The Earl of ErrollCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Evans of ParksideLab (minister)no
Lord Evans of Temple GuitingLab (minister)no
Lord Falconer of ThorotonLab (minister)no
Baroness Farrington of RibbletonLab (minister)no
Lord Faulkner of WorcesterLab (minister)no
Lord Filkin Lab (minister)no
Lord Fowler Conaye
Baroness Gale Lab (minister)no
Baroness Gardner of ParkesCon (front bench)aye
Lord Garel-Jones Conaye
Lord Geddes Con (front bench)aye
Lord Geraint LDemno
Baroness Gibson of Market RasenLab (minister)no
Lord Gilbert Labno
Lord Gilmour of CraigmillarConaye
Lord Glenarthur Conaye
Lord Glentoran Conaye
Baroness Golding Lab (minister)no
Lord Goldsmith Lab (minister)no
Lord Goodhart LDem (front bench)no
Lord Gordon of StrathblaneLabno
Viscount Goschen Conaye
Baroness Goudie Lab (minister)no
Baroness Gould of PotternewtonLab (minister)no
Lord Grabiner Labno
Lord Graham of EdmontonLab (minister)no
Lord Grantchester Labno
Lord Greenway Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Grocott Lab (minister)tellno
Baroness Hamwee LDemno
Baroness Hanham Conaye
Lord Hannay of ChiswickCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Harris of HaringeyLabno
Lord Harrison Lab (minister)no
Baroness Harris of RichmondLDem (front bench)no
Lord Haskel Lab (minister)no
Lord Hayhoe Conaye
Baroness Hayman Labno
Lord Henley Conaye
Lord Higgins Conaye
Lord Hodgson of Astley AbbottsConaye
Lord Hogg of CumbernauldLabno
Baroness Hooper Con (front bench)aye
Earl Howe Conaye
Lord Howe of AberavonCon (front bench)aye
Lord Howell of GuildfordCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Howells of St DavidsLab (minister)no
Lord Howie of TroonLabno
Lord Hoyle Labno
Lord Hughes of WoodsideLabno
Lord Hunt of Kings HeathLabno
Lord Hunt of WirralCon (front bench)aye
Lord Inglewood Conaye
Lord Irvine of LairgLabno
Lord Janner of BraunstoneLab (minister)no
Lord Jenkin of RodingConaye
Lord Jones Labno
Lord Jopling Con (front bench)aye
Lord Jordan Lab (minister)no
Lord Judd Lab (minister)no
Lord Kimball Con (front bench)aye
Lord King of BridgwaterCon (front bench)aye
Lord King of West BromwichLab (minister)no
Lord Kirkhill Labno
Baroness Knight of CollingtreeCon (front bench)aye
Lord Lamont of LerwickCon (front bench)aye
Lord Lang of MonktonCon (front bench)aye
Lord Layard Labno
Lord Lea of CrondallLab (minister)no
Lord Lester of Herne HillLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Linklater of ButterstoneLDemno
The Earl of LiverpoolConaye
Lord Lofthouse of PontefractLabno
Lord Luke Con (front bench)aye
Lord Lyell Conaye
Lord Macdonald of TradestonLabno
Lord MacGregor of Pulham MarketCon (front bench)aye
Lord MacKenzie of CulkeinLabno
Lord Mackenzie of FramwellgateLabno
Lord Mackie of BenshieLDemno
Lord MacLaurin of KnebworthConaye
Baroness Mallalieu Lab (minister)no
The Earl of Mar and KellieLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Masham of IltonCrossbenchaye
Lord Mason of BarnsleyLabno
Baroness Massey of DarwenLab (minister)no
Lord Mayhew of TwysdenCon (front bench)aye
Lord McAlpine of West GreenOtheraye
Lord McIntosh of HaringeyLab (minister)no
Baroness McIntosh of HudnallLab (minister)no
Lord McNally LDemno
Lord Merlyn-Rees Labno
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne DomerLDemno
Baroness Miller of HendonConaye
Lord Mishcon Labno
Lord Mitchell Lab (minister)no
Lord Monro of LangholmConaye
Lord Monson Crossbenchaye
The Duke of MontroseConaye
Lord Morgan Lab (minister)no
Lord Morris of AberavonLabno
Lord Morris of ManchesterLabno
Lord Mowbray and Stourton Conaye
Lord Moynihan Conaye
Lord Murray of Epping ForestLabno
Lord Newby LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Nicol Lab (minister)no
Baroness Noakes Conaye
Lord Northbrook Conaye
The Earl of NortheskConaye
Lord Norton of LouthCon (front bench)aye
The Earl of OnslowConaye
Lord Palmer Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Parekh Lab (minister)no
Lord Parkinson Conaye
Baroness Park of MonmouthConaye
Lord Patel of BlackburnLabno
Lord Patten Conaye
Lord Pearson of RannochCon (front bench)aye
Earl Peel Conaye
Lord Pendry Labno
Lord Pilkington of OxenfordCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Pitkeathley Lab (minister)no
Lord Plant of HighfieldLabno
Baroness Platt of WrittleCon (front bench)aye
Lord Plumb Conaye
Lord Prys-Davies Labno
Lord Quinton Conaye
Lord Radice Lab (minister)no
Baroness Rawlings Conaye
Lord Rea Lab (minister)no
Lord Reay Conaye
Lord Rees Conaye
Baroness Rendell of BaberghLab (minister)no
Lord Rennard LDemno
Lord Renton Conaye
Lord Richard Labno
Lord Roberts of ConwyConaye
Lord Rodgers of Quarry BankLDem (front bench)no
Lord Rogan UUPaye
Lord Rooker Lab (minister)no
Lord Roper LDem (front bench)no
Earl Russell LDemno
Lord Sainsbury of TurvilleLab (minister)no
Lady Saltoun of AbernethyCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Sawyer Labno
Baroness Scotland of AsthalLab (minister)no
Baroness Scott of Needham MarketLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Seccombe Contellaye
Baroness Sharp of GuildfordLDemno
Baroness Sharples Conaye
Lord Shaw of NorthsteadCon (front bench)aye
Lord Sheldon Labno
Lord Shutt of GreetlandLDem (front bench)no
Viscount Simon Lab (minister)no
Lord Skelmersdale Con (front bench)aye
Viscount Slim Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Soulsby of Swaffham PriorCon (front bench)aye
Lord St John of BletsoCrossbenchno
Lord Stewartby Conaye
Lord Stoddart of SwindonIndependent Labouraye
Lord Stone of BlackheathLabno
Baroness Strange Crossbenchno
Lord Swinfen Conaye
Baroness Symons of Vernham DeanLab (minister)no
Lord Taylor of BlackburnLabno
Lord Temple-Morris Lab (minister)no
Lord Thomas of GresfordLDem (front bench)no
Lord Thomas of GwydirConaye
Baroness Thomas of WalliswoodLDemno
Baroness Thornton Labno
Lord Tomlinson Labno
Lord Tordoff LDem (front bench)no
Baroness Trumpington Con (front bench)aye
Lord Tugendhat Conaye
Lord Turnberg Lab (minister)no
Baroness Turner of CamdenLabno
Viscount Ullswater Conaye
Lord Vivian Con (front bench)aye
Lord Waddington Con (front bench)aye
Lord Wade of ChorltonCon (front bench)aye
Lord Wakeham Conaye
Lord Wallace of SaltaireLDem (front bench)no
Baroness Walmsley LDem (front bench)no
Lord Warner Lab (minister)no
Baroness Warwick of UndercliffeLab (minister)no
Lord Watson of RichmondLDemno
Lord Weatherill Crossbench (front bench)no
Lord Wedderburn of CharltonLabaye
Baroness Whitaker Lab (minister)no
Lord Whitty Lab (minister)no
Baroness Wilkins Lab (minister)no
Baroness Williams of CrosbyLDem (front bench)no
Lord Williams of ElvelLab (minister)no
Lord Williamson of HortonCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Woolmer of LeedsLab (minister)no

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