Terrorism Bill — 17 Jan 2006 at 18:43

moved Amendment No. 16:

Page 2, line 29, after "circumstances" insert "of the statement's publication"

On Question, amendment agreed to.

Clause 2 <[i>Dissemination of terrorist publications]:

moved Amendment No. 17:

Page 2, line 45, at end insert-

"( ) A person commits an offence under this section if he disseminates a terrorist publication and either-

(a) he does so with the intention of directly or indirectly encouraging or inducing the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism, or of providing information with a view to its use in the commission or preparation of such acts, or

(b) he is reckless as to whether the dissemination of that publication will have such an effect."

On Question, Whether the said amendment (No. 17) shall be agreed to?

Their Lordships divided: Contents, 234; Not-Contents, 134

Debate in Parliament | Source |

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All Votes Cast - sorted by name

Lords for which their vote in this division differed from the majority vote of their party are marked in red. Also shows which lords were ministers at the time of this vote. You can also see every eligible lord including those who did not vote in this division.

Sort by: Name | Party | Vote

Baroness Adams of CraigieleaLabno
Lord Addington LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Adonis Lab (minister)no
Lord Alderdice LDemaye
Lord Alton of LiverpoolCrossbenchaye
Baroness Amos Lab (minister)no
Lord Anderson of SwanseaLabno
Baroness Andrews Lab (minister)no
Baroness Anelay of St JohnsCon (front bench)aye
Lord Armstrong of IlminsterCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Ashcroft Conaye
Baroness Ashton of UphollandLab (minister)no
Lord Astor of HeverCon (front bench)aye
Lord Avebury LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Bach Lab (minister)no
Lord Baker of DorkingCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Barker LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Bassam of BrightonLab (minister)no
Lord Beaumont of WhitleyGreenaye
Lord Bernstein of CraigweilLabno
Lord Biffen Conaye
Lord Bilston Labno
Lord Blaker Conaye
Baroness Blood Labno
Baroness Bonham-Carter of YarnburyLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Boothroyd Crossbenchno
Lord Borrie Lab (minister)no
Lord Boston of FavershamCrossbenchno
Baroness Bottomley of NettlestoneConaye
Lord Bowness Con (front bench)aye
Lord Bradshaw LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Bragg Labno
Lord Brett Labno
Viscount Bridgeman Con (front bench)aye
Lord Brooke of AlverthorpeLab (minister)no
Lord Brooke of Sutton MandevilleCon (front bench)aye
Lord Brookman Labno
Lord Brougham and Vaux Con (front bench)aye
Lord Burlison Labno
Baroness Buscombe Con (front bench)aye
Lord Butler of BrockwellCrossbenchaye
Baroness Byford Con (front bench)aye
The Earl of CaithnessConaye
Lord Cameron of LochbroomCrossbenchno
Lord Campbell-Savours Labno
Lord Campbell of AllowayCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Carnegy of LourConaye
Lord Carter Labno
Lord Carter of ColesLabno
Baroness Chalker of WallaseyConaye
Viscount Chandos Lab (minister)no
The Bishop of ChesterBishopaye
Lord Chidgey LDemaye
Lord Chorley Crossbenchaye
Baroness Clark of CaltonJudge (front bench)no
Lord Clarke of HampsteadLabno
Lord Clark of WindermereLabno
Lord Clement-Jones LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Clinton-Davis Labno
Viscount Colville of CulrossCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Colwyn Conaye
Lord Cope of BerkeleyCon (front bench)tellaye
Lord Corbett of Castle ValeLabno
Viscount Craigavon Crossbenchaye
Lord Crathorne Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Crawley Lab (minister)no
Lord Crickhowell Conaye
Lord Cunningham of FellingLabno
Baroness D'Souza Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Dahrendorf Crossbenchaye
Baroness Darcy de Knayth Crossbenchaye
Baroness David Labno
Lord Davies of OldhamLab (minister)tellno
Lord de Mauley Con (front bench)aye
Lord Dean of HarptreeConaye
Lord Denham Con (front bench)aye
Lord Dholakia LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Dixon Lab (minister)no
Lord Dixon-Smith Con (front bench)aye
Lord Dubs Lab (minister)no
The Earl of DundeeCon (front bench)aye
Lord Dykes LDem (front bench)aye
Viscount Eccles Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Eccles of MoultonConaye
Lord Eden of WintonConaye
Lord Elder Labno
Baroness Elles Conaye
Lord Elliott of MorpethConaye
Lord Elton Con (front bench)aye
Lord Evans of ParksideLabno
Lord Evans of Temple GuitingLab (minister)no
Viscount Falkland LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Falkner of MargravineLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Farrington of RibbletonLab (minister)no
Lord Faulkner of WorcesterLabno
Lord Feldman Conaye
Earl Ferrers Conaye
Baroness Finlay of LlandaffCrossbench (front bench)aye
Baroness Flather Conaye
Baroness Fookes Con (front bench)aye
Lord Forsyth of DrumleanConaye
Lord Foster of Bishop AucklandLabno
Lord Foulkes of CumnockLabno
Lord Freeman Conaye
Lord Fyfe of FairfieldLabno
Baroness Gale Lab (minister)no
Lord Garden LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Gardner of ParkesConaye
Lord Garel-Jones Conaye
Lord Geddes Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Gibson of Market RasenLab (minister)no
Lord Gilbert Labno
The Earl of GlasgowLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Glenarthur Conaye
Lord Glentoran Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Golding Labno
Lord Goldsmith Lab (minister)no
Lord Goodhart LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Goodlad Conaye
Lord Gordon of StrathblaneLabno
Baroness Goudie Lab (minister)no
Lord Gould of BrookwoodLabno
Baroness Gould of PotternewtonLab (minister)no
Lord Grabiner Labno
Lord Grantchester Lab (minister)no
Lord Greaves LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Greengross Crossbenchaye
Lord Griffiths of Burry PortLabno
Lord Griffiths of FforestfachConaye
Lord Grocott Lab (minister)tellno
Baroness Hamwee LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Hanham Con (front bench)aye
Lord Hanningfield Con (front bench)aye
Lord Harris of HaringeyLabno
Lord Harrison Lab (minister)no
Baroness Harris of RichmondLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Hart of ChiltonLabno
Lord Haskel Lab (minister)no
Lord Haskins Crossbenchaye
Lord Haworth Labno
Lord Hayhoe Conaye
Baroness Hayman Lab (minister)no
Baroness Henig Labno
Lord Henley Con (front bench)aye
Lord Higgins Conaye
Lord Hodgson of Astley AbbottsCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Hogg Conaye
Lord Hogg of CumbernauldLabno
Lord Holme of CheltenhamLDemaye
Baroness Hooper Con (front bench)aye
Lord Howard of RisingCon (front bench)aye
Lord Howarth of NewportLabno
Earl Howe Con (front bench)aye
Lord Howe of AberavonConaye
Baroness Howe of IdlicoteCrossbench (front bench)aye
Baroness Howells of St DavidsLabno
Lord Howie of TroonLab (minister)no
Lord Hoyle Labno
Lord Hughes of WoodsideLabno
Lord Hunt of ChestertonLabno
Lord Hunt of Kings HeathLab (minister)no
Lord Hunt of WirralCon (front bench)aye
Lord Hylton Crossbenchaye
Lord Irvine of LairgLabno
Baroness James of Holland ParkConaye
Baroness Jay of PaddingtonLabno
Lord Jenkin of RodingConaye
Lord Joffe Crossbenchaye
Lord Jones Labno
Lord Jones of CheltenhamLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Jopling Con (front bench)aye
Lord Kalms Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Kennedy of The ShawsLabaye
Lord Kerr of KinlochardCrossbenchno
Lord Kimball Con (front bench)aye
Lord King of BridgwaterCon (front bench)aye
Lord Kingsland Con (front bench)aye
Lord King of West BromwichLabno
Lord Kinnock Labno
Lord Kirkhill Labno
Baroness Knight of CollingtreeConaye
Lord Laidlaw Conaye
Lord Laing of DunphailConaye
Lord Laird UUPaye
Lord Lamont of LerwickCon (front bench)aye
Lord Lane of HorsellConaye
Lord Lawson of BlabyCon (front bench)aye
Lord Lea of CrondallLabno
Lord Lester of Herne HillLDem (front bench)aye
The Earl of LindsayConaye
Baroness Linklater of ButterstoneLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Lipsey Labno
The Bishop of LiverpoolBishopaye
The Earl of LiverpoolConaye
Lord Livsey of TalgarthLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Lloyd of BerwickCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Lofthouse of PontefractLabno
Lord Lucas Conaye
Lord Luke Con (front bench)aye
Lord Lyell Conaye
Lord Lyell of MarkyateConaye
Lord Macdonald of TradestonLab (minister)no
Lord MacGregor of Pulham MarketConaye
Lord MacKenzie of CulkeinLabno
Lord Mackenzie of FramwellgateLabno
Lord Mackie of BenshieLDemaye
Lord MacLaurin of KnebworthConaye
Lord Maclennan of RogartLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Maddock LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Maginnis of DrumglassUUPaye
The Earl of Mar and KellieLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Marlesford Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Masham of IltonCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Mason of BarnsleyLabno
Baroness Massey of DarwenLab (minister)no
Lord Maxton Lab (minister)no
Lord Mayhew of TwysdenConaye
Lord McAlpine of West GreenOtheraye
Lord McColl of DulwichCon (front bench)aye
Baroness McIntosh of HudnallLab (minister)no
Lord McKenzie of LutonLab (minister)no
Lord McNally LDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne DomerLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Miller of HendonCon (front bench)aye
Lord Mitchell Lab (minister)no
Lord Monson Crossbenchaye
The Duke of MontroseCon (front bench)aye
Lord Moonie Labno
Lord Moore of Lower MarshConaye
Lord Moran Crossbenchaye
Baroness Morgan of DrefelinLab (minister)no
Lord Morris of AberavonLabno
Baroness Morris of BoltonCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Morris of YardleyLabno
Lord Mowbray and Stourton Conaye
Lord Moynihan Conaye
Lord Murton of LindisfarneConaye
Baroness Neuberger LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Newby LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Newton of BraintreeConaye
Baroness Noakes Con (front bench)aye
Lord Northbourne Crossbenchaye
Lord Northbrook Conaye
The Earl of NortheskConaye
Baroness Northover LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Norton of LouthConaye
Baroness O'Cathain Con (front bench)aye
Baroness O'Neill of BengarveCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord O'Neill of ClackmannanLabno
Lord Oakeshott of Seagrove BayLDem (front bench)aye
The Earl of OnslowConaye
Lord Palmer Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Parkinson Conaye
Lord Patten of BarnesConaye
Lord Pearson of RannochConaye
Earl Peel Conaye
Lord Pendry Labno
Lord Plant of HighfieldLab (minister)no
Baroness Platt of WrittleCon (front bench)aye
Lord Plumb Conaye
Lord Plummer of St MaryleboneConaye
Lord Powell of BayswaterCrossbench (front bench)no
Lord Puttnam Lab (minister)no
Lord Quinton Conaye
Lord Radice Lab (minister)no
Baroness Ramsay of CartvaleLab (minister)no
Lord Ramsbotham Crossbenchaye
Lord Randall of St BudeauxLabno
Baroness Rawlings Con (front bench)aye
Lord Razzall LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rea Labno
Lord Reay Conaye
Lord Redesdale LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rees-Mogg Crossbench (front bench)no
Baroness Rendell of BaberghLab (minister)no
Lord Rennard LDemaye
Lord Renton Conaye
Lord Richard Labno
Lord Roberts of LlandudnoLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rodgers of Quarry BankLDemaye
Lord Rogan UUPaye
Lord Rooker Lab (minister)no
Lord Roper LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Rosser Lab (minister)no
Baroness Royall of BlaisdonLab (minister)no
Lord Saatchi Conaye
Lady Saltoun of AbernethyCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Sandberg LDem (front bench)aye
The Earl of SandwichCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Sawyer Labno
Baroness Scotland of AsthalLab (minister)no
Baroness Scott of Needham MarketLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Seccombe Con (front bench)aye
The Earl of SelborneCon (front bench)aye
Lord Selsdon Conaye
Lord Sewel Labno
Baroness Sharp of GuildfordLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Sharples Conaye
Lord Shaw of NorthsteadCon (front bench)aye
Baroness Shephard of NorthwoldConaye
Lord Sheppard of DidgemereCon (front bench)aye
The Earl of ShrewsburyConaye
Lord Shutt of GreetlandLDem (front bench)tellaye
Viscount Simon Lab (minister)no
Lord Skelmersdale Con (front bench)aye
Lord Smith of CliftonLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Smith of LeighLabno
Lord Snape Lab (minister)no
Lord Soley Labno
Lord St John of FawsleyConaye
Lord Steel of AikwoodLDemaye
Baroness Stern Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Stevens of LudgateConaye
Lord Stewartby Conaye
Lord Stoddart of SwindonIndependent Labouraye
Baroness Symons of Vernham DeanLabno
Lord Taverne LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Taylor of BlackburnLabno
Baroness Taylor of BoltonLabno
Lord Taylor of WarwickConaye
Lord Tebbit Conaye
Lord Temple-Morris Lab (minister)no
Viscount Tenby Crossbench (front bench)aye
Baroness Thatcher Conaye
Lord Thomas of GresfordLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Thomas of SwynnertonCrossbenchaye
Baroness Thomas of WalliswoodLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Thomson of MonifiethLDemaye
Baroness Thornton Labno
Lord Tomlinson Lab (minister)no
Baroness Tonge LDemaye
Lord Tope LDemaye
Lord Tordoff LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Triesman Lab (minister)no
Baroness Trumpington Con (front bench)aye
Lord Truscott Labno
Lord Tugendhat Conaye
Lord Tunnicliffe Lab (minister)no
Lord Turnberg Labno
Lord Turner of EcchinswellCrossbenchaye
Lord Tyler LDemaye
Viscount Ullswater Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Valentine Crossbenchaye
Lord Vallance of TummelLDem (front bench)aye
Lord Varley Labno
Lord Vinson Conaye
Lord Waddington Conaye
Lord Wakeham Con (front bench)aye
Lord Wallace of SaltaireLDem (front bench)aye
Baroness Wall of New BarnetLabno
Baroness Walmsley LDem (front bench)aye
Lord Walpole Crossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Warner Lab (minister)no
Baroness Warwick of UndercliffeLabaye
Lord Watson of RichmondLDemaye
Baroness Whitaker Labno
Lord Whitty Lab (minister)no
Baroness Wilcox Con (front bench)aye
Baroness Williams of CrosbyLDemaye
Lord Williamson of HortonCrossbench (front bench)aye
Lord Willoughby de Broke Conaye
Lord Wilson of TillyornCrossbenchaye
The Bishop of WinchesterBishopaye
Lord Windlesham Conaye
Lord Winston Lab (minister)no
Lord Woolmer of LeedsLab (minister)no
Lord Young of GraffhamConaye
Lord Young of Norwood GreenLabno

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