Voting Record — Baroness Richardson of Calow (13401)

Baroness Richardson of Calow

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
30 Nov 1997 20 Dec 2018 Crossbench 84 votes out of 218, 38.5% 218 votes out of 2165, 10.1% 0 times

External Links

Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this Lord's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this Lord was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

HouseDateSubjectBaroness Richardson of CalowCrossbench VoteRôle
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve Majorityno Rebel
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve Majorityno Rebel
Lords10 Jul 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords8 Jul 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Apr 2013Growth and Infrastructure Bill — Commons Amendments minorityno Rebel
Lords19 Mar 2013Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill — Report minorityno Rebel
Lords19 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Third Reading minorityno Rebel
Lords19 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Third Reading minorityno Rebel
Lords8 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (6th Day) minorityno Rebel
Lords23 Jan 2012Welfare Reform Bill — Report (5th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords23 Jan 2012Welfare Reform Bill — Report (5th Day) minorityno Rebel
Lords7 Dec 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Committee (11th Day) minorityno Rebel
Lords31 Oct 2011Pensions Bill — Commons Amendments minorityno Rebel
Lords12 Oct 2011Health and Social Care Bill — select comittee to scrutinise Bill minorityno Rebel
Lords12 Oct 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Reject at Second Reading minorityno Rebel
Lords10 May 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityno Rebel
Lords16 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — No Threshold for Making Result of AV Referendum Binding minorityno Rebel
Lords14 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Ban on Party Political Broadcasts Taking Sides in AV Referendum minorityno Rebel
Lords7 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Turnout Threshold for Alternative Vote Referendum to be Binding minorityno Rebel
Lords17 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Continuation of Consideration of the Bill minorityunknown Unknown
Lords17 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Curtail Debate and Make Decsion On Setting Number of MPs Between 500 and 650 minorityaye Rebel
Lords6 Dec 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — AV Referendum on Separate Day from Other Elections and Polls minorityno Rebel
Lords15 Nov 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Motion to refer to the Examiners minorityno Rebel
Lords19 Jul 2010Child Trust Funds (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2010 — Motion to Approve minorityno Rebel
Lords21 Jan 2008Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill [HL] — Saviour siblings — life threatening condition Majorityaye Rebel
Lords23 May 2006Company Law Reform Bill [HL] Majorityaye Rebel
Lords12 May 2006Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill — Delay Second Reading minorityaye Rebel
Lords21 Mar 2005Constitutional Reform Bill [HL] Majorityaye Rebel
Lords21 Mar 2005Constitutional Reform Bill [HL] Majorityaye Rebel
Lords10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords8 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords13 Jan 2005Education Bill [HL] Majorityaye Rebel
Lords2 Nov 2004Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords26 Oct 2004Hunting Bill: amendment — registered hunting minorityaye Rebel
Lords19 Oct 2004Housing Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords13 Jul 2004Constitutional Reform Bill [HL] minorityaye Rebel
Lords6 Jul 2004Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Bill minorityno Rebel
Lords5 Jul 2004Children Bill [HL] minorityno Rebel
Lords20 Nov 2003Commons Response to Lords Amendments 114 to 119 and 121 to 131 Majorityno Rebel
Lords19 Nov 2003Lords Amendment — Criminal Justice Bill — Jury tampering Majorityno Rebel
Lords14 Oct 2003Criminal Justice Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords10 Sep 2003Local Government Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords10 Sep 2003Local Government Bill minorityno Rebel
Lords10 Sep 2003Local Government Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords10 Jul 2003Local Government Bill, timescale conditions on repeal of section 28 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords10 Jul 2003Local Government Bill Majorityunknown Unknown
10 Apr 2003Stopped being Member, Committee On Religious Offences
Lords8 Apr 2003Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Mar 2003Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords11 Mar 2003Licensing Bill [HL] Majorityaye Rebel
7 Nov 2002Stopped being Member, Administration and Works Committee (Lords)
Lords16 Oct 2002Adoption and Children Bill — adoption only by married couples — accepted minorityaye Rebel
16 Jul 2002Stopped being Member, Committee On Animals In Scientific Procedures
Lords11 Jun 2002Employment Bill Majorityunknown Unknown
Lords20 May 2002Export Control Bill Majorityaye Rebel
15 May 2002Became Member, Committee On Religious Offences
Lords30 Apr 2002National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords19 Mar 2002Hunting with dogs: Supervision Majorityaye Rebel
Lords19 Mar 2002Hunting with dogs: Hunting under Licence minorityaye Rebel
Lords19 Mar 2002Hunting with dogs: Ban minorityno Rebel
Lords3 Dec 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords29 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords25 Oct 2001International Development Bill [HL] Majorityaye Rebel
28 Jun 2001Became Member, Committee On Animals In Scientific Procedures
Lords26 Mar 2001Hunting Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords26 Mar 2001Hunting Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords28 Nov 2000Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords27 Nov 2000Motion Moved on Consideration of Commons Reason No. 27A minorityaye Rebel
Lords27 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords27 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords27 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords20 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords20 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords15 Nov 2000Police (Northern Ireland) Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords15 Nov 2000Police (Northern Ireland) Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords13 Nov 2000Sodomy: Scotland minorityaye Rebel
Lords13 Nov 2000Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill minorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Oct 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Oct 2000Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords3 Oct 2000Countryside and Rights of Way Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords2 Oct 2000Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill Majorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Jul 2000Local Government Bill, removing bullying clause minorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Jul 2000Motion Moved on Consideration of Commons Amendment No. 10 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords18 Jul 2000As an Amendment to Commons Amendment No. 180 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords18 Jul 2000As an Amendment to Commons Amendment No. 136 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords23 Mar 2000Learning and Skills Bill [H.L.] minorityaye Rebel
Lords23 Mar 2000Learning and Skills Bill [H.L.] minorityaye Rebel
Lords14 Mar 2000Learning and Skills Bill [H.L.] minorityaye Rebel
Lords22 Feb 2000Greater London Authority Elections Rules 2000 minorityaye Rebel
Lords22 Feb 2000Greater London Authority (Election Expenses) Order 2000 minorityaye Rebel
Lords7 Feb 2000Local Government Bill, repeal of section 28 minorityaye Rebel
Lords20 Jan 2000Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) Bill [H.L.] minorityaye Rebel
23 Nov 1999Became Member, Administration and Works Committee (Lords)

Policy Comparisons

This chart shows the percentage agreement between this Lord and each of the policies in the database, according to their voting record.

13% Abortion, Embryology and Euthanasia- Against
75% Assisted Dying
50% Asylum System - More strict
34% Business and community control of schools: For
50% Civil aviation pollution - For limiting
50% Control Orders
33% Equal Number of Electors Per Constituency - for
50% European Union Integration - For
80% Fox hunting - Ban
50% Gambling - Against permissiveness
74% Homosexuality - Equal rights
50% Identity cards - For introduction
50% Labour's Terrorism laws - For
50% Ministers Can Intervene in Coroners' Inquests
100% No detention without charge or trial
50% Reducing the number of MPs - for
0% Referendum on Alternative Vote for MP Elections
15% Schools - Greater Autonomy
50% Stop climate change
50% Transexuality - Against legal recognition
50% Tuition fees - Set Upper Limit at £9,000 per Year
50% University Tuition Fees - For

Possible Friends (more...)

Shows which Lords voted most similarly to this one in the 1997-2001, Westminster Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both Lords attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between Lords that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

69.2%Lord Kerr of KinlochardCrossbench
64.7%Lord Varley Lab
59.3%Lord Winston Lab
58.6%Lord Cameron of DillingtonCrossbench
58.1%Baroness Smith of GilmorehillLab

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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