Voting Record — MPs for Mid Worcestershire

Nigel Huddleston

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

NameFromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)
Nigel Huddleston (show only their votes) 13 Dec 2019 30 May 2024 Con 1 vote out of 970, 0.1% 970 votes out of 1069, 90.7%
Nigel Huddleston (show only their votes) 9 Jun 2017 6 Nov 2019 Con 3 votes out of 426, 0.7% 426 votes out of 463, 92.0%
Nigel Huddleston (show only their votes) 8 May 2015 3 May 2017 Con 1 vote out of 423, 0.2% 423 votes out of 467, 90.6%
Peter Luff (show only their votes) 6 May 2010 30 Mar 2015 Con 4 votes out of 914, 0.4% 914 votes out of 1239, 73.8%
Peter Luff (show only their votes) 5 May 2005 12 Apr 2010 Con 13 votes out of 862, 1.5% 862 votes out of 1288, 66.9%
Peter Luff (show only their votes) 7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 Con 12 votes out of 997, 1.2% 997 votes out of 1246, 80.0%
Peter Luff (show only their votes) 1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Con 1 vote out of 814, 0.1% 814 votes out of 1273, 63.9%

External Links

Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this MP's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this MP was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

Votes by Nigel Huddleston MP
HouseDateSubjectNigel HuddlestonCon VoteRôle
Commons1 Feb 2023UK Infrastructure Bank Bill [Lords] — Clause 2 - Objectives and activities tellnono Teller
Commons1 Feb 2023UK Infrastructure Bank Bill [Lords] — Clause 2 - Objectives and activities tellnono Teller
Commons1 Feb 2023UK Infrastructure Bank Bill [Lords] — New Clause 2 tellnono Teller
Commons31 Jan 2023Non-domicile Tax Status tellnono Teller
Commons31 Jan 2023Crime and Neighbourhood Policing tellayeaye Teller
Commons31 Jan 2023Crime and Neighbourhood Policing tellnono Teller
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes tellayeaye Teller
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes tellnono Teller
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes tellnono Teller
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes tellnono Teller
Commons28 Oct 2022Speaker’s Statement tellnono Teller
Commons21 Oct 2022Prayers tellayeno Rebel Teller
Commons12 Oct 2022Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] tellayeaye Teller
Commons11 Oct 2022Health and Social Care Levy (Repeal) Bill — New Clause 1 - Review of effects of Act on revenue sources of health and social care expenditure tellnono Teller
Commons12 Feb 2020Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill — Timetable tellnono Teller
Commons5 Feb 2020Transport — Eliminate Substantial Majority of Emissions by 2030 tellnono Teller
Commons5 Feb 2020Local Government Funding Review and Reform tellnono Teller
Commons3 Feb 2020Agriculture Bill — Decline Second Reading tellnono Teller
Commons16 Jan 2020Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Health and Social Care tellnono Teller
Commons7 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 34 — Settled Status: Right to Appeal tellnono Teller
Commons7 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 18 — Fee Levels and Exemptions — Limitations on Fees tellnono Teller
Commons7 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 5 — Protecting EU Citizens’ Rights — Automatic Right of Permanent UK Residence for Certain EU Citizens tellnono Teller
Votes by Nigel Huddleston MP
HouseDateSubjectNigel HuddlestonCon VoteRôle
Commons31 Oct 2019Draft Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 — Data Matching — Paperless Process tellayeaye Teller
Commons23 Oct 2019Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — National Health Service tellnono Teller
Commons13 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the European Union Majorityaye Rebel
Commons31 Jan 2018Restoration and Renewal — Lords and Commons Leaving the Palace of Westminister During Renovations Majorityno Rebel
Commons31 Jan 2018Restoration and Renewal — Lords and Commons Leaving the Palace of Westminister During Renovations Majorityno Rebel
Votes by Nigel Huddleston MP
HouseDateSubjectNigel HuddlestonCon VoteRôle
Commons22 Jan 2016Motion to Sit in Private tellayeno Rebel Teller
Votes by Peter Luff MP
HouseDateSubjectPeter LuffCon VoteRôle
Commons24 Nov 2014Recall of MPs Bill — Clause 2 — New Election as A Result of Conviction of an MP for An Offence Committed Before Their Election or Before Recall Bill Coming Into Force minorityaye Rebel
Commons5 Jul 2013European Union (Referendum) Bill — Second Reading tellnoaye Rebel Teller
Commons21 May 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Third Reading Majorityno Rebel
Commons5 Feb 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Second Reading Majorityno Rebel
Votes by Peter Luff MP
HouseDateSubjectPeter LuffCon VoteRôle
Commons30 Apr 2009MPs' expenses — Staff to be employees of Parliament minorityaye Rebel
Commons30 Apr 2009MPs' expenses — Staff to continue to be employed by MPs — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons30 Apr 2009MPs' expenses — outer-London MPs can no longer claim second home minorityaye Rebel
Commons16 Mar 2009Industry and Exports (Financial Support) Bill — Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) minorityno Rebel
Commons16 Mar 2009Industry and Exports (Financial Support) Bill — Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) minorityaye Rebel
Commons29 Feb 2008Prayers tellnono Teller
Commons25 Oct 2007Modernisation of the House of Commons — Handheld email devices Majorityaye Rebel
Commons19 Mar 2007Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations tellnono Teller
Commons7 Mar 2007House of Lords Reform — Composition Option 1 (Fully Appointed) — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons17 May 2006Deferred Division — Conventions (Joint Committee) minorityaye Rebel
Commons14 Feb 2006Health Bill — New Clause 5 — Smoke-free premises: exemptions — as amended Majorityno Rebel
Commons14 Feb 2006Health Bill — New Clause 5 — Smoke-free premises: exemptions — private clubs Majorityno Rebel
Commons14 Feb 2006Health Bill — New Clause 5 — Smoke-free premises: exemptions — consideration Majorityno Rebel
Commons19 Jul 2005Crossrail Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons13 Jul 2005Committees — Term Limits for Chairmen of Select Committees Majorityno Rebel
Votes by Peter Luff MP
HouseDateSubjectPeter LuffCon VoteRôle
Commons8 Mar 2005Delegated Legislation — Northern Ireland tellnono Teller
Commons7 Feb 2005Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill — Abolish the offense of Blasphemy — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons4 Feb 2005Criminal Law (Amendment) (Householder Protection) Bill tellnoaye Rebel Teller
Commons14 Dec 2004Mental Capacity Bill — New Clause 5 — Appointment of independent advocates (No. 2) Majorityaye Rebel
Commons27 Oct 2004New Clause 10 — Victims of persons subject to hospital order with restriction order: representations — Clause 22 — Procedure for determining fitness to plead: England and Wales minorityno Rebel
Commons15 Sep 2004Hunting Bill (Procedure) tellayeaye Teller
Commons28 Jun 2004Human Tissue Bill — New Clause 1 — Determination of consent for removal, storage and use of organs from Adults for purpose of transplantation minorityno Rebel
Commons25 May 2004Gender Recognition Bill — Allow Marriages to Remain Valid If They Become a Same Sex Marriage Majorityaye Rebel
Commons22 Apr 2004Security Screen Majorityno Rebel
Commons22 Apr 2004Installation of a Security Screen in the House of Commons Chamber Majorityaye Rebel
Commons22 Apr 2004Security Screen Majorityno Rebel
Commons27 Jan 2004Higher Education Bill — Second Reading — Increase in University Tuition Fees tellnono Teller
Commons19 Nov 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill — Clause 1 — NHS Foundation Trusts tellnono Teller
Commons19 Nov 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill — Clause 15 — Private Health Care tellnono Teller
Commons19 Nov 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill — Clause 1 — NHS foundation trusts tellnono Teller
Commons19 Nov 2003Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill (Programme) (No. 3) tellnono Teller
Commons10 Nov 2003Water Bill [Lords] — New Clause 1 — Prohibition of Artificial Fluoridation of Water Supplies Majorityaye Rebel
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 4 (80 per Cent. Elected) — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 2 (100 per Cent. Elected) — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons16 May 2002Adoption and Children Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — Applications for adoption tellnono Teller
Commons27 Feb 2002Proceeds of Crime Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — Clause 352 — Disclosure orders tellayeaye Teller
Commons31 Jan 2002Travel Concessions (Eligibility) Bill [Lords] — Clause 1 — Eligibility for travel concessions: age tellayeaye Teller
Commons19 Jul 2001European Communities (Finance) Bill (Programme) (No. 2) tellnono Teller
Commons18 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill tellayeaye Teller
Commons17 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] — Clause 1 — Incorporation of provisions of the Treaty of Nice tellnono Teller
Commons11 Jul 2001European Communities (Amendment) Bill (Programme) (No. 2) tellnono Teller
Commons26 Jun 2001Rural Communities and Transport tellayeaye Teller
Votes by Peter Luff MP
HouseDateSubjectPeter LuffCon VoteRôle
Commons10 May 2001International Criminal Court Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) — Consideration and Third Reading tellnono Teller
Commons9 May 2001Finance Bill tellnono Teller
Commons23 Apr 2001Finance Bill tellnono Teller
Commons4 Apr 2001Elections Bill [Money] - Further postponement of elections until foot and mouth disease under control tellayeaye Teller
Commons4 Apr 2001Elections Bill and Election Publications Bill [Lords] (Allocation of Time) tellnono Teller
Commons28 Mar 2001Private Security Industry Bill [Lords] (Programme) - Lords messages tellnono Teller
Commons21 Mar 2001Foot and Mouth Disease tellayeaye Teller
Commons14 Mar 2001Criminal Justice and Police Bill - Exclusion of prisoners convicted of assaulting police officers, other emergency service workers and NHS staff from power to release short-term prisoners on licence tellayeaye Teller
Commons14 Feb 2001Health and Social Care Bill tellnono Teller
Commons14 Feb 2001Health and Social Care Bill tellnono Teller
Commons14 Feb 2001Health and Social Care Bill - Independent advocacy services tellnono Teller
Commons14 Feb 2001Health and Social Care Bill - Community health councils: scheme for reform tellayeaye Teller
Commons14 Feb 2001Health and Social Care Bill (Programme)(No.2) - Consideration of Lords Amendments and further messages from the Lords tellnono Teller
Commons7 Feb 2001Homes Bill (Programme) (No. 2) - Consideration of Lords Amendments and further messages from the Lords tellnono Teller
Commons31 Jan 2001Local Government Finance (England) tellnono Teller
Commons22 Jan 2001Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill (Programme) tellnono Teller
Commons10 Jan 2001Health and Social Care Bill (Programme) tellnono Teller
Commons10 Jan 2001Health and Social Care Bill tellayeaye Teller
Commons8 Jan 2001Homes Bill (Programme) - Standing Committee tellnono Teller
Commons8 Jan 2001Homes Bill (Programme) tellnono Teller
Commons8 Jan 2001Homes Bill tellayeaye Teller
Commons13 Dec 2000The Economy tellnono Teller
Commons13 Dec 2000The Economy tellayeaye Teller
Commons13 Dec 2000Deferred Divisions - Fisheries: Total Allowable Catches and Quotas 2001 bothno Rebel
Commons29 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill tellnono Teller
Commons29 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - After Clause 64 tellnono Teller
Commons29 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - After clause 20 tellnono Teller
Commons29 Nov 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill and Disqualifications Bill (Allocation of Time) - The allotted day12. In this Order, "allotted day" means any day on which the Disqualifications Bill is put down on the main business as first Government Order of the Day. tellnono Teller
Commons21 Nov 2000Police (Northern Ireland) Bill tellnono Teller
Commons15 Nov 2000Transport Bill - Transfer schemes made by CAA tellnono Teller
Commons25 Oct 2000Teachers (Supply and Recruitment) tellnono Teller
Commons25 Oct 2000Teachers (Supply and Recruitment) tellayeaye Teller
Commons25 Oct 2000Fuel Protests tellnono Teller
Commons25 Oct 2000Fuel Protests tellayeaye Teller
Commons23 Oct 2000Election of Speaker Majorityaye Rebel
Commons24 Jul 2000Government Resources and Accounts Bill - Amendments and repeals tellnono Teller
Commons24 Jul 2000Government Resources and Accounts Bill - Comptroller and Auditor General: access to information tellnono Teller
Commons12 Jul 2000Care Standards Bill [Lords] - Statement of national minimum standards tellayeaye Teller
Commons11 Jul 2000Delegated Legislation - Local Government Finance (England) tellnono Teller
Commons11 Jul 2000Delegated Legislation - Environmental Protection tellnono Teller
Commons3 Jul 2000Neill Committee (Ministers and Special Advisers) tellnono Teller
Commons3 Jul 2000Neill Committee (Ministers and Special Advisers) tellayeaye Teller
Commons3 Jul 2000Prisoners (Early Release) tellnono Teller
Commons3 Jul 2000Prisoners (Early Release) tellayeaye Teller
Commons12 Jun 2000Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill - Approved bail hostels, etc. tellayeaye Teller
Commons12 Jun 2000Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill - Exclusion of assault on police from power to release short-term prisoners on licence tellayeaye Teller
Commons12 Jun 2000Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill - Sex Offenders Act 1997: Notification Period tellayeaye Teller
Commons5 Jun 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill - Interpretation tellayeaye Teller
Commons5 Jun 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill tellnono Teller
Commons5 Jun 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill - New Clause tellnono Teller
Commons5 Jun 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill - Power to impose penalties in cases of market abuse tellayeaye Teller
Commons5 Jun 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill - Determination of applications tellayeaye Teller
Commons5 Jun 2000Financial Services and Markets Bill (Supplemental Allocation of Time) - Miscellaneous tellnono Teller
Commons24 May 2000Crime tellayeaye Teller
Commons22 May 2000Royal Parks (Trading) Bill and Television Licences (Disclosure of Information) Bill (Allocation of Time) - Supplemental orders tellnono Teller
Commons8 May 2000Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill - Persons entitled to grant authorisations under tellayeaye Teller
Commons3 May 2000Finance Bill - Rates: conveyance or transfer on sale tellnono Teller
Commons3 May 2000Finance Bill - Double Taxation Relief tellnono Teller
Commons3 May 2000Finance Bill - Provision of services through intermediary tellnono Teller
Commons3 Apr 2000Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Bill - War widows' pensions--entitlement tellayeaye Teller
Commons3 Apr 2000Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Bill - Concurrency of pensions, rebates and extra monies tellayeaye Teller
Commons3 Apr 2000Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Bill - Contributions in Respect of Benefits in Kind: Great Britain tellayeaye Teller
Commons27 Mar 2000"Table - 62. Landfill Tax (Rate) tellnono Teller
Commons27 Mar 2000"Table - 43. Chargeable Gains (Companies) tellnono Teller
Commons27 Mar 2000"Table - 20. Climate change levy tellnono Teller
Commons27 Mar 2000Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 5. Hydrocarbon oil (rates of duty and rebate) tellnono Teller
Commons27 Mar 2000Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 2. Beer (rate of duty) tellnono Teller
Commons20 Mar 2000Delegated Legislation - Access to Justice tellnono Teller
Commons20 Mar 2000Delegated Legislation - Legal Services Commission tellnono Teller
Commons20 Mar 2000Countryside and Rights of Way Bill tellayeaye Teller
Commons14 Mar 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - Special provision for Northern Ireland parties tellayeaye Teller
Commons13 Mar 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - Tax relief for donations to political parties tellayeaye Teller
Commons29 Feb 2000Government Resources and Accounts Bill - Independent body tellayeaye Teller
Commons28 Feb 2000Defence White Paper — Approved tellnono Teller
Commons21 Feb 2000Social Security tellnono Teller
Commons21 Feb 2000Millennium Dome tellnono Teller
Commons21 Feb 2000Millennium Dome tellayeaye Teller
Commons21 Feb 2000Education tellayeaye Teller
Commons16 Feb 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - New Clause 2 tellnono Teller
Commons16 Feb 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - Special restrictions on referendum expenses by permitted participants tellnono Teller
Commons16 Feb 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - Permitted Participants tellnono Teller
Commons14 Feb 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - Education about electoral and democratic systems tellayeaye Teller
Commons14 Feb 2000Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill - The Speaker's Committee tellayeaye Teller
Commons4 May 1999Sex Education in Schools tellnono Teller
Commons7 Jul 1998Select Committees (Information) tellayeaye Teller
Commons10 Dec 1997European Community Documents - Employment Law tellnono Teller
Commons9 Dec 1997European Community Documents - European Police Office (Definition of Treaties) tellnono Teller
Commons9 Dec 1997European Community Documents - European Police Office (Immunities and Privileges) tellnono Teller
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill tellayeaye Teller
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill tellnono Teller
Commons3 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill - Referendum in Scotland tellayeaye Teller

Policy Comparisons

This chart shows the percentage agreement between this MP and each of the policies in the database, according to their voting record.

64% Abortion, Embryology and Euthanasia- Against
100% Academy Schools - for
13% Action to prevent domestic violence and abuse
82% Action to Reduce Spread of COVID-19
100% Against On-Shore Wind Turbines
50% Apprenticeships
50% Assisted Dying
95% Asylum System - More strict
100% Authorised Criminal Conduct by Undercover Sources
100% Balance the Budget Without Borrowing
0% Brexit veto for Scotland, Wales and NI
100% Cap or Reduce Public Sector Redundancy Payments
100% Decamp from Palace of Westminister During Works
86% Delegate more powers to government ministers
90% Deprivation of Citizenship - Easier to Do
45% Do more to help refugees inclding children
38% Easier access to abortion
48% Employment rights
100% Encourage and incentivise saving
29% Energy Prices - More Affordable
100% English Votes on English Laws etc.
0% Environmental water quality
70% Equal Number of Electors Per Constituency - for
21% European Union Integration - For
100% Excess Bedroom Benefit Reduction - Social Tenants
100% Extend Right to Buy to Housing Associations
24% Fire Safety
0% Fixed Term Parliaments
18% For the UK to Remain a Member of the EU
72% Free Market Within United Kingdom
0% Fully Elected House of Lords
19% Further devolution to Northern Ireland
10% Further devolution to Scotland
20% Further devolution to Wales
100% GP Commissioning in the NHS
100% Heathrow Third Runway - In Favour
18% Higher Benefits for Ill and Disabled
0% Higher Pay for Public Sector Workers
100% Higher taxes on alcoholic drinks
0% Higher taxes on banks
100% Higher taxes on sugary drinks
50% Homosexuality - Equal rights
88% HS2 - In Favour
14% Human Rights and Equality
24% Imported Goods Must Equal UK Standards
100% In Favour of Mass Surveillance
0% Incentivise Low Carbon Electricity Generation
0% Incentivise membership of press regulator
100% Increase Air Passenger Duty
69% Increase the income tax - tax free allowance
100% Increase the state pension age
64% Increase VAT
0% Inheritance Tax
0% Iraq Investigation - Necessary
0% Lower taxes on petrol & diesel for motor vehicles
100% Make High Earners Pay Market Rent for Council Home
0% Make it easier to trigger a new election for an MP
100% Mass Retention of Communications Data
48% Measures to reduce tax avoidance.
0% Member trustees on pension boards
100% Merge Police and Fire under Police & Crime Cmmr
100% Military Action against Daesh / ISIL
71% Minimum Wage
0% More Emergency Service Workers
0% More funds for social care
25% More powers for local councils
12% More restrictive planning laws
0% MPs decide if to approve a withdrawal agreeement
0% No Polls Clash With MP Election System Referendum
100% Nuclear power - For
14% Openness and Transparency - In Favour
100% Phase out of Tenancies for Life
24% Preserve Environmental Protection on EU Withdrawal
0% Proportional Representation Voting System - For
0% Protect tenants & leasholders from safety costs
100% Protesting near Parliament - Restrict
0% Public Ownership of Railways
50% Recreational drugs - Against legalization
100% Reduce capital gains tax
83% Reduce central funding for local government
0% Reduce max amount people may be charged for care
84% Reduce Spending on Welfare Benefits
100% Reduce taxes on domestic property transactions
82% Reduce the rate of Corporation Tax
50% Reducing the number of MPs - for
0% Referendum on any EU withdrawal arrangements
100% Referendum on UK's EU membership -For -Pre 2016
0% Regulate letting agent fees
100% Regulation of Shale Gas Extraction
0% Remove Hereditary Peers from the House of Lords
100% Replace Higher Education Grants with Loans
100% Require Pub Companies to Offer Rent Only Leases
100% Require voters to show photo ID before voting
100% Restrict 3rd party campaigners during elections
100% Restrict Scope of Legal Aid
0% Retain funds from council house sales locally
100% Retention of Business Rates by Local Government
14% Right for EU Citizens in the UK to Stay
0% Right to strike
12% Role of MPs in the House of Commons - Strengthen
50% Same Sex Marriage - for
100% Schools - Greater Autonomy
17% State control of bus services
12% Stop climate change
28% Support current and former armed service members
100% Tax Incentives for Companies Investing in Assets
0% Teach children about drugs, sexuality and health
64% Termination of pregnancy - against
85% Tougher on illegal immigration
100% Trade Unions - Restrict
100% Trident replacement - In favour
100% University Tuition Fees - For
100% Use of UK Military Forces Overseas
8% Voting age - Reduce to 16
100% Welfare benefits ought rise in line with prices
33% Woman's pension age increase - slow transition

Possible Friends (more...)

Shows which MPs voted most similarly to this one in the Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both MPs attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between MPs that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

No results found

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