Voting Record — Baroness Wheatcroft (25031)

Baroness Wheatcroft is currently Member, Communications and Digital Committee

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
5 Jan 2021 still in office Crossbench 31 votes out of 296, 10.5% 296 votes out of 566, 52.3% 0 times
12 Nov 2019 4 Jan 2021 Non-affiliated 9 votes out of 80, 11.3% 80 votes out of 104, 76.9% 0 times
10 Jan 2011 11 Nov 2019 Con 66 votes out of 605, 10.9% 605 votes out of 775, 78.1% 0 times

External Links

Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this Lord's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this Lord was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

HouseDateSubjectBaroness WheatcroftCrossbench VoteRôle
Lords6 Nov 2024Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill - Report — Amendment 2 Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Nov 2024Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill [HL] - Report — Amendment 7 minorityno Rebel
Lords29 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill - Second Reading — Amendment to the Motion minorityno Rebel
Lords18 Jul 2023Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill - Report (3rd Day) — Amendment 67 minorityno Rebel
Lords26 Jun 2023Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill - Report (2nd Day) — Amendment 110 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords26 Jun 2023Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill - Report (2nd Day) — Amendment 66 minorityaye Rebel
Lords14 Mar 2023Public Order Bill - Commons Amendments and Reasons — Motion A1 (as an amendment to Motion A) minorityunknown Unknown
Lords1 Mar 2023National Security Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 80 minorityno Rebel
Lords1 Mar 2023National Security Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 18 minorityno Rebel
Lords1 Mar 2023National Security Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 4 minorityno Rebel
31 Jan 2023Became Member, Communications and Digital Committee
Lords13 Dec 2022Voter Identification Regulations 2022 - Motion to Approve — Amendment to the Motion minorityno Rebel
Lords27 Apr 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill - Commons Amendment and Reasons — Motion C1 (as an amendment to Motion C) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill - Commons Amendments — Motion J1 (as an amendment to Motion J) minorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Mar 2022Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill - Report — Amendment 10 minorityno Rebel
Lords24 Mar 2022Skills and Post-16 Education Bill [HL] - Commons Reasons and Amendments — Amendment to the Motion on Amendment 21 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords24 Mar 2022Skills and Post-16 Education Bill [HL] - Commons Reasons and Amendments — Amendment to the Motion on Amendment 3 Majorityunknown Unknown
Lords22 Mar 2022Subsidy Control Bill - Report — Amendment 4 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords17 Jan 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Report (6th Day) — Amendment 114A minorityaye Rebel
Lords12 Jan 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Report (5th Day) — Amendment 104FE minorityaye Rebel
Lords19 Oct 2021Telecommunications (Security) Bill - Report — Amendment 1 minorityunknown Unknown
Lords12 Oct 2021Skills and Post-16 Education Bill [HL] - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 11 minorityaye Rebel
Lords20 Jul 2021Conduct - Motion to Agree — Amendment to the Motion minorityno Rebel
Lords6 Jul 2021Conduct - Motion to Agree minorityaye Rebel
Lords29 Jun 2021Republic of Cameroon: Economic Partnership Agreement - Motion to Regret minorityno Rebel
Lords10 Jun 2021Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) Order 2021 - Motion to Annul minorityno Rebel
Lords3 Mar 2021Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill - Report — Amendment 18 minorityno Rebel
Lords9 Feb 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill - Commons Reasons and Amendment — Motion E1 (as an amendment to Motion E) minorityno Rebel
Lords9 Feb 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill - Commons Reasons and Amendment — Motion B1 (as an amendment to Motion B) minorityno Rebel
Lords2 Feb 2021Trade Bill - Commons Amendments — Motion A1 (as an amendment to Motion A) minorityaye Rebel
Lords21 Jan 2021Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill [HL] - Report — Amendment 14 minorityno Rebel
Lords11 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 11 minorityno Rebel
Lords11 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 9 minorityno Rebel
Lords11 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 5 minorityno Rebel
Lords11 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 1 minorityno Rebel
HouseDateSubjectBaroness WheatcroftNon-affiliated VoteRôle
Lords14 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill - Commons Reasons and Amendments — Motion A1 (as an amendment to Motion A) minorityaye Rebel
Lords30 Nov 2020High Speed Rail (West Midlands–Crewe) Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 6 minorityno Rebel
Lords26 Nov 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill - Commons Reasons — Motion E1 (as an amendment to Motion E) minorityno Rebel
Lords22 Oct 2020Citizens’ Rights (Application Deadline and Temporary Protection) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 - Motion to Approve — Amendment to the Motion minorityno Rebel
Lords14 Oct 2020Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Bill [HL] - Commons Amendments — Motion 4A (as an amendment to the Motion on Amendment 4) minorityno Rebel
Lords28 Sep 2020Coronavirus Act 2020: Temporary Provisions - Motion of Regret minorityno Rebel
Lords22 Sep 2020Agriculture Bill - Report (3rd Day) — Amendment 88 minorityunknown Unknown
Lords15 Sep 2020Agriculture Bill - Report (1st Day) — Amendment 12 minorityno Rebel
Lords1 Jul 2020Prisoners (Disclosure of Information About Victims) Bill - Report — Amendment 3 minorityno Rebel
Lords23 Jun 2020Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill - Report (and remaining stages) — Amendment 45 minorityno Rebel
HouseDateSubjectBaroness WheatcroftCon VoteRôle
Lords23 Oct 2019Freedom of Establishment and Free Movement of Services (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - Motion to Approve — Amendment to the Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords6 Sep 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill - Report — Amendment 1 Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Amendment to the Motion (2E) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Amendment to the Motion (2D) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Amendment to the Motion (2J) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Amendment to the Motion (2K) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Sep 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords17 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill - Report — Amendment 3 Majorityno Rebel
Lords3 Jul 2019Brexit: Appointment of Joint Committee - Motion to Agree Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Amendment to the Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityaye Rebel
Lords4 Apr 2019Business of the House - Motion on Standing Orders — Motion Majorityno Rebel
Lords13 Mar 2019Trade Bill - Report (2nd Day) — Amendment 34 Majorityno Rebel
Lords13 Mar 2019Trade Bill - Report (2nd Day) — Amendment 24 Majorityno Rebel
Lords13 Mar 2019Trade Bill - Report (2nd Day) — Amendment 22 Majorityno Rebel
Lords6 Mar 2019Trade Bill - Report (1st Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords13 Feb 2019EU Withdrawal - Motion to Agree Majorityno Rebel
Lords28 Jan 2019Brexit: Parliamentary Approval of the Outcome of Negotiations with the European Union - Motion to Take Note Majorityno Rebel
Lords21 Jan 2019Trade Bill - Committee (1st Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords14 Jan 2019Brexit: Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration - Motion to Take Note (Continued) (3rd Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords18 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityno Rebel
Lords12 Jun 2018International Relations - Membership Motion minorityaye Rebel
Lords16 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Third Reading Majorityno Rebel
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords8 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (6th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords2 May 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (5th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords30 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (4th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords30 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (4th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords30 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (4th Day) minorityno Rebel
Lords30 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (4th Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords23 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords18 Apr 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - Report (1st Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords23 Mar 2018House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) Bill [HL] - Committee Majorityaye Rebel
Lords13 Dec 2017Data Protection Bill [HL] - Report (2nd Day) minorityno Rebel
Lords31 Oct 2017Financial Guidance and Claims Bill [HL] - Report (2nd Day) Majorityno Rebel
Lords28 Jun 2017Queen’s Speech - Debate (5th Day) minorityno Rebel
27 Apr 2017Stopped being Member, Economic Affairs Committee
Lords7 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Report (Continued) Majorityno Rebel
Lords7 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill - Report minorityno Rebel
Lords1 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Rights of EU Citizens Legally Resident in the UK Majorityno Rebel
Lords27 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Membership of the European Single Market minorityno Rebel
4 Mar 2016Stopped being Member, Finance Bill Sub-Committee
Lords29 Feb 2016Scotland Bill - Report (2nd Day) minorityno Rebel
8 Dec 2015Became Member, Finance Bill Sub-Committee
Lords16 Jan 2015Assisted Dying Bill [HL] — Committee (2nd Day) Majorityaye Rebel
Lords16 Jan 2015Assisted Dying Bill [HL] — Committee (2nd Day) Majorityaye Rebel
3 Dec 2014Stopped being Member, Constitution Committee
25 Nov 2014Became Member, Economic Affairs Committee
11 Mar 2014Stopped being Member, Finance Bill Sub-Committee
8 Jan 2014Became Member, Finance Bill Sub-Committee
6 Nov 2013Stopped being Member, Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Committee
Lords8 Jul 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityunknown Unknown
16 May 2013Became Member, Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Committee
Lords22 Apr 2013Growth and Infrastructure Bill — Commons Reasons Majorityno Rebel
Lords20 Mar 2013Growth and Infrastructure Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majorityno Rebel
5 Mar 2013Stopped being Member, Finance Bill Sub-Committee
4 Dec 2012Became Member, Finance Bill Sub-Committee
17 Oct 2012Became Member, Constitution Committee
24 Jul 2012Stopped being Member, Trusts (Capital and Income) Bill [HL] Special Public Bill Committee
19 Jun 2012Became Member, Trusts (Capital and Income) Bill [HL] Special Public Bill Committee
13 Dec 2011Stopped being Member, Draft Financial Services Bill (Joint Committee)
Lords6 Sep 2011Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 — Motion to Approve Majorityaye Rebel
20 Jul 2011Became Member, Draft Financial Services Bill (Joint Committee)

Policy Comparisons

This chart shows the percentage agreement between this Lord and each of the policies in the database, according to their voting record.

92% Equal Number of Electors Per Constituency - for
28% European Union Integration - For
98% Reducing the number of MPs - for
100% Referendum on Alternative Vote for MP Elections

Possible Friends (more...)

Shows which Lords voted most similarly to this one in the 2019-2024, Westminster Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both Lords attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between Lords that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

No results found

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