Voting Record — Mr Cynog Dafis MP, Ceredigion (10151)

Mr Cynog Dafis

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
1 May 1997 10 Jan 2000 PC 1 vote out of 214, 0.5% 214 votes out of 723, 29.6% 0 times

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All Votes

All votes this MP could have attended.

HouseDateSubjectMr Cynog DafisPC VoteRôle
Commons21 Dec 1999Public Expenditure absentunknown absent
Commons20 Dec 1999Transport Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 1999Transport Bill minorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Dec 1999Representation of the People Bill - [Mr. Michael Lord in the Chair] absentaye absent
Commons14 Dec 1999Terrorism Bill absentaye absent
Commons13 Dec 1999Fisheries Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 1999Fisheries minorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Dec 1999Post Office absentno absent
Commons8 Dec 1999Tube Investment absentno absent
Commons8 Dec 1999Tube Investment absentno absent
Commons7 Dec 1999Freedom of Information Bill — Committee of the whole House absentaye absent
Commons7 Dec 1999Freedom of Information Bill — Second Reading absentno absent
Commons6 Dec 1999Delegated Legislation - Terms and Conditions of Employment absentunknown absent
Commons6 Dec 1999Delegated Legislation - Agriculture absentunknown absent
Commons6 Dec 1999Government Resources and Accounts Bill [Money] absentunknown absent
Commons6 Dec 1999Government Resources and Accounts Bill absentunknown absent
Commons30 Nov 1999Northern Ireland absentunknown absent
Commons30 Nov 1999Representation of the People Bill absentno absent
Commons29 Nov 1999Electronic Communications Bill absentaye absent
Commons24 Nov 1999The Economy absentunknown absent
Commons24 Nov 1999The Economy absentaye absent
Commons24 Nov 1999The Economy absentno absent
Commons23 Nov 1999Home Affairs, Education and Employment absentaye absent
Commons11 Nov 1999Business of the House absentunknown absent
Commons11 Nov 1999Business of the House absentunknown absent
Commons10 Nov 1999House of Lords Bill absentunknown absent
Commons10 Nov 1999House of Lords Bill - New Clause absentunknown absent
Commons10 Nov 1999House of Lords Bill - New Clause absentunknown absent
Commons10 Nov 1999House of Lords Bill — Exceptions from the rule that hereditary peers should be abolished absentunknown absent
Commons9 Nov 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill - New Clause absentaye absent
Commons9 Nov 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill - New Clause absentno absent
Commons9 Nov 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill (Supplemental Allocation of Time) - Miscellaneous minorityno Loyal
Commons9 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons9 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Incapacity benefit: reduction for pension payments minorityno Loyal
Commons9 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Incapacity benefit: restriction to recent contributors minorityno Loyal
Commons9 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - New Clause absentno absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Food Standards Bill absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Food Standards Bill absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Food Standards Bill - Directions relating to breach of duty or to international obligations absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Delegated Legislation - Legal Services absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Delegated Legislation - Northern Ireland absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Delegated Legislation - Terms and Conditions of Employment absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Delegated Legislation - Taxes absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill absentno absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - New Clause absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - New Clause absentaye absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - New Clause absentno absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - New Clause absentno absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Control of subsidiaries absentno absent
Commons8 Nov 1999Table - Miscellaneous absentno absent
Commons4 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Time of ordinary elections absentunknown absent
Commons4 Nov 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Membership of the Authority and the Assembly absentunknown absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Extent absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Earnings of workers supplied by service companies etc: Northern Ireland absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Earnings of workers supplied by service companies etc. absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - New allowances for bereaved spouses absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - New Clause absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentno absent
Commons3 Nov 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Incapacity benefit: restriction to recent contributors absentno absent
Commons2 Nov 1999City of London (Ward Elections) Bill absentno absent
Commons2 Nov 1999Planning absentunknown absent
Commons1 Nov 1999Print Acts of Parliament on Paper instead of Vellum — rejected absentunknown absent
Commons26 Oct 1999National Health Service minorityno Loyal
Commons26 Oct 1999National Health Service minorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Oct 1999Home Office Issues absentunknown absent
Commons20 Oct 1999Transport Safety absentaye absent
Commons20 Oct 1999Food and Farming absentaye absent
Commons26 Jul 1999Employment Relations Bill - Collective Bargaining: Recognition Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jul 1999Business of the House absentunknown absent
Commons22 Jul 1999Food Standards Agency Bill and Employment Relations Bill (Allocation of Time) - Interpretation absentaye absent
Commons21 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - Cinemas and Films absentunknown absent
Commons21 Jul 1999Employment Relations Bill - New Clause absentunknown absent
Commons21 Jul 1999Employment Relations Bill - Collective agreements: detriment and dismissal absentunknown absent
Commons21 Jul 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] absentno absent
Commons21 Jul 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] absentno absent
Commons20 Jul 1999Deregulation - Casinos absentunknown absent
Commons20 Jul 1999Deregulation - Millennium Licensing absentunknown absent
Commons20 Jul 1999European Community Documents - Proposal to Extend the Working Time Directive to Excluded Sectors absentunknown absent
Commons20 Jul 1999Health Care absentunknown absent
Commons20 Jul 1999Health Care absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - International Immunities and Privileges absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - International Immunities and Privileges absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - Northern Ireland absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - Northern Ireland absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - Northern Ireland absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - Civil Aviation absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Delegated Legislation - International Immunities and Privileges absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Business of the House (Railways Bill) absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Business of the House (Railways Bill) absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Railways Bill absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jul 1999Railways Bill absentunknown absent
Commons15 Jul 1999Post Office absentunknown absent
Commons15 Jul 1999Post Office absentunknown absent
Commons15 Jul 1999Motorists absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1999Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill - Interpretation: companies and shares. absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1999Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill - Sale of shares or other securities absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1999City of London (Ward Elections) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1999City of London (Ward Elections) Bill absentno absent
Commons14 Jul 1999City of London (Ward Elections) Bill - Interpretation absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1999Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill [Lords] - Investment policy absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1999Pollution Prevention and Control Bill [Lords] - Particular Purposes for which Provision may be made under Section 2 absentaye absent
Commons13 Jul 1999Northern Ireland Bill absentaye absent
Commons13 Jul 1999Northern Ireland Bill absentno absent
Commons13 Jul 1999Northern Ireland Bill - Suspension of devolved government absentunknown absent
Commons13 Jul 1999Northern Ireland Bill - Suspension of prisoner releases absentno absent
Commons13 Jul 1999Northern Ireland Bill absentaye absent
Commons13 Jul 1999Broadcasting (Religious Programming) absentaye absent
Commons12 Jul 1999Estimates and Supplementary Estimates, 1999-2000 - FOOD STANDARDS BILL [Ways and Means] absentaye absent
Commons8 Jul 1999Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Bill [Lords] - Conditions for making an order under section 44(5) absentaye absent
Commons8 Jul 1999Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Bill [Lords] - Referral of young offenders to youth offender panels absentaye absent
Commons7 Jul 1999Education (Choice and Diversity) minorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 1999Education (Choice and Diversity) Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 1999Dairy Industry minorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Jul 1999Finance Bill - Repeals absentunknown absent
Commons6 Jul 1999Finance Bill - Economic and monetary union: taxes and duties absentno absent
Commons6 Jul 1999Finance Bill - Rates of duty and rebate on hydrocarbon oil absentaye absent
Commons5 Jul 1999Finance Bill - Non-tax payers absentaye absent
Commons29 Jun 1999Planning and Transport Congestion absentunknown absent
Commons29 Jun 1999Planning and Transport Congestion absentaye absent
Commons29 Jun 1999Passport Delays absentaye absent
Commons24 Jun 1999Widows absentunknown absent
Commons23 Jun 1999Referendum on Changing the Voting System for the House of Commons absentno absent
Commons22 Jun 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] - Title absentunknown absent
Commons22 Jun 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] - Community Legal Service: excluded services. minorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jun 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] - Principles applicable to Part I minorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jun 1999Tax Credits Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons22 Jun 1999Tax Credits Bill - Payment of tax credit by employers etc minorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jun 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill - Repeals absentno absent
Commons16 Jun 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill - Code of practice absentaye absent
Commons16 Jun 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill - Repeal of section 8 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 absentaye absent
Commons16 Jun 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill - Support for children minorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jun 1999Health Bill [Lords] - Repeals absentaye absent
Commons15 Jun 1999Health Bill [Lords] - Health and safety of NHS doctors absentaye absent
Commons15 Jun 1999Health Bill [Lords] - Criteria for appraisals by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence absentaye absent
Commons15 Jun 1999Health Bill [Lords] and Immigration and Asylum Bill (Allocation of Time) - Interpretation absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jun 1999Delegated Legislation - Professions supplementary to medicine absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jun 1999Delegated Legislation - Professions Supplementary to Medicine absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jun 1999Delegated Legislation - Professions Supplementary to Medicine absentunknown absent
Commons8 Jun 1999Animal Welfare (Prohibition of Imports) absentaye absent
Commons26 May 1999Members' Travel absentunknown absent
Commons26 May 1999Line of Route absentunknown absent
Commons24 May 1999Modernisation of the House of Commons absentunknown absent
Commons24 May 1999Modernisation of the House of Commons absentunknown absent
Commons24 May 1999Modernisation of the House of Commons absentunknown absent
Commons21 May 1999Referendums Bill - Commencement (No. 2) absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Extent absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Duty as an employer to offer payroll deduction facility absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Incapacity benefit: restriction to recent contributors absentaye absent
Commons20 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill (Allocation of Time) - Miscellaneous absentno absent
Commons19 May 1999Delegated Legislation - Terms and conditions of employment absentunknown absent
Commons19 May 1999Delegated Legislation - Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 absentunknown absent
Commons19 May 1999NHS Personnel absentno absent
Commons19 May 1999NHS Personnel absentaye absent
Commons19 May 1999European Union Fraud absentunknown absent
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentunknown absent
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill absentunknown absent
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Income support premiums payable upon termination of bereavement allowance absentaye absent
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Age additions absentaye absent
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Earnings of workers supplied by service companies etc. absentno absent
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Excessive pension contributions made by persons who have become insolvent Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Optional work-focused interviews Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Extension of entitlement to state maternity allowance Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 May 1999Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill - Offences relating to fur farming absentunknown absent
Commons14 May 1999Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill - Appropriate authority responsibility for forfeited animals absentunknown absent
Commons13 May 1999Parliamentary Democracy absentunknown absent
Commons13 May 1999American Food Exports and European Trade Policy absentunknown absent
Commons12 May 1999Northern Ireland (Location of Victims' Remains) Bill - Funeral expenses absentunknown absent
Commons11 May 1999Devolution absentunknown absent
Commons11 May 1999Devolution absentno absent
Commons11 May 1999Pensions absentunknown absent
Commons10 May 1999Northern Ireland (Location of Victims' Remains) Bill absentaye absent
Commons5 May 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Interpretation of Chapter XIV absentunknown absent
Commons5 May 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Road user charging absentunknown absent
Commons5 May 1999Greater London Authority Bill - PPP agreements absentno absent
Commons4 May 1999Greater London Authority Bill — Enforcing no smoking signs in London taxis absentaye absent
Commons4 May 1999Greater London Authority Bill - GLA transport grant absentaye absent
Commons4 May 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Nomination of candidate for Mayor absentaye absent
Commons4 May 1999Sex Education in Schools absentunknown absent
Commons29 Apr 1999Industry and Employment absentunknown absent
Commons29 Apr 1999Industry and Employment absentunknown absent
Commons29 Apr 1999Housing and the Green Belt absentunknown absent
Commons28 Apr 1999Finance Bill absentaye absent
Commons28 Apr 1999Finance Bill - Stamp duty on conveyance or transfer on sale absentno absent
Commons28 Apr 1999Finance Bill absentaye absent
Commons28 Apr 1999Finance Bill absentno absent
Commons28 Apr 1999Finance Bill - Restriction of MCA to those reaching 65 before 2000-01 absentno absent
Commons27 Apr 1999Finance Bill - Hydrocarbon oil duties minorityno Loyal
Commons21 Apr 1999British Livestock Farming absentno absent
Commons21 Apr 1999British Livestock Farming absentaye absent
Commons21 Apr 1999Road Haulage Industry absentno absent
Commons21 Apr 1999Road Haulage Industry absentunknown absent
Commons20 Apr 1999Finance Bill absentno absent
Commons20 Apr 1999Finance Bill absentno absent
Commons19 Apr 1999Kosovo absentunknown absent
Commons14 Apr 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] minorityno Loyal
Commons14 Apr 1999Access to Justice Bill [Lords] minorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Apr 1999Health Bill [Lords] absentaye absent
Commons13 Apr 1999Health Bill [Lords] Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - '9. Compensatory award: removal of limit in certain cases absentunknown absent
Commons31 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - Collective Bargaining: Recognition absentunknown absent
Commons31 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - Employment agencies absentunknown absent
Commons31 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Value Added Tax absentno absent
Commons30 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - Assessment of working days lost as a result of Act absentno absent
Commons30 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - Discrimination in the work-place on grounds of sexual orientation minorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - Discrimination in the work-place on grounds of age minorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 1999Employment Relations Bill - Small employers' exemption Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Mar 1999New Writ (Newark) absentunknown absent
Commons24 Mar 1999Local Government Bill - Finance Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1999Local Government Bill - Endorsement of council tax by referendum minorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1999Local Government Bill (Allocation of Time) absentaye absent
Commons23 Mar 1999Local Government Bill absentunknown absent
Commons23 Mar 1999Local Government Bill absentunknown absent
Commons23 Mar 1999Local Government Bill - Requirement for overriding order absentunknown absent
Commons23 Mar 1999Local Government Bill [Money] (No. 2) absentunknown absent
Commons22 Mar 1999EU-US Trade absentunknown absent
Commons22 Mar 1999Council Tax Increases absentunknown absent
Commons19 Mar 1999Referendums Bill absentunknown absent
Commons19 Mar 1999Referendums Bill absentunknown absent
Commons18 Mar 1999Roads absentunknown absent
Commons18 Mar 1999Roads absentunknown absent
Commons18 Mar 1999Policing absentunknown absent
Commons17 Mar 1999Tax Credits Bill absentunknown absent
Commons17 Mar 1999Tax Credits Bill - Repeals. absentunknown absent
Commons17 Mar 1999Tax Credits Bill absentunknown absent
Commons17 Mar 1999Tax Credits Bill - Payment Of Tax Credit By Employers Etc absentunknown absent
Commons17 Mar 1999Tax Credits Bill - Payment of tax credits to agricultural employees absentunknown absent
Commons17 Mar 1999Tax Credits Bill - Housing costs absentunknown absent
Commons16 Mar 1999European Community Documents - Transport Infrastructure Charging absentunknown absent
Commons16 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons16 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Local Government Finance (Scotland) absentunknown absent
Commons16 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Local Government Finance (Wales) absentunknown absent
Commons16 Mar 1999House of Lords Bill — Third Reading absentunknown absent
Commons16 Mar 1999House of Lords Bill absentunknown absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Finance [Money] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 49. Insurance premium tax (standard rate) absentno absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 45. Ring fence profits absentunknown absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 37. Extra-statutory arrangements for insurance groups absentaye absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 25. Cars available for private use absentaye absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 21. Rates of capital gains tax absentno absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 16. Value added tax (meaning of "business") absentaye absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 5. Tobacco products duty (rates) absentaye absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 3. Hydrocarbon oil duties (rates and rebates) absentno absent
Commons15 Mar 1999Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 2. Sparkling cider (rate of duty) absentno absent
Commons10 Mar 1999European Community Documents - Treatment of End of Life Vehicles absentunknown absent
Commons5 Mar 1999Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons4 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Terms and Conditions of Employment absentunknown absent
Commons4 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Terms and Conditions of Employment absentunknown absent
Commons4 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons4 Mar 1999House of Lords Bill - Criteria for conferment of life peerage (No. 3) absentunknown absent
Commons3 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Constitutional Law absentaye absent
Commons3 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Constitutional Law absentaye absent
Commons3 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Constitutional Law absentaye absent
Commons3 Mar 1999House of Lords Bill absentno absent
Commons3 Mar 1999House of Lords Bill - Commencement and transitional provision absentno absent
Commons2 Mar 1999Burdens on Schools minorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Mar 1999Sierra Leone absentaye absent
Commons1 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Court of Auditors Report absentunknown absent
Commons1 Mar 1999Delegated Legislation - Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons1 Mar 1999Revoke the Corporation Tax (Instalment Payments) Regulations 1998 — rejected absentunknown absent
Commons1 Mar 1999Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Mar 1999Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill - Defences available to persons who are under age Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Feb 1999Rating (Valuation) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons24 Feb 1999Rating (Valuation) Bill - Rateable value absentunknown absent
Commons24 Feb 1999City of London (Ward Elections) Bill (By Order) absentaye absent
Commons24 Feb 1999Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Bill - Information Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Feb 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons23 Feb 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Feb 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill absentunknown absent
Commons22 Feb 1999Immigration and Asylum Bill absentunknown absent
Commons16 Feb 1999House of Lords Bill absentaye absent
Commons16 Feb 1999House of Lords Bill — Hereditary peers to be elected by House of Lords members — rejected absentno absent
Commons15 Feb 1999House of Lords Bill — Exclusion of hereditary peers from voting — rejected absentno absent
Commons11 Feb 1999Local Government Finance (Scotland) absentunknown absent
Commons10 Feb 1999Water Industry Bill - Regulations concerning charges schemes absentunknown absent
Commons10 Feb 1999Water Industry Bill - Provisions for Wales minorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Feb 1999Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill — Clause 1 — Age of Consent for Homosexual Acts Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Feb 1999Poverty and Social Exclusion (National Strategy) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Feb 1999Employment Relations Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Feb 1999Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, Etc.) Bill [Lords] absentno absent
Commons4 Feb 1999National Lottery absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1999Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1999Police absentunknown absent
Commons3 Feb 1999Planning absentunknown absent
Commons3 Feb 1999Planning absentunknown absent
Commons3 Feb 1999Pensions absentaye absent
Commons2 Feb 1999House of Lords Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Feb 1999House of Lords Bill — Decline to give a Second Reading — rejected Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jan 1999London Underground absentunknown absent
Commons27 Jan 1999London Underground Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jan 1999Terrorist Mutilations (Northern Ireland) absentno absent
Commons26 Jan 1999Tax Credits Bill absentunknown absent
Commons26 Jan 1999Tax Credits Bill absentno absent
Commons25 Jan 1999Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill — Second Reading absentaye absent
Commons21 Jan 1999Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons21 Jan 1999Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill - Information contained in certificates absentunknown absent
Commons21 Jan 1999Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill - Abolition of emergency treatment fee absentaye absent
Commons20 Jan 1999Greater London Authority Bill absentunknown absent
Commons20 Jan 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Voting at ordinary elections absentno absent
Commons20 Jan 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Membership of the Authority and the Assembly absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jan 1999Greater London Authority Bill absentaye absent
Commons19 Jan 1999Greater London Authority Bill absentno absent
Commons19 Jan 1999Greater London Authority Bill - Membership of the Authority and the Assembly absentno absent
Commons18 Jan 1999Dividend Tax Credits absentunknown absent
Commons18 Jan 1999Dividend Tax Credits absentaye absent
Commons18 Jan 1999NHS (Rationing) absentaye absent
Commons13 Jan 1999UK Role in Europe minorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jan 1999Government Information absentaye absent
Commons12 Jan 1999Local Government Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jan 1999Local Government Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jan 1999Rating (Valuation) Bill absentno absent
Commons16 Dec 1998Modernisation of the House - MEETINGS OF STANDING COMMITTEES (No. 1) absentunknown absent
Commons16 Dec 1998Modernisation of the House absentaye absent
Commons16 Dec 1998Modernisation of the House Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Dec 1998Fisheries absentunknown absent
Commons15 Dec 1998Fisheries absentaye absent
Commons15 Dec 1998Greater London Authority Bill absentno absent
Commons9 Dec 1998Tax Harmonisation absentno absent
Commons9 Dec 1998Tax Harmonisation absentunknown absent
Commons9 Dec 1998Decommissioning and Prisoner Releases absentaye absent
Commons9 Dec 1998Decommissioning and Prisoner Releases Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Dec 1998Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Repeals and Revocations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Minor and consequential amendments Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Minor and Consequential Amendments of Schedule 1 to the European Parliamentary Elections Act 1978 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - New schedule 2 to the European Parliamentary Elections Act 1978 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Commencement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Expenses Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Amendments and repeals Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Electoral regions in England Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] - Number of MEPs, electoral regions and electoral system Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill (Allocation of Time) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Dec 1998The Economy absentunknown absent
Commons1 Dec 1998The Economy minorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Dec 1998The Economy Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Nov 1998Constitution and Parliament Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Nov 1998Northern Ireland Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Nov 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Nov 1998Stakeholder Pension absentunknown absent
Commons16 Nov 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Nov 1998Scotland Bill - Scrutiny of Bills by the Presiding Officer. absentaye absent
Commons11 Nov 1998Scotland Bill - Constituencies, regions and regional members absentunknown absent
Commons10 Nov 1998Income Tax absentno absent
Commons10 Nov 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill absentaye absent
Commons10 Nov 1998Factory Closures absentunknown absent
Commons4 Nov 1998Agriculture absentunknown absent
Commons4 Nov 1998Agriculture minorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Nov 1998The Economy absentno absent
Commons27 Oct 1998Working Time absentno absent
Commons27 Oct 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Number of MEPs, electoral regions and electoral system absentaye absent
Commons26 Oct 1998Farming and Food minorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Oct 1998Economy minorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Oct 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - Power to take remedial action absentno absent
Commons21 Oct 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - No remedial order before determination of European Commission of Human Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Oct 1998Strategic Defence Review — Approval Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill - Conspiracy to commit offences outside the United Kingdom absentunknown absent
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill - England and Wales absentunknown absent
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill - Evidence and inferences: Great Britain absentunknown absent
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons2 Sep 1998Business of the House (Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill) absentno absent
Commons31 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill absentunknown absent
Commons30 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill - Exclusion of Ministers from office absentunknown absent
Commons30 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill - Transferred, excepted and reserved matters absentunknown absent
Commons29 Jul 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) absentunknown absent
Commons29 Jul 1998Rural Areas absentaye absent
Commons29 Jul 1998Government Policy (Presentation) absentunknown absent
Commons29 Jul 1998Parliamentary Oaths (Amendment) absentunknown absent
Commons28 Jul 1998National Minimum Wage Bill - New clause absentunknown absent
Commons27 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill - Participation in NSMC and BIC absentunknown absent
Commons23 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill - Exclusion of Ministers from office absentunknown absent
Commons22 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill - Previous enactments absentunknown absent
Commons22 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill - Status of Northern Ireland absentno absent
Commons22 Jul 1998Government of Wales Bill - Disqualification from being Assembly member minorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jul 1998Government of Wales Bill - Transfer of Ministerial functions minorityno Loyal
Commons21 Jul 1998European Single Currency absentaye absent
Commons21 Jul 1998Government and Parliament absentunknown absent
Commons20 Jul 1998Northern Ireland Bill absentunknown absent
Commons15 Jul 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Constitution of governing bodies absentaye absent
Commons15 Jul 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Restrictions on financial assistance to non-maintained schools absentunknown absent
Commons15 Jul 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Governing bodies Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jul 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - School organisation committees absentunknown absent
Commons13 Jul 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] — Imposition of conditions as to fees at further and higher education institutions in Scotland absentno absent
Commons13 Jul 1998Department of Social Security absentno absent
Commons13 Jul 1998Manufacturing and Industrial Relations absentunknown absent
Commons8 Jul 1998Competition Bill [Lords] - General Exclusions absentno absent
Commons8 Jul 1998Competition Bill [Lords] - Abuse of dominant position absentaye absent
Commons8 Jul 1998Competition Bill [Lords] absentaye absent
Commons7 Jul 1998Select Committees (Information) minorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jul 1998Fireworks Bill - Prohibition of supply etc. of other explosives. absentunknown absent
Commons3 Jul 1998Fireworks Bill - Training courses absentunknown absent
Commons2 Jul 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - Guarantee of non-discrimination absentunknown absent
Commons1 Jul 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons1 Jul 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] absentno absent
Commons1 Jul 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] — New arrangements for giving financial support to students absentno absent
Commons1 Jul 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Repeals minorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jun 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Capital allowances for sea going vessels absentaye absent
Commons30 Jun 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Tax credit compensation for charities with investments in mixed funds absentaye absent
Commons30 Jun 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Special regard to trading patterns of the retail industry minorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jun 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Repayment of dividend tax credit to non-taxpayers minorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jun 1998Class Sizes minorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jun 1998The Economy absentunknown absent
Commons24 Jun 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] absentno absent
Commons24 Jun 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - Proceedings absentaye absent
Commons23 Jun 1998Crime and Disorder Bill [Lords] - Racially-aggravated offences: England and Wales absentaye absent
Commons22 Jun 1998Crime and Disorder Bill [Lords] absentaye absent
Commons22 Jun 1998Crime and Disorder Bill — Reduction of Age of Consent for Homosexual Acts to 16 absentaye absent
Commons18 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill - Sentences passed outside Northern Ireland absentunknown absent
Commons18 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill - Applications absentunknown absent
Commons17 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill - Licences: conditions absentno absent
Commons16 Jun 1998Council Tax (Derbyshire) absentunknown absent
Commons16 Jun 1998Local Government (Scotland) absentno absent
Commons16 Jun 1998Local Government (Scotland) Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jun 1998Hospital Waiting Lists absentno absent
Commons15 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill absentaye absent
Commons15 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill absentno absent
Commons15 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill absentno absent
Commons15 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill - Applications absentunknown absent
Commons10 Jun 1998Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill absentaye absent
Commons9 Jun 1998European Communities (Amendment) Bill - New clause absentaye absent
Commons9 Jun 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] - Title minorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jun 1998Delegated Legislation - Marine Pollution absentunknown absent
Commons8 Jun 1998Delegated Legislation - Contracting Out absentunknown absent
Commons8 Jun 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] minorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Jun 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] - New arrangements for giving financial support to students minorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jun 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - Declaration of Incompatibility absentno absent
Commons3 Jun 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - Legislation absentno absent
Commons2 Jun 1998Electoral System Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Jun 1998National Lottery Bill [Lords] - Objects absentaye absent
Commons1 Jun 1998National Lottery Bill [Lords] - The new good cause and the re-allocation of lottery money absentunknown absent
Commons1 Jun 1998National Lottery Bill [Lords] - Additionality absentunknown absent
Commons21 May 1998Deregulation - Union Subscriptions absentunknown absent
Commons21 May 1998Common Agricultural Policy Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 May 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] - The Convention and the First Protocol Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 May 1998Scotland Bill - Reserved matters minorityaye Loyal
Commons19 May 1998Scotland Bill - Remuneration of members of the Parliament and Executive Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 May 1998Scotland Bill - Stages of Bills Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 May 1998Territorial Army absentaye absent
Commons18 May 1998Sierra Leone absentaye absent
Commons14 May 1998Tax Credits (Initial Expenditure) Bill - Authorisation of expenditure absentunknown absent
Commons13 May 1998Social Security Bill - New clause absentaye absent
Commons13 May 1998Social Security Bill - New clause Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 May 1998Scotland Bill - Powers to intervene in certain cases absentunknown absent
Commons12 May 1998Scotland Bill - Constitutional Court minorityaye Loyal
Commons12 May 1998Scotland Bill - Concordats minorityaye Loyal
Commons12 May 1998Scotland Bill - Corruption or maladministration in local government Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 May 1998Competition Bill [Lords] absentaye absent
Commons11 May 1998Competition Bill [Lords] absentaye absent
Commons6 May 1998Scotland Bill - Review of role of Scottish Members of House of Commons absentunknown absent
Commons30 Apr 1998Economic and Monetary Union absentno absent
Commons30 Apr 1998Economic and Monetary Union absentno absent
Commons29 Apr 1998Orders of the Day - Married couple's allowance etc. in and after 1999-2000 absentaye absent
Commons29 Apr 1998Orders of the Day - Charge and rates for 1998-99 absentunknown absent
Commons29 Apr 1998Orders of the Day absentaye absent
Commons29 Apr 1998Orders of the Day - Taper relief for CGT absentno absent
Commons28 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Rates of tobacco products duty Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Rates of duties and rebates minorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Rate of duty on beer Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Stamp duty on conveyance or transfer on sale absentaye absent
Commons27 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill - Use of PEPs powers to provide for accounts minorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill 1998 — Regulations to allow the implementation of rules that would introduce instalment payments of corporation tax absentaye absent
Commons22 Apr 1998Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill absentaye absent
Commons22 Apr 1998Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill - Disqualification absentno absent
Commons22 Apr 1998Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill - The Assembly Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Apr 1998Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill (Programme) - Miscellaneous Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons21 Apr 1998Finance (No. 2) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Apr 1998Bank of England Bill - Monetary Policy Committee. absentno absent
Commons7 Apr 1998National Lottery Bill [Lords] [Money] absentunknown absent
Commons7 Apr 1998National Lottery Bill [Lords] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Apr 1998Manufacturing Industry absentunknown absent
Commons6 Apr 1998Trade Union Recognition Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Apr 1998Regional Development Agencies Bill - Vesting and acquisition of land: supplementary provisions absentunknown absent
Commons1 Apr 1998Regional Development Agencies Bill - Acquisition of land absentunknown absent
Commons1 Apr 1998Regional Development Agencies Bill - Access to meetings etc. of regional development agencies absentunknown absent
Commons1 Apr 1998Regional Development Agencies Bill - Activities of agencies in rural areas absentunknown absent
Commons31 Mar 1998Delegated Legislation - Pensions absentaye absent
Commons31 Mar 1998Scotland Bill - Register of concordats absentunknown absent
Commons31 Mar 1998Scotland Bill - Sex discrimination in selection of candidates Majorityaye Rebel
Commons31 Mar 1998Scotland Bill minorityaye Loyal
Commons31 Mar 1998Scotland Bill - Reserved matters minorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 1998Scotland Bill - Reserved Matters absentaye absent
Commons25 Mar 1998Government of Wales Bill - Voting at ordinary elections absentaye absent
Commons25 Mar 1998Government of Wales Bill - Power to enter into concordat absentno absent
Commons25 Mar 1998Government of Wales Bill (Programme) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill — Third Reading absentunknown absent
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill — Abolition of corporal punishment in schools Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Parliamentary scrutiny of Annual Report of the Chief Inspector for England absentunknown absent
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Partnership schemes Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Designation of grammar schools Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Permitted selection: aptitude for particular subjects Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill — End Partial Selection of Pupils — rejected minorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Adjudicators Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Reinstitution of standards for educational premises minorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Discontinuance of maintained rural primary schools absentno absent
Commons23 Mar 1998Budget Resolutions 1998 — Corporation tax (due and payable date) minorityno Loyal
Commons23 Mar 1998Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 21. Value added tax (long leases in Scotland) minorityno Loyal
Commons23 Mar 1998Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 4. Wine and made-wine (rates of duty) minorityno Loyal
Commons23 Mar 1998Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation — 2. Beer (rate of duty) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Mar 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] [Money] - Queen's recommendation having been signified-- minorityno Loyal
Commons16 Mar 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] minorityno Loyal
Commons16 Mar 1998Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Waste Minimisation Bill [Money] absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Circumstances in which shooting is unsafe or impractical absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Hunting beginning in the Republic of Ireland absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Gun Packs absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Mink absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Power to amend absentunknown absent
Commons12 Mar 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Minor and consequential amendments of Schedule 1 to the European Parliamentary Elections Act 1978 absentunknown absent
Commons12 Mar 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Number of MEPs, electoral regions and electoral system absentunknown absent
Commons12 Mar 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Review of alternative voting systems absentunknown absent
Commons11 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill — Grant Maintained Schools (Parental Ballot) — rejected Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Functions of Education Action Forum Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill - Establishment of education action zones minorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Mar 1998School Standards and Framework Bill — Exemption from strict class size limits — rejected Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Mar 1998Pensioners' Incomes absentunknown absent
Commons10 Mar 1998Taxation minorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Mar 1998Road Traffic Reduction (United Kingdom Targets) Bill [Money] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Mar 1998National Minimum Wage Bill - Repeals and revocations absentunknown absent
Commons9 Mar 1998National Minimum Wage Bill - Company directors absentno absent
Commons6 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill absentaye absent
Commons6 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Fox control in national parks absentno absent
Commons4 Mar 1998Scotland Bill - Cross-border public bodies: initial status absentaye absent
Commons3 Mar 1998Listening to the Countryside minorityno Loyal
Commons3 Mar 1998Listening to the Countryside Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Mar 1998ISAs, TESSAs and PEPs minorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Mar 1998Government of Wales Bill - Decisions affecting vital interests of a region Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Commencement absentunknown absent
Commons26 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill absentunknown absent
Commons26 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill absentno absent
Commons26 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill absentunknown absent
Commons26 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill absentunknown absent
Commons26 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Number of MEPs, electoral regions and electoral system absentunknown absent
Commons24 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Feb 1998European Parliamentary Elections Bill - Number of MEPs, electoral regions and electoral system minorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Changes to income tax structure Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Scottish taxpayers minorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Power to fix basic rate for Scottish taxpayers Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Feb 1998Local Government Finance (Scotland) absentunknown absent
Commons17 Feb 1998Iraq minorityno Loyal
Commons16 Feb 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] absentaye absent
Commons16 Feb 1998Human Rights Bill [Lords] absentno absent
Commons12 Feb 1998Scotland Bill absentunknown absent
Commons12 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Scottish Consolidated Fund absentunknown absent
Commons11 Feb 1998Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons11 Feb 1998Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - Form of Ballot Paper absentunknown absent
Commons11 Feb 1998Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons11 Feb 1998Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons11 Feb 1998Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - Referendum absentunknown absent
Commons10 Feb 1998Beef Bones Regulations minorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Power to prevent or require action minorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Exercise of functions absentno absent
Commons10 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - Ministers Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Feb 1998Scotland Bill - The Scottish Executive absentunknown absent
Commons9 Feb 1998Railways absentunknown absent
Commons9 Feb 1998Child Support Agency absentunknown absent
Commons5 Feb 1998Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons5 Feb 1998Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons5 Feb 1998Local Government Finance absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1998Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1998Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill — Secretary of State's Powers to Prohibit Public Processions absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1998Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] - Functions of the Commission absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1998Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] - Prohibition orders absentunknown absent
Commons4 Feb 1998Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] - The Commission's powers to impose conditions on public processions absentunknown absent
Commons3 Feb 1998Delegated Legislation - Northern Ireland Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Feb 1998Government of Wales Bill - Relations with local government Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Feb 1998Government of Wales Bill - Grants to Assembly Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Feb 1998Government of Wales Bill - Assembly First Secretary minorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jan 1998Scotland Bill - Acts of the Scottish Parliament absentunknown absent
Commons28 Jan 1998Scotland Bill - Constituencies, regions and regional members Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Jan 1998Scotland Bill - The Scottish Parliament Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jan 1998London Underground Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jan 1998Protection of the Countryside minorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 1998Bank of England Bill - Transitional provisions and savings absentunknown absent
Commons22 Jan 1998Bank of England Bill - Confirmation hearings for Bank appointments absentunknown absent
Commons21 Jan 1998Government of Wales Bill - Transfer of Ministerial functions Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 1998Government of Wales Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 1998Government of Wales Bill - Membership minorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jan 1998Government of Wales Bill - The Assembly Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jan 1998European Communities (Amendment) Bill - Exchange of information between Court of Auditors and other bodies Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 1998European Communities (Amendment) Bill - Police operations in co-operation with Europol minorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 1998European Communities (Amendment) Bill - Meaning of "the Treaties" and "the Community Treaties" Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jan 1998European Communities (Amendment) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons15 Jan 1998European Communities (Amendment) Bill - Meaning of "the Treaties" and "the Community Treaties" absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jan 1998Regional Development Agencies Bill absentaye absent
Commons14 Jan 1998Regional Development Agencies Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jan 1998Scotland Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Dec 1997School Standards and Framework Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons18 Dec 1997Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons17 Dec 1997European Communities (Amendment) Bill (Allocation of Time) absentunknown absent
Commons17 Dec 1997Fisheries absentunknown absent
Commons17 Dec 1997Fisheries absentno absent
Commons16 Dec 1997National Minimum Wage Bill absentaye absent
Commons11 Dec 1997Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill - Detention orders absentunknown absent
Commons11 Dec 1997European Community Documents - Agenda 2000: Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy absentunknown absent
Commons10 Dec 1997European Community Documents - Employment Law absentaye absent
Commons10 Dec 1997Social Security Bill - Short title, commencement and extent minorityno Loyal
Commons10 Dec 1997Social Security Bill - Power to reduce child benefit for lone parents minorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Dec 1997Social Security Bill - New schedule 1 absentunknown absent
Commons10 Dec 1997Social Security Bill - Backdating of benefit minorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Dec 1997Social Security Bill minorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Dec 1997Doctor Assisted Dying Bill — Leave to Bring In absentaye absent
Commons9 Dec 1997European Community Documents - European Police Office (Definition of Treaties) absentaye absent
Commons9 Dec 1997European Community Documents - European Police Office (Immunities and Privileges) absentaye absent
Commons9 Dec 1997Government of Wales Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Dec 1997Government of Wales Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Dec 1997Government of Wales Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Dec 1997European Communities (Amendment) Bill - Meaning of "the Treaties" and "the Community Treaties" Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Dec 1997European Communities (Amendment) Bill - Meaning of "the Treaties" and "the Community Treaties" Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Dec 1997Burdens on Business Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Dec 1997Welfare, Pensions and Disabled People absentaye absent
Commons28 Nov 1997Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons26 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons25 Nov 1997European Parliamentary Elections Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons24 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - Functions of the Local Government Commission minorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - Counting Officers absentunknown absent
Commons24 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - Form of ballot paper absentunknown absent
Commons24 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons24 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - Referendum Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentaye absent
Commons19 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill - [Sir Alan Haselhurst in the Chair] absentno absent
Commons17 Nov 1997Public Services minorityno Loyal
Commons17 Nov 1997Public Services minorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Nov 1997European Communities (Amendment) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Nov 1997Bank of England Bill absentunknown absent
Commons10 Nov 1997Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill absentno absent
Commons6 Nov 1997Supreme Court (Offices) Bill — second reading absentunknown absent
Commons4 Nov 1997Rural Life minorityno Loyal
Commons4 Nov 1997Rural Life absentunknown absent
Commons4 Nov 1997Student Finance — Opposition Day Debate minorityno Loyal
Commons4 Nov 1997Student Finance — Opposition Day Debate absentunknown absent
Commons3 Nov 1997Education (Student Loans) Bill - Regulations to prescribe certain terms of student loan agreements minorityno Loyal
Commons3 Nov 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill - Competition Pistols absentaye absent
Commons3 Nov 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill - Disabled persons: exemption. absentaye absent
Commons30 Jul 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill absentaye absent
Commons30 Jul 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill - Referendum in Scotland absentaye absent
Commons29 Jul 1997Table - Repeals absentunknown absent
Commons29 Jul 1997Table - Foreign income dividends absentno absent
Commons29 Jul 1997Table - Tax credits absentno absent
Commons29 Jul 1997Table absentaye absent
Commons28 Jul 1997Finance Bill - Stamp duty on conveyance or transfer on sale absentno absent
Commons28 Jul 1997Finance Bill - Mortgage Interest Payments absentunknown absent
Commons28 Jul 1997Finance Bill absentunknown absent
Commons28 Jul 1997Finance Bill — Rate of duty on spirits absentunknown absent
Commons24 Jul 1997Education (Schools) Bill - Transitional arrangements for existing assisted pupils absentunknown absent
Commons24 Jul 1997European Community Documents - 1998 Preliminary Draft Budget absentunknown absent
Commons22 Jul 1997Social Security Bill absentaye absent
Commons21 Jul 1997Education (Student Loans) Bill minorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 1997Council Tax absentunknown absent
Commons16 Jul 1997Finance Bill absentno absent
Commons16 Jul 1997Finance Bill - Pension funds no longer entitled to payment of tax credits minorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jul 1997Finance Bill - Withdrawal of relief on medical insurance premiums Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jul 1997Finance Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jul 1997Finance Bill - Mortgage Interest Payments Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jul 1997Finance Bill - Charge to windfall tax Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Jul 1997Orders of the Day National Health Service (Private Finance) Bill [Lords] absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1997Orders of the Day National Health Service (Private Finance) Bill [Lords] - Powers of NHS trusts to enter into agreements absentunknown absent
Commons14 Jul 1997Finance Bill (Allocation of Time) absentunknown absent
Commons10 Jul 1997Finance Bill absentunknown absent
Commons9 Jul 1997Pensions absentunknown absent
Commons8 Jul 1997Local Government Finance (Supplementary Credit Approvals) Bill - Power in place of duty to specify amortisation period absentaye absent
Commons8 Jul 1997Local Government Finance (Supplementary Credit Approvals) Bill - Local authority debt reduction strategies Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jul 1997Local Government Finance (Supplementary Credit Approvals) Bill - Duty of Secretary of State to have regard to accessibility standards absentaye absent
Commons7 Jul 1997Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 22. Relief for film production and acquisition expenditure absentaye absent
Commons7 Jul 1997Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 13. Surplus franked investment income minorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 1997Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 11. Withdrawal of relief on medical insurance premiums Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Jul 1997Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 9. Vehicle excise duty (increase in rates) minorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 1997Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation - 3. Spirits (rate of duty) minorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 1997Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jun 1997London Underground absentunknown absent
Commons25 Jun 1997London Underground - NHS Services (Charging) absentunknown absent
Commons25 Jun 1997London Underground absentunknown absent
Commons24 Jun 1997Plant Varieties Bill absentunknown absent
Commons19 Jun 1997Common Agricultural Policy Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill - Exemption for national competition shooters Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill absentno absent
Commons18 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill - Consequential amendments and repeals minorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill - Prohibition of small-calibre pistols Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jun 1997Local Government Finance (Supplementary Credit Approvals) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill - Prohibition of small-calibre pistols absentunknown absent
Commons11 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jun 1997Firearms (Amendment) Bill absentno absent
Commons10 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill - Power of local authority to continue to assist pupils Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill - Regulations for purposes of transitional arrangements absentunknown absent
Commons10 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons10 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill - Transitional Arrangements for Existing Assisted Pupils Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jun 1997European Union absentunknown absent
Commons9 Jun 1997European Union absentno absent
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill - Transitional arrangements for existing assisted pupils absentunknown absent
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons5 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill - Abolition of assisted places scheme in England and Wales absentunknown absent
Commons4 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons4 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill - Referendum in Wales minorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill absentunknown absent
Commons4 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill minorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill - Referendum in Scotland minorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jun 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill - Referendum in Scotland Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Jun 1997M66 - 3 Jun 1997 : Column 187 Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill (Allocation of Time) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill [Money] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Jun 1997Education (Schools) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 May 1997Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 May 1997The Economy and European Affairs absentunknown absent
Commons20 May 1997The Economy and European Affairs minorityaye Loyal
Commons20 May 1997The Economy and European Affairs Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 May 1997Home Affairs Majorityno Loyal

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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