Voting Record — Mr Kevin McNamara MP, Kingston upon Hull North (10399)

Mr Kevin McNamara

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 Lab 56 votes out of 519, 10.8% 519 votes out of 1246, 41.7% 1 time
1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Lab 19 votes out of 591, 3.2% 591 votes out of 1273, 46.4% 2 times

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Interesting Votes

Votes in parliament for which this MP's vote differed from the majority vote of their party (Rebel), or in which this MP was a teller (Teller), or both (Rebel Teller).

See also all votes... attended | possible

HouseDateSubjectMr Kevin McNamaraLab VoteRôle
11 Apr 2005Stopped being Member, Standards and Privileges Committee
11 Apr 2005Stopped being Member, Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Insisted Amendment — Courts and Control Orders minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Amendments — Burden of Proof minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Insisted Again — Courts and Control Orders minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Weak Sunset Clause minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Insisted Amendment — Courts and Conrol Orders minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Insisted Amendment — Human Rights Obligations minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Weak Sunset Clause minorityaye Rebel
Commons10 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Insisted Amendments — Application to a Court minorityaye Rebel
Commons9 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Rejection of Lords' Amendment — Human Rights Obligations minorityaye Rebel
Commons9 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Rejection of Lords' Amendment — Rules of the Court minorityaye Rebel
Commons9 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Rejection of New Lords' Amendment — Sunset Clause minorityaye Rebel
Commons9 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Rejection of New Lords' Clause — Duration of Control Orders minorityaye Rebel
Commons9 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Rejection of Lords' Amendment to Clause 3 — Balance of Probability minorityaye Rebel
Commons9 Mar 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Derogating Control Orders minorityaye Rebel
Commons28 Feb 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Third Reading minorityaye Rebel
Commons28 Feb 2005Prevention of Terrorism Bill — Amendment to Clause 1 — Power to make control orders minorityno Rebel
Commons9 Nov 2004Categories of civil partners other than same sex couples minorityno Rebel
28 May 2004Became Member, Standards and Privileges Committee
28 May 2004Became Member, Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Commons22 Apr 2004Security Screen minorityaye Rebel
Commons31 Mar 2004Higher Education Bill — New Clause 5 — Abolition of tuition fees chargeable to qualifying student minorityno Rebel
Commons3 Mar 2004Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 — Renewal of indefinite detention minorityaye Rebel
Commons25 Feb 2004Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 — Privy Counsel Report minorityno Rebel
Commons27 Jan 2004Higher Education Bill — Second Reading — Increase in University Tuition Fees minorityaye Rebel
Commons12 Nov 2003Fire Services Bill — Clause 1 — Powers of the Secretary of State minorityno Rebel
Commons10 Nov 2003Water Bill [Lords] — Clause 58 — Fluoridation of Water Supplies minorityno Rebel
Commons10 Nov 2003Water Bill [Lords] — New Clause 1 — Prohibition of Artificial Fluoridation of Water Supplies minorityno Rebel
Commons19 May 2003Criminal Justice Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — Clause 63 — Cases that may be Retried bothno Rebel
Commons19 May 2003Criminal Justice Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 29 — Rules of Court minorityno Rebel
Commons19 May 2003Criminal Justice Bill — [2nd Allotted Day] — New Clause 29 — Rules of Court minorityno Rebel
Commons12 May 2003Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons12 May 2003Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) Bill (Allocation of Time) minorityaye Rebel
Commons18 Mar 2003Iraq — Declaration of War minorityaye Rebel
Commons18 Mar 2003Iraq — Case for war not established — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons26 Feb 2003Iraq — Endorse UN Security Council Resolution 1441 — Final Opportunity for Iraq to Disarm minorityaye Rebel
Commons26 Feb 2003Iraq — Case for war is unproven — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 2 (100 per Cent. Elected) — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons4 Feb 2003House of Lords Reform — Option 1 (Fully Appointed) — rejected minorityno Rebel
Commons11 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — [1st Allotted Day] — New Clause 15 — Appeal from within United Kingdom: unfounded human rights or asylum claim: transitional provision minorityaye Rebel
Commons11 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — Do not allow appeals against rejected asylum claims from within the UK if the claim is unfounded minorityaye Rebel
Commons11 Jun 2002Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill — Do not allow appeals against rejected asylum claims from within the UK if the claim is unfounded minorityaye Rebel
Commons4 Mar 2002Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill — New Clause 3 — Discontinuance of proceedings: information for victims minorityno Rebel
Commons4 Mar 2002Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill — Schedule 2 — Judicial Appointments Commission minorityno Rebel
Commons26 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Third Reading minorityaye Rebel
Commons26 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Amendment to Clause 17 — Disclosure Powers minorityno Rebel
Commons26 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Clauses 101 to 105, 120 to 122 — Communication Data minorityaye Rebel
Commons26 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Amendment to Clause 97 — Jurisdiction of MoD police minorityno Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Public emergency threatening the life of the nation — approved minorityaye Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Clause 109 and 110 — Implementation of the third pillar minorityaye Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Amendment to Clause 109 — Implementation of the third pillar minorityno Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Special Immigration Appeals Commission minorityaye Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Indefinite detention of suspected terrorists tellnoaye Rebel Teller
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Terrorist certification by Home Secretary minorityaye Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — New Clause 6 — Sunset Clause minorityno Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Programme — Timetable of Debate minorityaye Rebel
Commons19 Nov 2001Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill — Programme — Committee of the Whole House minorityaye Rebel
Commons16 Jul 2001Select Committees — Accommodation and Works — Transport, Local Government and the Regions Majorityaye Rebel
Commons16 Jul 2001Select Committees — Accommodation and Works — Foreign Affairs Majorityaye Rebel
Commons5 Jul 2001Parliamentary Pensions Majorityno Rebel
HouseDateSubjectMr Kevin McNamaraLab VoteRôle
Commons21 Mar 2001Deferred Divisions - Weights and Measures (S.I., 2001, No. 85) minorityno Rebel
Commons19 Dec 2000Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Research Purposes) Regulations tellnoaye Rebel Teller
Commons28 Nov 2000Transport Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons28 Nov 2000Transport Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons27 Nov 2000Freedom of Information Bill — Information held for the purpose of investigation minorityno Rebel
Commons21 Nov 2000Police (Northern Ireland) Bill - The Board's policing plan minorityno Rebel
Commons25 Jul 2000Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No. 2) Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons15 Mar 2000Terrorism Bill - Possession for terrorist purposes. minorityno Rebel
Commons15 Mar 2000Terrorism Bill minorityno Rebel
Commons15 Mar 2000Terrorism Bill - Expiry and revival (No. 2) minorityno Rebel
Commons7 Mar 2000Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No. 2) Bill minorityno Rebel
Commons8 Feb 2000Northern Ireland Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons20 May 1999Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill - Incapacity benefit: restriction to recent contributors minorityno Rebel
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill - Conspiracy to commit offences outside the United Kingdom minorityaye Rebel
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill - Evidence and inferences: Great Britain minorityno Rebel
Commons2 Sep 1998Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill minorityno Rebel
Commons2 Sep 1998Business of the House (Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill) minorityaye Rebel
Commons31 Mar 1998Scotland Bill - Reserved matters bothno Rebel
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill - Circumstances in which shooting is unsafe or impractical tellnono Teller
Commons13 Mar 1998Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill minorityno Rebel
Commons10 Dec 1997Social Security Bill - Power to reduce child benefit for lone parents minorityno Rebel

Policy Comparisons

This chart shows the percentage agreement between this MP and each of the policies in the database, according to their voting record.

100% Abortion, Embryology and Euthanasia- Against
0% Assisted Dying
46% Asylum System - More strict
100% Ban fox hunting
100% Business and community control of schools: For
3% Control Orders
50% Corporal punishment of children - Against
50% Delegate more powers to government ministers
50% Deployment of UK armed forces in Afghanistan
100% Foundation hospitals - In favour
100% Fox hunting - Ban
68% Freedom of Information Bill 2000 - Strengthen
40% Fully Elected House of Lords
50% Gambling - Against permissiveness
50% Homosexuality - Equal rights
100% Identity cards - For introduction
2% Iraq 2003 - For the invasion
46% Iraq Investigation - Necessary
6% Labour's Terrorism laws - For
50% Minimum Wage
100% No detention without charge or trial
92% Nuclear power - For
62% Openness and Transparency - In Favour
92% Post office - in favour of Government policy
8% Post office closures - against
100% Promote Occupational Pensions
100% Protesting near Parliament - Restrict
16% Recreational drugs - Against legalization
68% Remove Hereditary Peers from the House of Lords
50% Role of MPs in the House of Commons - Strengthen
50% Same Sex Marriage - for
23% Schools - Greater Autonomy
86% Stop climate change
50% Teach children about drugs, sexuality and health
26% Transexuality - Against legal recognition
70% University education fees - Should be free
31% University Tuition Fees - For
1% Use of UK Military Forces Overseas
0% Voting age - Reduce to 16
50% War - Parliamentary authority not necessary

Possible Friends (more...)

Shows which MPs voted most similarly to this one in the 2001-2005, Westminster Parliament. This is measured from 0% agreement (never voted the same) to 100% (always voted the same). Only votes that both MPs attended are counted. This may reveal relationships between MPs that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

84.5%Mr Seamus MallonNewry and ArmaghSDLP
84.0%Dr Jim MarshallLeicester SouthLab
83.3% Rudi VisFinchley and Golders GreenLab
80.3% Edward O'HaraKnowsley SouthLab
80.1%Mr Jimmy WrayGlasgow BailliestonLab

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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