Lord John [Missing last name for 41744] MP, Bassetlaw

voted moderately for the policy

European Union Integration - For

by scoring 67.7% compared to the votes below

Why Majority/minority instead of Aye/No?
HouseDateSubjectJohn MannPolicy vote
Commons16 May 2006Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill — Disapplication of European Communities Act 1972 — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons26 Oct 2006European Union — A Citizens' Agenda MajorityMajority
Commons29 Nov 2006European Community Documents — European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, and Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme MajorityMajority
Commons19 Nov 2007European Communities (Finance) Bill — Second Reading MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons12 Dec 2007European Community Documents — Funding of European political parties MajorityMajority
Commons21 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Second Reading MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons28 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Amendment to proposed Commons timetable for debate — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons28 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Commons timetable for debate MajorityMajority
Commons29 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty in terms of justice and home affairs — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons29 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Exclude the European Court of Justice's regulations on police and justice matters — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons29 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Exclude the European Union's measures on judicial cooperation in criminal matters — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons30 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty in relation to energy — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons30 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty in relation to energy MajorityMajority
Commons30 Jan 2008Lisbon Treaty — Exclude energy from being a shared policy area in the European Union — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons5 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to human rights — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons5 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to human rights MajorityMajority
Commons5 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Exclude human rights from the policy area of the European Union — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons6 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the single market — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons6 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the single market MajorityMajority
Commons6 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Prevent competition rules from becoming an exclusive policy area of the European Union — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons20 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to foreign affairs — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons20 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to foreign affairs MajorityMajority
Commons20 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Remove foreign policy role of the President of the European Council — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons25 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to international development — rejected absentMajority
Commons25 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to international development absentMajority
Commons26 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the European Union's institutions — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons26 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to the European Union's institutions MajorityMajority
Commons26 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Exclude the European Union from regulating the conservation of marine biological resources — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons27 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Disapproves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to climate change — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons27 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Approves of the government's policy towards the Lisbon Treaty with regards to climate change MajorityMajority
Commons27 Feb 2008Lisbon Treaty — Enshrine the Lisbon Treaty into UK law MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons3 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Accept the changes of terminology in the Lisbon Treaty absentMajority (strong)
Commons3 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Increase of powers of European Parliament absentMajority (strong)
Commons4 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Parliamentary control of decisions made at the European Union level — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons4 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Clause on 'parliamentary control of decisions' to remain in the Bill MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons5 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Referendum (No. 2) — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons5 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Clause on 'Commencement' of the Bill should remain in the Bill MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons5 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — The Treaty does not affect the supremacy of the UK parliament — rejected MajorityMajority
Commons11 Mar 2008Lisbon Treaty — Third Reading MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons10 Mar 2009Motion to reject the European Working Time Directive — rejected Majorityminority
Commons11 Mar 2009Deferred Divisions — second strategic energy review and european energy networks MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons17 Mar 2009Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 — Retention of Communications Data by Communications Providers MajorityMajority
HouseDateSubjectJohn MannPolicy vote
Commons14 Jul 2010European Union External Action Service MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons10 Nov 2010European Union Economic Governance absentminority
Commons14 Dec 2010European Union Documents- Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions and Remuneration Policies absentMajority (strong)
Commons25 Jan 2011European Union Bill — Clause 6 — Referendum on Emergency Financial Assistance for EU Member States absentMajority (strong)
Commons9 Feb 2011European Union — UK Contributions to the Eurozone Financial Stabilisation Mechanism minorityminority (strong)
Commons23 Mar 2011Establishment of the European Stability Mechanism absentMajority (strong)
Commons24 May 2011Royal Assent — Eurozone Financial Assistance absentMajority
Commons14 Sep 2011European Union Directive — Access to a Lawyer minorityminority (strong)
Commons23 Nov 2011Deferred Division — Schengen Governance MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons13 Dec 2011Opposition Day — European Union absentminority (strong)
Commons24 Apr 2012European Union — Data Protection in the Areas of Police and Criminal Justice (EU Directive) absentMajority (strong)
Commons31 Oct 2012Seek Real Terms Cut in European Union Budget Majorityminority
Commons6 Nov 2012European Union — Banking Union and Economic and Monetary Union — European Banking Authority absentMajority (strong)
Commons22 Apr 2013Government assessment of medium term economic and budgetary position for submission to the European Commission minorityMajority
Commons15 Jul 2013Opt Out from European Union Police and Criminal Justice Measures minorityminority
Commons15 Jul 2013Opt Out from European Union Police and Criminal Justice Measures minorityminority (strong)
Commons15 Jul 20132014 JHA Opt-out Decision — European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and Training — Opt In minorityminority (strong)
Commons4 Dec 2013European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement) Order 2013 absentMajority (strong)
Commons13 Jan 2014European Union (Approvals) Bill — Second Reading — European Archives and Europe for Citizens Programme absentMajority (strong)
Commons17 Jan 2014Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill absentMajority (strong)
Commons22 Jan 2014European Commission Work Programme 2014 and Support for Completion of the EU Single Market absentMajority (strong)
Commons27 Jan 2014European Union (Approvals) Bill — Clause 1 — Limitation of Scope of Europe for Citizens Programme absentMajority (strong)
Commons27 Jan 2014European Union (Approvals) Bill — Third Reading — European Archives and Europe for Citizens Programme absentMajority (strong)
Commons30 Apr 2014Government Assessment of Medium Term Economic and Budgetary Position for Submission to the European Commission minorityMajority
Commons10 Nov 2014Transposing European Union Criminal Justice and Data Protection Measures into UK Law MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons19 Nov 2014Opposition Day — Rejoining of 35 European Union Justice and Home Affairs Measures absentMajority (strong)
HouseDateSubjectJohn MannPolicy vote
Commons14 Dec 2015European Union Documents — Relocation of Migrants in need of International Protection absentminority (strong)
Commons24 Feb 2016Draft Passenger and Goods Vehicles (Tachographs) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 — Digital Tachographs — Remote Access — Satellite Positioning minorityMajority
Commons9 Mar 2016Proposed European Union Directive on Measures to Combat Terrorism minorityminority (strong)
Commons14 Mar 2016Energy Bill — New Clause 10 — United Kingdom Carbon Account — Consideration of Emissions Traded via European Union Emissions Trading Scheme absentMajority (strong)
Commons23 Mar 2016Government Assessment of Medium Term Economic and Budgetary Position for Submission to the European Commission absentMajority
Commons15 Jun 2016European Union Membership absentMajority (strong)
Commons6 Jul 2016EU Nationals Currently Living in the UK — Right to Remain MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons14 Sep 2016UK Withdrawal from Membership of the European Union minorityMajority (strong)
Commons7 Dec 2016The United Kingdom Leaving the European Union Majorityminority (strong)
Commons7 Dec 2016The United Kingdom Leaving the European Union Majorityminority (strong)
Commons1 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Decline Second Reading absentminority (strong)
Commons1 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Second Reading Majorityminority (strong)
Commons6 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 26 — Agreement of Representatives of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Administrations absentminority
Commons7 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 180 — UK To Remain EU Member Unless UK Parliament Agrees Terms for Leaving absentminority
Commons7 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 143 — Financial Liability of the UK towards the EU absentminority
Commons8 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 2 — Undertakings Prior to Giving Notice of the UK's Intention to Leave the EU minorityminority
Commons8 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Northern Ireland minorityminority
Commons8 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — All Clauses Stand Part Majorityminority (strong)
Commons8 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 57 — Protection of EU Citizens' UK Residence Rights minorityminority
Commons8 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 192 — Nuclear Collaboration — Euratom minorityminority (strong)
Commons8 Feb 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Third Reading Majorityminority (strong)
Commons13 Mar 2017European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — EU Derived Rights and Potential to Aquire Residency Rights for EU and EEA Citizens minorityminority (strong)
Commons19 Apr 2017Government Assessment of Medium Term Economic and Budgetary Position for Submission to the European Commission minorityMajority
HouseDateSubjectLord John [Missing last name for 41744]Policy vote
Commons11 Sep 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Decline Second Reading minorityminority (strong)
Commons11 Sep 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Second Reading Majorityminority (strong)
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 — Consent of Devolved Legislatures absentminority
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 absentminority (strong)
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 6 — UK Courts and Tribunals — Regard for European Court and European Union Decisions minorityminority (strong)
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 79 — Reporting Amendments to EU Laws Forming Part of UK Law — Workers' Rights minorityminority (strong)
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 5 — European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights minorityminority (strong)
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Retention of General Principles of EU Law minorityminority (strong)
Commons12 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Retention of Laws Required by the UK's Membership of the Single Market absentminority (strong)
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 22 — European Economic Area Agreement — Single Market minorityminority (strong)
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 13 — UK Retaining EU Common Customs Tarriff and Common Customs Policy absentminority (strong)
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 54 — Transition Period minorityminority
Commons16 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 5 — EU Charter of Fundamental Rights minorityminority
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill -Clause 9 — Continued Membership of EU Single Market and Customs Union as Prerequisite for Regulations Implementing Withdrawal Agreement absentminority
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Reject Third Reading — Membership of the European Union absentminority (strong)
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Third Reading — Membership of the European Union Majorityminority (strong)
Commons23 Jan 2018Nuclear Safeguards Bill — Transition Period — Nuclear Regulation — Euratom minorityminority
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 19 — Seek Full Access to European Union Internal Market via Withdrawal Agreement Negotiations minorityminority (strong)
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Seek Participation in European Economic Area via EU Withdrawal Agreement Negotiations Majorityminority (strong)
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Make Withdrawal Conditional on Statement on Negotiations to Retain UK Participation in EU Customs Union absentminority
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 5 — EU Charter of Fundamental Rights minorityminority (strong)
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Retention of General Principles of EU Law minorityminority (strong)
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Maintenance of EU Environmental Principles and Standards minorityminority (strong)
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 17 — UK Participation in the European Medicines Regulatory Network MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 18 — UK-EU Free Trade Area or Customs Union Majorityminority
Commons18 Jul 2018Partnership and Cooperation with the Republic of Armenia — European Union MajorityMajority
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and Cuba MajorityMajority
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and Canada MajorityMajority
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and Australia MajorityMajority
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and New Zealand MajorityMajority
Commons11 Sep 2018Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill — New Clause 1 — Continued Participation in the European Arrest Warrant absentminority
Commons19 Dec 2018Markets in Financial Instruments (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 minorityminority (strong)
Commons19 Dec 2018Draft Accounts and Reports (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 minorityminority (strong)
Commons16 Jan 2019UK Participation In The EU Agency For Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) — EU Coordination and Cooperation in Policing and Justice MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons28 Jan 2019Immigration and Social Security Co-Ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — Second Reading — UK Immigration Controls for EU Citizens absentminority (strong)
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Delay Withdrawal — Rule-Out No-Deal — Scotland to Remain in the European Union absentminority
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Consumer Protection (Enforcement) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 — International Arrangements to Tackle Breaches of EU Consumer Law absentminority (strong)
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Maritime Transport Access to Trade and Cabotage (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 minorityminority (strong)
Commons11 Feb 2019Financial Services (Implementation of Legislation) Bill — UK Implementation of Future EU Law — Second Reading absentMajority (strong)
Commons13 Feb 2019Securitisation Regulations 2018 — Proposal to Revoke — Regulation of Conversion of Loans into Securities — European Union Law absentMajority (strong)
Commons26 Mar 2019Government Assessment of Medium Term Economic and Budgetary Position for Submission to the European Commission minorityMajority
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (B) — Leave Without a Deal on 12 April 2019 MajorityMajority (strong)
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (H) — Retain Relatively Free Movement of People and Goods via European Free Trade Association Membership — No Customs Union with EU MajorityMajority
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (J) — Customs Union Majorityminority (strong)
Commons1 Apr 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship — Motion (C) Customs Union Majorityminority (strong)
Commons1 Apr 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship — Motion (D) Common Market 2.0 — Retain Relatively Free Movement of People and Goods via European Free Trade Association Membership — External Tarriff Alignment with the EU Majorityminority
Commons2 Apr 2019The Geo-Blocking Regulation (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Traders Discriminating Based on Nationality or Location of Customer absentminority
Commons9 Apr 2019Exiting the European Union — Delay Until 30 June 2019 MajorityMajority
Commons25 Jun 2019The Value Added Tax (Reduced Rate) (Energy-Saving Materials) Order 2019 absentMajority
Commons3 Sep 2019Business of the House — Consideration of the European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Requiring Prime Minister to Seek Delay To Withdrawal minorityMajority
Commons4 Sep 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Second Reading — Requiring Prime Minister to Seek Delay to Withdrawal minorityMajority
Commons4 Sep 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Third Reading — Requiring Prime Minister to Seek Delay to Withdrawal absentMajority
Commons15 Oct 2019Draft Environment (Legislative Functions from Directives) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Transfer of Powers from EU to UK on Exit absentMajority (strong)
Commons23 Oct 2019Draft Freedom of Establishment and Free Movement of Services (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 minorityminority (strong)
Commons24 Oct 2019Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Leaving the European Union absentminority (strong)
HouseDateSubjectLord MannPolicy vote
no votes listed

How the number is calculated

The MP's votes count towards a weighted average where the most important votes get 50 points, less important votes get 10 points, and less important votes for which the MP was absent get 2 points. In important votes the MP gets awarded the full 50 points for voting the same as the policy, no points for voting against the policy, and 25 points for not voting. In less important votes, the MP gets 10 points for voting with the policy, no points for voting against, and 1 (out of 2) if absent.

Questions about this formula can be discussed on the forum.

No of votesPointsOut of
Most important votes (50 points)   
MP voted with policy3517501750
MP voted against policy110550
MP absent297251450
Less important votes (10 points)   
MP voted with policy44440440
MP voted against policy110110
Less important absentees (2 points)   
MP absent*161632

*Pressure of other work means MPs or Lords are not always available to vote – it does not always indicate they have abstained. Therefore, being absent on a less important vote makes a disproportionatly small difference.

agreement score
MP's points
total points
 = 67.7 %.

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