Voting Comparison — Lord Mawhinney
to Lord Tunnicliffe

Lord Mawhinney

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

ConstituencyFromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
House of Lords 6 Jul 2005 9 Nov 2019 Con 7 votes out of 370, 1.9% 370 votes out of 1358, 27.2% 0 times
North West Cambridgeshire 7 Jun 2001 11 Apr 2005 Con 17 votes out of 775, 2.2% 775 votes out of 1246, 62.2% 0 times
North West Cambridgeshire 1 May 1997 14 May 2001 Con 3 votes out of 687, 0.4% 687 votes out of 1273, 54.0% 0 times

Voting Differences

HouseDateSubjectLord MawhinneyLord TunnicliffeRôle
Lords8 Nov 2016Children and Social Work Bill [HL] - Report (2nd Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords2 Nov 2016Investigatory Powers Bill - Commons Reasons minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Oct 2016Bus Services Bill [HL] - Report (1st Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Oct 2016Bus Services Bill [HL] - Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Oct 2016Investigatory Powers Bill - Report (1st Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2016Energy Bill [HL] - Commons Reason Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill - Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2016Housing and Planning Bill - Commons Reasons and Amendments minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Apr 2016Housing and Planning Bill - Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Apr 2016Housing and Planning Bill - Report (2nd Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Apr 2016Immigration Bill - Third Reading minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Apr 2016Housing and Planning Bill - Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Apr 2016Housing and Planning Bill - Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Mar 2016Immigration Bill — Report (3rd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Mar 2016Trade Union Bill - Report minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Mar 2016Trade Union Bill - Report minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Jan 2016Welfare Reform and Work Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Jan 2016Welfare Reform and Work Bill — Report (2nd Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2016Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Regret Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2016Welfare Reform and Work Bill — Report (1st Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jan 2016Trade Union Bill — Motion minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Dec 2015Education and Adoption Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Dec 2015Education and Adoption Bill — Report (2nd Day) notellaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Oct 2015Joint Committee on Human Rights — Message from the Commons Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Oct 2015Joint Committee on Human Rights — Message from the Commons minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Oct 2015Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 (Transitional Provisions) Order 2015 - Motion to Annul Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Oct 2015Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 (Transitional Provisions) Order 2015 - Motion to Annul minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2015Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and Determination of Rates) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Approve minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Oct 2015Energy Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Oct 2015Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (Criminal Courts Charge) Regulations 2015 — Motion to Regret minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Oct 2015Childcare Bill [HL] — Report minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Oct 2015Childcare Bill [HL] — Report minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Oct 2015Childcare Bill [HL] — Report minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Jul 2015Proposed Changes to the Standing Orders of the House of Commons — Motion minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jul 2015Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [HL] — Report minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jul 2015Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jul 2015Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jul 2015Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords3 Feb 2015Deregulation Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords3 Feb 2015Deregulation Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Dec 2014Criminal Justice and Courts Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Dec 2014Criminal Justice and Courts Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Dec 2014Criminal Justice and Courts Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Dec 2014Criminal Justice and Courts Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Nov 2014Consumer Rights Bill — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 Nov 2014Infrastructure Bill [HL] — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords5 Nov 2014Infrastructure Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords3 Nov 2014Infrastructure Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Oct 2014Deregulation Bill — Committee Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Lords7 May 2014Care Bill [HL] — Commons Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Apr 2014Immigration Bill — Report (3rd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords3 Apr 2014Housing Benefit (Transitional Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 — Motion of Regret Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Mar 2014Water Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Mar 2014Water Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Mar 2014Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill — Commons Amendment Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Mar 2014Offender Rehabilitation Bill — Parliamentary Approval of Probation Service Reforms Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Mar 2014Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill — Report Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Feb 2014Pensions Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Feb 2014Pensions Bill — Report (1st Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jan 2014Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jan 2014Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jan 2014European Union (Referendum) Bill — Require Report on Impact of UK Ceasing to be an EU Member minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Jan 2014European Union (Referendum) Bill — Wording of Referendum Question minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords22 Jan 2014Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill — Report (4th Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Jan 2014Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill — Third Reading minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jan 2014Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jan 2014Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Oct 2013Care Bill [HL] — Report (4th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Oct 2013Care Bill [HL] — Report (4th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords21 Oct 2013Care Bill [HL] — Report (4th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jul 2013Intellectual Property Bill [HL] — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Jul 2013Offender Rehabilitation Bill [HL] — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords8 Jul 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords8 Jul 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jun 2013Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill — Second Reading (2nd Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords24 Apr 2013National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 — Motion to Annul Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Apr 2013Growth and Infrastructure Bill — Commons Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Apr 2013Procedure of the House — Motion to Resolve Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Mar 2013Civil Legal Aid (Procedure) Regulations 2012 — Motion to Regret minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Mar 2013Civil Legal Aid (Procedure) Regulations 2012 — Motion to Regret minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Mar 2013Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2013 — Motion to Approve Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2013Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2013Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill — Report Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2013Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Mar 2013Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — Report (4th Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Mar 2013Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — Report (4th Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Feb 2013Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Feb 2013Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Feb 2013Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Feb 2013Public Service Pensions Bill — Report minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jan 2013Electoral Registration and Administration Bill — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Jan 2013Electoral Registration and Administration Bill — Committee (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords18 Dec 2012Crime and Courts Bill [HL] — Third Reading minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords18 Dec 2012Crime and Courts Bill [HL] — Third Reading minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Dec 2012Crime and Courts Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords3 Dec 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2012 — Motion to Approve minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Nov 2012Crime and Courts Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Oct 2012Local Government Finance Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Jul 2012Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill [HL] Report — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Jul 2012Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill [HL] Report — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Apr 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendment Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords24 Apr 2012Protection of Freedoms Bill — Commons Reason and Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Apr 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (7th Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (7th Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords13 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (7th Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Mar 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Mar 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords8 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (6th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords8 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (6th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Report (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Report (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (5th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (5th Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (5th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (5th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Mar 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (5th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords5 Mar 2012Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords29 Feb 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (4th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Feb 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (3rd Day)Relevant documents: 18th and 22nd Reports from the Constitution Committee Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords27 Feb 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (3rd Day)Relevant documents: 18th and 22nd Reports from the Constitution Committee Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords8 Feb 2012Health and Social Care Bill — Report (1st Day) — mental health as a definition of health to to be improved Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2012Welfare Reform Bill — Report (6th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jan 2012Welfare Reform Bill — Report (5th Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jan 2012Welfare Reform Bill — Report (5th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords17 Jan 2012Welfare Reform Bill — Report (4th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Dec 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Committee (13th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2011Welfare Reform Bill — Report (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Dec 2011Welfare Reform Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Dec 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Committee (11th Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Nov 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Consideration of Commons Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Nov 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Consideration of Commons Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Nov 2011Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill — Report Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Nov 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Committee (5th Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords31 Oct 2011Localism Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords31 Oct 2011Pensions Bill — Commons Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2011Education Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2011Education Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Oct 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Committee (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Oct 2011Health and Social Care Bill — select comittee to scrutinise Bill Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords12 Oct 2011Health and Social Care Bill — Reject at Second Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 Oct 2011Armed Forces Bill — Third Reading minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 Oct 2011Armed Forces Bill — Third Reading minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Sep 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Commons Amendments Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Sep 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Commons Amendments Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Sep 2011Welfare Reform Bill — Motion to Refer to Grand Committee Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Sep 2011Localism Bill — Report (3rd Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords18 Jul 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Consideration of Commons Reason minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Report (3rd Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Report (3rd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jul 2011Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Jun 2011European Union Bill — Expiry of Provisions Requiring Referendum Before Tranfering UK Powers to the EU minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Jun 2011European Union Bill — Mechanism of EU Law Taking Effect in the UK minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords17 May 2011Postal Services Bill — Report (2nd Day) (Continued) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 May 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2011Jobseeker's Allowance (Mandatory Work Activity Scheme) Regulations 2011 — Motion of Regret Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Report (1st Day) minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords10 May 2011Fixed-term Parliaments Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 May 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Third Reading Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 May 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 May 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Third Reading Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 May 2011Postal Services Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 May 2011Postal Services Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 May 2011Postal Services Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 May 2011Postal Services Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Mar 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Mar 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords28 Mar 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Mar 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Mar 2011Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Mar 2011Transfer of Functions (Dormant Accounts) Order 2010 — Motion to Regret Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Mar 2011National Insurance Contributions Bill — Report Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2011Social Fund Maternity Grant Amendment Regulations 2011 — Motion to Resolve Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Allowing Greater Variation from Mean Number of Electors in MP Constituency in Exceptional Circumstances Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords16 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Threshold for Making Result of AV Referendum Binding Majoritytellaye agrees with policy
Lords14 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Ban on Party Political Broadcasts Taking Sides in AV Referendum Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Reduce Number of Members of the House of Lords Before Reducing Number of MPs Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Reduce Number of Ministers If Number of MPs Reduced Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Limit Reduction of MPs from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Special Case for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Feb 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Allowing Greater Variation from Mean Number of Electors in MP Constituency in Exceptional Circumstances minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords26 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Minimum of 35 MPs for Wales Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Cap on Total Population of Parliamentary Constituency Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords19 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Moving to Vote on Population Cap for Parliamentary Constituency Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Lords17 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Continuation of Consideration of the Bill Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords17 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Set Number of MPs at Between 500 and 650 Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords17 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Curtail Debate and Make Decsion On Setting Number of MPs Between 500 and 650 Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Jan 2011Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Maximise Fraction of 17-24 Year Olds On Electoral Register Before Reviewing Constituancy Boundries Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Dec 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Voting Areas for AV Referendum Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords15 Dec 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Political Party Spending During Referenda Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2010University Tuition Fee Cap raise to £9,000 Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2010University Tuition Fee Cap raise to £6,000 Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2010Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Committee (4th Day) — Abolition of Chief Coroner minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Dec 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — AV Referendum on Separate Day from Other Elections and Polls Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Dec 2010Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Date of Referendum on Alternative Vote System for Electing MPs Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords29 Nov 2010Business of the House — Motion on Standing Orders Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords23 Nov 2010Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Committee (1st Day) minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords9 Nov 2010Public Bodies Bill [HL] — Second Reading Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords7 Jul 2010Academies Bill [HL] — Report (2nd Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords6 Jul 2010Academies Bill [HL] — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords8 Jun 2010Local Government Bill [HL] — Motion to refer to the Examiners minoritytellaye disagrees with policy
Lords1 Mar 2010Digital Economy Bill — OFCOM to promote investment in electronic communications networks minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2010Equality Bill — Committee (4th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2010Equality Bill — Committee (4th Day) Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords25 Jan 2010Equality Bill — Committee (4th Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Dec 2009Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (References to Financial Investigators) (Amendment) Order 2009 — Motion to Resolve Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords11 Nov 2009Coroners and Justice Bill — Commons Reasons and Amendments Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Nov 2009Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill — Funding Regional Development Agencies via Skills Funding minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Oct 2009Coroners and Justice Bill — Report (1st Day) Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jul 2009Identity Cards Act 2006 (Application and Issue of ID Card and Notification of Changes) Regulations 2009 — Motion to Approve Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords13 Jul 2009Coroners and Justice Bill — Committee (7th Day) (Continued) Majoritytellno disagrees with policy
Lords9 Jul 2009Coroners and Justice Bill — Committee (6th Day) — Hatred against persons on grounds of sexual orientation Majorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords1 Jun 2009Marine and Coastal Access Bill [HL] — Report (4th Day) minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords3 Feb 2009Banking Bill — Report (2nd Day) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords17 Nov 2008Counter-Terrorism Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords27 Oct 2008Pensions Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Jun 2008Pensions Bill minorityaye disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jun 2008Lisbon Treaty — Parliament must approve the government's policy towards the Common Agricultural Policy — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jun 2008Lisbon Treaty — Parliament to scrutinise the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords20 May 2008Lisbon Treaty — Referendum on the Euro — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords19 May 2008Lisbon Treaty — Parliamentary approval required for any future changes made to the Treaty of Lisbon — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords19 May 2008Employment Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 May 2008Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill — ping pong — Protection of freedom of expression (sexual orientation) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 May 2008Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Apr 2008Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Apr 2008Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Mar 2008Climate Change Bill — Statement of emissions — responsibility of Prime Minister Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords26 Feb 2008Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords29 Jan 2008Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Jan 2008Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill [HL] — need for a father minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Jan 2008Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill [HL] — saviour siblings — definition of serious illness minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Jan 2008Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill [HL] — Saviour siblings — life threatening condition minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords15 Jan 2008Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill [HL] — creation of admix (inter-species) embroyos minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Jan 2008Climate Change Bill — Committee or Commission minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jun 2007Offender Management Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords22 May 2007Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill — custody Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords16 May 2007Offender Management Bill — Principles of probation services minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords16 Apr 2007Legal Services Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords16 Apr 2007Legal Services Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Mar 2007Gambling (Geographical Distribution of Casino Premises Licences) Order 2007 Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords27 Mar 2007Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 (Renewal of Temporary Provisions) Order 2007 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Mar 2007Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords20 Mar 2007Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords5 Mar 2007Control Orders — Annual renewal 2007 — Regrets the they have not been replaced — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords27 Feb 2007Further Education and Training Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords19 Feb 2007Mental Health Bill [HL] — Treatability test. Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords19 Feb 2007Mental Health Bill [HL] — Exclusions from the Act Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords6 Feb 2007Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords5 Feb 2007Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill — extending measures to those in custody Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords9 Jan 2007Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords11 Dec 2006Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Nov 2006Rates (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords2 Nov 2006Companies Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords26 Oct 2006Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords24 Oct 2006Education and Inspections Bill — IGCSE for state schools — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords24 Oct 2006Education and Inspections Bill -- Amendment No. 92 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords9 Oct 2006Police and Justice Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jul 2006Police and Justice Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords11 Jul 2006Police and Justice Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jul 2006Education (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jul 2006Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill — Disapplication of European Communities Act 1972 — rejected minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords4 Jul 2006Health Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jun 2006Government of Wales Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jun 2006Government of Wales Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jun 2006Civil Aviation Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Jun 2006Civil Aviation Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jun 2006Police and Justice Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords20 Jun 2006Electoral Administration Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords15 May 2006Electoral Administration Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords9 May 2006Company Law Reform Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords9 May 2006Company Law Reform Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords3 May 2006Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords24 Apr 2006National Lottery Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords21 Mar 2006Consumer Credit Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords20 Mar 2006Identity Cards Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2006Compensation Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords7 Mar 2006Compensation Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords6 Mar 2006Identity Cards Bill — Voluntary registration when applying for a passport — insisted Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords28 Feb 2006Motion A minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords27 Feb 2006Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Jan 2006Identity Cards Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Jan 2006Identity Cards Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Jan 2006Identity Cards Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jan 2006Identity Cards Bill (amendment 46: compulsion to register) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords23 Jan 2006Identity Cards Bill (amendment 38: compulsion via designated documents) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords16 Jan 2006Identity Cards Bill (restricted scope: efficiency of public services) Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jan 2006Road Safety Bill [HL] — speed limits for country lanes minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jan 2006Road Safety Bill [HL] — identifying new drivers scheme minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords10 Jan 2006Road Safety Bill [HL] — causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords14 Dec 2005Identity Cards Bill minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Dec 2005Identity Cards Bill — convenience of registering minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords30 Nov 2005Commons Bill [HL] minorityno disagrees with policy
Lords22 Nov 2005Road Safety Bill [HL] — reflective markings on large vehicles Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords22 Nov 2005Road Safety Bill [HL] — income from safey cameras Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords9 Nov 2005Equality Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords25 Oct 2005Racial and Religious Hatred Bill Majorityno disagrees with policy
Lords12 Oct 2005Charities Bill [HL] Majorityno disagrees with policy
HouseDateSubjectDr Brian MawhinneyLord TunnicliffeRôle
no votes listed
HouseDateSubjectDr Brian MawhinneyLord TunnicliffeRôle
no votes listed

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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