Voting Record — Lee Rowley MP, North East Derbyshire (25685)

Lee Rowley

Note: our records only go back to 1997 for the Commons and 2001 for the Lords (more details).

FromToPartyRebellions (explain...)Attendance (explain...)Teller
13 Dec 2019 30 May 2024 Con 3 votes out of 942, 0.3% 942 votes out of 1069, 88.1% 0 times
9 Jun 2017 6 Nov 2019 Con 12 votes out of 427, 2.8% 427 votes out of 463, 92.2% 0 times

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Votes Attended

See also all votes possible

HouseDateSubjectLee RowleyCon VoteRôle
5 Jul 2024Stopped being Minister of State (Minister for Housing),
Commons24 May 2024Tribunal and Inquiries Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2024Finance (No.2) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 May 2024Criminal Justice Bill — New Clause 59 - Ban on “ninja swords” Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 May 2024Criminal Justice Bill — New Clause 44 - Sexual exploitation of an adult Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 May 2024Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 3 - Analysis of the impact of the energy security investment mechanism Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 May 2024Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 2 - Review of impact of section 12 Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 May 2024Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 1 - Review of impact of section 2 Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Apr 2024Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — After Clause 308 - Requirements on secondary ticketing features Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Apr 2024Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — Clause 103 - Applications for review etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Apr 2024Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — Clause 89 - Procedure and appeals etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Apr 2024Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — Clause 29 - Countervailing benefits exemption Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Apr 2024Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — Clause 19 - Power to impose conduct requirements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Apr 2024Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill (Instructions) Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Apr 2024Deferred Division — Regulatory Reform Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Apr 2024Renters (Reform) Bill — New Clause 30 - Assessment of operation of possession process Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Apr 2024Renters (Reform) Bill — New Clause 15 - Notices to quit by tenants under assured tenancies: timing Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Apr 2024Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill (Carry-over Extension) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Exemption for agents, allies and employees of the UK Overseas Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Exemption for agents, allies and employees of the UK Overseas Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Apr 2024Finance (No. 2) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Apr 2024Finance (No. 2) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Exemption for agents, allies and employees of the UK Overseas Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 4 - Decisions in individual claims Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Apr 2024Tobacco and Vapes Bill minorityaye Rebel
Commons15 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Exemption for agents, allies and employees of the UK Overseas Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Removal of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 4 - Age assessment of unaccompanied children Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 4 - Decisions based on particular individual circumstances Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2024Investigatory Powers (Amendment)Bill [Lords] — Clause 14 - Powers to obtain communications data Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2024Investigatory Powers (Amendment)Bill [Lords] — Clause 2 - Low or no reasonable expectation of privacy Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2024Investigatory Powers (Amendment)Bill [Lords] — New Clause 2 - Requirement for the Secretary of State to publish an annual report on technology-enabled serious and organised crime and technology-enabled threats to national security Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2024Investigatory Powers (Amendment)Bill [Lords] — New Clause 1 - Report on the Prime Minister’s engagement with the Intelligence and Security Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Mar 2024Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Bill [Lords] — New Clause 12 - Impact assessment: UK performers’ rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Mar 2024Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Bill [Lords] — New Clause 10 - Report on economic impact of implementation of CPTPP Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Mar 2024Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Bill [Lords] — New Clause 5 - Review: Investor-State Dispute Settlement Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Mar 2024Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Bill [Lords] — New Clause 4 - Report: accession of new states to the CPTPP Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Removals to Rwanda under the Illegal Migration Act 2023 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Removals to Rwanda under the Illegal Migration Act 2023 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After Clause 5 - Removals to Rwanda under the Illegal Migration Act 2023 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — After clause 4 - Section 57 of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 4 - Decisions based on particular individual circumstances Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Mar 20246. Capital gains tax (reduction in higher rate for residential property gains to 24%) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Mar 2024Income Tax (Charge) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2024Provisional Collection of Taxes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2024“Insolvency of certain persons with an interest in higher-risk and relevant buildings — Schedule 7 - Right to vary lease to replace rent with peppercorn rent Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2024“Insolvency of certain persons with an interest in higher-risk and relevant buildings — Schedule 2 - Determining and sharing the market value Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2024“Insolvency of certain persons with an interest in higher-risk and relevant buildings — New Clause 39 - Rights of first refusal on disposal of freehold homes Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2024“Insolvency of certain persons with an interest in higher-risk and relevant buildings — New Clause 5 - Abolition of forfeiture of a long lease Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2024“Insolvency of certain persons with an interest in higher-risk and relevant buildings — New Clause 1 - Estate management services Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Feb 2024Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill — Clause 1 - Duty to invite applications for offshore licences Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Feb 2024Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill — Clause 1 - Duty to invite applications for offshore licences Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Feb 2024Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill — Clause 1 - Duty to invite applications for offshore licences Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2024Finance Bill — Schedule 6 - Administration of creative sector reliefs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2024Finance Bill — New Clause 7 - Review of multipliers used to calculate higher rates of air passenger duty Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2024Finance Bill — New Clause 6 - Assessment of the impact of permanent full expensing Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2024Delegated Legislation — Employment Majorityaye Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2024Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2024Media Bill — Clause 50 - Awards of costs Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2024Media Bill — Clause 25 - Sections 20 to 24: further provision Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2024Media Bill — New Clause 16 - Listed Events Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2024Media Bill — New Clause 13 - Gaelic language service Majorityno Loyal
30 Jan 2024Stopped being Member, Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill Committee
Commons23 Jan 2024Miscellaneous Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2024Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2024Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Deferred Divisions — Immigration Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Deferred Divisions — Immigration Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — New Clause 8 - Return of Individuals due to Serious Criminal Offences Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 9 - Commencement and transitional provision Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 9 - Commencement and transitional provision Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 5 - Interim measures of the European Court of Human Rights Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 5 - Interim measures of the European Court of Human Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 3 - Disapplication of the Human Rights Act 1998 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — New Clause 6 - Changes to the classification of Rwanda as safe Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 4 - Decisions based on particular individual circumstances Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 4 - Decisions based on particular individual circumstances Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2024Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill — Clause 2 - Safety of the Republic of Rwanda Majorityno Loyal
16 Jan 2024Stopped being Member, Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission
Commons15 Jan 2024Delegated Legislation — Immigration Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jan 2024Delegated Legislation — Immigration and Asylum Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jan 2024Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill — Clause 1 - Prohibition of export of livestock for slaughter Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2024Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2024Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2024Finance Bill — New Clause 7 - Review of effectiveness of section 31 measures in preventing fraud involving taxpayers’ money Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2024Finance Bill — New Clause 5 - Tax Compliance Reporting Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2024Finance Bill — New Clause 2 - Review of measures to tackle evasion and avoidance Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2024Finance Bill — New Clause 1 - Review of reliefs for research and development Majorityno Loyal
10 Jan 2024Became Member, Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill Committee
Commons9 Jan 2024Rwanda Plan Cost and Asylum System Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jan 2024NHS Dentistry Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2023Deferred Divisions — Police Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2023Deferred Divisions — Retained EU Law Reform Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2023Deferred Divisions — Representation of People (Northern Ireland) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2023Finance Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2023Finance Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2023Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill (Programme) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2023Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2023Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2023Delegated Legislation — Climate Change Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2023Victims and Prisoners Bill — Clause 1 - Meaning of “victim” Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2023Victims and Prisoners Bill — New Clause 27 - Compensation for victims of the infected blood scandal (No. 2) minorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2023Victims and Prisoners Bill — New Clause 14 - Major incidents: duty of candour Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2023Victims and Prisoners Bill — New Clause 10 - Sewage Illness Victim Compensation Scheme Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Deferred Division — Strikes: Minimum Service Levels Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Title Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Part 3 - Proceeds of crime act 2002 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Clause 87 - Direct marketing for the purposes of democratic engagement Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Clause 18 - Assessment of high risk processing Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Clause 12 - Automated decision-making Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Clause 8 - Vexatious or excessive requests by data subjects Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill — Clause 5 - Lawfulness of processing Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Nov 2023Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2023Delegated Legislation — Trade unions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2023Delegated Legislation — Trade unions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2023Delegated Legislation — Trade Union and Labour Relations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Nov 2023Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — New Clause 30 - Contract renewal: variable rate contracts Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Nov 2023Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — New Clause 29 - Contract renewal: option to opt in Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Nov 2023Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — Clause 29 - Countervailing benefits exemption Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Nov 2023Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill — Clause 27 - Consideration of representations Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2023Violence Reduction, Policing and Criminal Justice Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2023Violence Reduction, Policing and Criminal Justice Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2023Violence Reduction, Policing and Criminal Justice Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2023Economic Growth Majorityno Loyal
13 Nov 2023Became Minister of State (Minister for Housing),
13 Nov 2023Stopped being Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities),
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill — Clause 4 - Related prohibition on statements Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill — Clause 3 - Exceptions Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill — Clause 3 - Exceptions Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill — Clause 3 - Exceptions Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2023Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — Clause 87 - National development policies: meaning Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2023Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — After Clause 70 - Local authorities: hybrid meetings Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Oct 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — Clause 272 - Local supply for community energy Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Sep 2023Deferred Division — Exiting the European Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Sep 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Sep 2023Procurement Bill [Lords] — Schedule 7 - Discretionary exclusion grounds Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Sep 2023Safety of School Buildings Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Sep 2023Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 18 - Immunity from prosecution Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — Part A3 - Petroleum Licensing (Exploration and Production) (Seaward and Landward Areas) Regulations 2004 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — New Clause 61 - National Warmer Homes and Businesses Action Plan (No. 2) Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — New Clause 59 - Decarbonised electricity supply by 2030 Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — New Clause 57 - Onshore wind Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — New Clause 39 - Duties of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority in respect of off-grid fuels Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2023Energy Bill [Lords] — New Clause 12 - Prohibition on flaring and venting and enhanced measures to reduce fugitive methane emissions Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 187 - Civil recovery: costs of proceedings Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud and money laundering Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — After Clause 46 - Register of members: information to be included and powers to obtain it Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2023Delegated Legislation — Customs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2023Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 18 - Immunity from prosecution Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 60 - Ten-year strategy on refugees and human trafficking Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 60 - Organised immigration crime enforcement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 58 - Duty to establish safe and legal routes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 21 - Provisions relating to removal and leave Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 10 - Powers of detention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 10 - Powers of detention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 6 - Restrictions on removal destinations: LGBT and other persons Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 4 - Disregard of certain claims, applications etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jul 2023Deferred Division — Adjournment (Summer, Conference and Christmas) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 60 - Ten-year strategy on refugees and human‘ trafficking Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 60 - Organised immigration crime enforcement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 58 - Duty to establish safe and legal routes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 55 - Decisions relating to a person’s age Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 55 - Decisions relating to a person’s age Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 52 - Interim Remedies Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 38 - Serious harm suspensive claims: interpretation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 21 - Provisions relating to removal and leave Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 16 - Transfer of children from Secretary of State to local authority and vice versa Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 11 - Period for which persons may be detained Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 10 - Powers of detention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 10 - Powers of detention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 10 - Powers of detention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — After Clause 6 - Restrictions on removal destinations: LGBT persons Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 4 - Disregard of certain claims, applications etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 4 - Disregard of certain claims, applications etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 4 - Disregard of certain claims, applications etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2023Illegal Migration Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jul 2023Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jul 2023Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Jun 2023Deferred Division — Education Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Jun 2023Holocaust Memorial Bill: Instruction Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jun 2023Opposition Day — Mortgage and Rental Costs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jun 2023Opposition Day — Mortgage and Rental Costs Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2023National Security Bill — After Clause 14 - Foreign interference in elections: duties on political parties Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2023Financial Services and Markets Bill — After Clause 71 - Politically exposed persons: money laundering and terrorist financing Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2023Financial Services and Markets Bill — Clause 25 - Regulatory principles: Net Zero emissions target Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2023Financial Services and Markets Bill — Clause 25 - Regulatory principles: Net Zero emissions target Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — After Clause 16 - Environmental protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — After Clause 16 - Environmental protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jun 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 18 - Lifetime allowance charge abolished Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jun 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 7 - Statement on efforts to support implementation of the Pillar 2 model rules Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jun 2023Privilege: Conduct of Right Hon. Boris Johnson Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Jun 2023Deferred Division — Animals Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Jun 2023Cost of Living Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2023Procurement Bill [Lords] — Schedule 7 - Discretionary exclusion grounds Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2023Procurement Bill [Lords] — Schedule 7 - Discretionary exclusion grounds Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2023Procurement Bill [Lords] — Clause 44 - Transparency notices Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2023Procurement Bill [Lords] — New Clause 10 - Tax transparency Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2023Public Order Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Clause 15 - Parliamentary scrutiny Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — After Clause 16 - Environmental protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Jun 2023Teesworks: Accountability and Scrutiny Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jun 2023Mental Health Treatment and Support Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Jun 2023Mental Health Treatment and Support Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Schedule 4 - Regulations: Procedure Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 May 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — After Clause 16 - Environmental protection and food standards Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 May 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Clause 1 - Sunset of EU-derived subordinate legislation and retained direct EU legislation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 May 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2023Safety of School Buildings Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 May 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 May 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 May 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum service levels for certain strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 May 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Clause 4 - Extent Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 May 2023Non-Domestic Rating Bill — Clause 13 - Requirements for ratepayers etc to provide information Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 May 2023Public Order Act 2023 Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 May 2023Cost of Living Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 May 2023Cost of Living Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 May 2023Lifelong Learning (Higher Education Fee Limits) Bill — New Clause 1 - Review Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 May 2023National Security Bill — After Clause 89 - Duty to update the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament’s memorandum of understanding Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 May 2023National Security Bill — After Clause 14 - Foreign interference in elections: duties on political parties Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 May 2023National Security Bill — Clause 28 - The foreign power condition Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Title Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 11 - Powers of detention Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 1 - Introduction Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 15 - Border Security: Terrorism Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 10 - Expedited asylum processing Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 9 - Accommodation: duty to consult Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2023Cost of Living Increases Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2023Cost of Living Increases Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2023Water Quality: Sewage Discharge Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2023Water Quality: Sewage Discharge Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Apr 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 11 - Powers to stop and search without suspicion Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 27 - Power to clarify tax treatment of devolved social security benefitsClause 27 Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 5 - Review of alternatives to the abolition of the lifetime allowance charge Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 18 - Lifetime allowance charge abolished Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 18 - Lifetime allowance charge abolished Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 6 - Review of energy (oil and gas) profits levy allowances Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 3 - Review of business taxes Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Apr 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 1 - Statement on efforts to support implementation of the Pillar 2 model rules Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Mar 2023Finance (No. 2) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 27 - Accommodation: Duty to Consult Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 21 - Organised immigration crime enforcement Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 22 - Provisions relating to support: England and Wales Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 11 - Powers of detention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 2 - Duty to make arrangements for removal Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 25 - International co-operation Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 24 - Safe and legal routes: family reunion for children Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — New Clause 6 - Safe Passage Pilot Scheme Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill — Clause 37 - Suspensive claims: interpretation Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2023Deferred Division — Criminal Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 11 - Powers to stop and search without suspicion Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2023Northern Ireland Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Mar 202336. Alcohol duty Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Mar 202318. Pensions (lifetime allowance charge and annual allowance) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill: Money Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill: Programme Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2023Illegal Migration Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 20 - Serious disruption prevention order made otherwise than on conviction Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 9 - Offence of interference with access to or provision of abortion services Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 9 - Offence of interference with access to or provision of abortion services Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 9 - Offence of interference with access to or provision of abortion services Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2023Public Order Bill — Clause 9 - Offence of interference with access to or provision of abortion services minorityunknown Unknown
7 Mar 2023Stopped being Member, Ballot Secrecy Bill [HL] Committee
Commons6 Mar 2023Social Security (Additional Payments) (No. 2) Bill — Clause 2 - Qualifying entitlements: social security benefits Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2023Social Security (Additional Payments) (No. 2) Bill — Clause 1 - Means-tested additional payments: main payments Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Mar 2023Social Housing (Regulation) Bill [Lords] — Clause 28 Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Mar 2023Social Housing (Regulation) Bill [Lords] — Clause 1 - Fundamental objectives Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Mar 2023Social Housing (Regulation) Bill [Lords] — New Clause 7 - Regulator duty to ensure continuity of secure and assured tenancy in cases of threat to safety Majorityno Loyal
1 Mar 2023Became Member, Ballot Secrecy Bill [HL] Committee
Commons21 Feb 2023Scottish Affairs Committee Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2023Delegated Legislation — Electricity Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2023Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill — Clause 4 - Civil claims Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2023Seafarers’ Wages Bill [Lords] — Clause 3 - Request for declaration Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2023Seafarers’ Wages Bill [Lords] — New Clause 4 - Directors of companies operating services to which this Act applies: personal liability for non-compliance of operator Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2023Seafarers’ Wages Bill [Lords] — New Clause 2 - Implementation and monitoring Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Feb 2023UK Infrastructure Bank Bill [Lords] — Clause 2 - Objectives and activities Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Feb 2023UK Infrastructure Bank Bill [Lords] — Clause 2 - Objectives and activities Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Feb 2023UK Infrastructure Bank Bill [Lords] — New Clause 2 Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2023Non-domicile Tax Status Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2023Crime and Neighbourhood Policing Majorityaye Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2023Crime and Neighbourhood Policing Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Schedule - Minimum Service Levels for Certain Strikes Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill — Clause 5 - Commencement Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Deferred Divisions — Environmental Protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Deferred Divisions — Environmental Protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Deferred Divisions — Agriculture Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Deferred Divisions — Environmental Protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Deferred Divisions — Environmental Protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — New Clause 27 - Compensation for Victims of Economic Crime Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — New Clause 26 - Beneficial owners in overseas territories Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — New Clause 3 - Home Office review of the Tier 1 (Investor) visa scheme: publication Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Jan 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — New Clause 36 - Integrity of the register Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Jan 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — New Clause 34 - Report on the authorisation of foreign corporate service providers Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Jan 2023Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — New Clause 22 - Person convicted under National Minimum Wage Act not to be appointed as director Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jan 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — New Schedule 1 - “Assimilated law”: consequential amendments Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jan 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Clause 1 - Sunset of EU-derived subordinate legislation and retained direct EU legislation Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jan 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Clause 1 - Sunset of EU-derived subordinate legislation and retained direct EU legislation Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jan 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Clause 1 - Sunset of EU-derived subordinate legislation and retained direct EU legislation Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jan 2023Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill — Clause 1 - Sunset of EU-derived subordinate legislation and retained direct EU legislation Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2023Online Safety Bill — Clause 12 - User empowerment duties Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2023Online Safety Bill — New Clause 4 - Safety duties protecting adults and society: minimum standards for terms of service Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2023Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: Section 35 Power Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (Money) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill: Programme Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2023Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jan 2023NHS: Long-term Strategy Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jan 2023NHS: Long-term Strategy Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jan 2023Fair Taxation of Schools and Education Standards Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2023Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Bill — New Clause 3 - Review: second homes in National Parks and Areas of Natural Beauty Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2023Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Bill — New Clause 3 - Review: second homes in National Parks and Areas of Natural Beauty Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2023Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Bill — Clause 1 - Reduction of SDLT on acquisition of residential property Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Dec 2022Deferred Division — Architects Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Dec 2022Scotland’s Future Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — Schedule 11 - Infrastructure Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — Clause 83 - Role of development plan and national policy in England Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — New Clause 98 - Duty with regard to climate change Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Standards: Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Standards: Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Council Tax Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill — Clause 1 - Power to implement government procurement Chapters Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill — Clause 1 - Power to implement government procurement Chapters Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2022Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill — New Clause 2 - Assessment of impact on farmers Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Deferred Divisions — Police Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Deferred Divisions — Local Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Deferred Divisions — Local Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Deferred Divisions — Landlord and Tenant Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Financial Services and Markets Bill — New Clause 7 - Access to Cash: Guaranteed Minimum Provision Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Financial Services and Markets Bill — New Clause 2 - Local community access to essential in-person banking services Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2022Financial Services and Markets Bill — New Clause 1 - National strategy on financial fraud Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Dec 2022Consideration following re-committal and Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Dec 2022Online Safety Bill — New Clause 28 - Establishment of Advocacy Body Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Dec 2022Online Safety Bill — New Clause 17 - Liability of directors for compliance failure Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Dec 2022Online Safety Bill — New Clause 16 - Communication offence for encouraging or assisting self-harm Majorityno Loyal
1 Dec 2022Became Member, Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission
Commons30 Nov 2022Finance Bill — New Clause 3 - Research and Development tax relief policy Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2022Finance Bill — New Clause 3 - Research and Development tax relief policy Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2022Finance Bill — New Clause 2 - Review of revenue from the Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2022Finance Bill — Clause 5 - Basic rate limit and personal allowance for tax years 2026 and 2027-28 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2022Finance Bill — Clause 5 - Basic rate limit and personal allowance for tax years 2026 and 2027-28 Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2022Finance Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2022Finance Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — Clause 4 - Changes to mission progress methodology and metrics or target dates Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — New Clause 84 - Levelling-up mission: adult literacy Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — New Clause 46 - Review into business rates system Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2022Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill — New Clause 41 - Duty to provide sufficient resources to Combined Authorities and Combined County Authorities Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Nov 20223. Basic rate limit and personal allowance for tax years 2026-27 and 2027-28 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2022National Security Bill — Schedule 14 - Minor and Consequential Amendments Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2022National Security Bill — Schedule 13 - Damages at risk of being used for the purposes of terrorism Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2022National Security Bill — Clause 27 - Offences under Part 2 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2022National Security Bill — New clause 3 - Reviews of Parts 1, 4 and 5 Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Nov 2022Papers Relating to the Home Secretary Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2022Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill — After Clause 74 - Independent review of the electronic communications code Majorityaye Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2022Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill — Clause 13 - Issue of precision bred animal marketing authorisation Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2022Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill — Clause 3 - Restrictions on release of precision bred organism in England Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2022Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill — Clause 1 - Precision bred organism Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2022Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill — New Clause 9 - Power of the Scottish Parliament to legislate on the marketing of precision bred organisms Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2022Retained Eu Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill: Ways and Means Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2022Retained Eu Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill: Money Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2022Other proceedings Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2022Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2022Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Oct 2022NHS Prescriptions (Drug Tariff Labelling) Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2022Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2022Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2022Stamp Duty Land Tax (Reduction) Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2022Prayers Majorityno Loyal
20 Oct 2022Stopped being Member, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill Committee
Commons19 Oct 2022Ban on Fracking for Shale Gas Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Oct 2022Public Order Bill — New Schedule 1 - Injunctions in Secretary of State proceedings: powers to remand Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Oct 2022Public Order Bill — Clause 16 - Serious disruption prevention order made on conviction Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Oct 2022Public Order Bill — New Clause 5 - Definition of “serious disruption” Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Oct 2022Public Order Bill — New Clause 4 - Injunction to prevent serious disruption to effective movement of essential goods or services Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Oct 2022Energy Prices Bill — Schedule 6 - Time limits on the exercise of certain powers under this Act Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Oct 2022Energy Prices Bill — Manuscript New Clause 18 - Energy support after April 2023 Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Oct 2022Energy Prices Bill — New Clause 3 - Report on additional expenditure treated as incurred for purposes of section 1 of the Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Act 2022 Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Oct 2022Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Oct 2022Health and Social Care Levy (Repeal) Bill — New Clause 1 - Review of effects of Act on revenue sources of health and social care expenditure Majorityno Loyal
22 Sep 2022Became Member, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill Committee
7 Sep 2022Became Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities),
Commons6 Sep 2022Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — New Clause 12 - Adjudications of matters pertaining to international law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — New Clause 12 - Adjudications of matters pertaining to international law Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 26 Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 13 - Implementation, application, supervision and enforcement of the Protocol Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 13 - Implementation, application, supervision and enforcement of the Protocol Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 9 - Regulation of goods: new law Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 7 - Regulation of goods: option to choose between dual routes Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2022Confidence in Her Majesty’s Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 4 - Movement of goods (including customs): excluded Protocol provision Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — New Clause 10 - Condition prior to limitation of the Northern Ireland Protocol Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 1 - Overview of main provisions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 1 - Overview of main provisions Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill — Clause 1 - Overview of main provisions Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Jul 2022Online Safety Bill — Clause 182 - Parliamentary procedure for regulations Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Jul 2022Online Safety Bill — New Clause 7 - Duties regarding user-generated pornographic content: regulated services Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2022Trade Unions Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2022Employment Agencies and Trade Unions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2022Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Bill — New Clause 3 - Review of impact of earlier start date of the levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2022Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Bill — Clause 2 - Additional expenditure treated as incurred for purposes of section 1 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2022Energy (Oil and Gas) Profits Levy Bill — Clause 2 - Additional expenditure treated as incurred for purposes of section 1 Majorityno Loyal
6 Jul 2022Stopped being Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy),
6 Jul 2022Stopped being Government Whip, Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury,
Commons4 Jul 2022Delegated Legislation — Modern Slavery Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Schedule 4A - Exempt Offences Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — New Clause 4 - Offence of glorifying terrorism: Northern Ireland Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — New Clause 5 - Revocation of Immunity (No. 2) Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 39 - Inquests, investigations and inquiries Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 39 - Inquests, investigations and inquiries Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 34 - Grant of immunity: prohibition of criminal enforcement action Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jun 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 18 - Immunity from Prosecution Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jun 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 18 - Immunity from Prosecution Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jun 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Clause 18 - Immunity from Prosecution Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jun 2022Northern Ireland Protocol Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jun 2022Deferred Division — Health and Personal Social Services minorityaye Rebel
Commons21 Jun 2022Adviser on Ministerial Interests Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 May 2022Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill — Clause 59 - Upgrading and sharing of apparatus: subsisting agreements Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2022Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2022Public Order Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2022Public Order Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 May 2022Programme for Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 May 2022Programme for Government — Workers' Rights — Cost of Living — Climate — Benefits — Windfall Tax — Devolution — Human Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 May 2022Programme for Government — Amendment from the Leader of the Liberal Democrats Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 May 2022Programme for Government — Achieving Economic Growth Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Apr 2022Elections Bill — Schedule 1 — Voter Identification — Acceptable Forms of Identification Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Apr 2022Elections Bill — Clause 15 — Electoral Commission — Strategy and Policy Statement — Examination of Performance by Speaker's Committee of MPs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Apr 2022Elections Bill — Clause 14 — Electoral Commission — Strategy and Policy Statement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Before Clause 11 — Asylum Seekers — Permission to Work Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Before Clause 11 — Compliance with the Refugee Convention — Direct Travel and Prompt Presentation Assessments Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Before Clause 11 — Compliance with the Refugee Convention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — After Clause 42 — Publicly Funded Legal Representation for Bereaved People at Certain Inquests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 2 — Exclusion of Review of Upper Tribunal’s Permission-to-Appeal Decisions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 1 — Quashing orders Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2022Health and Care Bill — Clause 35 — Cap on Care Costs for Charging Purposes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2022Health and Care Bill — Clause 35 — Report on Assessing and Meeting Workforce Needs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 56 — Imposing Conditions on Public Assemblies Such as Protests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Apr 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 55 — Imposing Conditions on Public Processions and One-Person Protests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Before Clause 64 — Confirmed Victims in England and Wales: Assistance and Support Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 62 — Identified Potential Victims etc: Disqualification From Protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 40 — Offence of Assisting an Asylum Seeker Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 39 — Illegal Entry and Similar Offences Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 37 — Refugee Resettlement Schemes — Targets Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 37 — Immigration Rules: Entry to seek Asylum And Join Family Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Schedule 3 — Removal of Asylum Seeker to Safe Country Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 15 — Safe Third State: Commencement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 12 — Changes to the Immigration Act 1971 — Asylum Applicants — Right to Work Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 11 — Differential Treatment of Refugees — Impact Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Before Clause 11 — Interpretation of Part 2 — Compliance with International Agreements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 9 — Notice of Decision to Deprive a Person of Citizenship Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Building Safety Bill — Before Clause 117 — Meaning of “Relevant Building” — Caps on Remediation Charges Passed to Leaseholders Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Building Safety Bill — Before Clause 117 — Meaning of “Relevant Building” — Caps on Remediation Charges Passed to Leaseholders Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Building Safety Bill — Before Clause 117 — Meaning of “Relevant Building” — Exclusion of Short Buildings from Leaseholder Protection Scheme Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2022Building Safety Bill — Before Clause 117 — Meaning of “Relevant Building” — Exclusion of Short Buildings from Leaseholder Protection Scheme Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 2022Health and Care Bill — After Clause 148 — Dispute Resolution in Children’s Palliative Care Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 2022Health and Care Bill — Clause 140 — Cap on Care Costs for Charging Purposes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 2022Health and Care Bill — Clause 40 — Reconfiguration of Services: Intervention Powers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 2022Health and Care Bill — Clause 35 — Report on Assessing and Meeting Workforce Needs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Mar 2022Health and Care Bill — After Clause 148 — Permitted Locations for Abortion Treatment minorityno Loyal
Commons30 Mar 2022Health and Care Bill — After Clause 148 — Tobacco Products Statutory Scheme: Consultation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Mar 2022Draft Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 56 — Imposing Conditions on Public Assemblies Such as Protests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 55 — Imposing Conditions on Processions Such as Protests and on One Person Protests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — After Clause 54 — Intimidatory Offences Aggravated by Sex or Gender Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Mar 2022Skills and Post-16 Education Bill — Clause 7 — Additional Powers to Approve Technical Education Qualifications — Consultation Before Withdrawal of Level 3 Course Approvals Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 71 — Electronic Travel Authorisations — Local Journeys from the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 64 — Conclusive Grounds: Support and Leave to Remain for Victims of Slavery or Human Trafficking Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 62 — Identified Potential Victims etc: Disqualification from Protection Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 58 — Late Compliance with Slavery or Trafficking Information Notice: Damage to Credibility Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 56 — Age Assessments: Restrictions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 39 — Illegal Entry and Similar Offences Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 37 — Refugee Resettlement Schemes — 10,000 Refugees Per Year Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 37 — Immigration Rules: Entry to Seek Asylum and Join Family Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 28 — Removal of Asylum Seeker to Safe Country Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — After Clause 12 — Changes to the Immigration Act 1971 — Asylum Seekers' — Employment Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 11 — Differential Treatment of Refugees Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause — Compliance with the Refugee Convention Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2022Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 9 — Notice of Decision to Deprive a Person of Citizenship Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2022Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill — New Clause 5 — Report on the Impact of Government Policy on River Pollution on Sentient Animals Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2022Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill — New Clause 3 — Report on the Use of Sentient Animals in Animal Experimentation in Government Policy Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2022Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill — New Clause 1 — Duty to Prepare an Animal Sentience Strategy Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2022Professional Qualifications Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2022Professional Qualifications Bill — Clause 7 — Assistance Centre Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2022Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill — Clause 2 — Revival of Prerogative Powers to Dissolve Parliament and to Call a New Parliament Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Mar 2022Draft Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2022Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill — New Clause 29 — Asset Freezing in Respect of Individuals Considered for Sanctions Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2022Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill — New Clause 7 — 38A Further reforms to Companies House Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2022Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill — New Clause 2 — Report on Funding of Enforcement Agencies Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Mar 2022Draft Tax Credits, Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance Up-rating Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Mar 2022The Social Security (Contributions) (Rates, Limits and Thresholds Amendments and National Insurance Funds Payments) Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Mar 2022National Insurance Contributions Bill — Clause 7 — Veteran Conditions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Mar 2022National Insurance Contributions Bill — Clause 2 — Freeport Conditions — Register of Beneficial Owners — Reduced Employer's National Insurance Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 61 — Imposing Conditions on One-Person Protests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 58 — Obstruction of Vehicular Access to Parliament Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 56 — Imposing Conditions on Noisy Assemblies Such as Protests Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 55 — Imposing Conditions on Public Processions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 139 — Secure 16 to 19 Academies Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — After Clause 170 — Offence of Requiring or Accepting Sexual Relations as a Condition of Accommodation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 141 — Serious Violence Reduction Orders: Piloting Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Feb 2022Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause — Offences Motivated by Hostility Towards the Sex or Gender of the Victim Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Feb 2022Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill — New Clause 8 — Compensation of Losses Incurred by Closure of Legacy Schemes Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Feb 2022Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill — New Clause 1 — Guidance to Public Service Pension Scheme Managers on Investment Decisions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2022Skills and Post-16 Education Bill — Clause 14 — Information About Technical Education and Training: Access to English Schools Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2022Skills and Post-16 Education Bill — Clause 2 — Designation of Employer Representative Bodies Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2022Skills and Post-16 Education Bill — New Clause 14 — Recognition of Skills in the Energy Sector Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Feb 2022Draft Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2022Social Security and Pensions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Feb 2022Finance (No. 2) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Feb 2022Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 6 — Rate of Surcharge and Surcharge Allowance — Tax on Bank Profits Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Feb 2022Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 27 — Review of Economic Crime (Anti-Money Laundering) Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Feb 2022Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 17 — Impact of Act on Tackling Climate Change Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2022Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill — Clause 2 - ARIA’s functions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2022Draft Trade Union (Power of the Certification Officer to Impose Financial Penalties) Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2022Draft Trade Union (Levy Payable to the Certification Officer) Regulations 2022 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 21 — The Online Procedure Rule Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 9 — Powers to Proceed if Accused Absent from Allocation Hearing Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 3 — Automatic Online Conviction and Penalty for Certain Summary Offences Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 2 — Exclusion of Review of Upper Tribunal’s Permission-to-Appeal Decisions — Scotland Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — Clause 1 — Quashing Orders — Effective Remedy vs Adequate Redress Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Jan 2022Judicial Review and Courts Bill — New Clause 4 — Publicly Funded Legal Representation for Bereaved People at Certain Inquests Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Jan 2022Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill — New Clause 1 — Ground Rent for Existing Long Leases Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2022Building Safety Bill — New Clause 3 — Remediation Costs and Building Works Agency Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2022Elections Bill — Third Reading — Voter ID — Overseas Voters — Postal Vote Misuse Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2022Elections Bill — Clause 26 — Joint Campaigning by Registered Parties and Third Parties Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2022Elections Bill — Clause 1 — Voter Identification Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2022Elections Bill — New Clause 2 — Permissible Donors Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2022Elections Bill — New Clause 1 — Voting From Age 16 in Parliamentary Elections Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jan 2022Household Energy Bills: VAT Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2022Welfare Cap Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2022Charter for Budget Responsibility Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2022Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2022Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill — Clause 7 — Licence Modifications: Relevant Licensee Nuclear Companies Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2022Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill — Clause 6 — Licence Modifications: Designated Nuclear Companies Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jan 2022Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill — Clause 1 — Key Definitions for Part 1 Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Dec 2021Draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Dec 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Entry to Venues and Events) (England) Regulations 2021 (SI, 2021, No. 1416) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Dec 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2021Subsidy Control Bill — Schedule 1 — The Subsidy Control Principles — Net Zero Greenhouse Gasses Emissions Target Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2021Subsidy Control Bill — Clause 11 — Subsidies and Schemes of Interest or Particular Interest Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2021Subsidy Control Bill — New Clause 1 — Exemption: Agriculture Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 58 — Late Compliance with Slavery or Trafficking Information Notice: Damage to Credibility Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause 6 — Exemptions for Child Victims of Modern Slavery, Exploitation or Trafficking Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause 3 — Offence of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — Schedule 6 — Maritime Enforcement — Use of Powers to Endanger Life at Sea Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — Clause 39 — Illegal Entry and Similar Offences — Exemptions Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause 52 — Non-UK Service Personnel: Waiver of Fees Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause 50 — Advertising Assistance for Unlawful Immigration to the United Kingdom Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause 8 — Children Registering as British Citizens: Fees Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — New Clause 2 — Acquisition by Registration: Descendants of Those Born on British Indian Ocean Territory Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Dec 2021Armed Forces Bill — Clause 8 — Armed Forces Covenant Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Dec 2021Armed Forces Bill — Clause 7 — Concurrent jurisdiction — Serious Crimes to be Tried in Civilian Courts Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Dec 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 7 — Reporting on Provisions Relating to Publication of Information about Tax Avoidance Schemes Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Dec 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 5 — Reviews of Economic Crime (Anti-money Laundering) Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Dec 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 10 — Assessment of Annual Investment Allowance — Impact of Leaving the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Dec 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 6 — Rate of Surcharge and Surcharge Allowance — Tax on Bank Profits Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2021Censure of Prime Minister Boris Johnston — Reduction of Salary Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2021 — Omicron Variant Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Nov 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (England) Regulations 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — Clause 135 — Regulations — Veto for Devolved Governments Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — Clause 39 — Reconfiguration of Services: Intervention Powers Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — Clause 34 — Report on Assessing and Meeting Workforce Needs Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — New Clause 12 — Protection of the Title of “Nurse” Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — Schedule 2 — Integrated Care Boards: Constitution etc — Exclusion of Private Sector Representatives Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — Clause 69 — Procurement Regulations Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — New Clause 49 — Cap on Requirement to Pay Care Costs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — New Clause 16 — Annual Report on Alcohol Treatment Services: Assessment of Outcomes Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Nov 2021Health and Care Bill — New Clause 4 — Packaging and Labelling of Nicotine Products Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Nov 2021Strengthening Standards in Public Life — Reforms to Code of Conduct for MPs Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Nov 2021Strengthening Standards in Public Life — Ban MPs Working as a Paid Parliamentary Strategist, Adviser or Consultant Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2021Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill — Clause 1 — Up-Rating of State Pension and Certain other Benefits Following Review in Tax Year 2021-22 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2021Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill — Clause 1 — Up-rating of State Pension and Certain other Benefits Following Review in Tax Year 2021-22 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — Schedule 16 — Use of Forest Risk Commodities in Commercial Activity Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — After Clause 106 — Habitats Regulations: Limits on Powers to Amend Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — After Clause 78 — Storm Overflows — Sewage Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — After Clause 72 — Protection of Pollinators from Pesticides Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — Clause 24 — Office for Environmental Protection — Independence Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — Clause 18 — Policy Statement on Environmental Principles — Exemptions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — Clause 4 — Environmental Targets: Effect Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Oct 2021Environment Bill — Clause 2 — Environmental Targets: Particulate Matter Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2021Supporting Small Business Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2021Independent Expert Panel Recommendations for Sanctions and the Recall of MPs Act 2015 — Retrospective Action Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Sep 2021Elections Bill (Instruction) — Simple Majority Voting in Mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner Elections Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Sep 2021Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Sep 2021Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill — New Clause 2 — Review Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Sep 2021Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Sep 2021Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
16 Sep 2021Became Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy),
16 Sep 2021Became Government Whip, Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury,
Commons15 Sep 2021Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Joint Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Bill — New Clause 5 — Review of Equality Impact of Act Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Bill — New Clause 3 — Review of Revenue Effects of Act Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Bill — Clause 2 — Destination of Proceeds of Health and Social Care Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Sep 2021Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Sep 2021Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill — Clause 2 — Revival of Prerogative Powers to Dissolve Parliament and to Call a new Parliament Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Sep 2021Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill — Instruction to Committee — Consideration of Ending Parliamentary Sessions Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy Majorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Sep 2021Health and Social Care Levy — Impact Assessments Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Sep 2021Elections Bill — Second Reading — Voter ID — Overseas Voters — Postal Vote Misuse Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Sep 2021Elections Bill — Decline Second Reading — Voter ID — Overseas Voters — Postal Vote Misuse Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Sep 2021National Insurance Contributions Bill — New Clause 4 — Employment Allowance for National Insurance Contributions Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2021Nationality and Borders Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Jul 2021Health and Care Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Jul 2021Health and Care Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2021Draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2021Armed Forces Bill — Clause 8 — Armed Forces Covenant Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2021Armed Forces Bill — Clause 7 — Serious Crimes to be Tried in Civilian Courts Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2021Armed Forces Bill — New Clause 4 — Armed Forces Mental Health Care Review Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jul 2021International Aid: Treasury Update Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jul 2021Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 2021EU Settlement Scheme — Immigration Powers for the Scottish Government Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jul 2021Covid-19 Public Inquiry — Immediate Commencement Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Jul 2021Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause 98 — Offence of Pet Theft Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause 97 — Video Recorded Cross-Examination or Re-examination of Complainants in Respect of Sexual Offences and Modern Slavery Offences Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause 89 — Minimum Sentence of 7 Years for Rape Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause 19 — Justice Impact Assessment for Wales Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 62 — Offence Relating to Residing on Land Without Consent in or With a Vehicle Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 55 — Imposing Conditions on Noisy Assemblies Such as Protests Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause 91 — Review of Criminal Offences in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jul 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — New Clause 31 — Offence of Assaulting etc. Retail Worker Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Jun 2021House of Commons Adjournments — (Conference, November and Christmas) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Jun 2021Armed Forces Bill — New Clause 7 — Immigration and Nationality Fees Cap — Commonwealth and Gurkha Members of Armed Forces Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Jun 2021Armed Forces Bill — Clause 8 — Armed Forces Covenant — Accommodation for Service People in Scotland Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Jun 2021Armed Forces Bill — Clause 8 — Armed Forces Covenant Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Jun 2021Protecting Britain’s Steel Industry — Import Taxes on Certain Steel Products Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jun 2021Draft Climate Change Act 2008 (Credit Limit) Order 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jun 2021House of Commons Proceedings During the Pandemic Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jun 2021Coronavirus Restrictions — Extension Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jun 2021COVID-19 Control and Support for the Aviation Sector Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jun 2021Papers to be Provided by HM Treasury to the Public Accounts Committee — Covid-19 and Education Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jun 2021Information Commissioner (Remuneration) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Jun 2021Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill — Clause 6 — Information Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jun 2021Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill — New Clause 1 — Supporting Net Zero Greenhouse Targeted Gas Emission Target Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jun 2021Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill — New Clause 1 — Human Rights Abuses Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 May 2021Environment Bill — New Clause 24 — Prohibition on Burning of Vegetation on Peat in Upland Areas Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 May 2021Environment Bill — New Clause 12 — Well Consents for Hydraulic Fracturing: Cessation of Issue and Termination Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 May 2021Environment Bill — Clause 95 — General Duty to Conserve and Enhance Biodiversity Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 May 2021Environment Bill — New Clause 25 — Duty to Prepare a Tree Strategy for England Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 May 2021Telecommunications (Security) Bill — New Clause 3 — Network Diversification — Report Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 May 2021Telecommunications (Security) Bill — New Clause 2 — Provision of Information to the Intelligence and Security Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 May 2021Telecommunications (Security) Bill — New Clause 1 — OFCOM’s Annual Report — Security Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2021Finance Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 May 2021Finance Bill — New Clause 9 — Report on Expected Impact of Coronavirus Support Payments Options Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2021Finance Bill — New Clause 24 — Review of Impact of 2% Non-Resident Surcharge Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2021Finance Bill — New Clause 25 — Reporting on the Impact of New Arrangements on Each Freeport Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2021Finance Bill — Clause 9 — Incentives to Invest in Plant or Machinery — Large Digital Services Companies Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 May 2021Finance Bill — New Clause 23 — Review of Corporation Tax Revenues and Impact of a Global Minimum Rate of Corporation Tax Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 May 2021Queen's Speech — Programme for Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 May 2021Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Human Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 May 2021Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Immigration — Policing — Elections Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 May 2021Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Publication of Internal Review of Department for Health and Social Care Pandemic Performance Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 May 2021Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Affordable and Safe Housing for All Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Apr 2021National Security and Investment Bill — Clause 61 — Annual Report Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Apr 2021Immigration (Guidance on Detention of Vulnerable Persons) Regulations 2021 — Motion to Revoke Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Apr 2021Fire Safety Bill — After Clause 2 — Legislative Proposals Relating to Prohibition on Passing Remediation Costs on to Leaseholders and Tenants Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Apr 2021Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021 minorityaye Rebel
Commons27 Apr 2021Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — After Clause 12 — Duty of Care to Service Personnel Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Apr 2021Fire Safety Bill — After Clause 2 — Prohibition on Passing Remediation Costs on to Leaseholders and Tenants Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2021National Security and Investment Bill — Clause 61 — Annual Report Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Before Clause 69 — Monitoring of Serial and Serious Harm Domestic Abuse and Stalking Perpetrators under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Recourse to Public Funds for Duration of Pilot Scheme Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — After Clause 72 — Victims of Domestic Abuse: Data-Sharing for Immigration Purposes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Clause 55 — Annual reports Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Apr 2021Financial Services Bill — Before Clause 1 — Interest Rates for Mortgage Prisoners Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Apr 2021Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — Duty Of Care To Service Personnel Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Apr 2021Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — After Clause 12 — Restrictions on Time Limits: Actions Brought Against the Crown by Service Personnel Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Apr 2021Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — After Clause 7 — Investigation of allegations related to overseas operations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 87 — Temporary Period For Reduced Rates On Residential Property Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 29 — Review of Tax Avoidance Measures Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 25 — Review of Freeports Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 24 — Impact of Tax Incentives for Investment in Plant or Machinery Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 9 — Taxation — Living Wage — Unions — Large Digital Services Companies Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 23 — Equality Impact Analysis Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 10 — Report on Changes to Coronavirus Support Payments etc Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 5 — Basic Rate Limit and Personal Allowance for Future Tax Years Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Effective Protection and Support for all Victims of Domestic Abuse Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Monitoring of Serial and Serious Harm Domestic Abuse and Stalking Perpetrators under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Victims of Domestic Abuse: Leave to Remain and the Destitution Domestic Violence Concession (DDVC) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — After Clause 72 — Victims of Domestic Abuse: Data-Sharing for Immigration Purposes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Defence for Victims of Domestic Abuse who Commit an Offence Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Before Clause 69 — Reasonable Force in Domestic Abuse Cases Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — After Clause 64 — Training for Judges and Magistrates Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Clause 55 — Support Provided by Local Authorities to Victims of Domestic Abuse — Child Contact Centre Accreditation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Apr 2021Domestic Abuse Bill — Clause 2 — Definition of “Personally Connected” Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Apr 2021Strength of the UK’s Armed Forces Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Apr 2021The Investigation into the Lobbying of Government Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Apr 2021Finance (No. 2) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2021Coronavirus Act 2020 (Review of Temporary Provisions) (No.2) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2021Fire Safety Bill — After Clause 2 — Prohibition on Passing Remediation Costs on to Leaseholders and Tenants Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Trade Agreements and Genocide — Parliamentary Judicial Committee Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Mar 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Trade Agreements and Genocide — Parliamentary Judicial Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Mar 2021Leaving the EU: Impact on the UK Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Mar 2021Scotland: General Election and Constitutional Future Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Mar 2021Scotland: General Election and Constitutional Future Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Mar 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Mar 2021Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Mar 2021Contingencies Fund (No. 2) Bill — Clause 1 — Temporary Increase in Capital Limit of Contingencies Fund — Reports Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Mar 2021Income Tax Thresholds Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Feb 2021Membership of the Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Feb 2021Fire Safety Bill — After Clause 2 — Prohibition on Passing Remediation Costs on to Leaseholders and Tenants Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Feb 2021Fire Safety Bill — Duties of Owner or Manager Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Feb 2021Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers and Self-Isolation) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Feb 2021Trade Bill — International Trade Agreements and Treaties Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Feb 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Parliamentary Approval of International Trade Agreements and Treaties — Genocide Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Feb 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Parliamentary Approval of International Trade Agreements and Treaties Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Feb 2021Exiting the European Union (Excise) Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Jan 2021Draft West Yorkshire Combined Authority (Election of Mayor and Functions) Order 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 1 — Authorisation of Criminal Conduct — Children and Vulnerable Sources Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — After Clause 2 — Notification to a Judicial Commissioner Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 1 — Authorisation of Criminal Conduct — Compensation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 1 — Authorisation of Criminal Conduct — Exclusions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jan 2021Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 1 — Authorisation of Criminal Conduct Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2021Environment Bill — Schedule 20 — Amendment of REACH legislation — Chemical Regulation Standards Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2021Environment Bill — Clause 7 — Environmental Improvement Plans — Reports to Parliament on Plant Protection Products Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2021Environment Bill — Clause 2 — Environmental Targets: Particulate Matter Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2021Environment Bill — New Clause 5 — State of Nature Target Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Jan 2021Environment Bill — New Clause 1 — Environmental Principles: Public Authorities Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2021National Security and Investment Bill — New Clause 7 — Reports to the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2021National Security and Investment Bill — New Clause 6 — Dedicated Small to Medium Enterprise Support Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2021National Security and Investment Bill — New Clause 4 — Framework for Understanding National Security Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Northern Ireland: Non-Discrimination in Goods and Services Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Protection of Children Online Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Standards Affected by International Trade Agreements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — International Trade Agreements and Treaties — Consideration by Parliament Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — International Trade Agreements — Health and Care Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Agreements with States Committing Genocide Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 - Free Trade Agreements: Determination on Compliance with International Obligations and State Actions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 6 — Trade And Agriculture Commission: Advisory Functions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Jan 2021Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Parliamentary Approval of Trade Agreements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jan 2021Financial Services Bill — Schedule 2 — Prudential Regulation of Investment Firms — Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jan 2021Financial Services Bill — New Clause 21 — Duty of Care Specification Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jan 2021Financial Services Bill — New Clause 7 — Regulation of Buy-Now-Pay-Later Firms Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Jan 2021The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 3) and (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Dec 2020Sittings of the House — Adjournment from 30 December 2020 to 11 January 2021 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Dec 2020European Union (Future Relationship) Bill — Third Reading — International Cooperation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Dec 2020European Union (Future Relationship) Bill — Second Reading — International Cooperation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Dec 2020European Union (Future Relationship) Bill — Timetable and Procedural Rules Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Dec 2020Taxation (Post-transition Period) Bill — New Clause 3 — Treasury Use of Powers — Northern Ireland Customs Duties — Reports Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Exclusions from Market Access Principles Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 48 — Power to Provide Financial Assistance for Economic Development — Consultation with Devolved Administrations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Exemptions from Free Internal Market Laws — Consultation with Devolved Administrations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Common Frameworks Process — Market Access Principles Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Dec 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020 (Consequential, Saving, Transitional and Transitory Provisions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 — Exiting the European Union (Immigration and Asylum) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Dec 2020Taxation (Post-transition Period) Bill — Clause 5 — Parliamentary Approval for Duty on Goods Moved from Great Britian to Northern Ireland Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Dec 2020Financial Assistance to Industry — Authorisation of Payments To Compensate for Indirect Costs of the UK Emissions Trading System or the Carbon Emissions Tax and Carbon Price Support Mechanism Majorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Dec 2020Northern Ireland (Ways and Means) — Compliance with European Union Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 48 — Power to Provide Financial Assistance for Economic Development etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 47 — Further Provision Related to Sections 44 and 45 etc — Northern Ireland Regulations — Compatibility with Domestic and International Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 10 — Exclusions from Market Access Principles: Public Interest Derogations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Dec 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — After Clause 1 — Common Frameworks Process Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Dec 2020Draft Veterinary Medicines and Residues (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Dec 2020The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Nov 2020Draft European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Relevant Court) (Retained EU Case Law) Regulations 2020 — Exiting the European Union (Constitutional Law) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Nov 2020Draft Road Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emission Performance Standards (Cars and Vans) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2020Pension Schemes Bill — Clause 124 — Climate Change Risk Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2020Pension Schemes Bill — Clause 123 — Funding of Defined Benefit Schemes Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2020Pension Schemes Bill — New Clause 4 — Employer Debt: Trustees’ Discretion Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Nov 2020Pension Schemes Bill — New Clause 1 — Pensions Guidance Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Nov 2020Committee on Standards — Appointment of a Ms Melanie Carter Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Nov 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — After Clause 6 — Improving Completeness of Electoral Registers for Purposes of Boundary Reviews etc Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Nov 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — After Clause 5 — Electorate per Constituency Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Nov 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — After Clause 4 — The Boundary Commissions: Constitution Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Nov 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — Clause 1 — Reports of the Boundary Commissions — Dates of Reviews Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Nov 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Nov 2020Agriculture Bill — After Clause 42 — Duty to Seek Equivalence on Agri-Food Standards in Relation to Future Trade Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Nov 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 — Nationwide Lockdown for 28 Days Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Nov 2020Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — Third Reading — Presumption Against Prosecution Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Nov 2020Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — Schedule 1 — Excluded Offences For the Purposes of Section 6 — Torture Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Nov 2020Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — Clause 6 — “Relevant offence” — Prosecution Required Under International Treaty Obligations Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Nov 2020Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill — New Clause 5 — Restrictions on Time Limits: Actions Brought Against the Crown by Service Personnel Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Draft Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (North of England, North East and North West of England and Obligations of Undertakings (England) etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 1045) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Extension of the Relevant Period) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Draft Citizens' Rights (Application Deadline and Temporary Protection) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Free School Meals During School Holidays Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Oct 2020Additional COVID-19 Restrictions: Fair Economic Support Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Time Limit on Immigration Detention for EEA and Swiss Nationals Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 4 — EU Settlement Scheme: Physical Documented Proof Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Leave to Enter: Family Unity and Claims for Asylum Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Children in Care and Children Entitled to Care Leaving Support: Entitlement to Remain Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Impact on the Social Care Sector of Repeal of EU Law Relating to Free Movement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Oct 2020Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Oct 2020Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — New Clause 4 — Trade Unions Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Oct 2020Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 2 — Relevant Authorities Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Oct 2020Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 1 — Authorisation of Criminal Conduct Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Oct 2020Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Clause 1 — Authorisation of Criminal Conduct Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Oct 2020Contact Tracing Funding and Powers and Resources for Councils and Public Health Teams Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Oct 2020COVID-19 Economic Support Package Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Oct 2020Fisheries Bill [Lords] — Schedule 3 - Sea fishing licences: further provision Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Oct 2020Fisheries Bill [Lords] — Clause 1 - Fisheries Objectives Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Oct 2020Fisheries Bill [Lords] — New Clause 3 - Sea Fish Industry Authority: accounts and reports Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Oct 2020Public Health Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Oct 2020Business of the House (Today) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Oct 2020Business of the House (Today) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Oct 2020Agriculture Bill — New Clause After Clause 42 — Contribution of Agriculture and Associated Land Use to Climate Change Targets Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Oct 2020Agriculture Bill — New Clause After Clause 42 — Requirement for Agricultural and Food Imports to Meet Domestic Standards Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Oct 2020Agriculture Bill — New Clause After Clause 34 — Application of Pesticides: Limitations on Use to Protect Human Health Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Oct 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 — Rule of Six Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Oct 2020Private International Law (Implementation of Agreements) Bill — New Clause 5 — Implementation of other International Agreements on Private Law via Secondary Legislation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Oct 2020Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Sep 2020Draft Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Sep 2020Draft Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Sep 2020The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 2020 Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Sep 2020The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2020 Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Sep 2020Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development and Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Sep 2020Coronavirus Act 2020 (Review of Temporary Provisions) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Third Reading — Free Movement of Goods and Professionals Within the UK Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Decline Third Reading — Free Movement of Goods and Professionals Within the UK Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 45 — Regulations on Northern Ireland Trade and State Aid — Compliance with Domestic and International Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — New Clause 7 — Trade Between Northern Ireland and Great Britain Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — New Clause 6 — Climate and Nature Emergency Impact Statement as Prerequisite for Financial Assistance Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — New Clause 1 — Requirement for Public Officials to Respect Domestic and International Law and Act in Good Faith Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Blackburn with Darwen and Bradford) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 — Relxation of Restrictions in Eight City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council Wards Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions on Holding of Gatherings and Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 — Ban on Gatherings of More than 30 People at Private Homes in England Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place and on Public Transport) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 — Increased Penalties for Repeated Breaches Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Blackburn with Darwen and Bradford) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 — Relaxation of Restrictions in Nine Wards in Blackburn with Darwen Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 — Opening of Casinos, Skating Rinks, Bowling Alleys and Conferences Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 — Extension of Requirement to Wear Face Coverings Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Sep 2020Overseas Operations (Service Personnel And Veterans) Bill — Presumption Against Prosecution — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 54 - Extent, commencement and short title Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 45 and Clause 50 — Northern Ireland Trade — Permit Breaches of Domestic Law and International Agreements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clauses 42 to 44 — State Aid — Northern Ireland Agriculture Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 40 — Goods Moving From Great Britian to Northern Ireland — Northern Ireland Assembly Veto on Requirements — Charges Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 40 — Northern Ireland — Avoiding a Hard Border — Compliance with Belfast/Good Friday Agreement and Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 47 — Restriction of Power to Provide Financial Assistance for Economic Development etc. Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 46 — Power to Provide Financial Assistance for Economic Development etc. Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — New Clause 2 — Limits on Powers to Override Common Frameworks Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Clause 28 — Role of the Competition and Markets Authority in Relation to Regulations Applying in Scotland but not the Whole United Kingdom Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill (Money) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Second Reading — Free Movement of Goods and Professionals Within the UK Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Sep 2020United Kingdom Internal Market Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Sep 2020GCSE, A-Level and NVQ Qualifications in 2020 — Provision of Information to the Education Select Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Sep 2020Replacement of Coronavirus Support Schemes With More Targeted Assistance Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Sep 2020Replacement of Coronavirus Support Schemes With More Targeted Assistance Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Sep 2020Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Bill — Clause 2 — Addition of Countries From Which Requests for Arrests for the Purposes of Extradition for Serious Offences Are Considered Majorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Sep 2020Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Bill — Schedule — Consultation and Assessment Prior to Amending Power of Arrest on Basis of Request from Another Country Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Sep 2020Fire Safety Bill — New Clause 1 — Duties of Owner or Manager Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Sep 2020Fisheries Bill — Decline Second Reading — Sustainable Fishing Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Jul 2020Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill — Clause 4 — Consideration of Alternatives to a Serious Terrorism Sentence Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2020Trade Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2020Trade Bill — Clause 2 — Implementation of International Trade Agreements — Consent of Devolved Administrations Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2020Trade Bill — New Clause 17 — International Trade Agreements — Protection of the NHS, the Health and Care Sector and Public Sector Workers Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2020Trade Bill — New Clause 11 — Standards for Imported Agricultural Goods After Transition Period for Leaving the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jul 2020Trade Bill — New Clause 4 — Parliamentary Approval — Trade Agreements Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jul 2020Extension of the Transition Period Following the UK Leaving the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Jul 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — New Clause 2 — Parliamentary Approval for Changes to Boundaries of Parliamentary Constituencies Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Jul 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — New Clause 2 — Minimum Numbers of MPs for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Jul 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — New Clause 1 — Permissable Variation of Electorate per Constituency Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Jul 2020Domestic Abuse Bill — New Clause 23 — Commissioning Specialist Domestic Abuse Services for Victims and Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Jul 2020Domestic Abuse Bill — New Clause 22 — Immigration — Victims of Domestic Abuse — Right to Rent — Access to Benefits Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Jul 2020Finance Bill — Schedule 1 — Workers’ Services Provided Through Intermediaries — Responsibility for Determining if Off-Payroll Working Rules Apply Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Jul 2020Finance Bill — New Clause 1 — Report on Impact of Refunding Tax Paid on Income Received via Loans Which Were Unlikley to be Repaid Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Jul 2020Finance Bill — New Clause 26 — Review of Impact of Act on Job Creation Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Jul 2020Finance Bill — New Clause 28 — Review of Impact of Finance Act on the Environment Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Jul 2020Finance Bill — Clause 71 — Annual Reviews of Digital Services Tax Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jun 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jun 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 29 — Family Reunion and Settlement Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jun 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 13 — Recourse to Public Funds — Ending of Freedom of Movement Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jun 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 7 — Time Limit on Immigration Detention for EEA and Swiss Nationals Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jun 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 1 — Duty to Commission an Independent Evaluation: Health and Social Care Sectors Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Jun 2020Covid-19 — Testing of NHS and Social Care Staff Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Jun 2020Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme — House of Commons Debates on Sanctions in Individual Cases minorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jun 2020Abortion (Northern Ireland) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 minorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jun 2020Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill — New Clause 1 — Funding Counselling, Support and Research — Marriage and Civil Partnerships Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jun 2020Children and Young Persons — COVID-19 — Relaxtion of Procedures Relating to Protection by Local Authorities Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jun 2020Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill — Simplification of the Process for Legally Ending a Marriage or Civil Partnership Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Jun 2020Parliamentary Constituencies Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 Jun 2020Proceedings during the Pandemic Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Jun 2020Proceedings During the Pandemic Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 May 2020Liaison (Membership) Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 May 2020Trade Bill Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 May 2020Trade Bill Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 May 2020Business of the House Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 May 2020Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 May 2020Agriculture Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 May 2020Agriculture Bill — Clause 42 — Devolved Administrations — Provison of Information Relating to Agricultural Subsidies Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 May 2020Agriculture Bill — New Clause 7 — Coronavirus Emergency Food Plan Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 May 2020Agriculture Bill — New Clause 2 — International trade Agreements: Agricultural and Food Products — Compliance with UK and Word Trade Organisation Standards Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 May 2020Consideration of Covid-19 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Mar 2020Austerity — Health Inequalities — Public Health Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Mar 2020Flooding — Independent Review Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Feb 2020Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill — Timetable Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Feb 2020Distinct Immigration Policy for Scotland Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2020Transport — Eliminate Substantial Majority of Emissions by 2030 Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2020Local Government Funding Review and Reform Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Feb 2020NHS Funding Bill — New Clause 4 — Annual Statement on Sufficiency of NHS Funding to Meet Targets Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Feb 2020NHS Funding Bill — Clause 1 — Prevention of Transferring Funds from NHS Capital Budgets to Achieve NHS Revenue Spending Requirements Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Feb 2020NHS Funding Bill — Clause 1 — Annual Statement — Parity of Esteem for Mental Health Services — Spending on Mental Health Services Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Feb 2020Agriculture Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2020Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2020Policing and Crime — Recruit More Officers — Neighbourhood Policing Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Consent of Devolved Legislatures in Scotland and Wales for UK Legislation on Devolved Matters Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Clause 37 — Arrangements with EU about Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Clause 26 — Status of EU Case Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Clause 26 — Status of EU Case Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Clause 7 — Physical Proof of Right of Permanant Residence in the UK Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2020Queen's Speech — Programme for Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2020Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Proportional Representation to Elect MPs Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2020Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Leaving the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Jan 2020Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Economy and Jobs Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2020Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Health and Social Care Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Decline Third Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 29 — Close Alignment with EU Single Market — Participation in EU Projects — Rights and Protections Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 10 — Implementation Period Negotiating Objectives: Erasmus+ Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 2 — Protecting Workers’ Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 55 — Northern Ireland’s Place in the UK Internal Market Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 6 — Future Relationship with the European Union — Parliamentary Approval Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Clause 37 — Arrangements with EU About Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Clause 21 — Limitation on Powers of Ministers — Regulations Connected with the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 34 — Settled Status: Right to Appeal Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 18 — Fee Levels and Exemptions — Limitations on Fees Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Jan 2020European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — New Clause 5 — Protecting EU Citizens’ Rights — Automatic Right of Permanent UK Residence for Certain EU Citizens Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2019European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Timetable for Consideration Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2019European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
HouseDateSubjectLee RowleyCon VoteRôle
6 Nov 2019Stopped being Member, Public Accounts Committee
Commons31 Oct 2019Draft Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 — Data Matching — Paperless Process Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Oct 2019Early Parliamentary General Election Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Oct 2019Early Parliamentary General Election Bill — Clause 1 — Election Date — 9 vs 12 December Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Oct 2019Business of the House — Arrangements for Consideration of the Early Parliamentary General Election Bill — Enable Opposition Amendments to be Made minorityno Loyal
Commons28 Oct 2019Early Parliamentary General Election Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2019Queen's Speech — Programme for Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2019Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — Leaving the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2019Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — The Economy — In the Interest of the Many — Green Industrial Revolution Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2019Draft Financial Services (Miscellaneous) (Amendment) (EU Exit) (No. 3) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2019Draft Statutory Auditors, Third Country Auditors and International Accounting Standards (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2019Draft Freedom of Establishment and Free Movement of Services (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2019Queen's Speech — Programme for Government — National Health Service Majorityno Loyal
Commons22 Oct 2019European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill (Programme) — Completion of Consideration Within Three Sitting Days minorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Oct 2019European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Oct 2019European Union Withdrawal — Withhold Approval of Withdrawal Agreement Unless and Until it is Implemented in UK Law minorityno Loyal
Commons17 Oct 2019Business of the House (Saturday 19 October) — Amendments and Votes minorityno Loyal
Commons15 Oct 2019Draft Environment (Legislative Functions from Directives) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Transfer of Powers from EU to UK on Exit Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Sep 2019Adjournment of the House of Commons (Conservative Party Conference) minorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Sep 2019Provision of Information on Both the Suspension of Parliament and Planning for Leaving the EU Without a Withdrawal Agreement minorityno Loyal
Commons9 Sep 2019Early Parliamentary General Election Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2019Early Parliamentary General Election Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Third Reading — Requiring Prime Minister to Seek Delay to Withdrawal minorityno Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Clause 1 — Purpose of Delaying Withdrawal — Content of Bill to Implement Withdrawl Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Sep 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Second Reading — Requiring Prime Minister to Seek Delay to Withdrawal minorityno Loyal
Commons3 Sep 2019Business of the House — Consideration of the European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill — Requiring Prime Minister to Seek Delay To Withdrawal minorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — Clause 3 — Recall of Parliament to Consider Progress Reports — Establishing a Northern Ireland Executive — Protecting Veterans Fom Repeated Investigation for Northern Ireland Troubles Incidents minorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — Clause 3 — Recall of Parliament to Consider Progress Reports — Establishing a Northern Ireland Executive — Protecting Veterans Fom Repeated Investigation for Northern Ireland Troubles Incidents minorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jul 2019High Speed Rail (West Midlands — Crewe) Bill — Third Reading — Phase 2a of HS2 — Fradley Wood to Crewe Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 Jul 2019High Speed Rail (West Midlands — Crewe) Bill — New Clause 5 — Non-Disclosure Agreements Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jul 2019High Speed Rail (West Midlands — Crewe) Bill — New Clause 4 — Independent Peer Review Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — Progress Reports — Parliamentary Debates — Protecting Veterans Fom Repeated Investigation for Northern Ireland Troubles Incidents — Establising An Executive Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — Progress Report — Grammar — Ambiguity Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — Clause 3 — Fortnightly Reports on Progress Towards an Executive in Northern Ireland minorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jul 2019Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill — Clause 3 — Progress Report on Protecting Veterans Fom Repeated Investigation for Northern Ireland Troubles Incidents. Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Jul 2019Main Estimates 2019-20 — Authorisation of Spending Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 Jul 2019Estimates 2019-20 — Department for Work and Pensions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jun 2019The Value Added Tax (Reduced Rate) (Energy-Saving Materials) Order 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons24 Jun 2019Summer Adjournment Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2019Business of the House — Consideration of Motions on EU Withdrawal on 25 June 2019 Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jun 2019National Insurance Contributions (Termination Awards and Sporting Testimonials) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Jun 2019National Insurance Contributions (Termination Awards and Sporting Testimonials) Bill — Regular Reviews of Effect of Tax Treatment of Termination Awards Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Jun 2019Draft Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2019 — Consideration of Spent Convictions and Cautions by Inquiries Majorityaye Loyal
Commons15 May 2019Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Sanctions Aimed At Detering Russia from Destabilising Ukranian Sovereignty Majorityaye Loyal
Commons10 Apr 2019Trident Nuclear Missile Programme — Continuous At-Sea Deterrent Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Apr 2019Exiting the European Union — Delay Until 30 June 2019 minorityaye Rebel
Commons8 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Clause 1 — Alternative Date for the UK Leaving the EU minorityaye Rebel
Commons8 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Clause 1 — Length of Delay to the UK Leaving the EU minorityno Rebel
Commons8 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Clause 1 — Arrangements for Moving a Motion on Seeking to Delay the UK Leaving the EU minorityaye Rebel
Commons3 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Third Reading minorityno Loyal
Commons3 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — New Clause 4 — Amendability of Motions minorityno Rebel
Commons3 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Clause 1 — No Delay to Withdrawal Beyond 22 May 2019 minorityno Rebel
Commons3 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Clause 1 — Directions for the Prime Minister Majorityaye Rebel
Commons3 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Clause 1 — Consideration by MPs of Any Withdrawal Delay Proposed by the European Council minorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Apr 2019European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — Second Reading minorityno Loyal
Commons3 Apr 2019Business of the House — European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill — MPs to Decide if to Delay UK Withdrawal from EU minorityno Loyal
Commons3 Apr 2019Business of the House — Consideration of Motions on EU Withdrawal on 8 April 2019 nono Loyal
Commons2 Apr 2019The Geo-Blocking Regulation (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Traders Discriminating Based on Nationality or Location of Customer Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Apr 2019EU: Withdrawal and Future Relationship — Motion (G) Parliamentary Supremacy — MPs to Decide Between Remaining in the EU and Leaving Without a Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Apr 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship — Motion (E) Confirmatory Public Vote on Withdrawal Agreement and Framework for Future Relationship Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Apr 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship — Motion (D) Common Market 2.0 — Retain Relatively Free Movement of People and Goods via European Free Trade Association Membership — External Tarriff Alignment with the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Apr 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship — Motion (C) Customs Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Apr 2019Business of the House — Proceedure for Consideration of the UK's Withdrawal From the EU minorityno Loyal
Commons29 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the European Union — Withdrawal — Withdrawal Agreement Majorityaye Rebel
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (O) — Seeking Preferential Trade Arrangements To Apply In Absense of Withdrawal Agreement minorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (M) — Public Vote on Withdrawal Agreement and Framework for Future Relationship with the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (L) — Opportunity to Decide Between Remaining In the EU and Leaving Without a Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (K) — Labour’s Alternative Plan Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (J) — Customs Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (H) — Retain Relatively Free Movement of People and Goods via European Free Trade Association Membership — No Customs Union with EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (D) — Retain Freedom of Movement of People and Goods via European Free Trade Association Membership Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019EU Withdrawal and Future Relationship Votes — Motion (B) — Leave Without a Deal on 12 April 2019 minorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019Draft Rural Development (Rules and Decisions) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019Draft Rural Development (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019Draft Animal Welfare (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019Draft Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Mar 2019Draft European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Exit Day) (Amendment) Regulations 2019- Delay Withdrawal from 29 March to 12 April or 22 May minorityaye Rebel
Commons27 Mar 2019Business of the House — Proceedure for Consideration of the UK's Withdrawal From the EU minorityno Loyal
Commons26 Mar 2019Draft Customs Safety and Security Procedures (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Mar 2019Draft Common Fisheries Policy and Aquaculture (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Mar 2019Government Assessment of Medium Term Economic and Budgetary Position for Submission to the European Commission Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Mar 2019Assessment of the impact of the European Union Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Mar 2019Offensive Weapons Bill — Knife Crime Prevention Orders — Continuation After Pilot Schemes Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2019Business of the House — Precedence for Government Business minorityno Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2019Business of the House — Enable MPs to Decide Between Leaving the European Union Without a Withdrawal Agreement and Delaying Withdrawal Majorityno Loyal
Commons25 Mar 2019Business of the House — Precedence for Government Business minorityno Loyal
Commons20 Mar 2019Draft Organic Production and Control (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Mar 2019Draft Organic Production (Control of Imports) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Mar 2019The Amendments Relating to the Provision of Integrated Care Regulations 2019 — Integrated Care Contracts Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Mar 2019Draft Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Mar 2019Draft Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention and Levy and Safety Net) (Amendment) and (Levy Account: Basis of Distribution) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Mar 2019Foreign Affairs Committee — Membership minorityno Loyal
Commons18 Mar 2019Human Medicines (Amendment) Regulations — Proposal to Revoke — Pharmacist Substitution of Medicines — Drug Packaging — Naloxone Hydrochloride Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the European Union — Delay Withdrawal if MPs Agree Withdrawal Agreement minorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Delay to Avoid Leaving Without a Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Consider Cross Party Proposal To Seek Majority Support in the House of Commons Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Preventing Delay Withdrawing Continuing Beyond 30 June 2019 Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Delay Withdrawal to Enable a Further Referendum on Withdrawal to be Held Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2019Draft Immigration (European Economic Area Nationals) (EU Exit) Order 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2019Draft Waste (Miscellaneous Amendments) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the European Union — Leaving Without a Withdrawal Agreement minorityno Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the European Union minorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2019UK Withdrawal from the European Union — Leaving Without an Agreement minorityno Loyal
Commons12 Mar 2019European Union Withdrawal Agreement Majorityaye Rebel
Commons6 Mar 2019Draft Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Cross-border Compensation Arrangements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2019Draft Mobile Roaming (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Surcharge Free Roaming in the European Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2019Draft Nutrition (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Food and Supplement Labelling Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2019Draft Gas (Security of Supply and Network Codes) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2019Draft Electricity and Gas (Market Integrity and Transparency) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Mar 2019Draft Transparency of Securities Financing Transactions and of Reuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019Draft Financial Services Contracts (Transitional and Saving Provision) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019Draft Employment Rights (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) (No. 2) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019Draft Employment Rights (Amendment) (EU Exit) (No. 2) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019Draft Employment Rights (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019Draft Employment Rights (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019Draft Official Listing of Securities Prospectus and Transparency (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — UK Regulatory Regime — Public Share Offers and Trading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Leaving Without a Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons27 Feb 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Negotiation Aims Majorityno Loyal
Commons26 Feb 2019Supplementary Estimate 2018-19 — Department for Work and Pensions Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Feb 2019Draft REACH etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Chemicals Regulation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Feb 2019Draft Cross-Border Mediation (EU Directive) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Feb 2019Draft Money Market Funds (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Feb 2019Draft Public Record, Disclosure of Information and Co-operation (Financial Services) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Feb 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Delay of up-to Three Months — Ireland Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Feb 2019UK Withdrawal from the EU — Withdrawal Agreement — Ireland Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Feb 2019Draft Intellectual Property (Copyright and Related Rights) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Feb 2019Securitisation Regulations 2018 — Proposal to Revoke — Regulation of Conversion of Loans into Securities — European Union Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Feb 2019Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Feb 2019Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill — Advocates Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Feb 2019Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill — Schedule 1 — Authorisation of Deprivation of Liberty Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Feb 2019Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill — Schedule 1 — Consultation on Deprivation of Liberty — Mentally Incapacitated People Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Feb 2019Financial Services (Implementation of Legislation) Bill — UK Implementation of Future EU Law — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Feb 2019Draft Long-term Investment Funds (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Alternative Investment Fund Regulation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2019Local Government Finance (England) 2019-20 — Level of Revenue Support Grant Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Feb 2019Police Grant Report (England and Wales) for 2019-20 — Level of Central Government Funding for Policing Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Regulations 2019 — Petrol — Radiological Material Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Floods and Water (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Pollution Prevention Laws Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Credit Rating Agencies (Amendment, etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 — Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Consumer Protection (Enforcement) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 — International Arrangements to Tackle Breaches of EU Consumer Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Draft Maritime Transport Access to Trade and Cabotage (Revocation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Bill [Lords] — Clause 1 -Journalistic Protections — Production Orders Requested by Overseas Authorities Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2019Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Bill — New Clause 1 — Communications Intercepts — Overseas Requests — Death Sentence Cases Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Avoid Hard Border on the Island of Ireland Without the UK Remaining Aligned to the EU Customs Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Reject Leaving the European Union Without a Withdrawal Agreement minorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Seek to Delay Withdrawal if no Withdrawal Agreement by 26 February 2019 Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Seek to Delay Withdrawal Until 31 December 2019 if no Withdrawal Agreement by 26 February 2019 Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Prioritising Debate on Withdrawal in the House of Commons — Enabling MPs to Amend Motions Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Delay Withdrawal — Rule-Out No-Deal — Scotland to Remain in the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 — Consideration of Government Plans — Options to Prevent Withdrawal Without Agreement — Referendum Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Jan 2019Immigration and Social Security Co-Ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill — Second Reading — UK Immigration Controls for EU Citizens Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Jan 2019Draft Civil Legal Aid (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Jan 2019Tenant Fees Bill — Schedule 1 — Reduce Maximum Deposit Landlord May Require from a Tenant Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2019Draft Intellectual Property (Exhaustion of Rights) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 — Ability of Rights Holders to Control Distribution and Resale of Products Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2019Draft Higher Education (Fee Limits For Accelerated Courses) (England) Regulations 2018 — 20% Per Year Extra Fees for Accelerated Courses Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2019Draft Crown Dependencies Customs Union (Jersey) (EU Exit) Order 2018 — Continue to Allow Imports to the UK from Jersey Free from Customs Duty Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2019Draft Crown Dependencies Customs Union (Isle of Man) (EU Exit) Order 2018 — Continue to Allow Imports to the UK from the Isle of Man Free from Customs Duty Majorityaye Loyal
Commons22 Jan 2019Exiting the European Union (Customs) (Guernsey) — Continue to Allow Imports to the UK from Guernsey Free from Customs Duty Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Jan 2019Healthcare (International Arrangements) Bill — Parliamentary Approval of Specific Arrangements Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Jan 2019Healthcare (International Arrangements) Bill — New Clause 1 — Annual Report on the Cost of Healthcare Arrangements Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2019UK Participation In The EU Agency For Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) — EU Coordination and Cooperation in Policing and Justice minorityaye Rebel
Commons16 Jan 2019Draft Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 — Landlords Required to Fund Improvements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2019Motion of No Confidence in Her Majesty’s Government Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Jan 2019European Union Withdrawal Agreement Majorityaye Rebel
Commons15 Jan 2019European Union (Withdrawal) Act — Withdrawal Agreement — Right for the UK to Unilaterally Terminate the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jan 2019Timescale for Setting Out Plan for Negotiations if Proposed Agreement for the UK Withdrawal from the EU is Rejected by MPs minorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2019Finance Bill — New Clause 18 — Review of Effects on Measures in Act of Migration in Various Scenarios Relating to the UK Withdrawing, or not, from the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2019Finance Bill — New Clause 2 — Review of Effectiveness of Changes to Entrepreneurs Relief Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2019Finance Bill — Clause 89 — Activating Treasury Powers to Maintain Effective Tax Laws on the UK's Withdrawal from the EU — Requirement for Commons Motion Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2019Finance Bill — Clause 89 — Activing Treasury Powers to Maintain Effective Tax Laws on the UK's Withdrawal from the EU only in Certain Circumstances minorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2019Finance Bill — New Clause 3 — Review of Treasury Use of Delegated Powers in Relation to Withdrawal from the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2019Finance Bill — New Clause 1 — Review of Impact of Changes to Income Tax Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Dec 2018Draft Accounts and Reports (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Dec 2018Markets in Financial Instruments (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Dec 2018Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill — Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2018Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary and Functions of Staff) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2018Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary and Functions of Staff) Bill — Right of Appeal to a Judge in Respect of Judicial Decisions Taken by Staff Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2018Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary and Functions of Staff) Bill — Requirement for Post-Qualification Experience Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2018Consideration of European Union Withdrawal Motions — Allowing Amendments minorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2018Contempt — Publication of Legal Advice on the European Union Withdrawal Agreement minorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2018Contempt — Publication of Legal Advice on the European Union Withdrawal Agreement minorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2018Draft Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2018Offensive Weapons Bill — New Clause 26 — Aggravated Offence of Possessing a Corrosive Substance or Dangerous Knifes on Mopeds or Motorbikes Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2018Offensive Weapons Bill — New Clause 6 — Report on the Causes Behind Youth Violence With Offensive Weapons Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2018Offensive Weapons Bill — Regulation of High Velocity Rifles Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2018Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2018Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Guernsey) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2018Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Isle of Man) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2018Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Jersey) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons19 Nov 2018Finance Bill — Parliamentary Approval of Tax Law Changes Due to Withdrawal from the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Nov 2018Finance Bill — Clause 89 — Report on the Implications for the Tax System of Withdrawal From the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Nov 2018Finance Bill — New Clause 19 — Report on Changes to Income Tax Personal Allowance Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Nov 2018Finance Bill — New Clause 2 — Report on Impact of Changes to Income Tax Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Nov 2018Finance Bill — New Clause 1 — Income Tax — Report on Possible Changes to Regime Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Nov 2018Finance Bill — Clause 5 — Basic Rate Limit and Personal Allowance for 2019-20 and 2020-21 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2018Draft Electricity and Gas (Powers to Make Subordinate Legislation) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Nov 2018Finance Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Nov 2018Finance Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 Nov 2018Budget Resolution 79 — Powers for Treasury to Maintain Tax System on UK Withdrawal from the EU Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Nov 2018Budget Resolution 5 — Basic Rate Limit and Personal Allowance for Tax Year 2019-20 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons1 Nov 2018Budget Resolution 1 — Income Tax — Report on Possible Changes to Regime Majorityno Loyal
Commons24 Oct 2018Draft Electricity and Gas (Energy Company Obligation) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2018Civil Liability Bill — Third Reading — Set Tarriff of Damages for Whiplash Injuries Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2018Civil Liability Bill — Damages for Whiplash Injuries Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2018Civil Liability Bill — New Clause 2 — Small Claims Track: Children and Protected Parties Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2018Civil Liability Bill — New Clause 1 — Cap on Whiplash Claims via Small Claims Route Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Oct 2018Universal Credit — Briefing Papers and Analysis Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Oct 2018Overseas Electors Bill: Money Resolution Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Oct 2018Overseas Electors Bill: Money Resolution — Restrict Spending Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Oct 2018Agriculture Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Sep 2018EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement and Investment Protection Agreement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2018Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2018Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill — New Clause 1 — Continued Participation in the European Arrest Warrant Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2018Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill — Clause 18 — Review and Report on Supporting Persons Vulnerable to Being Drawn into Terrorism Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2018Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill — New Clause 2 — Entering or Remaining in a Designated Area Overseas Majorityaye Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2018Tenant Fees Bill — Schedule 1 -Permitted Payments Majorityno Loyal
Commons5 Sep 2018Tenant Fees Bill — Clause 8 — Financial Penalties Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Leave for European Union Citizens and Others To Remain in the United Kingdom Following Withdrawal from the Union — Fingerprint and Facial Photograph Information Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and New Zealand Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and Australia Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and Canada Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States and Cuba Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Relations Between the European Union, its Member States, and Central America Majorityaye Loyal
Commons18 Jul 2018Partnership and Cooperation with the Republic of Armenia — European Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 18 — UK-EU Free Trade Area or Customs Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 17 — UK Participation in the European Medicines Regulatory Network minorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — Schedule 4 — The Trade Remedies Authority — Non-Executive Members — Representation Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — Clause 1 — Implementation of the Agreement on Government Procurement — Consent of Welsh and Scottish Ministers Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 4 — Implementation of International Trade and Government Procurement Agreements — Consent of Devolved Administrations Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — Clause 2 — International Free Trade Agreements — Consultation Prior to Consideration by Parliament Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 20 — Approval of Negotiating Mandates — Devolved Administrations — International Trade Agreements Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2018Trade Bill — New Clause 3 — Free Trade Agreements: Parliamentary Scrutiny and Consent Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — Third Reading — Powers for Ministers to Create a New Customs Regime Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — Schedule 8 Paragraph 14 — VAT on Imports from Territories in a Customs Union With the UK — Powers of Ministers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — Clause 13 — Dumped Goods — Presumption of Remedial Action Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — New Clause 36 — Collection of Customs Duties and VAT for Other Countries — Requirement for Reciprocal Agreement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — New Clause 16 — Consent of the Scottish Parliament — Taxes on International Trade Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — New Clause 13 — House of Commons Approval for Import/Export Duties and Quotas Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jul 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — New Clause 11 — Preparedness for a Customs Union with the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2018Draft Renewables Obligation (Amendment) Order 2018 — Support for Use of Biomass in Former Coal Fired Power Stations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2018Censure of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions — Esther McVey MP — Universal Credit Majorityno Loyal
Commons10 Jul 2018Cross-party Government of National Unity Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2018Ivory Bill — New Clause 2 — Report on the International Ivory Market Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Jul 2018Ivory Bill — New Clause 1 — Restrictions on Dealing Ivory from Hippopotamus, Killer Whale, Narwal, Sperm Whale or Walrus Majorityno Loyal
Commons3 Jul 2018Main Estimates 2018-19 — Treasury Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jul 2018Main Estimates 2018-19 — Department for Education Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jul 2018Main Estimates 2018-19 — Department of Health and Social Care and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Majorityaye Loyal
Commons3 Jul 2018Main Estimates 2018-19 — Ministry of Justice Majorityaye Loyal
Commons27 Jun 2018Regulation of Nursing Associates Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2018Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2018Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill (Programme) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2018EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons26 Jun 2018Draft European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Canada Trade Agreement) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons25 Jun 2018National Policy Statement: Airports — Heathrow Northwest Runway Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Approval by MPs of Government Plans in the Eventuality MPs Reject a Withdrawal Agreement or an Agreement is not Reached Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jun 2018Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill — Committee Stage — Approval of Public Spending Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Jun 2018Confidence in Chris Grayling MP as Secretary of State for Transport Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Maintenance of EU Environmental Principles and Standards Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Enhanced Protection for Certain Areas of EU Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Retention of General Principles of EU Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 5 — EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Make Withdrawal Conditional on Statement on Negotiations to Retain UK Participation in EU Customs Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Make Withdrawal Conditional on Unspecified Condition Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Seek Participation in European Economic Area via EU Withdrawal Agreement Negotiations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 19 — Seek Full Access to European Union Internal Market via Withdrawal Agreement Negotiations Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Powers of Devolved Administrations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 9 — Powers of Ministers — Parliamentary Approval of Mandate for Negiotiations — Implementation of Withdrawal Agreement Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 17 — Powers of Ministers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 17 — Powers of Ministers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Dealing with Deficiencies Arising from Withdrawal — Powers of Ministers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Challenges to Retained European Union Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause — Parliamentary Approval of the Outcome of Negotiations with the European Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 7 — Parliamentary Approval of Theoretical Regulations to Set the Exit Date Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 14 — Interpretation — Power of Ministers to Set Exit Day Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 14 — Interpretation — Power of Ministers to Set Exit Day Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 7 — Paragraph 13 — Scrutiny of Powers of Ministers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 7 — Part I — Scrutiny of Powers of Ministers Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Jun 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Programme — Consideration of Lords Amendments Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2018Proposal for Single Tier of Local Government in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole — Invitation from the Secretary of State Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2018Establishment of New Unitary Councils — Dorset Council — Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2018Establishment of Somerset West and Taunton District Council Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2018Boundary Changes — West Somerset District Council and Taunton Deane Borough Council — Review by Local Government Boundary Commission Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 May 2018NHS Reforms — Provision of Papers to Health and Social Care Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 May 2018Secretary of State for Transport — Censure — Salary Reduction — East Coast Franchise Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 May 2018Publication of Papers relating to the Government's Preferred Customs Arrangements on Withdrawal From the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 May 2018Data Protection Bill — Inquiry, Reviews and Regulation — Media Organisations — Journalism Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 May 2018NHS Bursaries — Student Loans — Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professions and Dental Profession Subjects Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 May 2018Data Protection Bill — Information Held for the Purposes of Maintaining Effective Immigration Control Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 May 2018Data Protection Bill — Clause 14 — Automated Decision Making — Human Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 May 2018Data Protection Bill — New Clause 4 — Bill of Data Rights in the Digital Environment Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 May 2018Data Protection Bill — New Clause 18 — Inquiry — Data Protection Breaches by National News Publishers and Other Media Organisations Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 May 2018Criminal Legal Aid — Determination of Payment Levels Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 May 2018Nuclear Safeguards Bill — Continuity of Nuclear Safeguarding Arrangements Majorityaye Loyal
Commons8 May 2018Secure Tenancies (Victims of Domestic Abuse) Bill — Clause 1 — Victims of Domestic Abuse — Benefit Reduction in Respect of Excess Bedrooms Majorityno Loyal
Commons2 May 2018Tribunals and Inquiries — Panel Composition Majorityaye Loyal
Commons2 May 2018Lawful Immigration from Commonwealth Countries Prior to 1973 — Windrush — Provision of Papers Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 May 2018Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill — Clause 48 — Powers for Ministers to Amend or Revoke Acts of Parliament Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 May 2018Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill — New Clause 13 — Requirement for Companies House and Others to Identify Beneficial Ownwers of Companies on Formation Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 May 2018Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill — New Clause 8 — Public Register of Beneficial Owners of Overseas Entities Majorityno Loyal
Commons1 May 2018Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill — New Clause 19 — Scottish Limited Partnerships: UK Bank Account Requirement Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Apr 2018Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariff Cap) Bill — New Clause 1 — Cap Difference Between Cheapest Rate and Most Expensive Standard Variable Rates Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Apr 2018Higher Education and Research — Transitional Arrangements for Governance Reforms Majorityno Loyal
23 Apr 2018Stopped being Member, Statutory Instruments (Select Committee)
23 Apr 2018Stopped being Member, Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Commons17 Apr 2018Military Action Overseas: Parliamentary Approval — Consideration of Parliament's Rights Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Apr 2018Situation in Syria Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2018Tax Treatment of Non-Cash Benefits — Employer National Insurance on Sporting Testimonial Payments Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2018State Funded Early Education for Two Year Olds Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2018Free School Lunches and Milk, and School and Early Years Finance Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Mar 2018Universal Credit — Seven Day Waiting Period — Housing Benefit Transition — Work Related Requirements for Students Majorityno Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2018Draft Passport (Fees) Regulations 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Mar 2018Draft Transparency of Donations and Loans etc. (Northern Ireland Political Parties) Order 2018 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — Clause 44 — Exemption from the Higher Rate of Vehicle Excise Duty for Taxis Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 10 — Review of Retrospective VAT Refunds for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Police Authority Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 7 — Review of Stamp Duty Relief for First-Time Buyers Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — Schedule 8 — Taxation of Private Finance Inititative Companies Deemed to be Making Excess Profits Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 3 — Review of Operation and Effectiveness of Bank Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Feb 2018Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 9 — Equality Impact Assessment Majorityno Loyal
20 Feb 2018Became Member, Public Accounts Committee
Commons7 Feb 2018Local Government Finance (England) 2018-19 — Level of Revenue Support Grant Majorityaye Loyal
Commons7 Feb 2018Police Grant Report (England and Wales) for 2018-19 — Level of Central Government Funding for Policing Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Feb 2018Space Industry Bill — Clause 68 — Regulations — Role of MPs in Parliament — Reports — Consultation Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Feb 2018Space Industry Bill — Launches — Cap on Licensees' Liability Limit Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2018The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Lesotho) Order 2017 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2018Restoration and Renewal — Lords and Commons Leaving the Palace of Westminister During Renovations minorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2018Restoration and Renewal — Lords and Commons Leaving the Palace of Westminister During Renovations minorityno Loyal
Commons31 Jan 2018Palace of Westminister — Restoration and Renewal — Cost-Effectiveness of Relocation Majorityno Loyal
Commons30 Jan 2018High Speed Rail (West Midlands — Crewe) Bill — Second Reading — High Speed 2 Phase 2 — Fradley to Crewe Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Jan 2018Nuclear Safeguards Bill — Clause 2 — Power for Ministers to Amend Legislation Relating to Nuclear Safeguards Majorityno Loyal
Commons23 Jan 2018Nuclear Safeguards Bill — Transition Period — Nuclear Regulation — Euratom Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Third Reading — Membership of the European Union Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Reject Third Reading — Membership of the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 14 — Allow Ministers to Change Date of Withdrawal Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill -Clause 9 — Continued Membership of EU Single Market and Customs Union as Prerequisite for Regulations Implementing Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Powers for Ministers to Correct Deficiencies in EU Law Retained as UK Law on Withdrawal Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 17 — Report on Economic Impact of Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 12 — Environmental Protection Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 11 — Rescinding of Notification of Withdrawal if no House of Commons Resolution Approving Either a Withdrawal Agreement or Withdrawal Without Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 6 — Publication of Legal Advice on Varying Notification of Withdrawal from the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 1 — Restriction of Ministers' Powers Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 11 — Powers of Devolved Administrations to Make Laws Incompatible With EU Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 2 — Powers for Ministers in Devolved Administrations Majorityaye Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 7 — EU Protocol on Animal Sentience Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 5 — EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons16 Jan 2018European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 4 — Preservation of Rights, Powers, Liabilities, Obligations, Restrictions, Remedies and Proceedures on the UK's Withdrawal from the EU Majorityno Loyal
Commons9 Jan 2018Trade Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons9 Jan 2018Trade Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons8 Jan 2018Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017Combined Authority Mayoral Elections — Pilot Schemes — Nomination Rules for Combined Authority Elections Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017Local Authority Mayoral Elections — Pilot Schemes Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 19 — Referendum on Withdrawal Agreement Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 54 — Transition Period Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 44 — Independent Evaluation — Health and Social Care Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 14 — Power for Ministers to Create New Criminal Offences Carrying Custodial Sentences of up to Two Years Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 14 — Interpretation — Moment of Withdrawal Majorityaye Loyal
Commons20 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 13 — UK Retaining EU Common Customs Tarriff and Common Customs Policy Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 8 — Analysis of Effectiveness of Provisions of this Act on Tax Avoidance and Evasion Majorityno Loyal
Commons19 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 6 — Equality Impact Analyses of Provisions of this Act Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 4 — Review of Stamp Duty Reductions for First-Time Buyers Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — New Clause 1 — Review of Operation and Effectiveness of the Bank Levy Majorityno Loyal
Commons18 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — Schedule 9 — Bank Levy — Exclusion of Overseas Elements of UK Banking Groups Majorityaye Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 1 — Scrutiny Committee Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 9 — Regulations to Implement Withdrawal Agreement — Report on Reciprocal Healthcare Agreements — Veto for Devolved Administrations Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 9 — Implementing the Withdrawal Agreement — Power for Ministers to Modify the Act Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 8 — International Obligations — Rights and Protections Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 22 — European Economic Area Agreement — Single Market Majorityno Loyal
Commons13 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 9 — Parliamentary Approval for Terms of the UK's Withdrawal from the EU minorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Rights and Protections Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Power for Ministers to Amend Devolution Arrangements for Scotland and Wales Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Retention of Laws Required by the UK's Membership of the Single Market Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 7 — Powers of Ministers — Functionality of Retained EU Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 63 — Environmental Standards and Protections: Enforcement Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Dec 2017Finance (No. 2) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 4 — Public Authorities — Power to Levy Fees or Charges Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 80 — Transparency of the Financial Settlement — Approval by MPs Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 17 — Withdrawal Agreement Payment to the European Union — Approval by MPs Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 2 — Powers for Scottish and Welsh Ministers to Amend Retained EU Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 11 — Power for Devolved Administrations to Amend EU Law Retained as UK Law on Withdrawal Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 64 — UK-Wide Frameworks Majorityno Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 11 and Schedule 3 — Power of Devolved Administrations to Amend EU Law Retained as UK Law Majorityaye Loyal
Commons4 Dec 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 11 — Devolved Administrations — Amendment of Retained EU Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Nov 2017Budget Resolution 28 — Bank Levy Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Retention of EU Law — Challenges — Retention of General Principles - Majorityaye Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Right to Compensation in Respect of Failure to Transpose EU Law into UK Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Schedule 1 — Retention of General Principles of EU Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 5 — European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons21 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 79 — Reporting Amendments to EU Laws Forming Part of UK Law — Workers' Rights Majorityno Loyal
Commons20 Nov 2017Budget Resolution — Customs Duties — Goods from the European Union Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 4 — Rights to be Retained on Withdrawal — Listing in the Act Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 67 — European Union Treaty — Human Health and Environmental Protection Principles Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 30 — Animal Sentience and Animal Welfare Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 58 — Mechanisms for Amendment of Retained EU Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons15 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 25 — Amendment of Retained European Union Law Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 6 — Interpretation of Retained EU law — Transitional Period Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 6 — UK Courts and Tribunals — Regard for European Court and European Union Decisions Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — New Clause 14 — Report on Interpretation of Retained EU law During Transitional Period Majorityno Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 Majorityaye Loyal
Commons14 Nov 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Clause 1 — Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 — Consent of Devolved Legislatures Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2017Finance Bill — Third Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2017Finance Bill — New Clause 2 — Taxation of Chargeable Gains — Persons with Foreign Domicile Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2017Finance Bill — Clause 62 — Digital Reporting and Record-Keeping for VAT — Quarterly Reports Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2017Finance Bill — Clause 5 — Termination Payments Etc: Treatment as Employment Income — Power of Ministers to Reduce Threshold Majorityno Loyal
Commons31 Oct 2017Finance Bill — New Clause 1 — Non-Domiciled Individuals — Protection of Overseas Trusts Majorityno Loyal
30 Oct 2017Became Member, Statutory Instruments (Select Committee)
30 Oct 2017Became Member, Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Commons24 Oct 2017Smart Meters Bill (Programme) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons23 Oct 2017Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill (Programme) Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Oct 2017Finance Bill — New Clause 2 — Review of Changes Relating to the Northern Ireland Rate of Corporation Tax and Smaller Enterprises Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Oct 2017Finance Bill — New Clause 1 — Review of Conditions Under which Business Investment Relief is Available Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Oct 2017Finance Bill — Clause 5 — Taxation of Termination Payments In Cases of Psychiatric Injury and Injured Feelings Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Oct 2017Finance Bill — Clause 5 — Changing the Threshold for Treating Payments Relating to Termination of Employment as Employment Income Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Oct 2017Finance Bill — Clause 5 — Changing the Law on Taxation of Payments In Connection with Termination of Employment Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Sep 2017Nomination of Members to Committees Majorityaye Loyal
Commons12 Sep 2017Nomination of Members to General Committees — Proportion of Government and Opposition Members Majorityno Loyal
Commons12 Sep 2017Finance Bill 2017-19 — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Programme Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Second Reading Majorityaye Loyal
Commons11 Sep 2017European Union (Withdrawal) Bill — Decline Second Reading Majorityno Loyal
Commons6 Sep 2017Budget Resolution 22. Application of Northern Ireland Rate for Corporation Tax — Smaller Enterprises Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Sep 2017Budget Resolution 13. Business Investment Relief Majorityaye Loyal
Commons6 Sep 2017Budget Resolution 4. Tax Treatment of Payments Related to the Termination of Employment Majorityaye Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2017Business of the House (Private Members' Bills) Majorityno Loyal
Commons17 Jul 2017Business of the House (Private Members' Bills) Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2017Air Travel Organisers' Licensing Bill — New Clause 1 — Impact of Leaving the EU on Consumer Protection Under the ATOL Scheme Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2017Air Travel Organisers' Licensing Bill — Clause 2 — Air Travel Organisers' Licences — Impact Assessment Majorityno Loyal
Commons11 Jul 2017Air Travel Organisers' Licensing Bill — Clause 1 — Air Travel Organisers' Licences — Review Impact of Changes Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jun 2017Queen's Speech — Programme of Legislation Majorityaye Loyal
Commons29 Jun 2017Queen's Speech — European Union Negiotiations Majorityno Loyal
Commons29 Jun 2017Queen's Speech — Energy Prices — Europe — Tuition Fees — Public Sector Pay — Minimum Wage — Student Grants Majorityno Loyal
Commons28 Jun 2017Queen's Speech — Emergency Service Staffing and Pay Majorityno Loyal

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The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

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